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The () you designed is terrific.

The () you designed is terrific.

A. advise

B. advertise

C. advertisement

D. adverse

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更多“ The () you designed is terrif…”相关的问题
In the water around New York city is a very small island called Liberty Island. On Liberty
Island is a very special statue called Statue of Liberty. It is one of the most famous sights in the world.

The Statue of Liberty was a gift from the people of France to the people of the United States. The statue was made by a French sculptor named Frederic Auguste Bartholdi. The inner support system was designed by Gustave Eiffel, the same man who made the famous Eiffel Tower in Paris.

Liberty, of course, means freedom, and the Statue of Liberty was given to the United States to celebrate the one-hundredth anniversary of U. S. independence from England. The statue was built in France, taken apart piece by piece, and then rebuilt inn the United States. It was opened for the public on October 28, 1886.

As you might expect, the statue is very big. Visitors can ride an elevator from the ground to the bottom of the statue. If they want to, they can then walk up the 168 steps to reach the head of the statue where they can look out and enjoy the beautiful sight of New York.

A good title for this passage is ______.

A.Famous Sights in the World

B.Liberty Island

C.The Statue of Liberty

D.A Gift from France

You know what a hotel is, of course. And perhaps, you also know what a condo is-aresidnti
al(居住的)building divided into seprate uniots that are owned by different people.What you may not know is that in someU.S. cities, the two have come together into somethingcalled a “condo hotel”.

Some condo hotels can now be found in beach and mountain towns and a few small cities,However, none is more famous than the great 105-year-old Plaza Hotel in New York,on Fifth Avenue across from Central Park. The Plaza closed for repair in When it reopened two years later,more than half of it had been changed into one of these modern condo hotels.

Here&39;s how it works: You buy what equals to an apartment(公寓). If it&39;s at&39;The Plaza,it will cost you between $ 1.5million and $9 mllion. So you own a part of the building. But there&39;s some inconvinience. You may stay there no more than 120 days a year. hereion. The rest of the time,the hotel&39;s workers can book guests into your place, just as they would in the regular hotel&39;s rooms. So if you&39;re lucky and rich,you can now live in really special quarters up to almost one thid of the year. While others pay off your mortgage(房贷)the rest of the year.

So far,a great monry of the nation&39;s condo hotel units have been purchased not by rich people but richer companiesm, including foreign ones. They want a nice place for their bosses to stay when they are in town or working late at the office.

47.A condo is a place where people .





What do we know about a condo hotel?A.It is designed by rich companies.

B.It is built for foreign travellers.

C.It is usually sold at a low price.

D.It is owned by different people.

How long can you stay in your own condo hotel unit a most each year?A.120 days

B.One month

C.Half a year

D.Three months.

What does purchased in the last parngraph probably mean?A.Closed.





With so much focus on children ’s use of screens, it&39;s easy for parents to forget about their ownscreen use. “Tech is designed to really suck on you in, ” says Jenny Radesky in her study play,

Radesky has studied the use of mobile phones and tablets at mealtimes by giving mother-child pairsa food-testing exercise. She found that mothers who sued devices during the exercise started 20percent fewer verbal and 39 percent fewer nonverbal interactions with their children. During aseparate observation, she saw that phones became a source of tension in the family. Parents wouldbe looking at their emails while the children would be making excited bids for their attention. Infants are wired to look at parents’ faces to try to understand their world, and if those faces areblank and unresponsive—as they often are when absorbed in a device-it can be extremely7disconcerting foe the children. Radesky cites the “still face experiment ” devised by developmentalpsychologist Ed Tronick in the 1970s.

In it, a mother is asked to interact with her child in a normalway before putting on a blank expression and not giving them any visual social feedback; The childbecomes increasingly distressed as she tr ies to capture her mother ’s attention. "Parents don&39;t have tobe exquisitely parents at all times, but there needs to be a balance and parents need to be responsiveand sensitive to a child ’s verbal or nonverbal expressions of an emotional need," says Rade sky. On the other hand, Tronick himself is concerned that the worries about kids&39; use of screens are bornout of an “oppressive ideology that demands that parents should always be interacting children: “It’s based on a somewhat fantasized, very white, very upper-middle-class ideology thatsays if you’re failing to expose your child to 30,000 words you are neglecting them.”

Tronickbelieves that just because a child isn ’t learning from the screen doesn ’t mean there -particularly if it gives parents time to have a shower, do housework or simply have a break fromtheir child. Parents, he says, can get a lot out of using their devices to speak to a friend or get somework out of the way. This can make them feel happier, which lets then be more available to theirchild the rest of the time.

26.According to Jenny Radesky, digital products are designed to ______.

A.simplify routine matters

B.absorb user attention

C.better interpersonal relations

D.increase work efficiency

Radesky’s food -testing exercise shows that mothers ’ use of devices ______.A.takes away babies ’ appetite

B.distracts children ’s attention

C.slows down babies ’ ver bal development

D.reduces mother-child communication

Radesky’s cites the “still face experiment ” to show that _______.A.it is easy for children to get used to blank expressions

B.verbal expressions are unnecessary for emotional exchange

C.children are insensitive to changes in their parents ’ mood

D.parents need to respond to children's emotional needs

The oppressive ideology mentioned by Tronick requires parents to_______.A.protect kids from exposure to wild fantasies

B.teach their kids at least 30,000 words a year

C.ensure constant interaction with their children

D.remain concerned about kid's use of screens

According to Tronick, kid ’s use of screens may_______.A.give their parents some free time

B.make their parents more creative

C.help them with their homework

D.help them become more attentive

Recently, a study has confirmed what I’ve long known in my heart: two breakfasts are bette
rthan none. The research on the effect of breakfast on weight gain was done on school children. But for adults, in theory, two breakfasts are also better than none.

Researchers from Yale and the University of Connecticut followed 600 middle-schoolstudents as they developed from fifth to seventh grade, nothing their weight and if they had zerobreakfast, breakfast either at home or at school, or breakfast in both places. They found thatweight gain among second-breakfast eaters was no different from the average gain seen amongall students. Children who didn ’t eat breakfast, or ate it only sometimes, were more likely to beoverweight than double-breakfasters. It should be noted that only about one in ten children inthe study ate two breakfasts.

The study wasn’t designed to figure out why this might be true, but the researchers havesome theories: that people who don ’t eat breakfast (or any meal) might overeat later in the day,and that as people become obese, they tend to reduce calories (热量) by having no breakfast.

Yes, school breakfasts are more like a healthy snack(零食) than a full meal, and growingteens can eat a large amount of food. But if you ’re still not eating breakfast because you think itgives you more colories, you are not only mistaken, but you are also missing out one of life ’s greatpleasures.

What do we know about the research according to Paragraph 1?

A.It was about the effect of dinner on weight gain.

B.Its result was opposite to the author’s opinion.

C.It was done on overweight school children.

D.Its result might also be true of adults.

Which of the following is true according to Paragraph 2?A.About 90% of the children in the study had two breakfasts a day.

B.About 90% of the children in the study had one breakfast a day.

C.About 10% of the children in the study had two breakfasts a day.

D.About 10% of the children in the study had no breakfast at all.

What does the underlined word obese mean in Paragraph 3?A.Overweight.




According to the researchers, some people don’t eat breakfast because _____.A.they have no time

B.they prefer snacks

C.they want to keep fit

D.they want to eat more at lunch

What is the best title of this passage?A.Breakfast and School Performance

B.Breakfast and Weight Gain

C.Breakfast and Life Pleasure

D.Breakfast and Snacks

New Jersey Botanical Garden Membership

It’s easy to join New Jersey Botanical Garden (NJBG) Membership or renew your membership online, by phone or by mail. And it’s so important to the Botanical Garden! Your membership dollars help to improve the Garden, and provide educational and recreational (娱乐的) activities for the general public. Thank you for your support!

To join or renew, please click on the appropriate section and membership category below for safe and convenient online payment processing by PayPal.

If you prefer to join by phone or mail, call the NJBG office at (973) 962-or download and send in our membership brochure (Adobe Acrobat PDF file).

★ Join NJBG Today

Membership CategoryIndividualDual (两人共用)StudentAnnual Dues$ 35$ 60$ 25

Special: Save $ 5 with Biennial Dues (两年会费)$ 60$ 100$ 40

★ Renew Your MembershipMembership CategoryIndividualDualStudent

Annual Dues$ 30$ 50$ 25

Special: Save $ 5 with Biennial Dues$ 50$ 80$ 40The Botanical Garden started life as Skylands, a large area in the grand manner. It is famous for a 44 -room Tudor Revival granite (公馆) designed by John Russell Pope. Skylands has 96 acres of formal and naturalized gardens and is surrounded by over 1, 000 acres of meadows (草坪) and woodlands. Purchased by the State in 1996 and officially named as the New Jersey State Botanical Garden in 1984, the gardens contain approximately 5, 000 species and varieties of trees and flowers.

For you, the NJBG is an exciting and beautiful place to visit where you may enjoy each season’s best. Members enjoy special events, festivals, lectures, and rewarding educational opportunities for both city and country gardeners.

Your NJBG membership offers you discounts at participating nurseries, garden centers and other fine businesses. Simply present your NJBG membership card when beginning your purchase: Goffle Brook Farm and Garden Center, (201) 652-754010% off your purchase Metropolitan Plant Exchange, (973) 683-761312% off your purchase Rohsler’s Allendale Nursery & Florist, (201) 327-315615% off your purchase

The NJBG membership dollars can be used to___________ .

A.offer further education

B.update online payment

C.provide better service

D.protect the environment

To join the NJBG membership, you can call its office at .A.(201 ) 327- 3156

B.(201 ) 652-7540

C.(973 ) 962- 9534

D.(973 ) 638-7613

To renew the one-year membership for your parents, you need to pay .A.$ 50

B.$ 60

C.$ 80

D.$ 100

Computers can be designed ______ many automation processes purposes.A.toB.inC.onD.for

Computers can be designed ______ many automation processes purposes.





__________ .the new electronic device they designed is nOW in regular peration. A.With the

__________ .the new electronic device they designed is nOW in regular peration.

A.With the solved problem

B.With this problem being.Solved

C.With the problem solved

D.With this problem to solve

Apple and Microsoft each launched new products. One company astonished everyone. The other made people sleepy. Can you guess which was which? You probably guessed wrong. Because Apple, famous for its

While Microsoft, which stole a move out of the Apple playbook, won cheers from high-end, creative-class consumers like business analysts, media designers and music producers. Microsoft launched several new products, but the big one was the Surface Studio--a 28-inch, extremely-high-resolution(分辨率) touchscreen tablet that doubles as a desktop PC screen. There’s also the Surface Dial, which can be placed on the Studio’s screen and revolved(旋转) to select menu items.

As Hayley Tsukayama remarked at The Washington Post, the Studio is really just a super-sized version of the Surface Books product that Microsoft has been selling for years. But if you’ve ever watched science fiction movies like Minority Report--where Tom Cruise seems to operate pictures and data hanging in mid-air by touching them, spreading their fingers to increase on details, and seeding files and information sliding from one folder(文件夹) to another with a click of the fingers, you can see how Microsoft is trying to show the same experience.

Meanwhile, Apple’s new products were almost like some fine promotions for its Apple TV. They boast(自夸) that the new MacBook Pros has a smaller size and more functions, and a new touchscreen bar on laptop keyboards where function keys used to be.

So what’s going on? In many ways, Apple is focusing on attracting the average consumers who have been attracted by Microsoft. And Microsoft is focusing on targeting the high-end professionals Apple has historically been associated with. You can even see this in the companies’ ad campaigns: Microsoft’s ads stress imagination and creativity, while Apple’s commercial chief designer Jony Ive, in calm and professional British accent, explained Apple has improved the performance and convenience of its MacBooks.

So Apple is trying to control the world of devices and laptops from the top down, starting with the high-end market and moving on to appeal to a broader base of consumers. Microsoft, having already strengthened itself within the bigger low-end market, is now attempting the opposite with a bottom-up strategy. Will these succeed? Time will tell…

What can we learn from the first paragraph?

A.Microsoft’s new products made a big hit

B.Apple’s products aim at high-end consumers

C.Apple and Microsoft developed the same products

D.The design of Microsoft’s products is original and unique

Why does the author mention the science fiction movie in Paragraph 3?A.To tell us Microsoft’s new products can be used in movies

B.To show how trendy Microsoft’s new products are

C.To show Microsoft’s new products are inspired by the movie

D.To advocate more people to see the science fiction movie

What is Paragraph 4 mainly about? A.The features of Apple’s new products

B.The bright future of Apple’s new products

C.The reason why Apple designed the new products

D.The difference between Apple’s new products and Apple TV

What can we learn about the two companies in promotion?A.They push forward high tech development

B.They lead the development of IT industry

C.They adopt different business strategies

D.They astonish the world from time to time

SMS was originally designed as part of (),but is now available on a wide range of networ

SMS was originally designed as part of (),but is now available on a wide range of networks ,including 3G and 4G networks.


2 The activities of an organisation have to be managed and co-ordinated to ensure that its
objectives are met. The organisation’s structure is designed to support this.


(a) What is meant by the term ‘organisational structure,’ often shown as an organisation chart? (5 marks)

Have you everheard Robot fish? Scientistswill put some robot fishes into the seas nearSpai
n. These robot fishes will help people detect(探测) the pollution in the water. Ifthe robotfishes are able to finish their work successfully, the team of scientists hopes to putthefishesinto rivers,lakes and seas around the world.

The fishes are about 1.5 meters long and look like carps(鲤鱼). There will be a detector intheir bodies. They canfind the sources of pollutionin the water, and then the robot fisheswilleat part of it. Unlike other robots, they don’t need to be controlled by people faraway. Therobots all have an eight-hour battery. They can “swim” in the sea freely and send backinformation to people on the beach. After their batteries die, they will return by themselves.

There are five robot fishes altogether now.Each costs about 29,000 dollars. They are partof a three-year project between engineering company BMT Group and Essex University insoutheastern England.

“We designed the fishes creatively. We hopethe robot fishes can find the changes in the seawater and report back the information,” said Professor Huof Essex University. His team isdeveloping the fishes.

What will the robots do if they find the pollution in the water?

A.They will eat part of it.

B.They will stop working.

C.They will tell people where they are.

D.They will take it out to the beach.

How longcan a battery in their bodies work each time?A.For five hours

B.For eight hours.

C.For twelve hours.

D.For one day.

How much do the five robot fishes cost altogether? A.$14, 500.



D.$1,450, 000.

Which of the following is TRUE? The robot fishes ____.A.can eat anything in the water

B.need to be controlled by people

C.are 1.5 meters long andthey look like sharks

D.cango back to the beach when the batteries run down

What can we learn from the passage? The robot fishes____.A.have worked around the world

B.can’t take out the trash in the water

C.will helppeopledetect the pollution in the water

D.help to find other fishes in the rivers, lakes and seas


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