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Not until quite recently __ he gave up his plan to go abroad. A.I knew B.I had known C.d

id I know D.I did know

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My roommate listened for music until quite 1ate 1ast night.()





听力原文:All warm-blooded animals are very helpless at first. Young birds and young bats m

听力原文: All warm-blooded animals are very helpless at first. Young birds and young bats must be taught to fly. Thousands of young seals drown every year. They never learn to swim "naturally." The mother has to take them out under her flipper and show them how. Birds sing without instruction; however, they do not sing well unless they are able to hear older members of their species. Older harvest mice build better nests than beginners. Frank Buck says that the young elephant does not seem to know at first what his trunk is for. It gets in his way and seems more of a hindrance than a help until his parents show him what to do with it. Insects, seem to start life equipped with all necessary reflexes, but they seem to improve their talents with practice. Young spiders, for example, begin by making quite primitive little webs. They attain perfection in their art only after much time. Older spiders, if deprived of their spinnerets, will take to hunting.


A.They know what to do because of instinct.

B.They know how to fly naturally.

C.They often reject their parents.

D.They learn behavior. from their parents or other animals.

根据以下内容回答题:The greatest recent social changes have been in the lives of women.Duri
ng the twentieth century there has been a remarkable shortening of the proportion of a woman’s life spent in caring for the children.A woman’marrying at the end of the nineteenth century would probably have been in her middle twenties,and would be likely to have seven or eight children,of whom four or five lived tiU they were five years old.By the time the youngest was fifteen,the mother would have been in her early fifties and would expect.to live a further twenty years,during which custom,opportunity and health made it unusual for her to get paid work.Today women marry younger and have fewer children.Usually a woman’s youngest child will be fifteen when she is forty-five years old and is likely to take paid work until retirement at sixty.Even while she has the care of children,her work is lightened by household appliances and convenience foods. This important change in woman’s life-pattern has only recendy begun to have its full effect on women"s economic position.Even a few years ago most girls left school at the first opportunity,and most of them took a full time job.However,when they married,they usually left work at once and never returned to it.Today the school leaving age is sixteen,many girls stay at school after that age,and though women tend to marry younger,more married women stay at work at least until shortly before their first child is born.Very many more afterwards retum to full or part-time work.Such changes have led to a new relationship in marriage,with the husband accepting a greater share of the duties and satisfactions of family life,aid with both husband and wife sharing more equally in providing the money,and running the home,according to the abilities and interests of each of them.

According to the passage,it is now quite usual for women to__________ .

A.stay at home after leaving school

B.marry men younger than themselves

C.start work until retirement at 60

D.marry while still at school

Mr. Brown was at the theatre. He had got his ticket at the moment, so he had not been ahle
to choose his seat. He now found that he was in the middle of a group of American la- dies, some of them middle-aged and some of them quite old. They clearly all knew each other well, as before the curtain went up on the play they had come to see, they all talked and joked a lot together.

The lady sitting on Mr. Brown's left, who was about sixty years old, seemed to be the happiest and the most interesting of the American group, and after the first act of the play, she apologized to him for the noisiness of her friends. He answered that he was very glad to see American ladies so really enjoying their visit to England, and so they had a friendly talk. Mr. Brown's neighbour explained what they doing there.

"You know, I have known these ladies all my life," she said. "We all grew up together back in our hometown in the United States. They have all lost their husbands~ and call themselves the Merry Widows. It is a sort of club, you know. They go to a foreign country every summer or two and have a lot of fun. They always go everywhere together. I have wanted to join their club for a long time, but I was not able to become a member until the spring of this year."

The group of American ladies enjoyed the play in a theatre in______.



C.their club

D.their hometown

How useful are the views of public school students about their teachers? Quite useful,

How useful are the views of public school students about their teachers?

Quite useful, according to preliminary results released on Friday from a research project that is intended to find new ways of distinguishing good teachers from bad.

Teachers whose students described them as skillful at maintaining classroom order, at focusing their instruction and at helping their charges learn from their mistakes are often the same teachers whose students learn the most in the course of a year, as measured by gains on standardized test scores, according to a progress report on the research.

Financed by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the two-year project involves scores of social scientists and some 3,000 teachers and their students in districts such as New York and Pittsburgh.

Statisticians began the effort last year by ranking all the teachers using a statistical method known as value-added modeling, which calculates how much each teacher has helped students learn based on changes in test scores from year to year.

Thousands of students have filled out confidential questionnaires(秘密调查问卷)about the learning environment that their teachers create. After comparing the students ratings with teachers value-added scores, researchers have concluded that there is quite a bit of agreement.

Classrooms where a majority of students said they agreed with the statement, "Our class stays busy and doesnt waste time," tended to be led by teachers with high value-added scores, the report said.

The same was true for teachers whose students agreed with the statement, "In this class, we learn to correct our mistakes."

Few of the nations 15,000 public school districts systematically question students about their classroom experiences, in contrast to American colleges, many of which collect annual student evaluations to improve instruction, Dr Ferguson said.

Until recently, teacher evaluations were little more than a formality(形式)in most school systems, with the vast majority of instructors getting top ratings, often based on a principals superficial impressions.

But now some 20 states are overhauling their evaluation systems, and many policymakers have been asking the Gates Foundation for suggestions on what measures of teacher effectiveness to use, said Vicki L. Phillips, a director of education at the foundation.

One notable early finding, Ms Phillips said, is that teachers who incessantly(不停地)drill their students to prepare for standardised tests tend to have lower value-added learning gains than those who simply work their way methodically through the key concepts of literacy and mathematics.

What is said about teachers rated as good at keeping their classes in order?

A.Their students gain more in test scores.

B.Their classes stay busy and don"t waste time.

C.Their students learn fastest during a semester.

D.They help students learn to correct their mistakes.

The ordinary family in colonial North America was primarily concerned with sheer physical
survival and beyond that, is own economic prosperity. Thus, children were valued in terms of their productivity,and they assumed the role of producer quite early. Until they fulfilled this role, their position in the structure of the family was one of subordination (从属),and their psychological needsand capacities received little consideration.

As the society became more complex, the status of children in the family and in the society became more important. In the complex, technological society that the United States has become, each member must fulfill a number of personal and occupational roles and be in constant contact with a great many other members. Consequently, viewing children as potentially acceptable members of society means that they are regarded more as people in their own right than as utilitarian organisms. This acceptance of children as equal participants in the contemporary family is reflected in the variety of statutes protecting the rights of children and in the social public welfare programs devoted exclusively to their well-being.

This new way of children and the increasing contact between the members of society has also resulted in a great interest in child-rearing techniques. People today spend a considerable portion of their time on the proper way to bring up children. It is now possible to influence the details of the socialization of another person’ s child by spreading the principle of current and fashionable theories and methods of child-rearing. Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?

A.The Child as a Utilitarian Organism.

B.The Development of Cultural Values.

C.The Children of Colonial North America

D.The Place of Children in American Society.

____Children in colonial North America were mainly valued for their.A.survival ability

B.physical characteristics

C.productive capacity

D.academic achievements

____It can be inferred from the passage that formal schooling in colonial North America was____.A.highly disciplined

B.generally required by law

C.improperly administered

D.considered relatively unimportant

According to the passage, parents have become increasingly interested in____.A.their children’ s future occupations

B.having smaller families

C.adoption programs for childless couples

D.child-rearing techniques

根据以下内容回答题:Let US take a look at the chief thing in the story—the human body itsel


Let US take a look at the chief thing in the story—the human body itself.A human body appears to be rather soft and delicate,compared with that of a wild animal,but it is actually surprisingly strong.Indeed,its very softness and looseness are an advantage;it makes man good at moving about and falling about in safety.Man is the most skillful in movement of all living things of his own size,because he can do so many different things with his limbs.Man’s games show how he can control his own body.No other land creature can swim as skillfully as man;none has such varied grace;very few live as long as he;none is so strong in its natural resistance to disease.Therefore man has a great advantage in his battle against the risks of damage and death that threaten him.It is difficult to kill him as long as he is fed and in good health.Yet every day thousands of people die needlessly,even though man is naturally strong,because of those two killers,disease and starvation,with the battle.

Old age?No one can live forever,so one might’suppose that quite a large number of oldpeople would come to the end of their days every year.There is,however,another thing to re-member.During the time it has taken you to read this page,a considerable number of babies have been born somewhere in the wodd—one is born every one and a quarter seconds!Of these babies,one group can be expected to have a good long life of about seventy years,because they were lucky enough to be born in countries where living standards are high.

The deadliest of all killers are starvation and disease.We cannot be content until we have mastered them.To do so is one of the most important tasks of our times.

The softness and looseness of man’s body are an advantage because it__________ . 查看材料

A.makes him strong

B.makes him resistant to diseases

C.helps him to avoid injury

D.keeps him in good health

Western tattooists work with a special electrical instrument, something like a dentist’s d
rill. It holds a number of very fine needles, which, for the purpose of reproducing the approved drawing, are dipped, in black ink. When the current is switched on, and the instrument passed rapidly over the outline, the action of the needles drives the ink into the skin. The tattooist is constantly wiping away excess ink as he works. This is where skill is so important, for the speed of the instrument means that he must work rapidly over lines which are almost permanently covered over.

The basic drawing then has to be colored in, using the same method but with non-poisonous paint now replacing the ink. The average tattoo contains four or five colors, each injected with a separate instrument. How many needles are used each time will depend on the area to be covered, but it is possible to use as many as ten or twelve, giving up to 3,000 injections a minute. Filling in is a lengthier process than outlining, and, since most people find half an hour under the needles quite enough, a major tattoo can take a number of visits to complete. Every visit will leave the skin sere and stinging, and to prevent infection the area is finally treated with an antiseptic cream and covered with a dressing. After a few days it finally heals over, leaving the new tattoo clearly visible under the skin.

And there it stays, for, as those who get tattooed and then third better of it soon discover, getting rid of the tattoo is a far more difficult business than getting it. The tattooist is powerless to undo what he has done and can only refer unhappy customers to their doctors who, no matter how sympathetic, are able to offer little encouragement. Removing a tattoo, if it can be done at all, has to be by one of two methods, neither of them pleasant or even completely satisfactory, The first is by surgery and skin replacement, an operation which leaves permanent marks. The other possibility is to re-tat-too over the offending design with a special acidbased substance which absorbs the colors as it goes. This is a painful and lengthy process which, though less expensive than private surgery, is still quite costly." Tattooing is a thorn in the side of the medical profession", is the view of one Harley Street skin specialist. He receives a constant stream of enquiries about removal, but in most cases the expense and discomfort of having it done make people decide to go on living with their unwanted designs." Patients have to want it very much go to through with it ," he says. "Those who do are usually the ones who find that they are refused jobs, or cannot get advancement because their hands are decorated."

This is such a common event that responsible tattooists refuse to work on areas which cannot normally be covered up." The trouble is that most people don’t think about it until it’s too late." says one tattooist who had his own hands mooed some years ago, and freely admits to regretting it." I realize now that it looks in bad taste."

The fine needles are used ______ .

A.to make the first rough outline

B.to finish the rough outline

C.to make the approved drawing

D.to ink in the rough outline

A very important world problem is the increasing number of people who actually inhabit thi
s planet. The limited amount of land and land resources will soon be unable to support the huge population if it continues to grow at its present rate.

So why is this huge increase in population taking place? It is really due to the spread of the knowledge and practice of what is becoming known as "Death Control". You have no doubt heard of the term "Birth Control". "Death Control" is something rather different. It recognizes the work of the doctors and scientists who now keep alive people who, not very long ago, would have died of a variety of then incurable diseases. Through a wide variety of technological innovations that include farming methods and the control of deadly diseases, we have found ways to reduce the rate at which we die. However, this success is the very cause of the greatest threat to mankind.

If we examine the amount of land available for this ever-increasing population, we begin to see the problem. If everyone on the planet had an equal share of land, we would each have about 50,000 square meters. This figure seems to be quite encouraging until we examine the amount of usable land we actually have. More than three-fifths of the world's land cannot produce food.

Obviously, with so little land to support us, we should be taking great care not to reduce it further. But we are not! Instead, we are consuming its "capital" — its nonrenewable fossil fuels and other mineral deposits that took millions of years to form. but which are now being destroyed in decades. We are also doing the same with other vital resources not usually thought of as being nonrenewable such as fertile soils, groundwater and the millions of other species that share the earth with us.

It is a very common belief that the problems of the population explosion are caused mainly by poor people living in poor countries who do not know enough to limit their reproduction. This is not true. The actual number of people in an area is not as important as the effect they have on nature. Developing countries do have an effect on their environment, but it is the populations of richer countries that have a far greater impact on the earth as a whole.

According to the article, what contributes to the population increase?

A.Birth explosion.

B.Birth Control.

C.Technological innovations.

D.Death Control.

A very important world problem is the increasing number of people who actually inhabit thi
s planet. The limited amount of land and land resources will soon be unable to support the huge population if it continues to grow at its present rate.

So why is this huge increase in population taking place? It is really due to the spread of the knowledge and practice of what is becoming known as "Death Control". You have no doubt heard of the term "Birth Control". "Death Control" is something rather different. It recognises the work of the doctors and scientists who now keep alive people who, not very long ago, would have died of a variety of then incurable diseases. Through a wide variety of technological innovations that include farming methods and the control of deadly diseases, we have found ways to reduce the rate at which we die. However, this success is the very cause of the greatest threat to mankind.

If we examine the amount of land available for this ever-increasing population, we begin to see the problem. If everyone on the planet had an equal share of land, we would each have about 50,000 square metres. This figure seems to be quite encouraging until we examine the amount of usable land we actually have. More than three-fifths of the worlds land cannot produce food.

Obviously, with so little land to support us, we should be taking great care not to reduce it further. But we are not! Instead, we are consuming its "capital" — its nonrenewable fossil fuels and other mineral deposits that took millions of years to form. but which are now being destroyed in decades. We are also doing the same with other vital resources not usually thought of as being nonrenewable such as fertile soils, groundwater and the millions of other species that share the earth with us.

It is a very common belief that the problems of the population explosion are caused mainly by poor people living in poor countries who do not know enough to limit their reproduction. This is not true. The actual number of people in an area is not as important as the effect they have on nature. Developing countries do have an effect on their environment, but it is the populations of richer countries that have a far greater impact on the earth as a whole.

According to the passage, what contributes to the population increase?

A.Human beings" ignorance.

B.The failure of "Birth Control".

C.The success of "Death Control".

D.Technological innovations.

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