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There are a number of key technologies that will enable LTE Advanced to achieve the high d

ata () rates that are required.() are two of the base technologies that will be enablers.Along with these there a number of other techniques and technologies that will be employed.

A.input B.output C.throughput D.receiving A.MIMO and OFDM B.MIMO and CDMA C.MIMO and EDGE D.MIMO and TDMA

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---What’s the__---Five o’clock()




Most dictionaries will tell you a number of【21】about a language. There are three things in
particular that【22】important. These three things are spelling, pronunciation, and meanings.

The first and most obvious thing is that a dictionary will【23】you the spelling of a word. If you' re not sure about the spelling of a word, you can try to find the correct spelling in a dictionary. Words are listed in alphabetical order--a, b, c, and so on .For example, on a dictionary page the word "poor" p, o, o, r--comes before "poverty"--p, o, v, e, r, t, y and the word "poverty" comes【24】the word "power'--p, o, w, e, r. The words are always given in alphabetical Order.

The second thing a dictionary will tell you is【25】. Most dictionaries give the pronunciation of a word in a special kind of alphabet. This special alphabet is called a phonetic, or sound alphabet. The phonetic spelling will tell you generally【26】a word is pronounced. There are a few different phonetic alphabets. Many dictionaries use the International Phonetic Alphabet to show pronunciation.

The【27】thing a dictionary will tell you is the meanings of words. You can【28】a word and find out what it means. Many words have more than one meaning, and a good dictionary will ex plain all of the word' s meanings. For example, in English the common word" get" has over 20 different meanings. The meaning, of course,【29】the sentence in which the word' is used.

These three things--spelling, pronunciation, and meanings--are some of the important【30】that you learn from dictionaries.






It seems to shine unchangingly, pouring out a constant light year after year. But the sun
may not be nearly so stable as we suppose. It is now thought to move quickly and irregularly and change in long-term cycles, growing dimmer and then brighter with each passing year. Some even fear that its frequent changing behavior. would have a great influence on the Earth' s climate.

The source of the sun' s inconstancy is magnetism. Professor William Livingston has developed new theories about its magnetic nature.

"We don' t yet know what causes sun spots, "he says, "but we now think they ' re areas of high level magnetism that come up from the sun' s interior. So strong is their magnetic pull that the highly ionized gas nearby is not able to transmit energy out. "As a result these areas send out less heat and light and thus appear from Earth to be almost dark irregular surface patches.

Sun spot activity generally fluctuates in steady, 11-year cycled. Scientists have long formed the o pinion that as the size and number of sun spots increased, the overall energy sent out by the sun would de crease. Indeed, recent studies confirmed it, revealing that during peak periods of sun spot activity, the Earth experiences a small drop that can be seen clearly in received solar energy.

Could such a small drop in energy have an effect here on earth? Perhaps some scientists think the world temperature could fall by' as much as 0.2 during periods of high solar magnetism.., enough to cause significant fluctuations in weather patterns.

According to the passage, it is believed that the sun ______ .

A.moves in a quick but steady way year after year

B.sends out less and less heat and light with each passing year

C.radiates the same amount of light every year

D.might have a strong influence on the weather patterns

A number of researchers have examined the variables/strategies that affect students' learn
ing English as a second language. This report identifies some of the learner variables/ strategies used by two students in a Hong Kong Technical Institute. The instruments for data collection included observation, interviews and questionnaires. The findings are discussed and some implications highlighted.

What makes a 'good' language learner 'good', and what makes a 'poor' language learner 'poor'? What does this imply for the teaching of language in the Hong Kong context? These are the central questions of this assignment. The existing body of research attributes the differences between language learners to learner variables and learner strategies, Learner variables include such things as differences in personality, motivation, style, aptitude and age (Ellis, 1986: chap 5) and strategies refer to "techniques, approaches, or deliberate actions that students take in order to facilitate the learning and recall of both linguistic and content area information" (Chamot, 1987: 71). It is important to note here that what we are considering is not the fact that language learners do and can learn, but why there should be such variations in speed of learning, ability to use the target language, and in achieving examination grades, areas which generally lead to the classification of students as being either 'good' or 'poor'.

Learner variables and strategies have been the focus of a number of research projects, (O'Malley et al, 1985, Oxford, 1989). However, to the best of my knowledge, this area has not been researched in Hong Kong classrooms. Since I am a teacher of English working in Hong Kong, gleaning a little of what learner variables and strategies seem to work for local students seems to be a fruitful area of research.

In discussing learner variables and strategies, we have to keep in mind the arbitrary nature of actually identifying these aspects. As the existing research points out, it is not possible to observe directly qualities such as aptitude, motivation and anxiety. (Oxford, 1986) We cannot look inside the mind of a language learner and find out what strategies, if any, they are using. These strategies are not visible processes. Also, as Naiman and his colleagues (1978) point out, no single learning strategy, cognitive style. or learner characteristic is sufficient to explain success in language learning. The factors must be considered simultaneously to discover how they interact to affect success or failure in a particular language learning situation.

Bearing these constraints in mind, the aim of this assignment is to develop two small scale studies of the language learners attempting to gain an overall idea of what strategies are in use and what variables seem to make a difference to Hong Kong students.

In paragraph 2 learner variables, and strategies are defined by reference to other writers

A.because these writers are authorities in the field and these are recognized as important concepts

B.because these writers are authorities in the field and these are recognized as important definitions

C.because the present author is not sure what these terms mean

D.because the present author wishes to redefine the scope of research in this area

A life-style. that apparently exists in all societies is marriage--a socially sanctioned u
nion between a woman and a man with expectation that they will play the roles of wife and husband. After studying extensive cross-cultural data, the anthropologist George P. Murdock concluded that reproduction, sexual relations, economic cooperation, and the socialization of offspring are functions of families throughout the world. We now recognize that Murdock overstated the matter, since there are a number of societies--for instance, Israeli kibbutz communities--in which the family does not encompass all four o[ these activities. What Murdock describes are commonly encountered tendencies in family functioning in most cultures.

Societies differ in how they structure marriage relationships. Four patterns are found: monogamy, one husband and one wife are found; polygyny, one husband and two or more wives; polyandry, two or more husbands and one wife; and group marriage, two or more husbands and two or more wives. Although monogamy exists in all societies, Murdock discovered that other forms may be not only allowed but preferred. Of 238 societies in this sample, only about one-fifth were strictly monogamous.

Polygyny has been widely practiced throughout the world. The Old Testament reports that both King David and King Solomon had several wives. In his cross-cultural sample of 238 societies, Murdock found that 193 of them permitted husbands to take several wives. In one-third of these polygynous societies, however, less than one-fifth of the married men had more than one wife. Usually it is only the rich men in a society who can afford to support more than one family.

In contrast with polygyny, polyandry is rare among the world's societies. And in practice, polyandry has not usually allowed freedom of mate selection for women; it has often meant simply that younger brothers have sexual access to the wife of an older brother. Thus where a father is unable to afford wives for each of his sons, he may secure a wife for only his oldest son.

Harry Truman didn't think his successor had the right training to be president. "Poor Ike-
--it won't be a bit like the Army," he said. "He'll sit there all day saying 'do this, do that, ' and nothing will happen." Truman was wrong about Ike. Dwight Eisenhower had led a fractious alliance---you didn't tell Winston Churchill what to do--in a massive, chaotic war. He was used to politics. But Truman's insight could well be applied to another, even more venerated Washington figure: the CEO-turned cabinet secretary.

A 20-year bull market has convinced us all the CEOs are geniuses, so watch with Astonishment the troubles of Donald Rumsfeld and Paul O'Neill. Here are two highly regarded businessmen, obviously intelligent and well-informed, foundering in their jobs.

Actually, we shouldn't be surprised. Rumsfeld and O'Neill are not doing badly despite having been successful CEOs but because of it. The record of senior businessmen in government is one of almost unrelieved disappointment. In fact, with the exception of Robert Rubin, it is difficult to think of a CEO who had a successful career in government.

Why is this? Well, first the CEO has to recognize that he is no longer the CEO. He is at best an adviser to the CEO, the president. But even the president is not really the CEO. No one is. Power in a corporation is concentrated and vertically structured. Power in Washington is diffuse and horizontally spread out. The secretary might think he's in charge of his agency. But the chairman of the congressional committee funding that agency feels the same. In his famous study "Presidential Power and the Modern Presidents," Richard Neustadt explains how little power the president actually has and concludes that the only lasting presidential power is "the power to persuade."

Take Rumsfeld's attempt to transform. the cold-war military into one geared for the future. It's innovative but deeply threatening to almost everyone in Washington. The Defense Secretary did not try to sell it to the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Congress, the budget office or the White House. As a result, the idea is collapsing.

Second, what power you have, you must use carefully. For example, O'Neill's position as Treasury Secretary is one with little formal authority. Unlike Finance Ministers around the world, Treasury does not control the budget. But it has symbolic power. The secretary is seen as the chief economic spokesman for the administration and, if he plays it right, the chief economic adviser for the president.

O'Neill has been publicly critical of the IMF’s bailout packages for developing countries while at the same time approving such packages for Turkey, Argentina and Brazil. As a result, he has gotten the worst of both worlds. The bailouts continue, but their effect in holstering investor confidence is limited because the markets are rattled by his skepticism.

Perhaps the government doesn't do bailouts well. But that leads to a third rule: you can't just quit. Jack Welch's famous law for re-engineering General Electric was to be first or second in any given product category, or else get out of that business. But if the government isn't doing a particular job at peak level, it doesn't always have the option of relieving itself of that function. The Pentagon probably wastes a lot of money. But it can't get out of the national-security business.

The key to former Treasury secretary Rubin's success may have been that he fully understood that business and government are, in his words, "necessarily and properly very different.' In a recent speech he explained, "Business functions around one predominate organizing principle, profitability…Government, on the other hand, deals with a vast number of equally legitimate and often potentially competing objectives---for example, energy production versus environmental protection, or safety regulations versus productivity.”

Rubin's example shows that talented people can do well in g

A.regard the president as the CEO

B.take absolute control of his department

C.exercise more power than the congressional committee

D.become acquainted with its power structure






A.My lucky number is three

B.My lucky number is four

C.My lucky number is five

D.My lucky number is six

In computing earnings per share, the number of shares used is: ().

A.The year-end number of shares outstandin

B.The beginning of the year number of shares outstandin

C.The average of the beginning and the year-end number of shares outstandin

D.The weighted average of shares outstanding for the year.

如在GII上用Customer care的功能检索Order状态、可以用哪些条件检索()

A.Omega Order number or Order number

B.PO number

C.Offer number

D.Tag number

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