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We desire that the tour leader ______ us immediately of any change in plans.A.informB.info

We desire that the tour leader ______ us immediately of any change in plans.




D.has informed

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更多“We desire that the tour leader…”相关的问题
make the most of、wish、experience、acquire、desire、stand on one 's own two feet、means、challenge、in return、barber、in one's favor、arise、expect、David and Jack、process、count On、goose、Tom、hope、responsibility

1. A new difficulty has().

2. We weren't()it to rain.

3. If the wind is(), you will be down the river in no time.

4. I()I had a more confident personality.

5. There are lots of()in the lake.

6. He took fourteen hours for the journey which he had()making in six.

7. We should()the fine weather. Let's go for a picnic.

8. Young people often()to excel over others in work.

9. George()his Doctor's degree last year.

10. We had a lovely evening at().

11. In the nineteenth century a new()of communication was developed- the railway.

12. Ben,()the problem would be solved soon.

13. Now that you're growing up, you must learn to().

14. Ann prefers a job with enough().

15. I'll go to the()to have my hair cut.

16. Parents bear()for their children.

17. Do you know the difference between() plans?

18. He()great difficulty in getting a visa to leave the country.

19. We()you'll be very happy.

20. I bought him a drink()for his help.

We desire to establish _____ beneficial business relations. A. mutual B. mutually C.

A. mutual

B. mutually

C. equal

D. equally


When we complete each step of our goals, ().

A.we will win final success

B.we are overwhelmed

C.we should build up confidence of success

D.we should strong desire for setting new goals

Although we are ______ to open up business with you, we regret that it is impossible f
or us to all the reduction asked for, because we have already cut our price to the lowest point after closely examining our cost _______.





Mothers have known it for years. Give the children a hamburger, and they will love it; spend hours making a home-cooked meal, and they will leave it on the plate. Now French scientists have discovered why. According to researchers near Paris, the brain does not respond well to unfamiliar tastes. Sensations are not as strong when the mind is struggling to understand messages that come from the tongue. This provides little reason to taste new things.

Human beings are naturally like rats – we are afraid of anything new. If you give rats some food that they have never had before, they will turn their backs on it out of fear. We are the same. It is possible to introduce new foods, but only in the right psychological context, like a birthday. Once the introduction has been made, the fact of having a full stomach is physically pleasing, so the next time it is easier. However, some foods are more tempting than others. Scientists are sure that we are born with a sweet tooth. This is why children have a natural desire for sugar.

Another discovery is how a sense of smell affects our appetite. In one experiment, chemical substances were put on the tongues of human participants. At the same time, air was blown down the participants’ noses so they could not smell the chemical substances. As a result, no two people got the same sensation from the same food. Physical, psychological, and cultural differences shaped the response.

The intensity of feelings about food depends upon knowledge of it. The average student who eats a new dish will have only a cloudy image of it, but for some people whose tongues are trained to appreciate fine differences, they’ll have an exciting experience, much like someone who has a great musical ear. This is why someone who eats hamburgers everyday likes them and becomes a hamburger expert. They can tell the difference between a Big Mac and a Burger King, just like the Japanese can tell the difference between varieties of rice that taste the same to Europeans.

21. Why do children prefer a hamburger to a home-cooked meal?

A.The person doesn’t get the instruction from the brain.

B.The brain doesn’t respond well to unfamiliar tastes.

C.The food made at home is not tasty.

D.Children prefer food that is easy to make.

When I was a kid I didn’t know what I wanted to be when I grew up, but I knew what I didn’
t want to do. I didn’t even really know what one was. My elder brother is deaf. Growing up, I ended up defending him and I often think that is what started me on my path to whatever I am today.

When I was approached with the idea of trying to create a landmine(地雷) campaign, we were just three people in a small office in Washington, DC in late I had more than a few ideas about how to begin a campaign, but what if nobody cared? What if nobody responded? But I knew the only way to answer those questions was to accept the challenge.

But if I have any power as an individual, it&39;s because I work with other individuals around the world. We are ordinary people--Jemma from Armenia, Paul from Canada, Christian from Norway and thousands more-who have worked together to bring about extraordinary change. The landmine campaign is not just about landmines--it&39;s about the power of individuals to work with governments in a different way.

I believe in both my right and my responsibility to work to create a world that doesn&39;t think highly of violence and war, but where we seek different solutions to our common problems. I know that holding such beliefs is not always easy or comfortable--particularly in the post-9/ 11 world. But I believe that life is about trying to do the right thing.

Most people tend to get caught up in going to college, then getting a job, buying a house and paying the loan. Somehow, I’ve had the desire--and the drive--to do things a bit differently. If enough ordinary people back up our desire for a better world, I believe we can accomplish extraordinary things.

21.When the author was a child, she __________.

A.had many great dreams

B.wanted to do something for peace

C.didn’t know she would work for landmine campaign

D.had decided what she would do when growing up

Why did the author create a landmine campaign?A.Because she was encouraged by her colleagues

B.Because she got inspiration from protecting her brother

C.Because it was her duty to remove landmines

D.Because she was interested in whatever others disliked

What is Paragraph 3 mainly about?A.The author had made many foreign friends

B.The landmine campaign had spread all over the world

C.Many individuals join the landmine campaign to create a better world

D.The author’s friends joined her in fighting against the government

What can be inferred from the text?A.The present world is full of violence and war

B.Going to a famous university is the author’s belief

C.Most people take war and violence for granted

D.Settling problems peacefully is the author’s belief

There is much discussion today about whether economic growth is desirable. At an earlier p
eriod, our desire for material wealth may have been justified. Now, howerer, this desire for more than we need is causing serious problems. Even though we have good intentions, we may be producing too much, too fast.

Those who criticize economic growth argue that we must slow down. They believe that society is approaching certain limits on growth. These include the fixed supply of natural resources, the possible negative effects of industry on the natural environment, and the continuing increase in the world's population. As society reaches these limits, economic growth can no longer continue, and the quality of life will decrease.

People who want more economic growth, on the other hand, argue that even at the present growth rate there are still many poor people in the world. These proponents of economic growth believe that only more growth can create the capital needed to improve the quality of life in the world. Furthermore, they argue that only continued growth can provide the financial resources required to protect our natural surroundings from industrialization.

This debate over the desirability of continued economic growth is of vital importance to business and industry. If those who argue against economic growth are correct, the problems they mention cannot be ignored. To find a solution, economists and the business community must pay attention to these problems and continue discussing them with one another.

What is this passage primarily concerned with?

A.The problems caused by economic growth.

B.The desirability of economic growth.

C.The desire for more material wealth.

D.The limits of economic growth.

The reason that foreign exchange markets exist is because people have a strong desire to g
et foreign currencies to travel round the world, to buy goods produced in other countries.



C.Doesn't say

We should also know that "greed" is little related to the environmental crisis. The two ma
in factors are population pressures, especially the pressures of large metropolitan populations, and the desire to bring a decent living with the lowest possible cost to the largest possible number of people.

The environmental crisis is the result of success in cutting down the morality of infants (which has given us the population explosion), success in increasing farm output sufficiently to prevent mass famine, success in getting people out of the tenements of the 19th century city and into the greenery anti privacy of single family home in the suburbs (which has given us urban sprawl and traffic jams). The environmental crisis, in other words, is the result of doing too much of the right sort of thing at large.

To overcome the problems that success always creates, one mast build on it. But where to start? Cleaning up the environment requires determined, sustained effort with clear targets and deadlines it needed, above all, concentration of effort. Up to now we have tried to do a little bit of everything, what we ought to do first is to draft a list of priorities.

This passage assumed the desirability of ______.

A.living in comfortable family life-style

B.setting disputes peacefully

C.combating cancer and heart disease with energetic research

D.having greater government involvement in people's daily life

Dreams are said to be the window to the mind. Through the study of dreams, we can catch gl
impses into what our subconscious minds are thinking, or what is troubling us at our deepest levels. Not all dreams me the same, however, either in content or in meaning. In this respect, the study of bad dreams, nightmares, can yield interesting observations in regard to the mind and status of the dreamer. Indeed, nightmares appear to have been the subject of far more studies than more pleasant dreams, if for no other reason that while pleasant dreams are easily forgotten upon awakening, nightmares tend to linger in our minds is sufficient to demand attention.

The sources of our dreams are most commonly attributed to factors in our waking lives. Whether it be emotional challenges, stress in the workplace, relationship problems or a myriad of other possible factors, the thoughts and feelings created in our waking environments are believed to directly influence the content of our dreams. A particular dramatic or traumatic experience during the day would no doubt be encountered again in some form. or another during the night.

Just as important as actual events in the determination of the content of our dreams are the preexisting beliefs that we hold. If we encounter some kind of phenomena in our dreams, it is very likely that we already believed in the possibility of the phenomena before the dream. For example, if someone dreams of being abducted by aliens, it's very likely that, before the dream, he already believed in the existence of aliens. To the extent that dreams are direct reflections of our minds, they will reflect accurately what we believe and hold to be true.

The way that we act in dreams bears consideration as well. Oftentimes, our behavior. in our dreams reflects hidden desires for that type of behavior. in our waking lives. Someone who dreams of revenge may actually desire revenge in real life, and likewise someone who dreams of adventure night after night may be experiencing his mind playing out a desire for more excitement in his everyday life.

While the items encountered in our dreams are of great importance in the analysis of dreams, it must be recognized and understood that the same item in two different dreams can easily have entirely different meanings for the two dreamers. For example, a home in the dreams of an avid equestrian can signify comfort and relaxation, whereas the same home in the dreams of a hunter can represent excitement and challenge.

Nightmares are mentioned in paragraph 1 in order to______.

A.give an introduction to the main subject of the text

B.give an example of one particularly vivid type of dream

C.provide a justification for the study of dreams

D.illustrate the value of analyzing dreams

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