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We don't think we can put the business through( )you revise your terms and conditi

We don't think we can put the business through()you revise your terms and conditi

We don't think we can put the business through()you revise your terms and conditions.



C.only if

D.in addition

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更多“We don't think we can put the …”相关的问题

In Money Everything?

I don’t think money is everything, but we can’t do without it. Fox example, money can’t buy us happiness and a good education. And for another example, money can’t buy us good health and a long life. But we can not live without money. We need it for our daily necessities such as food,

clothes and transportation. What’s more, we need it to live a better life. In short, we

should learn the value of money and make the most of its advantages.

We can make mistakes at any age. Some mistakes we make are about money. But most mistakes
are about people. "Did Jerry really care when I broke up with Helen? .... When I got that great job, did Jim really feel good about it, as a friend? Or did he envy my luck?" When we look back, doubts like these can make us feel bad. But when we look back, it' s too late.

Why do we go wrong about our friends or our enemies? Sometimes what people say hides their real meaning. And if we don' t really listen closely we miss the feeling behind the words. Suppose someone tells you, "You' re a lucky dog." That' s being friendly. But "lucky dog?" There' s a bit of envy in those words. Maybe he doesn' t see it himself. But bringing in the "dog" puts you down a little. What he may be saying is that he doesn' t think you deserve your luck.

"Just think of all the things you have to be thankful for is another noise that says one thing and means another. It could mean that the speaker is trying to get you to see your problem as part of your life as a whole. But is he? Wrapped up in this phrase is the thought that your problem isn' t important. It' s telling you to think of all the starving people in the world when you haven't got a date for Saturday night.

How can you tell the real meaning behind someone' s words? One way is to take a good look at the person talking. Do his words fit the way he looks? Does what he says agree with the tone of voice? His posture? The look in his eyes? Stop and think. The minute you spend thinking about the real meaning of what people say to you may save another mistake.

This passage is mainly about ______.

A.how to interpret what people say

B.what to do when. you listen to others talking

C.how to avoid mistakes when you communicate with people

D.why we go wrong with people sometimes


Linda : Hello! This is Linda speaking.

Chris : Hello, Linda, this is Chris. 51 this Friday evening?

Linda : Yes, why ?

Chris:There’s a good concert,and I’ve 只ot two ticketsf I wonder___52___.

Linda:That’ s great! 53 ?

Chris:7 o’clock. But how about 54 at 6:45?

Linda :OK. I think I can make it.

Chris :After the concert, 55 , shall we?

Linda:Wonderful! Why don’t we go to a Chinese restaurant?

Chris:Why not? OK,see you Friday.

Linda :See you then. Bye!


Linda:Hello! This is Linda speaking.

Chris:Hello, Linda, this is Chris. _______66________ this Friday evening?

Linda:Yes, why?

Chris:There‘s a good concert, and I’ve got two tickets. I wonder ________67_______.

Linda:That‘s great! _________68_________?

Chris:7 o‘clock. But how about _________69__________ at 6:45?

Linda:OK. I think I can make it.

Chris:After the concert, ________70_________, shall we?

Linda:Wonderful! Why don‘t we go to a Chinese restaurant?

Chris:Why not? OK, see you Friday.

Linda:See you then. Bye!


A What do you mean B What about you C I’m not sure D What a pity E What do you think F S

A What do you mean B What about you

C I’m not sure D What a pity

E What do you think F Sounds great

G Say, why don’t you come with us H Do you mean it

Jessica: I’m so excited! We have two weeks off! What are going to do?

Natasha:__56__. I guess I’ll just stay home. Maybe I’ll catch up on my reading. __57__? Any plans?

Jessica: Well, my parents have rented an apartment in California. I’m going to take long walks along the beach every day and do lots of swimming.

Natasha: __58__!

Jessica: __59__? My parents will be happy to have you with in.

Natasha: __60__?I’d love to!

We definitely are not the perfect couple, _____ we don’t pretend to be so.





We don't understand how the manager could try to escape his ______.A.tasksB.responsibility

We don't understand how the manager could try to escape his ______.





An article in Scientific America has pointed out that empirical research says that, actual
ly, you think you’re more beautiful than you are. We have a deep-seated need to feel good about ourselves and we naturally employ a number of self-enhancing strategies to research into what the call the “above average effect”, or “illusory superiority”, and shown that, for example, 70% of us rate ourselves as above average in leadership, 93% in driving and 85% at getting on well with others—all obviously statistical impossibilities.

We rose tint our memories and put ourselves into self-affirming situations. We become defensive when criticized, and apply negative stereotypes to others to boost our own esteem, we stalk around thinking we’re hot stuff.

Psychologist and behavioral scientist Nicholas Epley oversaw a key studying into self-enhancement and attractiveness. Rather that have people simply rate their beauty compress with others, he asked them to identify an original photogragh of themselves’ from a lineup including versions that had been altered to appear more and less attractive. Visual recognition, reads the study, is “an automatic psychological process occurring rapidly and intuitively with little or no apparent conscious deliberation”. If the subjects quickly chose a falsely flattering image- which must did- they genuinely believed it was really how they looked. Epley found no significant gender difference in responses. Nor was there any evidence that, those who self-enhance the must (that is, the participants who thought the most positively doctored picture were real) were doing so to make up for profound insecurities. In fact those who thought that the images higher up the attractiveness scale were real directly corresponded with those who showed other makers for having higher self-esteem. “I don’t think the findings that we having have are any evidence of personal delusion”, says Epley. “It’s a reflection simply of people generally thinking well of themselves’. If you are depressed, you won’t be self-enhancing. Knowing the results of Epley ‘s study,it makes sense that why people heat photographs of themselves Viscerally-on one level, they don’t even recognise the person in the picture as themselves, Facebook therefore ,is a self-enhancer’s paradise,where people can share only the most flattering photos, the cream of their wit ,style. ,beauty, intellect and lifestyle. it’s not that people’s profiles are dishonest,says catalina toma of Wiscon—Madison university ,”but they portray an idealized version of themselves.

According to the first paragraph, social psychologist have found that ______ .

A.our self-ratings are unrealistically high

B.illusory superiority is baseless effect

C.our need for leadership is unnatural

D.self-enhancing strategies are ineffective

Visual recognition is believed to be people’s______ .A.rapid watching

B.conscious choice

C.intuitive response

D.automatic self-defence

Epley found that people with higher self-esteem tended to______ .A.underestimate their insecurities

B.believe in their attractiveness

C.cover up their depressions

D.oversimplify their illusions

The word “Viscerally”(Line 2,para.5) is closest in meaning to_____.A.instinctively




It can be inferred that Facebook is self-enhancer’s paradise because people can _____.A.present their dishonest profiles

B.define their traditional life styles

C.share their intellectual pursuits

D.withhold their unflattering sides


Our children and grandchildren will ______ if we don't look after our planet.A.endureB.suf

Our children and grandchildren will ______ if we don't look after our planet.





The teachers don't make us wear a school uniform. and we can wear______we like.A.anyB.that

The teachers don't make us wear a school uniform. and we can wear______we like.





Woman:May I borrow this dictionary?Man:We usually don’t lend out dictionaries.But if you

Woman:May I borrow this dictionary?

Man:We usually don’t lend out dictionaries.But if you need it urgently,we can let you have it for a few days.


A.It’S fine

B.That would be fine

C.All right

D.My pleasure

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