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The recent increase in tourism has done less to improve the business of small retailers in

this area than we______predicted.





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There have been changes in all sorts of different areas of British society.In recent

years in the UK we have had a very large increase in the number of couples who get divorced

After 1969 and the Divorce Law Reform. Act we had a very rapid increase in the number of divorces.The rate increased steadily and in recent years has increased much more rapidly.But there are also quite a lot of people who do actually get married.At present the marriage rate in the UK is about 70 per cent, which has gone down since the number of people who marry has gone down qui te a lot in the last 20 years, but more significantly in the last 10 years.Quite high proportions of people now live together without marrying, and, for example, 40 per cent of children born in the UK are born to couples who aren't married or are born to lone parents.There are quite a large number of lone parent families, 90 per cent of these are headed by a woman rather than a man

The average family size now in the UK is 1.8 children per couple, which

Means that there’s been quite a decline in the birth rate in the UK along with other European countries.

21.What does the passage mainly discuss?()

A.The declining divorce rate in the UK.

B.Trends in marriage and divorce in the UK.

C.The increasing divorce rate in the UK.

22.During the last ten years,()

A.the marriage rate has gone down more rapidly in the UK

B.the marriage rate has gone up a lot in the UK

C.40% of children were born to unwed couples in the UK

23.According to the passage, the cohabitation rate in the UK tends to ___



C.stay stable

24.According to the passage, which of the following statements is NOT true?

A.The highest divorce rate was around 1969.

B.The marriage rate has gone down in recent years.

C.The marriage rate is currently 70 percent.

25.The last paragraph tells us()

A.the birth rate in the UK is increasing at the moment

B.the birth rate in other European countries keeps increasing

C.the birth rate in the UK is decreasing rapidly now

Joe is the managing director and 100% shareholder of OK-Joe Ltd. He has always withdrawn t
he entire profits of the company as director’s remuneration, but given a recent increase in profitability he wants to know whether this basis of extracting the profits is beneficial.

For the year ended 5 April 2016, OK-Joe Ltd’s taxable total profits, before taking account of director’s remuneration, are £65,000. After allowing for employer’s class 1 national insurance contributions (NIC) of £5,141, Joe’s gross director’s remuneration is £59,859.

The figure for employer’s NIC of £5,141 is after deducting the £2,000 employment allowance.


Calculate the overall saving of tax and NIC for the year ended 5 April 2016 if Joe had instead paid himself gross director’s remuneration of £8,000 and net dividends of £45,600.


1. You are expected to calculate the income tax payable by Joe, the class 1 NIC payable by both Joe and OK-Joe Ltd, and the corporation tax liability of OK-Joe Ltd for the year ended 5 April 2016. 2. You should assume that the rate of corporation tax remains unchanged.

根据以下内容回答题:Scientists know that there are two basic approaches to prolonging life(


Scientists know that there are two basic approaches to prolonging life(延长寿命),one approache is the elimination of the diseases that generally affect older people—diseases such as cancer,heart attack and stroke.(1)is the delay of the process of growing-old the(2)of the body. In recent years scientific researchers(3)much time in the study of the process of aging.They believe that,within a few years,they will develop the knowledge and the(4)to delay the aging process for lo to 15 years.The result will be that more people will live longer,more healthful lives.At present,scientists believe that with the right diet,exercise,medical(5),and mental attitude many people can live to he l00 years old. Gerontologists(老年学专家),people who(6)studies of the problems of growing old,are investigating(7)body cells slow down and(8)die.They feel that delaying this slowing down process(9)help postpone death.In a number of American universities,scien-tists are studying the activity of cells,the effects of diet and internal body temperature on aging.If their studies are successful,the results should help(10)the quality of life for older people in the next few years,as well as increase the life span of the next generation.




C.The other

D.One more

If you have a heart disease or condition, high-intensity exercise for longstretches could
actually increase your chance of a massive heart attack or stroke,recent studies found.

In the first of two studies(1)in Heart, German researchers spent a decadestudying the(2)and intensity of weekly exercise in 1,000 people in their 60swith coronary artery heart disease (冠心病), almost half of whom were(3)2-4times a week. Predictably, participants who(4)less than 2 times a week weredetermined to be at greater risk for a heart attack. However, counter-intuitively (直觉地 ) , participants who exercised more than the average were also twice aslikely to have a heart attack or stroke than the average.

A different study found that young men who engage in endurance exercisemore than five hours a week may(5)their risk of developing an irregular heartrhythm later in life.

Swedish researchers surveyed 44,000 men, ages 45-79, about theirexercise(6)at ages of 15,30,50 and over in 2013. Those who exercised(7)formore than five hours a week were 19% more likely to have developed an irregularheartbeat, which is a(8)factor in stroke risk.

Despite their findings, researchers(9)sounding the alarm full-force onintense exercise, citing the "benefits of exercise" while clarifying that "thestudies reviewed here, and future studies, will serve to maximize benefits obtainedby(10)exercise while preventing undesirable effects of intense exercise."


















(填句补文)marine it's that time of year when you start thinking about taking a vacation

Marine it's that time of year when you start thinking about taking a vacation.Part of the work involves choosing an ideal location while the hard part can be making travel arrangements. (26) While those methods may be your first thoughts, train travel is a wonderful option that sometimes gets overlooked.

In recent years, train travel has increased greatly. A 2010 poll said 62 percent of Americans would probably choose to travel by train. The group responsible for most of the increase in train travel is senior citizens.(27)

The first advantage of traveling by train is not having to worry about driving or the stresses of flying. Today, taking a plane can be quite annoying.(28) In addition, some aren't fond of heights and instead enjoy feeling safe on the ground.

The second advantage of train travel is it allows passengers to enjoy beautiful scenes during the fide. (29) What's more, people can enjoy drinks, food, movies, and games on the train.

(30) It may bring back wonderful memories to those who rode trains with their families as children. Overall, train travel is both comfortable and relaxing. It is a wonderful way of traveling for senior citizens.

A. You don't have to keep your eyes on the road.

B. And they choose trains for a number of reasons.

C. Traveling by train can be t/ring and time-consuming.

D. Finally, railroad travel can be a timeless option for seniors.

E. How are you going to get there perhaps by plane, car, or bus?

F. One needs to check in bags and be subject to various security measures.

阅读理解:Some of the world's most sign significant problems hit headlines. One example comes from agriculture

Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage.

Some of the world's most sign significant problems hit headlines. One example comes from agriculture. Food riots and hunger make news. But the trend lying behind these matters is rarely talked about. This is the decline in the growth in yields of some of the world's major crops. A new study by the University of Minnesota and McGill University in Montreal looks at where, and how far, this decline is occurring.

The authors take a vast number of data points for the four most important crops: rice, wheat, corn and soyabeans(大豆). They find that on between 24% and 39% of all harvested areas, the improvement in yields that took place before the 1980s slowed down in the 1990s and 2000s.

There are two worrying features of the slowdown. One is that it has been particularly sharp in the world's most populous(人口多的)countries, India and China. Their ability to feed themselves has been an important source of relative stability both within the countries and on world food markets. That self-sufficiency cannot be taken for granted if yields continue to slow down or reverse.

Second,yield growth has been lower in wheat and rice than in corn and soyabeans. This is problematic because wheat and rice are more important as foods, accounting for around half of all calories consumed. Corn and soyabeans are more important as feed grains. The authors note that "we have preferentially focused our crop improvement efforts on feeding animals and cars rather than on crops that feed people and are the basis of food security in much of the world."

The report qualifies the more optimistic findings of another new paper which suggests that the world will not have to dig up a lot more land for farming in order to feed 9 billion people in 2050, as the Food and Agriculture Organisation has argued.

Instead, it says, thanks to slowing population growth, land currently ploughed up for crops might be able to revert(回返)to forest or wilderness. This could happen. The trouble is that the forecast assumes continued improvements in yields, which may not actually happen.

1.What does the author try to draw attention to?

A.Food riots and hunger in the world.

B.The decline of the grain yield growth.

C.News headlines in the leading media.

D.The food supply in populous countries.

2.Why does the author mention India and China in particular?

A.Their self-sufficiency is vital to the stability of world food markets.

B.Their food yields have begun to decrease sharply in recent years.

C.Their big populations are causing worldwide concerns.

D.Their food self-sufficiency has been taken for granted.

3.What does the new study by the two universities say about recent crop improvement efforts?

A.They fail to produce the same remarkable results as before the 1980s.

B.They contribute a lot to the improvement of human food production.

C.They play a major role in guaranteeing the food security of the world.

D.they focus more on the increase of animal feed than human food grains.

4.What does the Food and Agriculture Organisation say about world food production in the coming decades?

A.The growing population will greatly increase the pressure on world food supplies.

B.The optimistic prediction about food production should be viewed with caution.

C.The slowdown of the growth in yields of major food crops will be reversed.

D.The world will be able to feed its population without increasing farmland.

5.How does the author view the argument of the Food and Agriculture Organisation?

A.It is built on the findings of a new study.

B.It is based on a doubtful assumption.

C.It is backed by strong evidence.

D.It is open to further discussion.

根据短文回答 46~50 题。 The Joy of Living Alone More and more Americans are living at

根据短文回答 46~50 题。

The Joy of Living Alone

More and more Americans are living atone. Some live atone because of divorce or the death of a partner._______(1) According to a recent U.S. census (人口普查), 25 percent of all households in the U.S. are made up of just one person. This is a dramatic change from the extended families of just a couple of generations ago.

The typical person living alone is neither old nor lonely._______(2) The majority of these people have chosen to live alone. They are responding to decreasing social pressure to get married and have a family.

It's now socially acceptable, even fashionable, to live alone. As people get better jobs and become financially independent, it becomes possible for them to maintain a one-person household._______(3) However, people who do get married are marrying at a later age and divorcing more often.

The number one reason given by most people for living alone is that they simply enjoy doing what they want when they want to do it. "Living alone is a luxury," says Nina Hagiwara, 38. "Once you do it, you can't ever go back to living with others." David C'Debaca, 46, agrees. _______(4)

Children think that being grown up means being able to do exactly as they please.

_______(5) The chance to discover whether that freedom is as wonderful as it sounds is a chance more and more Americans are taking.

第 46 题 请选择(1)处的最佳答案

A.There's more pressure to get married nowadays.

B.The growing number of women with good jobs has done much to increase the number of people living alone.

C.However, even more people are living alone because they have chosen to.

D.It seems that many grown-ups today are realizing that childhood dream.

E.In fact, a quarter of the 23 million single people in the U.S. are under the age of 35.

F.He says, "I like being by myself."

In most American cities, the rent for a one-bedroom apartment was $250 or more per month i
n recent years. In some smaller cities such as Louisville, Kentucky or Jacksonville, Florida the rent was less, but in larger cities it was more. For example, if you lived in Los Angeles, you had to pay $400 or more to rent a one-bedroom apartment, and the same apartment rented for $625 and up in Chicago. The most expensive rents in the U. S. were in New York City, where you had to pay at least $700 a month to rent a one-bedroom apartment in most parts of the city.

Renters and city planners are worried about the high cost of renting apartments. Many cities now have rent control laws to keep the cost of renting low. These laws help low-income families who cannot pay high rents.

Rent controls in the United States began in 1943 when the government imposed rent controls on all American cities to help workers and the families of soldiers during World War Ⅱ. After the war, only one city—New York—continued these World War Ⅱ controls. Recently, more and more cities have returned to rent controls. At the beginning of the 1980s, nearly one fifth of the people in the United States lived in cities with rent-control laws.

Many cities have rent-control laws, but why are rents so high? Builders and landlords blame rent controls for the high rents. Rents are high because there are not enough apartments to rent, and they blame rent controls for the shortage of apartments. Builders want more money to build more apartment buildings, and landlords want more money to repair their old apartment buildings. But they cannot increase rents to get this money because of the rent-control laws. As a result, landlords are not repairing their old apartments, and builders are not building new apartment buildings to replace the old apartment buildings. Builders are building apartments for high-income families, not low income families, so low-income families must live in old apartments that are in disrepair. Builders and landlords claim that rent-control laws really hurt low income families.

Many renters disagree with them. They say that rent control is not the problem. Even without rent controls, builders and landlords will continue to ignore low-income housing because they can make more money from high-income housing. The only answer, they claim, is more rent controls and government help for low-income housing.

Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?

A.The Highest Rent.

B.Rent Controls.

C.Building Apartments for Low-Income Families.

D.Rent-Control Laws.

You are a manager at Chennai & Co, a firm of Chartered Certified Accountants. One of t
he partners has asked you to investigate and respond to a number of issues which have arisen with two different companies.

(a) Delhi Co, a potential new client, is a privately owned and rapidly expanding company which currently operates below the audit threshold in the country in which it is based. The company’s management is currently considering having either a full audit or a limited assurance review of their financial statements. The partner would like you to assist the management of Delhi Co by writing a response to them in which you:

(i) Explain the difference between an audit of historical financial statements and a limited assurance review. (4 marks)

(ii) Discuss the relative advantages and disadvantages to Delhi Co of having an audit of their historical financial statements as opposed to a limited assurance review. (8 marks)

Delhi Co was incorporated in 2005, with founder and chief executive Mr Nimesh Dattani as the sole shareholder. After a period of rapid growth, Delhi Co took out a ten-year bank loan facility in June 2007 to finance Mr Dattani’s ambitious expansion plans. This was supported by a further injection of financial capital in 2014 through a new issue of shares in the company. The shares were sold to Mr Robert Hyland, an ex-business partner of Mr Dattani. The sale gave Mr Hyland a 40% shareholding in Delhi Co. He has no involvement in the management of the company.

Until recently Delhi Co operated with a small accounting department, comprising one full-time member of staff and one part-time employee. Due to the expansion of the company and Mr Dattani’s plans to expand the customer base internationally, it has been necessary to increase the size of the accounting function to include two new full-time members of staff. Both of the new recruits are part-qualified accountants and Mr Dattani has committed to sponsoring them through their remaining training and ACCA examinations.


Prepare the response to the management of Delhi Co as requested by the partner.

Note: The split of the mark allocation is shown against each of the issues above.

(b) The audit committee of another client, Mumbai Co, has asked the partner to consider whether it would be possible for the audit team to perform. a review of the company’s internal control system. A number of recent incidents have raised concerns amongst the management team that controls have deteriorated and that this has increased the risk of fraud, as well as inefficient commercial practices. The audit report for the audit of the financial statements of Mumbai Co for the year ended 31 March 2016 was signed a few weeks ago. Mumbai Co is a listed company.


In respect of the request for Chennai & Co to review Mumbai Co’s internal control systems: Identify and discuss the relevant ethical and professional issues raised, and recommend any actions necessary. (8 marks)

Passage Two Modern humans emerged some 250,000 years ago, yet agriculture is a fairly
recent invention, only about 10,000 years old. Many crop plants are rather new additions to our diet: broccoli (a flowering mutant of kale) is thought to be only 500 years old. Most innovation is far more recent still. Although Austrian monk Gregor Mendel's pea plant experiments quietly laid the basic foundations of genetics in the mid-19th century, his work was rediscovered and applied to crop breeding only at the beginning of the 20th century. Further advances have steadily accumulated. The 1940s saw the identification of DNA as genetic material and the adoption, by commercial breeders, of genetic modification - typically by applying chemicals or radiation to DNA to try to make plants with advantageous characteristics. The modifications ultimately led to the green revolution of the 1960s and 1970s, during which time global wheat yields tripled. The 1980s and 1990s saw the commercial adoption of agricultural biotechnology, which has allowed breeders to introduce specific genes into crops from the same or different species. In 2004 the first plant genome was fully sequenced, and since then the number of plant gene sequences in GenBank, the public repository for gene sequence information, has been doubling every two years. Our knowledge is increasing exponentially, as it has been in other fields such as semiconductors and cellular telephony. Our challenge is to increase agricultural yields while decreasing the use of fertilizer, water, fossil fuels and other negative environmental inputs. Embracing human ingenuity and innovation seems the most likely path. Plants did not evolve to serve humans, and their sets of genes are incomplete for our purposes. The integral role of modifying genes is obvious to all breeders, though sometimes painfully absent from the public's understanding of how modern agriculture succeeds. All breeding techniques, from before Mendel's time until today, exploit modifications to plant DNA. These modifications can take the form. of mistakes or mutations that occur during natural cell division in the wild; the natural but random movement of DNA sequences from one part of a plant's genome to another; or the more precise insertion of known gene sequences using biotechnology. In all these cases, plant genes are moved within or across species, creating novel combinations. Hybrid genetics - the combination of different versions of the same gene – has resulted in spectacular yield increases. Largely as the consequence of using hybrid seed varieties, corn yields in the U.S. have increased more than 500 percent in the past 70 years. Questions 6-10 are based on Passage Two.

(1)Which statement is correct according to paragraph one?

A、Broccoli was first bred by Mendel

B、Broccoli wasn’t considered edible until 500 years ago

C、Mendel's work was considered most important in the history of genetics

D、Mendel’s study found its major application some 100 years ago

(2)What was cited as a result of the green revolution?

A、Sharp rise in worldwide wheat production

B、Extensive use of organic fertilizer

C、Large-scale adoption of genetic modification

D、Commercial success of genetically modified seeds.

(3)Which statement is true of GenBank according to the passage?

A、The number of gene sequences has doubled since its foundation

B、The commercial breeders are its main sponsors

C、It is a genetic sequence database

D、It was founded in 2004

(4)It can be learned from the passage that the significance of genetic modification is ______.

A、questioned by some critics

B、poorly conveyed to the public

C、appreciated by all breeders

D、fully understood only by scientists

(5)The word “novel” in paragraph three is closest in meaning to ______.





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