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Where’s your passport? ()

A.Take care

B.That’s right

C.I put it on the table

D.I’d love to

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更多“Where’s your passport? ()”相关的问题
The Chairman and the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Kengai Co are discussing whether or

The Chairman and the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Kengai Co are discussing whether or not the company should adopt a triple bottom line (TBL) reporting system in order to demonstrate Kengai Co’s level of sustainable development. Kengai Co’s competitors are increasingly adopting TBL reporting and the Chairman feels that it would be beneficial to follow suit. The CEO, on the other hand, feels that pursuing TBL reporting would be expensive and is not necessary.


(a) Explain what TBL reporting involves and how it would help demonstrate Kengai Co’s sustainable development. Support your explanation by including examples of proxies that can be used to indicate the impact of the factors that would be included in a TBL report. (8 marks)

(b) Discuss how producing a TBL report may help Kengai Co’s management focus on improving the financial position of the company. Illustrate the discussion with examples where appropriate. (10 marks)

Text Three



C. in the dark


A.sit at home 70_________

B.turn off all non-essential 71_________

C.passed a law to 72_________the sea

I’m a big fan of trying to save the environment, and this month is the WWF (World Wide Fund for Nature) annual Earth Hour. Earth Hour is an event where you 73_________ and power between 8-9 pm, things like your TV and computer. However, you don’t just 74_________ for an hour. Instead, people gather in groups and have fun without using power. Things like dancing, fireworks and musical performances are popular and it’s very fun to take part. Earth Hour isn’t just about saving energy; people involved in Earth Hour have also planted a forest in Uganda, built 75_________




75_________ ?



New Jersey Botanical Garden Membership

It’s easy to join New Jersey Botanical Garden (NJBG) Membership or renew your membership online, by phone or by mail. And it’s so important to the Botanical Garden! Your membership dollars help to improve the Garden, and provide educational and recreational (娱乐的) activities for the general public. Thank you for your support!

To join or renew, please click on the appropriate section and membership category below for safe and convenient online payment processing by PayPal.

If you prefer to join by phone or mail, call the NJBG office at (973) 962-or download and send in our membership brochure (Adobe Acrobat PDF file).

★ Join NJBG Today

Membership CategoryIndividualDual (两人共用)StudentAnnual Dues$ 35$ 60$ 25

Special: Save $ 5 with Biennial Dues (两年会费)$ 60$ 100$ 40

★ Renew Your MembershipMembership CategoryIndividualDualStudent

Annual Dues$ 30$ 50$ 25

Special: Save $ 5 with Biennial Dues$ 50$ 80$ 40The Botanical Garden started life as Skylands, a large area in the grand manner. It is famous for a 44 -room Tudor Revival granite (公馆) designed by John Russell Pope. Skylands has 96 acres of formal and naturalized gardens and is surrounded by over 1, 000 acres of meadows (草坪) and woodlands. Purchased by the State in 1996 and officially named as the New Jersey State Botanical Garden in 1984, the gardens contain approximately 5, 000 species and varieties of trees and flowers.

For you, the NJBG is an exciting and beautiful place to visit where you may enjoy each season’s best. Members enjoy special events, festivals, lectures, and rewarding educational opportunities for both city and country gardeners.

Your NJBG membership offers you discounts at participating nurseries, garden centers and other fine businesses. Simply present your NJBG membership card when beginning your purchase: Goffle Brook Farm and Garden Center, (201) 652-754010% off your purchase Metropolitan Plant Exchange, (973) 683-761312% off your purchase Rohsler’s Allendale Nursery & Florist, (201) 327-315615% off your purchase

The NJBG membership dollars can be used to___________ .

A.offer further education

B.update online payment

C.provide better service

D.protect the environment

To join the NJBG membership, you can call its office at .A.(201 ) 327- 3156

B.(201 ) 652-7540

C.(973 ) 962- 9534

D.(973 ) 638-7613

To renew the one-year membership for your parents, you need to pay .A.$ 50

B.$ 60

C.$ 80

D.$ 100


With the large number of dogs roaring through our communities, people need to know the facts about

rabies (狂犬病), a fatal disease caused by animal bites. Despite vaccination (接種疫苗) programs, rabies is still very prevalent, and will continue to be a serious public health problem for

many years to come.

Rabies strikes the central nervous system and brings on choking, convulsions (抽搐) and inability to swallow liquids. It can even cause death. If you or anyone in your family is bitten

by dog, cat or other animal, you should not panic, but thoroughly wash the wound with plenty of

soap and water and rush to nearby hospital for immediate treatment. If you own the animal which did the

biting, you should immediately call a veterinarian for advice and make sure the public health

authorities know when and where the biting took place and who was bitten.

Rabies is a kind of disease which ________.

A. causes heart attack

B. hurt one‘s legs

C. causes nerve-centre problem and breathing problem

D. strikes one‘s brain

Part B [A]Analyzingyourowntaste [B]Beingcautiouswhenexperimenting [C]Findingamodelt

Part B [A] Analyzing your own taste

[B] Being cautious when experimenting

[C] Finding a model to follow

[D] Getting the final look absolutely right

[E] Learning to be realistic

[F] Making regular conscious choices

When we meet people for the first time, we often make decisions about them based entirely on how they look.

And, of course it’s something that works both ways, for we too are being judged on our appearance.

When we look good, we feel good, which in turn leads to a more confident and self-assured manner. People then pick up on this confidence and respond positively towards us,

Undoubtedly, it's what's inside that's important, but sometimes

we can send out the wrong signals simply by wearing inappropriate clothing or not spending enough time thinking about how others see us.


For example, people often make the mistake of trying to look like someone else they’ve seen in a magazine, but this is usually a disaster as we all have our own characteristics.

Stand in front of a fulllength mirror and be honest with yourself about what you see.

There is no need to dwell on your faults—we all have good points and bad points—but think instead about the best way to emphasize the good ones.


When selecting your clothes each day, think about who you’re likely to meet, where you’re going to be spending most of your time and what tasks you are likely to perform. Clearly,

some outfits will be more appropriate to different sorts of activity

and this will dictate your choice to an extent. However, there’s no need to abandon your individual taste completely. After all,

if you dress to please somebody else’s idea of what looks good, you may end up feeling uncomfortable and not quite yourself.


But to know your own mind, you have to get to know yourself.

What do you truly feel good in? There are probably a few favourite items that you wear a lot—most people wear 20 per cent of their wardrobe 80 per cent of the time.

Look at these clothes and ask yourself what they have in common.

Are they neat and tidy, loose and flowing? Then look at the things hanging in your wardrobe that you don’t wear and ask yourself why.

Go through a few magazines and catalogues and mark the things that catch your eye. Is there a common theme?


Some colors bring your natural colouring to life and others can give us a washed-out appearance. Try out new colours by all means,

but remember that dressing in bright colours when you really like subtle neutral tones,

or vice versa, will make you feel selfconscious and uncomfortable.

You know deep down where your own taste boundaries lie. And although it’s good to challenge those sometimes with new combinations or shades,

take care not to go too far all at once.


So, you’ve chosen an outfit that matches your style,

your personality, your shape and your colouring. But does it fit? If something is too tight or too loose,

you won’t achieve the desired effect, and no matter what other qualities it has, it won’t improve your appearance or your confidence. Sometimes,

we buy things without thinking. Some people who dislike shopping grab the first thing they see,

or prefer to use mail-order or the Internet. In all cases, if it doesn’t fit perfectly, don’t buy it, because the finer details are just as important as the overall style.

Reappraising your image isn’t selfish because everyone who comes into contact with you will benefit. You’ll look better and you’ll feel a better person all round. And if in doubt, you only need to read Professor Albert Mehrabian’s book Silent Messages to remind yourself how important outward appearances are.

His research showed that the impact we make on each other depend 55 per cent on how we look and behave,

38 per cent on how we speak and only 7 per cent on what we actually say.

So, whatever stage you are at in your life, whatever role you play, isn’t it time you made the most of yourself?


Whether at home or in a restaurant, meals in Brazil are sacred(神圣的) ; a time to ea

Whether at home or in a restaurant, meals in Brazil are sacred(神圣的) ; a time to eat, but also to share precious moments with family and friends. Now, here's a Brazilian custom I miss enormously: a decent, sit-down, leisurely-paced lunch and/or dinner. To this day, I have to keep reminding myself, "what's the big hurry? " and I confess that one of the things I look forward to, when I go to Brazil, is the "family" meal. We have a joke that, if you see people sitting around a table in the US, having lunch for longer than 1/2 hour, it must be a business lunch. And also, sitting at your desk and eating lunch while you work is incomprehensible to most Brazilians, who leave their offices to eat with their colleagues and friends in restaurants and cafes. You guess, lunch is usually a more substantial meal than in the U.S.

(68) For lunch and, depending on the location, also dinner, Brazilians have wonderful, inexpensive restaurants where home-style. meals are sold by kilo. You just pile the food on your plate and someone will weigh it for you. The same goes for desserts. You order drinks from your waiter and pay him at the end of your meal.

Dinner is served much later than in the U. S. In the big cities, children are a common sight in restaurants at night, since Brazilians will take their kids out to dinner at all hours. As a result of this and the traditional Sunday lunches, Brazilian kids learn table manners at an early age. For many of my Brazilian friends, dinner is a lighter meal of bread, cheese and cold cuts. So expect either type of meal.

In Brazil, people usually have meals______.

A.in a hurry at restaurants

B.in a leisurely manner

C.at their desk in the office

D.for less than 1/2 hour

A.I literally can’t stop.

B.But now I don’t need to worry any more.

C.You’re known as the first billionaire author here.

D.But that’s not just about money.

Interviewer: You have published six popular books. 7___________

Interviewee: Yeah.

Interviewer: So how has being the first billionaire author affected your perception of yourself?

Interviewee: I dress better. Well, you can definitely afford better clothes. 8___________I think the single biggest thing that money gave me--and obviously I came from a place where I was a single mother and it really was hand to mouth at one point. It was literally as poor as you can get without being homeless at one point. 9___________ Never.

Interviewer: Are you in a place now where you can accept that you will always be rich?

Interviewee: No.

Interviewer: And will you be writing more?

Interviewee: Oh, definitely. I can’t, yeah, 10___________ Well, I mean, you could tie my hands to my sides, I suppose, but I have to write. For my own mental health, I need to write.









a. Suppose that a firm's production function is q=9x1/2in the short nun, where there are fixed costs of $ 1000, and x is the variable input whose cost is S 4000 per unit. What is the total cost of producing a level o[ output q? In other words, identify the total cost function C(q)?

b. Write down the equation for the supply curve.

e. If price is $ 1000, how many units will the firm produce? What is the level of profit? Illustrate your answer on a cost - curve graph.

Advice on Public Speaking Building confidence (信心)Faith in yourself, your topic and

Advice on Public Speaking Building confidence (信心)

Faith in yourself, your topic and your healthy mind is a must if you are to be a better publicspeaker. Many speakers are not prepared and lose confidence because of that. But others lack confidencebecause they are afraid of being judged--and possibly made fun of--just like they were in high schoolspeech class. Build your confidence by using all your tools and knowing that you are excellent.

Knowing what&39;s up

You have to know your topic inside and out. Nothing kills your speech like "um" and "uh" in every sentence. Research your subject to the point where you are an expert. And that&39;s half the battle.


Researching and knowing your topic is one thing, but actually delivering that information isanother. Practicing your speech in advance is a must. You will find your beats and your direction,through hours in front of the mirror practicing. So when you climb up on stage, it will be like riding ahike,unless you don&39;t know how to ride a bike.

Dressing properly

You will want to dress properly for the occasion(场合)--which could be a suit or simply ajacket. Make sure it also has the comfort you need. If the clothes are not comfortable, you may notpay full attention to your speech.

Making connections

Make a personal connection with someone in the audience (听众). It might be someone youknow that you can call out to, or someone in the front row you can speak directly to. Maybe yourspeech leads you to ask them a question, which is an easy way for you to take yourself from the stageand place yourself as one of your audience. It also takes the pressure off. What does "that’s half the battle" mean in the text?

A.You have already won the battle

B.You are getting on the way to final success

C.You need experts to guide you in public speaking

D.You should write sentences without um and uh

The author compares delivering a speech to riding a bike because both of them needA.guiding


C.proper dressing


Which of the following ways is suggested in making connections with the audience?A.Looking at someone in the distance

B.Calling out to someone you don’t know

C.Asking someone in the audience a question

D.Shaking hands with someone in the front row

What is the main purpose of the text?A.To show you how to dress properly

B.To help you become a good speaker

C.To teach you how to gain confidence

D.To help you get to know the audience


完成下列各题 Young Marconi had the teachers to give him lessons at home in Italy.He loved
books,especially 21 on science.He had curious mind and always wanted to prove for himself 22 he read. 23 day,when he was sitting by an open window,it seemed that a thousand 24 filled his ears.“Where are they all 25 ?”he asked himself.“And where will they go? What happens to all the words that people say?Do they 26 in the air around the earth, 27 waiting for someone to pick them up?” At once Marconi went to work.Sounds cal3 be made t0 28 ,he thought,if they are given a push by electricity.If I call push a piece of wood across the waves of water.I can also 29 sounds through the air waves by electrical power. A few weeks 30 he called his mother and father up to his workroom for a 31 .He touched a little machine,and two floors below there was the sound of a buzz(嗡嗡声).“How did you do it?”they asked.“Your machine is 32 far from the sound.” “That’s right,”he said happily.“I have just found a 33 to carry sound without wires.’’ Although Marconi’S father did not think the wireless sound would 34 be important,he gave his son some money to 35 his work.“Father,with this money I am going to send messages round the world one day.’’





—Where is your book?— ____is on the desk.





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