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_______ we have all the material ready,we should begin the new task at once.

A.Since that

B.Since then

C.By now

D.Now that

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更多“_______ we have all the materi…”相关的问题
(In) our school library, we (have) (all kinds of) English papers, English Weekly (includin

(In) our school library, we (have) (all kinds of) English papers, English Weekly (including).



C.all kinds of


__________,we keep records oil all the experiments so that we may have enough data. A.As a

__________,we keep records oil all the experiments so that we may have enough data.

A.As a whole

B.As a rule

C.On the average

D.By all means

______we have finished all the final exams, we'll have a good time enjoying ourselves.A.Af

______we have finished all the final exams, we'll have a good time enjoying ourselves.

A.After that

B.Now that

C.Unless that


Wang:Mr.Black,I‘m afraid we have to change the appointment.Mr.Black:What’S the problem?W

Wang:Mr.Black,I‘m afraid we have to change the appointment.

Mr.Black:What’S the problem?

Wang:I have an urgent meeting in the afternoon.__________if we postpone the appointment to a later time?

Mr.Black:No,that’S all right.

A.Do vou mind

B.Do you‘agree

C.How do you feel

D.What about

Traveling has now become a highly organized business ______.A.so we can travel anywhere wi

Traveling has now become a highly organized business ______.

A.so we can travel anywhere without difficulty

B.because we are provided with all kinds of convenient means for traveling

C.because traveling organizations can be found in the countries the world over

D.so travelers have increased rapidly

Have you 【B1】______ asked yourself why children go to school? You will probably say that t
hey go 【B2】______ their own language and other languages, arithmetic, history, science and 【B3】______ subjects. That is quite true, but why do they learn these things? And are these things 【B4】______ that they learn at school?

We 【B5】______ our children to 【B6】______ them for the time 【B7】______ they will be big and will have work 【B8】______ themselves. Nearly all they study at school has some 【B9】______ use in their life. But is that the only reason 【B10】______ they do to school?

There is 【B11】______ in education then we have just learning facts. We go to school 【B12】______ all to lean how to learn 【B13】______ when we have 【B14】______ school we can continue to learn. A man who really knows 【B15】______ will always be successful. Because 【B16】______ he has to do something new which he has never had to do 【B17】______ , he does it in the best 【B18】______ . The uneducated person 【B19】______ , is probably unable to do something new, or does it badly. The purpose of schools, therefore, is not just to teach languages 【B20】______ to teach pupils the way to learn.




D.as well

我们按照重要人物保卫的要求,对工作人员逐一甄别A.We’ll check all the employees in addition t


A.We’ll check all the employees in addition to the requirements of common people

B.We’ll raise the demands for VIP protection

C.VIP protection is so important that we have to screen employees

D.We’ll screen all the employees according to the requirements of VIP protection

根据以下内容回答下列各题, The water we drink and use is running short in the world. We all
have to learn how to stop wasting our limited water. One of the steps we should take is to find ways of reusing it. Experiments have already been done in this field. Today in most large cities, fresh water is used only once, then it runs into waste system. But it is possible to pipe the used water to a purifying factory. There it can be filtered and treated with chemicals so that it can be used again, just as it were fresh from a spring. But even if every large city purified and reused its water, we still would not have enough. Then we could turn to the oceans. All wed have to do to make use of the seawater on earth is to get rid of the salt. This process is called desalinization, and it is already in use in many parts of the world. The way to stop wasting our limited water is to ________.

A.do experiments with water

B.purify the used water and reuse it

C.use fresh water once again

D.make use of seawater

Education is not an end, but a means to an end. In other words, we do not educate children
only for the purpose of educating them; our purpose is to prepare them for life. As soon as we realize this fact, we will understand that it is very important to choose a system of education which will really prepare children for life. It is not enough just to choose the first system of education one finds, or to continue with one's old system of enducation without examining it to see whether it is in fact suitable or not.

In many modem countries it has for some time been fashionable to think that, by free education for all-whether rich or poor, clever or stupid--one can solve all the problems of society and build a perfect nation. But we can already see that free education for all is not enough; we find in such countries a far larger number of people with university degrees than there are jobs for them to fill. Because of their degrees, they refuse to do what they consider" low" work; and, in fact, work with the hands is thought to be dirty and shameful in such countries.

But we have only to think a moment to understand that the work of a completely uneducated farmer is far more important than that of a professor, We can live without education, but we die if we have no food. If no one cleaned our streets and took the rubbish away from our houses, we would have terrible diseases in our towns. In countries where there are no servants because everyone is ashamed to do such work, scientists have to waste much of their time doing housework.

In fact, when we say that all of us must be educated to prepare for life, it means that we must be educated in such a way that, firstly, each of us can do whatever job is suited to his brain and ability and, secondly, that we can realize that all jobs are necessary to society, and it is very bad to be ashamed of one's work, or to scorn someone else's. Only such a type of education can be called valuable to society.

Education is ______.

A.a means

B.a purpose


D.the first system

Everything has a name. All people, places, and things have names. For example, Jenny is th
e name of a student from England. England is the name of her country. Cities and towns have names, too. Schools and office buildings also have names. All things have names. For example, tomato, potato and bean are names of vegetables. Apple, orange and banana are names of fruits. Names are important.

We use names every day. When we meet a new person, we usually ask, "What's your name?" It is important to learn a person's name. Most people have two names. Some people have more names. Names are different all over the world. In Jenny's class, Jenny must learn the names of students from all over the world. This is very difficult because the names are very different.

In the United States, most people have a first name, a middle name, and a last name. Parents, choose the first and middle names for their baby. There are names for boys 'and names for girls. For example, John, Peter, Tom, and Mike are all names for boys. Elizabeth, Betty, Susan, and Mary are all names for girls, The last name is the family name. Usually it is the father's family name. In a family, the mother, the father, and the children usually have the same last name.

Sometimes a person has a nickname (绰号) , too: A nickname is a special name. It is not a person's real name. Abraham Lincoln's nickname was "Honest Abe". An honest person always tells the truth, and Abe is short for Abraham. Because he was an honest person, his nickname was "Honest Abe". Pele (贝利) is a nickname, too. The football player's real name is Edison Arantes de Nascimento, but everyone calls him Pele. Do you have a nickname?

Names are different all over the world. They can be long or short, but they are always very important.

Why does everything have a name?

A.It is very interesting to have a name.

B.It is very easy to be remembered.

C.It is very easy to be told from others.

D.Both B and C

The water we drink and use is running short in the world.

We all have to learn how to stop wasting our limited water. One of the steps we should take is to find ways of reusing it. Experiments have already been done in this field.

Today in most large cities, fresh water is used only once, then it runs into waste system. But it is possible to pipe the used water to a purifying factory. There it can be filtered and treated with chemicals so that it can be used again, just as it were fresh from a spring.

But even if every large city purified and reused its water, we still would not have enough. Then we could turn to the oceans. All we’d have to do to make use of the seawater on earth is to get rid of the salt.

This process is called desalinization, and it is already in use in many parts of the world.

The way to stop wasting our limited water is to ().

A.do experiments with water

B.purify the used water and reuse it

C.use fresh water once again

D.make use of seawater

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