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She sat there with nothing ______ except play with her cat. A. to do B. doing

She sat there with nothing ______ except play with her cat.

A. to do

B. doing

C. done

D. to be done

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更多“She sat there with nothing ___…”相关的问题
Hardly ______ down ______ the phone rang. A. had she sat; when B. she sat; when

Hardly ______ down ______ the phone rang.

A. had she sat; when

B. she sat; when

C. had she sat; than

D. she had sat; than

Havingenteredthehall,shefoundachairinonecornerand_______herselfsilently. A.sitting B.

Having entered the hall, she found a chair in one corner and _______herself silently.

A. sitting

B. sat

C. seating

D. seated

Here is the story about how the American civil rights movement started in the 1950s. 正确ired (1)

Here is the story about how the American civil rights movement started in the 1950s. 正确ired(1)she was, Mrs. Parks walked past the first few—mostly empty—rows of seats(2)"Whites Only". Black people were allowed to sit in these seats(3)no white person was standing.(4)the fact that Rosa Parks hated segregation laws, she had never done anything against the law. She(5)for civil rights for more than 10 years, but always legally. However, that day she did something that was(6).

She found and sat in a(n)(7)seat in the back of the bus. 正确he bus continued along its(8)正确he driver noticed that all the seats in the "Whites Only" section were already(9). And more white people had just climbed(10). He ordered the people in Mrs. Parks'(11)to move to the back,(12)there were no open seats and people had to stand. No one moved at first, but when the driver(13)at the black passengers a second time, they did what they were told. 正确hey all moved to the back —(14)Rosa Parks. She(15)in the prohibited seat.(16), trouble occured. Ms. Parks was thrown in jail for(17)the law.

正确his(18)inspired the Montgomery Bus Boycott (联合抵制) of 1955-1956. It also(19)the 20th-century civil rights movement. Mrs. Parks quickly became the(20)of that day. She has been remembered as a brave fighter in the civil rights movement.

Here is the story about how the American civil rights movement started in the 1950s. Tired (1) s

Here is the story about how the American civil rights movement started in the 1950s. Tired(1)she was, Mrs. Parks walked past the first few—mostly empty—rows of seats(2)"Whites Only". Black people were allowed to sit in these seats(3)no white person was standing.(4)the fact that Rosa Parks hated segregation laws, she had never done anything against the law. She(5)for civil rights for more than 10 years, but always legally. However, that day she did something that was(6).

She found and sat in a(n)(7)seat in the back of the bus. The bus continued along its(8)The driver noticed that all the seats in the "Whites Only" section were already(9). And more white people had just climbed(10). He ordered the people in Mrs. Parks'(11)to move to the back,(12)there were no open seats and people had to stand. No one moved at first, but when the driver(13)at the black passengers a second time, they did what they were told. They all moved to the back —(14)Rosa Parks. She(15)in the prohibited seat.(16), trouble occured. Ms. Parks was thrown in jail for(17)the law.

This(18)inspired the Montgomery Bus Boycott (联合抵制) of 1955-1956. It also(19)the 20th-century civil rights movement. Mrs. Parks quickly became the(20)of that day. She has been remembered as a brave fighter in the civil rights movement.

Mr. Smith gave his wife ten pound for her birthday--ten pretty pound notes. So the day aft
er her birthday, Mrs Smith went shopping. She queued for a bus, got on and sat down next to an old lady. After a while, she noticed that the old lady's handbag was open. Inside it she saw a wad of pound notes exactly like the one her husband had given her. So she quickly looked into her own bag--the notes were gone! Mrs Smith was sure that the old lady who was sitting next to her had stolen them. She thought she would have to call the police; but, as she disliked making a fuss and getting people into trouble, she decide to take back the money from the old lady's handbag and say nothing more about it. She looked round the bus to make sure nobody was watching, then she carefully put her hand into the old lady's bag, took the notes and put them in her own bag.

When she got home that evening, she showed her husband the beautiful hat she had bought.

"With the money you gave me for my birthday, of course." she said proudly.

"Oh? What's that, then?" he asked, as he pointed to a wad of ten pound notes on the table.

Mrs. Smith went shopping ______.

A.after a while

B.on her birthday

C.the day after her birthday

D.ten days later

Nobody’s Watching Me I am a foot taller than Napoleon and twice the weight of Twiggy; on m

Nobody’s Watching Me

I am a foot taller than Napoleon and twice the weight of Twiggy; on my only visit to a beautician, the woman said she found my face a challenge. Yet despite these social disadvantages I feel cheerful, happy, confident and secure.

I work for a daily newspaper and so get to a lot of places I would otherwise never see. This year I went to Ascot to write about the people there. I saw something there that made me realize the stupidity of trying to conform, of trying to be better than anyone else. There was a small, plump woman, all dressed up—huge hat, dress with pink butterflies, long white gloves. She also had a shooting stick. But because she was so plump, when she sat on the stick it went deep into the ground and she couldn't pull it out. She tugged and tugged, tears of rage in her eyes. When the final tug brought it out, she crashed with it to the ground."

I saw her walk away. Her day had been ruined. She had made a fool of herself in public--she had impressed nobody. In her own sad, red eyes she was a failure.

I remember well when I was like that, in the days before I learned that nobody really cared what you do . . .

I remember the pain of my first dance, something that is always meant to be a wonderful occasion for a girl... There was a fashion then for diamante (人造钻石) ear-rings, and I wore them so often practicing for the big night that I got two great sores on my ears and had to put sticking-plaster on them. Perhaps it was this that made nobody want to dance with me. Whatever it was, there I sat for four hours and 43 minutes. When I came home, I told my parents that I had a marvelous time and that my feet were sore from dancing. They were pleased at my success and they went to bed happily, but I went to my room and tore the bits of sticking-plaster off my ears and felt forlorn and disconsolate.

‘The beautician found the writer's face a challenge’, which means _________.

A.she thought it was a challenge to have such a face repaired

B.she thought it was a challenge to deal with such a face

C.the writer's face challenged the beautician's

D.it was a challenge to find the writer's face

It was Ann' s first experience of flying. She had always been afraid of heights and so was
pre pared to be frightened. Only the fact that she was going to meet her son who she had not seen for three years had given her the courage to make the flight.

She sat in her seat, her hands gripping its arms, her seat belt already fastened. The air hostess was talking, telling everyone what to do in case of emergency, showing them where their .life-jackets were. The plane was crowded, every seat was full. From her window seat, getting out in a hurry would be impossible, thought Ann. In any case who would want to get out of a plane in mid-air?

The engines began to shake--the noise increased till it was like a great rushing wind. She looked out to see the runway slip past at astonishing speed. She wanted to cry out--to stop the plane before it left the ground, but she knew she was trapped in this great roaring machine. I must scream, she told herself, and put her hands over her eyes.

There was a strange feeling as if she were going up in a lift. The noise died down. Carefully she opened her eyes. Through the window she saw a great carpet of cloud above, so beautiful that she stared in wonder, hardly turning away from the window till they touched down.

Ann thought she would be frightened because ______.

A.she had never flown before

B.she had a fear of being in high places

C.she hadn' t made proper preparations.

D.she was naturally timid

The angry woman sat in the station office. "The railway should pay me $12. "She said to Ha
rry, the man who【21】the ticket. "My ticket was【22】May 22nd, and there was【23】train from Jersey that night. My daughter and I had to stay in a hotel. It cost me$12."

Harry was worried. He remembered【24】the woman a return ticket. After he【25】the Jersey timetable for May 22nd, he knew she was right. However, had he made【26】mistake?【27】what to do, he smiled at the child, "Did you have a nice holiday in Jersey?" he said to her. "Yes," she answered shyly. "The seashore was【28】and I can swim【29】!"

"That's fine," said Harry. "My little girl can't swim a bit yet. Of course, she's only three..."

Harry turned to the mother, "I remember your ticket, madam," he said. "30 you didn't get one for your daughter,【31】you?"

"Well," the woman looked at the child. "I mean she hasn't started【32】yet. She is only four. "

"A four-year-old child【33】have a ticket, madam. A child's return ticket to Jersey costs $13.50. So if the railway pays your hotel bill, you will【34】. $1.50. The law is the law, but since the mistake was【35】..."

Saying nothing, the woman stood up, took the child's hand and left the office.






When her grandmother's health began to get worse in the fall, Mary would make the drive fr
om Washington, DC to Winchester, Virginia, every few days. To make the trip to the hospital, Mary had to get on highway 81. It was here that she discovered a surprising bit of beauty during one of her trips. Along the middle of the highway, there were a long stretch of wild flowers. They were beautiful and almost poetic(诗意的)in appearance. The first time she saw the flowers, Mary was seized by an urge(冲动)to pull over. She then stopped her car and picked a bunch from the soil. She carried them into her grandmother's room when she arrived at the hospital and placed them in a glass by her bed. For a moment her grandmother seemed better than usual. She thanked Mary for the flowers, commented on their beauty and asked where she had gotten them. Mary was filled with joy because of the flowers' seeming ability to wake something up inside her sick grandmother. Afterwards, Mary would pick a bunch of flowers on her way to visit grandma. Each time Mary placed the flowers in the glass, her grandmother's eyes would light up, and they would have a splendid conversation. One morning in late October, Mary got a call that her grandmother had taken a turn for the worse. Mary was in such a hurry to get to her grandmother that she drove past her flower spot. She decided to turn around. She headed several miles back and got a bunch. Mary arrived at the hospital to find her grandmother very weak and unresponsive(无应答的).She placed the flowers in the glass and sat down to hold her grandmother's hand. She felt a press on her fingers. It was the last conversation they had. Mary drove from Washington, DC to Winchester, Virginia to _____.A.see her doctor

B.pick some flowers

C.go on a business trip

D.see her sick grandma

The first time Mary carried the flowers to the hospital, she _____.A.handed them to her grandma

B.placed them on the bed

C.put them in a glass

D.left them on the table

Which of the following can be the best title from this text?A.The Planting of Flowers

B.The Power of Flowers

C.The Discovery of Flowers

D.The Beauty of Flowers

One morning, when she drove past the flower spot, Mary decided to _____.A.turn back for the flowers

B.bring no flowers with her

C.buy some flowers instead

D.head for another flower spot

When Mary's grandma saw the flowers, she asked Mary _____.A.where they were from

B.what flowers they were

C.to get her more next time

D.to send them to the doctor


It was a very happy family. The life was fairly well-off. Father, Leopold, was a music mas
ter in Austria. Mother was warm-hearted. There were two children, Marianne, a schoolgirl, and little Wolfgang, a child not quite four years old. Marianne was learning to play the piano, and day after day Leopold stood behind her as she practised. How patient her father was, and how cleverly he showed Maricanne how to play some particularly difficult pieces! She was making progress, very good progress, and that was excellent. And there, almost lost in the big chair, sat Wolfgang, who never had to be told to keep quiet when Marianne's shoulder, saying she had done well. At that moment Wolfgang climbed on his father's knee and begged to be allowed to play the pretty piece Marianne had now mastered. What a joke that was! Picking up his baby son, Leopold laughed and said," Look at your hands. You must wait, little man !"

There was no end of fun during tea, and Marianne had to tell her mother about Wolfgang wanting to play a difficult piece. When the meal was finished, Marianne helped to clear away the dishes. Suddenly Leopold got up. "Listen!" said he in a surprised voice. "Listen!" "Marianne is playing the piece better than ever!"

But Marianne was washing dishes in the kitchen.

His wife following, Leopold walked quietly upstairs, the lamp in one hand, his music book in the other. He pushed open the door, and there was little Wolfgang playing in the darkness. "I love it." whispered the child.

It was the beginning of Mozart's life of music.

Wolfgang was quiet when his sister practised the piano because ______.

A.he loved music

B.he liked his sister

C.he didn't want to make a noise

D.he didn't feel well

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