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(b) (i) State FOUR reasons why payback period is widely used by organisations in the capit

(b) (i) State FOUR reasons why payback period is widely used by organisations in the capital investment

appraisal process. (2 marks)

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Directions: There are four passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questio
ns or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.

Passage 1

Questions I to 5 are based on the following passage:

After a busy day of work and play, the body needs to rest. Sleep is necessary for good health. During this time, the body recovers from the activities of the previous day. (76) The rest that you get while sleeping enables your body to prepare itself for the next day.

There are four levels of sleep, each being a little deeper than the one before. As you sleep, your muscles relax little by little. Your heart beats more slowly, and your brain slows down. After you reach the fourth level, your body shifts back and forth from one level of sleep to the other.

Although your mind slows down, from time to time you will dream. Scientists who study sleep state that when dreaming occurs, your eyeballs begin to move more quickly (although your eyelids are closed). This stage of sleep is called REM, which stands for rapid eye movement.

(77) If you have trouble falling asleep, some people recommend breathing very slowly and very deeply. Other people believe that drinking warm milk will help make you drowsy. There is also an old suggestion that counting sheep will put you to sleep!

1. A good title for this passage is .

A. Sleep

B. Good

C. Dreams

D. Work and Rest

It can be learned from the passage that about four billion years ago ______. A. the

It can be learned from the passage that about four billion years ago ______.

A. the earth was in molten state

B. the earth surface temperature was above 100℃

C. the earth surface temperature was below 100℃

D. rain water could remain on the earth

(At the reception deskof the International Hotel. R:Receptionist S:Mr. Song)R:Good morning

(At the reception deskof the International Hotel. R:Receptionist S:Mr. Song)

R:Good morning, welcome to the International Hotel.

S:Good morning. 66__________________ . I have a reservation here.

R:Letme have a check, Mr. Song. Well, you’ve booked 67________________ , is that right?

S:Yes,a single room fortwo nights.

R:Do you have any identification, Mr. Song?

S:Yes, 68________________ .

R:Would you fill in the registration form, please?

S:OK. (Four minutes later.)

S:Is it right?

R:Yes, 69________________ and here is your keycard.

S:Thank you. Could you please tell me the check-out time?

R: 70 ________________. Enjoy your stay here.



A.Can I have your name

B.Where are youfrom

C.What’s your name, please

D.My name is Song Jun

67A.a single room for two nights

B.a single room for one night

C.a double room for two nights

D.a double room for one night

68A.I have a problem

B.here’s my passport

C.it’s a card

D.here is yourID card

69A.You cancome soon

B.Your card is wrong

C.Your room numberis 1688

D.Maybe I can come

70A.Next week

B.Asyou like

C.The longer, the better

D.Any time before 13:00 at noon


(a) Explain the concept of TRUE and FAIR presentation. (4 marks)(b) Explain the status of

(a) Explain the concept of TRUE and FAIR presentation. (4 marks)

(b) Explain the status of International Standards on Auditing. (2 marks)

(c) ISA 230 Audit Documentation deals with the auditor’s responsibility to prepare audit documentation for an audit of financial statements.


State FOUR benefits of documenting audit work. (4 marks)

(a) State the FIVE threats contained within ACCA’s Code of Ethics and Conduct and for each

(a) State the FIVE threats contained within ACCA’s Code of Ethics and Conduct and for each threat list ONE example of a circumstance that may create the threat. (5 marks)

(b) You are the audit manager of Jones & Co and you are planning the audit of LV Fones Co, which has been an audit client for four years and specialises in manufacturing luxury mobile phones.

During the planning stage of the audit you have obtained the following information. The employees of LV Fones Co are entitled to purchase mobile phones at a discount of 10%. The audit team has in previous years been offered the same level of staff discount.

During the year the fi nancial controller of LV Fones was ill and hence unable to work. The company had no spare staff able to fulfi l the role and hence a qualifi ed audit senior of Jones & Co was seconded to the client for three months. The audit partner has recommended that the audit senior work on the audit as he has good knowledge of the client. The fee income derived from LV Fones was boosted by this engagement and along with the audit and tax fee, now accounts for 16% of the fi rm’s total fees.

From a review of the correspondence fi les you note that the partner and the fi nance director have known each other socially for many years and in fact went on holiday together last summer with their families. As a result of this friendship the partner has not yet spoken to the client about the fee for last year’s audit, 20% of which is still outstanding.


(i) Explain the ethical threats which may affect the independence of Jones & Co’s audit of LV Fones Co; and (5 marks)

(ii) For each threat explain how it might be avoided. (5 marks)

(c) Describe the steps an audit fi rm should perform. prior to accepting a new audit engagement. (5 marks)

Zhao, Qian, Sun and Lee were four shareholders of a limited liability company specialising
in bio-technology, each holding 25% of the shares of the company.

Several months later Qian intended to transfer his shares to a listed company for profit and sent notices to the other three shareholders asking for their consent. Zhao agreed and also expressed his willingness to buy Qian’s shares if the price was reasonable. Sun disagreed and claimed his right of priority to buy Qian’s shares. However, Zhao and Sun could not reach an agreement as to the proportion of shares to buy. Lee kept silent upon receipt of the notice.

Since Sun offered a price lower than that of the listed company, Qian entered into a contract to sell his shares to the listed company, which caused a dispute among the four shareholders. Under such circumstances, Lee decided to leave the company and requested the company to purchase his shares.


In accordance with the relevant provisions of the Company Law:

(a) State how Zhao and Sun’s failure to reach an agreement on the proportion of shares to purchase should be dealt with. (2 marks)

(b) State whether Lee’s request for the company to purchase his shares should be upheld if the dispute was brought to court. (2 marks)

(c) State whether Qian was entitled to transfer his shares to the listed company. (2 marks)

In relation to the Companies Act 2006:(a) state, and explain the purpose of, the various r

In relation to the Companies Act 2006:

(a) state, and explain the purpose of, the various registers that have to be kept by a company; (4 marks)

(b) describe what accounting records will have to be produced and maintained by a company. (6 marks)






(b) (i) State the condition that would need to be satisfied for the exercise of Paul’s sha

(b) (i) State the condition that would need to be satisfied for the exercise of Paul’s share options in Memphis

plc to be exempt from income tax and the tax implications if this condition is not satisfied.

(2 marks)

I have four()




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