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Having once had to contend with the determined resourcefulness of Irin Brockovich the

woman, PG&E (the Pacific Gas and Electric Company)’s nightmare is now trying to contain the fallout from Erin Brockovich the film and Hollywood’s unstoppable publicity machine.()



C.PG&E公司以前得与倔强而办法多的艾琳·布劳克维奇那个人交手,而此刻则因为《永不妥协》这部电影和所向无敌的好莱坞的宣传机械烦透了心(译注:英语原名为Irin Brockovich即艾琳·布劳克维奇本人的姓名)

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更多“Having once had to contend wit…”相关的问题
For more than six million American children, coming home after school means coming home to
an empty house. They spend part of each day alone. They are called "latchkey children". They're children who look after themselves while their parents work. And their bad conditions have become a social problem.

Lyne Brown was once the headmaster of an elementary school. She said, "A lot of kids had chains around their necks with keys attached.! was constantly telling them to put them inside shirts. There were so many keys, it never came to my mind what they meant. ",slowly, she learned they were house keys.

Lyne learned of the impact working couples and single parents were having on their children. She found that Fear is the biggest problem faced by children at home alone. Many had nightmares and were worried about their own safety.

The most common way latchkey children deal with their fears is by hiding. It might be in a shower stall, under a bed, in a closet. The second is TV. They'll often play it at high volume. It's hard to get statistics (情况,材料) on latchkey children. Most parents are slow to admit they leave their children alone.

The main idea about "latchkey children" is that they______.

A.are growing in numbers

B.are also found in middle-class neighborhoods

C.watch too much television during the day

D.suffer problems from being left alone

Having finished the voyage, he had done what he wanted to ()





A.have madeB.has madeC.had madeD.having made

A.have made

B.has made

C.had made

D.having made

I vaguely remember______ something like that.A.that he had saidB.him having saidC.his sayi

I vaguely remember______ something like that.

A.that he had said

B.him having said

C.his saying

D.him to say

In Yaya Company, operations director Ben Janoon recently realised there had been an increa
se in products failing the final quality checks. These checks were carried out in the QC (quality control) laboratory, which tested finished goods products before being released for sale. The product failure rate had risen from 1% of items two years ago to 4% now, and this meant an increase of hundreds of items of output a month which were not sold on to Yaya’s customers. The failed products had no value to the company once they had failed QC as the rework costs were not economic. Because the increase was gradual, it took a while for Mr Janoon to realise that the failure rate had risen.

A thorough review of the main production operation revealed nothing that might explain the increased failure and so attention was focused instead on the QC laboratory. For some years, the QC laboratory at Yaya, managed by Jane Goo, had been marginalised in the company, with its two staff working in a remote laboratory well away from other employees. Operations director Ben Janoon, who designed the internal control systems in Yaya, rarely visited the QC lab because of its remote location. He never asked for information on product failure rates to be reported to him and did not understand the science involved in the QC process. He relied on the two QC staff, Jane Goo and her assistant John Zong, both of whom did have relevant scientific qualifications.

The two QC staff considered themselves low paid. Whilst in theory they reported to Mr Janoon, in practice, they conducted their work with little contact with colleagues. The work was routine and involved testing products against a set of compliance standards. A single signature on a product compliance report was required to pass or fail in QC and these reports were then filed away with no-one else seeing them.

It was eventually established that Jane Goo had found a local buyer to pay her directly for any of Yaya’s products which had failed the QC tests. The increased failure rate had resulted from her signing products as having ‘failed QC’ when, in fact, they had passed. She kept the proceeds from the sales for herself, and also paid her assistant, John Zong, a proportion of the proceeds from the sale of the failed products.


(a) Explain typical reasons why an internal control system might be ineffective. (5 marks)

(b) Explain the internal control deficiencies that led to the increased product failures at Yaya. (10 marks)

(c) Discuss the general qualities of useful information, stating clearly how they would be of benefit to Mr Janoon, and recommend specific measures which would improve information flow from the QC lab to Mr Janoon. (10 marks)

When I told my family that I was thinking of takin...

When I told my family that I was thinking of taking a cooking job, the roars of laughter were rather discouraging. No one believed that I could cook at all, as I had never had achance to practise at home, Our cook had ruled in the kitchen for thirty years and had an annoying tendency to regard the saucepans, stove and all the kitchen fittings as her own property. I once crept down there when I thought she was asleep in her room to try out an omelette (妙蛋). Noiselessly I removed a frying pan from its hook and the eggs from their cupboard. It was the pop of the gas that woke her, I think, for I was just breaking the first egg when a pair of slippered feet moved round the door and a shout of horror caused me to break the egg on the floor. This disaster, together with the fact that I was using her one very special beloved and cared for frying-pan, upset her so much that she locked herself in the store room with all the food and we had to make our Sunday dinner of bananas. If the family weren&39;t going to be helpful I would look for a job all by myself and not tell them about it until I&39;d got one. I had seen an agency in a local paper, so as soon as there was no one about to say "Where are you going?" I rushed out of the house in search of it. I sat on the edge of a chair and could see my nose shining out of the corner of my eye.I thought perhaps it was a good thing; it might look more earnest. The woman at the desk examined me through her glasses. Having asked me a few questions, she told me that it would be difficult to get a job without experience. "But," she said, "I&39; ve got someone who needs a cook badly. " She wrote down a number, and my spirits went up as I took the slip of paper she held out to me, saying:“Ring up this lady. She wants a cook. You wouldhave to start tomorrow by cooking dinner for ten people. Could you manage that?" “Oh yes," said I, never having cooked for more than four in my life.

Of the following, which would best characterize the response of the author’s family to her plan of taking a cooking job?





One reason for the author’s: lack of practice in cooking was that___.A.no one in her family would like her to practise cooking

B.everything in the kitchen was property belonging to the cook

C.the cook would never allow her to do any cooking

D.she was not yet born when the cook came to the house

The cook felt uncomfortable when____.A.She heard a shout of horror

B.she heard the sound of a pair of slippered feet moving round the door

C.she saw the author creep down to the kitchen

D.she saw the author break an egg on the floor

When there was no one about, the author rushed out of the house because_____.A.she was afraid of seeing the cook again

B.she couldn’t answer the question her family would ask

C.that was the only chance for her to leave the house

D.didn’t want to reveal what she was going to do

The statesman had a hard time__________ his supporters to see the point. A. ge

The statesman had a hard time__________ his supporters to see the point.

A. getting

B. got

C. having got

D. to get

阅读下列短文,然后根据短文的内容从 62~65 小题的四个选择项中选出最佳的一项。 D While a

阅读下列短文,然后根据短文的内容从 62~65 小题的四个选择项中选出最佳的一项。


While acting may run in the family,it wasn't Angelina Jolie's only choice when thinking about her future. Although Jolie has studied her craft(技艺)since childhood,at one point the 26-year-old,who stars this month in Tomb Raider with her father,actor John Voight,wanted to be a funeral(殡葬)director.“I thought that the crossing over could be a beautiful thing and a time of comfort when people could reach out to each other.”

Tradition(传统)is always attractive and interesting to Jolie,who moved with her mother,Marcheline Bertand,and brother after her parents separated when she was two.“I never had one home. I never had an attic(阁楼)that had old things in it. We always moved,so I was never rooted anywhere. And I always dreamed of having that attic of things that I could go back and have a look. I'm very drawn to some things that are tradition,that are roots,and I think that may be why I paid such special attention to funerals.”

Finally,she chose acting.“Following in my father's footsteps,”she says,“is an interesting thing,because I think we speak to each other through our work. You don't really know your parents in a certain way,and they don't really know you. So he can watch a film and see how I am as a woman,the way I’m dealing with a husband who's been hurt,or the way I'm crying alone.”

“And it's the same for me:I can watch films of his and just see who he is. I've learned to understand him as a person.”

第 62 题 The passage is about a woman who _______.

A.was once a funeral director

B.is the leading actress in Tomb Raider

C.wants an attic to live in

D.was hurt by her husband


According to the passage, coins once had real value as currency because they ______. A. represented a great improvement over barter B. permitted easy transportation of wealth C. were made of precious metals D. could become collector’s items

根据下列文章,回答31~35题。During the past generation, the American middle-class family that
once could count on hard work and fair play to keep itself financially secure has been transformed by economic risk and new realities. Now a pink slip, a bad diagnosis. or a disappearing spouse can reduce a family from solidly middle class to newly poor in a few months.

In just one generation, millions of mothers have gone to work, transforming basic family economics. Scholars, policymakers, and critics of all stripes have debated the social implications of these changes, but few have looked at the side effect family risk has risen as well. Today's families have budgeted to the limits of their new two-paycheck status. As a result they have lost the parachute they once had in times of financial setback- a back-up earner (usually Mom) who could go into the workforce if the primary earner got laid off or fell sick. This “added-worker effect” could support the safety net offered by unemployment insurance or disability insurance to help families weather bad times. But today, a disruption to family fortunes can not longer be made up with extra income from an otherwise-stay-at-home partner.

During the same period, families have been asked to absorb much more risk in their retirement income. Steelworkers, airline employees, and now those in the auto industry are joining millions of families who must worry about interest rates, stock market fluctuation, and the harsh reality that they may outlive their retirement money. For much of the past year. President Bush campaigned to move Social Security to a savings-account model, with retirees trading much or all of their guaranteed payments for payments depending on investment returns. For younger families, the picture is not any better. Both the absolute cost of healthcare and the share of it borne by families have risen-and newly fashionable health-savings plans are spreading from legislative halls to Wal-Mart workers, with much higher deductibles and a large new does of investment risk for families‘ future healthcare. Even demographics are working against the middle class family, as the odds of having a weak elderly parent- and all the attendant need for physical and financial assistance have jumped eightfold in just one generation.

From the middle-class family perspective, much of this, understandably, looks far less like an opportunity to exercise more financial responsibility, and a good deal more like a frightening acceleration of the wholesale shift of financial risk onto their already overburdened shoulders. The financial fallout has begun, and the political fallout may not be far behind.

第31题:Today\\\'s double-income families are at greater financial risk in that

A.the safety net they used to enjoy has disappeared.

B.their chances of being laid off have greatly increased.

C.they are more vulnerable to changes in family economics.

D.they are deprived of unemployment or disability insurance.

根据内容回答下列各题, According to an old story, a farmer once found that a bag of corn ha
d been stolen from his house. He went to the judge and told him about his loss. The judge ordered all the people of the farm to come before him. He took a number of sticks of equal length and gave one stick to each man. He then said, “Come before me again tomorrow. I shall then know which of you is the thief because the stick given to the thief will be one inch longer than the others.” The thief was afraid of being found out, and so the cut an inch off his stick. The next day the thief’s stick was found to be one inch shorter than any of the others. In this way the thief was found out, and was at once taken away to prison. A bag of corn was found ________.

A.to be stolen


C.being stolen

D.having stolen

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