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Commercial paper may either be dealer placed or directly placed.If it is dealer placed, th

Commercial paper may either be dealer placed or directly placed. If it is dealer placed, the (61) sells its promissory notes to one of the ten-regular commercial paper dealers, which, in turn, sells it to others. If commercial paper is directly placed, the issuing corporation sells its notes directly in the market, without the intermediation of the (62) . This is the method used primarily by sales-finance companies because they (63) in the market on a virtually continuous basis. Sales-finance companies are companies that supply the credit for the installment purchase of major (64) items, for example, automobiles, refrigerators, and television sets. These companies find the commercial paper (65) particularly well suited to their needs since it enables them to adjust to swings in demand for installment purchases.


A.issuing corporation



D.issuing bank

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Financial management consists of those activities that are concerned with obtaining mo
ney and using it effectively. Short-term financing is money that will be used for one year or less. Although there are many short-term needs, cash flow and inventory are two problems that deserve special attention. Long-term financing is money that will be used for more than one year. Such financing may be required for starting a business, expansion, new-product development, or replacement of production facilities. Proper financial management can ensure that money is available when it is needed and that it is used efficiently, in keeping with organizational goals.

A financial plan begins with the organization's goals and objectives. Next these goals and objectives are "translated" into budgets that detail expected income and expenses. From these budgets, which may be combined into an overall cash budget, the financial manager determines what funding will be needed and where it may be obtained. The four principal sources of financing are sales revenue, equity capital (derived from the sale of common and preferred stock) , debt capital, and proceeds from the sale of assets. Once the needed funds have been obtained, the financial manager is responsible for ensuring that they are properly used. This is accomplished through a system of monitoring and evaluating the firm's financial activities.

Most short-term financing is unsecured. That is, no collateral is required. Sources of unsecured short-term financing include trade credit, promissory notes issued to suppliers, unsecured bank loans, commercial paper, and commercial drafts. Sources of secured short-term financing include loans secured by inventory or accounts receivable. It is also

possible to sell receivables to factors. Trade credit is the least expensive source of short-term financing; there is no interest charge. The cost of financing through other sources generally depends on the source and on the credit rating of the firm that requires the financing. Factoring is generally the most expensive approach.

21. Financial management consists of those activities that are concerned with obtaining money and using it effectively.

22. Short-term financing and the long-term financing is the same.

23. A financial plan begins with the organization's plan.

24. The four principal sources of financing are sales revenue, equity, debt capital and financial plans.

25. Trade credit is the most expensive source of short-term financing.

CDs may be exchanged for money before its maturity date either in money markets or at comm
ercial banks.



C.Doesn't say

A correspondent bank may supply the following services to other commercial banks:A.keeping
accounts,B.assisting in the sale or purchase of assets,C.providing information about capital markets



C.Doesn't say

The term e-commerce refers to all commercial transactions conducted over the Inte

rnet, including transactions by consumers and business-to-business transactions. Conceptually, e-commerce does not __67__ from well-known commercial offerings such as banking by phone, "mail order" catalogs, or sending a purchase order to supplier __68__ fax.E-commerce follows the same model __69__ in other business transactions; the difference __70__ in the details.

To a consumer, the most visible form. of e-commerce consists __71__ online ordering. A customer begins with a catalog of possible items, __72__ an item, arranges a form. of payment, and __73__ an order. Instead of a physical catalog, e-commerce arranges for catalogs to be __74__ on the Internet. Instead of sending an order on paper or by telephone, e-commerce arranges for orders to be sent __75__ a computer network. Finally, instead of sending a paper representation of payment such as a check, e-commerce __76__ one to send payment information electronically.

In the decade __77__ 1993, e-commerce grew from an __78__ novelty (新奇事物) to a mainstream business influence. In 1993, few __79__ had a web page, and __80__ a handful allowed one to order products or services online. Ten years __81__, both large and small businesses had web pages, and most __82__ users with the opportunity to place an order. __83__, many banks added online access, __84__ online banking and bill paying became __85__. More importantly, the value of goods and services __86__ over the Internet grew dramatically after 1997.





根据材料请回答 67~86 题: The term e-commerce refers to all commercial transactions cond

根据材料请回答 67~86 题:

The term e-commerce refers to all commercial transactions conducted over the Internet, including transactions by consumers and business-to-business transactions. Conceptually, e-commerce does not __67__ from well-known commercial offerings such as banking by phone, "mail order" catalogs, or sending a purchase order to supplier __68__ fax.E-commerce follows the same model __69__ in other business transactions; the difference __70__ in the details.

To a consumer, the most visible form. of e-commerce consists __71__ online ordering. A customer begins with a catalog of possible items, __72__ an item, arranges a form. of payment, and __73__ an order. Instead of a physical catalog, e-commerce arranges for catalogs to be __74__ on the Internet. Instead of sending an order on paper or by telephone, e-commerce arranges for orders to be sent __75__ a computer network. Finally, instead of sending a paper representation of payment such as a check, e-commerce __76__ one to send payment information electronically.

In the decade __77__ 1993, e-commerce grew from an __78__ novelty (新奇事物) to a mainstream business influence. In 1993, few __79__ had a web page, and __80__ a handful allowed one to order products or services online. Ten years __81__, both large and small businesses had web pages, and most __82__ users with the opportunity to place an order. __83__, many banks added online access, __84__ online banking and bill paying became __85__. More importantly, the value of goods and services __86__ over the Internet grew dramatically after 1997.

第 67 题





John:May I use your computer this afternoon,Susie?Susie:Sure,but I have to finish typing

John:May I use your computer this afternoon,Susie?

Susie:Sure,but I have to finish typing my term paper today.


A.Do as you please

B.Oh,I"m sorry

C.Thank you just the same

D.Never mind it

Student A: May I use your computer this afternoon?

Student B: I’m sorry,but I have to finish typing this term paper today.

Student A: __________

A.Do as you please.

B.It doesn’t matter.

C.Thank you all the same.

D.Never mind.

听力原文:Banker's acceptances are a very old form. of commercial credit. They provide, in

听力原文: Banker's acceptances are a very old form. of commercial credit. They provide, in essence, a method whereby a bank may add its good name and reputation to bills of a borrower, thereby making the bills much more marketable than it would otherwise be. Specifically, the mechanics of the operation typically, work like the following. Suppose that an American exporter sells wheat to a German importer. The terms of the sale are that the German importer will pay for the wheat ninety days after it is shipped. For a variety of reasons, however, the American firm may want its money now, and not want to wait the ninety days. If so, it may issue a draft on its bank ordering the bank to pay a stipulated sum of money to the holder of the draft ninety days from now. Along with the draft, the American exporter will send the appropriate documents showing that the wheat has actually been shipped. When the bank receives the draft, together, with the documentation, it stamps "accepted" across the face of it.

27. What are banker's acceptances?

28.Who is the drawee of the draft mentioned in the passage?

29.What should be attached to the draft when it is presented for acceptance?

30.How does the bank accept the draft?


A.They are drafts issued by a bank on another bank.

B.They are a very old form. of commercial credit.

C.They are exchange bills discounted by customers.

D.They are checks cashed through the ATMs.

Banks are subject to various forms of legal risk, including inadequate or incorrect(56) ad

Banks are subject to various forms of legal risk, including inadequate or incorrect (56) advice or documentation that may result in unexpected decline in the value of (57) or unexpected increase in the value of liabilities. In addition, existing laws may (58) resolve legal issues involving a bank; a court case involving a (59) bank may have wider implications for banking business and involve costs to it and many or all other banks; and, laws (60) banks or other commercial enterprises may change. Banks are particularly susceptible to legal risks when entering new types of transactions and when the legal right of a counterpart to enter into a transaction is not established.






Because of the 1 law tradition, the bulk of American contract law is judge-ade case law and is, for the most part, 2 The basic or principles are found ine written 3 of courts. Specialized areas of contract law such as labor law andsurance law have been 4 codified but even in these areas the primaryurce of applicable legal principles is 5 cases. The 6 Commercial Code is anception. It was drafted by the commissioners on Uniform State Law fornsideration by legislatures of the various states, with the purpose to collect in1e body the law that deals with all phases which may ordinarily arise in theindling of a commercial 7 from start to finish. It is now 8 by every state andrritory 9 Louisiana and Puerto Rico and governs contracts 10 the sale ofrods.
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