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If you are a wheat farmer and you want to earn as much profit as you can, you should do which of the following: ()。

If you are a wheat farmer and you want to earn as much profit as you can, you should do which of the following: ()。

A、try to produce and sell that quantity of output at which marginal cost has risen to equality with price

B、try to produce and sell that quantity of output at which marginal cost is equal to average variable cost

C、try to produce and sell that quantity of output at which marginal cost has reached its minimum possible level

D、never let marginal cost reach equality with price, since this is the point at which profits become zero

E、keep marginal cost above price

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更多“If you are a wheat farmer and …”相关的问题
Once upon a time a poor farmer taking a sack of wheat to the mill. He did not know【56】to d
o when it slipped from his horse and fell【57】the road. The sack was【58】heavy for him to【59】, and his only hope was that【60】some one would come riding by and【61】a hand. It was not long【62】a rider appeared, but the farmer's heart sank when he【63】him, for it was the great man who lived in a castle near by. The farmer【64】have dared to ask【65】farmer to help, or any poor man who might have come【66】the road, but he could not beg a【67】of so great a man.

【68】, as soon as the great man came up he got【69】his horse, saying, "I see you've had bad luck, friend. How good it is【70】I' m here just at the【71】time. "Then he took one【72】of the sack, the farmer, the other, and between them they lifted it on the horse. "Sir, "asked the farmer, "how can I pay you?"

"Easily enough, "the great man【73】. "Whenever you see【74】else in trouble,【75】the same for him.






Wheat is ______ from the farms to the mills.A.cardedB.conveyedC.transmittedD.transported

Wheat is ______ from the farms to the mills.





A bag of wheat was enough for ______. A. 19 squares B. one third of the squares

A bag of wheat was enough for ______.

A. 19 squares

B. one third of the squares

C. the first 19 squares

D. 20 squares

The king was glad to know that Sissa only wanted some wheat because ______. A. wheat

The king was glad to know that Sissa only wanted some wheat because ______.

A. wheat was not expensive

B. it didn't seem much

C. Sissa was honest to him

D. both A and B

In that case, no one and nothing can____you, and you have the peace and joy that is f





Why do people in northern China like to eat wheat noodles? ()

A、because they are quick, warm and filling

B、because they like them

C、because there are different types of noodles

D、because they are cheap

—Why didn't you go to the cinema yesterday? —I______, but my daughter returned f

—Why didn't you go to the cinema yesterday?

—I______, but my daughter returned from America the moment I was leaving.

A. did

B. would

C. was going to

D. had

A What do you mean B What about you C I’m not sure D What a pity E What do you think F S

A What do you mean B What about you

C I’m not sure D What a pity

E What do you think F Sounds great

G Say, why don’t you come with us H Do you mean it

Jessica: I’m so excited! We have two weeks off! What are going to do?

Natasha:__56__. I guess I’ll just stay home. Maybe I’ll catch up on my reading. __57__? Any plans?

Jessica: Well, my parents have rented an apartment in California. I’m going to take long walks along the beach every day and do lots of swimming.

Natasha: __58__!

Jessica: __59__? My parents will be happy to have you with in.

Natasha: __60__?I’d love to!

You’ll probably notice her having difficulty swallowing.If this is(), give her plenty
You’ll probably notice her having difficulty swallowing.If this is(), give her plenty

of liquids.










J、the case

听力原文:Banker's acceptances are a very old form. of commercial credit. They provide, in

听力原文: Banker's acceptances are a very old form. of commercial credit. They provide, in essence, a method whereby a bank may add its good name and reputation to bills of a borrower, thereby making the bills much more marketable than it would otherwise be. Specifically, the mechanics of the operation typically, work like the following. Suppose that an American exporter sells wheat to a German importer. The terms of the sale are that the German importer will pay for the wheat ninety days after it is shipped. For a variety of reasons, however, the American firm may want its money now, and not want to wait the ninety days. If so, it may issue a draft on its bank ordering the bank to pay a stipulated sum of money to the holder of the draft ninety days from now. Along with the draft, the American exporter will send the appropriate documents showing that the wheat has actually been shipped. When the bank receives the draft, together, with the documentation, it stamps "accepted" across the face of it.

27. What are banker's acceptances?

28.Who is the drawee of the draft mentioned in the passage?

29.What should be attached to the draft when it is presented for acceptance?

30.How does the bank accept the draft?


A.They are drafts issued by a bank on another bank.

B.They are a very old form. of commercial credit.

C.They are exchange bills discounted by customers.

D.They are checks cashed through the ATMs.

If you feel a shortage of energy, join our Health ...

If you feel a shortage of energy, join our Health Club. Fatigue is common for people to 1)_________ of to their doctors. In such cases, you should take a look at the causes for your tiredness and learn how you can get rid of it. Firstly, if you have to work hard 24 hours a day, seven days a week with high 2)_________, you will feel tired and bored. The 24/7 push to be productive can wear you out both physically and 3)__________. Your can have mini-breaks that will cheer you up and make your routine a little less routine. Secondly, if you sit staring at a screen for long periods of time you tend to blink less frequently and 4)_______your eyes. Your eyes need a break. Stand up once in a while to 5)_________ your legs and arms. Frequent breaks with long 6)__________ to your nearby parks will keep your body active and reduce eyestrain. Finally, gaining as little as five pounds of weight can cause 7)________. Extra weight also puts extra burden on your heart, which makes you tired. You can 8)_________ the habit of eating junk food and 9)___________ yourself to the basics of healthy eating. Try to eat smaller 10)_________ of food. With each pound of weight you lose, you'll feel a rise in energy. A) reverse B) strip C) strain D) empty E) portions F) fatigue G) rides H) emotionally I) reserve J) stretch K) dump L) complain M) collections N) efficiency O) strides

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