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She’s part of a team of scientists who are () upon cancer research.







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4 Susan Grant is in something of a dilemma. She has been invited to join the board of the
troubled Marlow Fashion

Group as a non-executive director, but is uncertain as to the level and nature of her contribution to the strategic

thinking of the Group.

The Marlow Fashion Group had been set up by a husband and wife team in the 1970s in an economically depressed

part of the UK. They produced a comprehensive range of women’s clothing built round the theme of traditional English

style. and elegance. The Group had the necessary skills to design, manufacture and retail its product range. The

Marlow brand was quickly established and the company built up a loyal network of suppliers, workers in the company

factory and franchised retailers spread around the world. Marlow Fashion Group’s products were able to command

premium prices in the world of fashion. Rodney and Betty Marlow ensured that their commitment to traditional values

created a strong family atmosphere in its network of partners and were reluctant to change this.

Unfortunately, changes in the market for women’s wear presented a major threat to Marlow Fashion. Firstly, women

had become a much more active part of the workforce and demanded smarter, more functional outfits to wear at work.

Marlow Fashion’s emphasis on soft, feminine styles became increasingly dated. Secondly, the tight control exercised

by Betty and Rodney Marlow and their commitment to control of design, manufacturing and retailing left them

vulnerable to competitors who focused on just one of these core activities. Thirdly, there was a reluctance by the

Marlows and their management team to acknowledge that a significant fall in sales and profits were as a result of a

fundamental shift in demand for women’s clothing. Finally, the share price of the company fell dramatically. Betty and

Rodney Marlow retained a significant minority ownership stake, but the company had had a new Chief Executive

Officer every year since 2000.


(a) Write a short report to Susan Grant identifying and explaining the strategic strengths and weaknesses in the

Marlow Fashion Group. (12 marks)

An Extraordinary Change of DirectionMolly Wilson had been a dancer and a mother for many

An Extraordinary Change of Direction

Molly Wilson had been a dancer and a mother for many years when she decided to sail round the world to raise money for charity.

As a child she had trained as a ballet dancer, but at 15 she had grown too tall for classical ballet, so she became a member of a pop dance team

She got married, and after she had chi ldren she retired from show business to bring them up.They grew up, and when they were 18 they left home.

She says,"When I decided to do the round-the-world race, my husband thought I was borerd because the children had left home.He was also worried because I had never sailed before I was not bored, but I had met some people who told me about the race.They had taken part in it, but they had only done one section, say, from New Zealand to Australia.I wanted to do the whole ten-month journey.

Before Molly left she did a lot of training, but it hadn' t prepared her for the worst weather which they experienced.She tells one story."One night the sea was very rough and it was very cold.I had gone downstairs when a huge wave smashed into the boat and injured two men on the deck.One of the men couldn' t move because he had broken his leg.They were taken to hospital by helicopter.That was the worst time.

By the end of October last year, she had raised more than $50, 000 for charity.

She says, "Sometimes I ask myself, what did I do? How did I do it? But then I think, it' s the same as being a dancer.Before I left on trip, I had trained hard.I had got very fit and had prepared myself completely.Then on the trip I was simply a good team member."

21.What does the word"extraordinary" mean in the title? ()

A.Very ordinary

B.Very unusual and surprising.

C.Not special

22.The sentence“…… my husband thought I was bored……” in Para.4 meant that my husband thought I felt ()

A.dissatisfied because I had nothing better to do at home

B.annoyed because I had to wait long for my children to come back home

C.happy because I could do something I was interested in instead of taking care of children

23.The word"section" in the fourth paragraph probably means()

A.group of people

B.part of the training

C.part of the route of sail

24.Which of the following is nearest (closest) in meaning to “ rough” in the sentence“ One night the sea was very rough……” in Para.5? ()

A.not exact


C.not smooth because of huge waves

25.The last paragraph suggests that()

A.the qualities she needed for the trip were the same as those for a dancer.

B.many years of dancing had already prepared her for the sail completely, so she needn' t do any thing before the journey

C.she should be kind to other team members during the trip

MemoTo:Human Resource ManagementFrom:P.Neal Date:Feb.28Re:Tokyo interviewsI am really ex

To:Human Resource Management

From:P.Neal Date:Feb.28

Re:Tokyo interviews

I am really excited about the opportunity that the International Job Fair in April presents lo our firm.By recruiting at an overseas location9 we increase our chances of attracting employees with global awareness.I o ensure that we hire employees who will fit into our corporate culture^ I have listed some suggestions for the interview team.

(1)Determine early in the interview if the employee is a team player.Aside from the obvious work-experience questions, find out what type of learning environment the interviewee preferred in school and what sports and hobbies he or she enjoys.Use this line of questioning to get to know younger applicants who do not have a lot of formal work experience.

(2) In the interviewt find out the interviewee 1 s attitude toward other languages and cultures.How many languages has he or she studied? Would the prospective employee be willing to go through language training if

assigned to our new branch office?

(3) If possible* look at portfolios on site to get a sense of the interviewees9 artistic accomplishments and check up on local references in the interviewee's country.

(4) Clearly communicate our company,s goals and bring back some great recruits!

21.Who is this memo directed to?


B.The interview team

C.Prospective employees

22.Recruiting at an international job fair will help the company find employees who

A.fit the corporate culture

B.are team players

C.have global awareness

23.Why does the author suggest the interview team ask interviewees questions about their hobbies?

A.To know whether the interviewees enjoy playing sports.

B.To know whether the interviewees are team players.

C.To know whether the interviewees have work experience.

24.The new employees must be ________.

A.willing to participate in language training

B.able to speak several languages

C.capable of learning any language quickly

25.What should the intervieweesportfolios demonstrate?

A.Excellent references

B.Sensible components

C.Artistic merit

A group of 11 delegates from the Chinese university returned home last week. They came in
second place with 13 other university teams. The conference is the world's largest university-level UN simulation. It is held each April, for a week, in New York, to give students a chance to debate international affairs. It is meant to mirror the real-life business of the UN. Teams from more than 23 countries gathered this year to discuss and debate serious issues such as the AIDS epidemic and water shortages. Some UN senior staff members, U. S. professors, and former student participants formed the judge panel. The Chinese team applied to take part in the event and was assigned to represent Japan this year, working on various committees and arguing Japan's position on resolutions to problems like international migration. According to Li Xiaocong, the Chinese team leader, their efforts in finding approaches to resolutions made them stand out. Li attributes their success to "solid training".What's the purpose of the conference?A.To give students a chance to debate international affairs and to mirror the real life business of the UN.B.To enlarge students' fields of vision.C.To learn about other cultures.D.To learn about how to portray their own.

Mrs.Longworth was annoyed because__________ .A.the vice.president didn’t thank her for her

Mrs.Longworth was annoyed because__________ .

A.the vice.president didn’t thank her for her efforts

B.the vice—president laughed at her for nothing

C.the vice.president took part in SO many dinner parties

D.all efforts she made to awake the vice.president’S interest had failed

Section A暂缺Section B – ALL SIX questions are compulsory and MUST be attemptedYou are an

Section A暂缺

Section B – ALL SIX questions are compulsory and MUST be attempted

You are an audit manager of Pink Partners & Co (Pink) and are planning the audit of Golden Finance Co (Golden), a banking institution which provides a range of financial services including loans. Your firm has audited Golden for four years and the company’s year end is 30 September 2015.

At the end of August, Golden’s financial controller left and the new replacement is not due to start until approximately two months after the year end. The finance director, who is the sister-in-law of the audit engagement partner, has asked if a member of the audit team can be seconded to Golden for three months to act as the temporary financial controller.

You are aware that a number of the audit team members currently bank with Golden and two team members have significant loans owing to the company.

Pink’s taxation department also provides services to Golden. They have been approached by Golden to represent them in negotiations to resolve some outstanding issues with the taxation authorities, for which the fees quoted are substantial.

The finance director has informed the audit engagement partner that when the audit is complete, she would like the whole team to attend an evening watching the national football team play a match followed by a luxury meal.


Using the information above:

(i) Identify and explain FIVE ethical threats which may affect the independence of Pink Partners & Co’s audit of Golden Finance Co; and

(ii) For each threat, explain how it might be reduced to an acceptable level.

Note: The total marks will be split equally between each part.

A young woman rode with her new husband in a wagon(四轮马车).They came to a log cabin (小

A young woman rode with her new husband in a wagon(四轮马车).They came to a log cabin (小木屋). The man shouted and a little boy came running out of the cabin. Sarah,the young woman,got down from the wagon,opened wide her arms and held the boy close.

“Hello,Abe Lincoln,” she said. “I think we’ 11 be good friends. ”

The new mother with the smiling face went to work at once. She washed Abe and his sister and tidied (弄整齐)their hair. And that night she threw away the boy’ s mattress (床塾)of leaves and gave him a soft mattress and enough blankets to keep him \^arm at night.

Sarah wove cloth and made new shirts for Abe. She made him new deerskin trousers and even deerskin shoes.

Maybe,if she hadn ’ t come to the cabin,he wouldn’ t have lived to be a man. When Abe’ s father told him not to go to school any more and help on thejfarm,Sarah took Abe’ s part against his father. Abe would rather read than eat,and when his father t6ld him to stop,Sarah said,“ Let the boy read.

In 1830 the day came when Abe would leave home to Work in New Salem. For the last time she had taken Abe’ s part against his father. For the last time sHe had kept the cabin quiet so that Abe could read.

More than twenty years later, when Abe, who had then become famous, was going to make a speech in a nearby town, Sarah went there just to watch him. In the crowd she tried to make herself small, but he saw her, and in front of everybody, got out of his carriage and went over and put his arms around her and kissed her. Yes,that was her Abe.

‘‘ He loved me truly,’’ she said later. Which of the following is not true?

A.The young woman in the wagon was Abe’ s new mother.

B.The man in the wagon was Abe’ s new father.

C.The little boy was the young woman’ s new son.

D.The little boy running out of the cabin was Ab

If Sarah hadn’ t come to the cabin,_____ .A.Abe’ s father wouldn’ t have told him not to go to school

B.Abe wouldn’ t have helped his father on the farm

C.Abe wouldn’ t have had so much time to read

D.Abe’s father wouldn’t have told him to stop reading

Sarah always took Abe’ s part against his father because she_____.A.wanted to please Abe

B.wished to be good friends with Abe

C.knew Abe didn’ t love reading very much

D.loved Aide truly

Sarah said Abe loved her truly because_____.A.Abe saw her in the crowd though she tried to make herself small

B.Abe didn’ t forget about his mother 20 years later

C.Abe kissed her in front of everybody

D.Abe said this to her himself


Mary began playing the violin when she was only six. Her father came across a really old instrument at his aunt’ s house, and he brought it back home with him. Mary loved it and immediately tried to play it.After a few months she began to have lessons. She got on very well with the violin. When she was about eleven, she really needed a better violin.One day she took part in a concert, and a man went up to her parents and talked to them about her. He said that she had real talent and pointed out that she needed a better violin. When he found out that they couldn’ t afford one, he offered to buy one for her. Later, when she was about 16, she set up her own group. She named it after the man who gaveher the violin----she called it the Erio Sound.

(1)Mary’ s father ____.

A.bought the violin from a shop

B.borrowed the violin from a friend

C.got the violin from his aunt

Text 1

It′s that time of the yea—graduation. The end of school year is nearly in sight,and it′s an especially big deal if you′re finishing high school or college.

One amazing(令人惊叹的) 16-year-old Florida girl, Grace Bush, graduated from both high school and college this week! She actually got her college diploma(毕业证书) before her high school diploma. How′d she do that? "

Hard work and dedication(专心致志)," she told a local TV news station," have made me succeed in doing high school and college at the same time. " She started taking college courses when she was just 13. She would often get up at 5:30 a.m. and not finish until after 11 p. m.

Doing both at once is a huge achievement, but it has also helped her family save money. She′s one of the 9 children, all home-schooled until the age of 13. Her father is a math professor while her mother is a part-time history teacher in a high school. Grace Bush has earned her college degree in law, with a near perfect GPA of 3.8 and she hopes to become a lawyer one day, although her parents expect her to teach at university. By the way, she also plays basketball in her college team in her spare time.

Why does the author say that Grace is amazing?

A.She finished high school earlier than others.

B.She never went to bed before 11 p. m.

C.She graduated from both high school and college at 16.

D.She got two diplomas from the same school.

What did the parents do to help Grace with her education?A.They shared with her college history lessons.

B.They taught her until she was 13

C.They made her interested in math

E.They hired a part-time teacher.

What do Grace′s parents want her to be in future?A.A news reporter.

B.A basketball player.

C.A university teacher.

D.A lawyer.

Which of the following is the key to Grace′s success?A.Taking college courses at 13

B.Doing high school and college at the same time

D.Being born in a professor's family.

E.Being devoted to her studies.

When you think of team building, do you immediately picture your group off at a resort playing

games or hanging from ropes?Traditionally,many organizations approach team building in this way but,then,they wonder why that wonderful sense of teamwork that has been displayed at the retreat or the seminar fails to impact long-term beliefs and actions back at work.

I'm not averse to retreats,planning sessions,seminars and team building activities-in fact I lead them-but they have to form part of a much larger teamwork effort.You will not build teamwork by“retreating”as a group for a couple of days each year,instead you need to think of team building as something you do every single day.

Form teams to solve real work issues and to improve real work processes.Provide training in systematic methods so the team expends its energy on the project,not on trying to workout how to work together as a team to approach the problem.

Hold department meetings to review projects and progress,to obtain broad input,and to coordinate shared work processes.If there is friction between team members,examine the work processes they mutually own-the problem is not usually their personalities; instead,it is often the fact that the team members haven't agreed on how they will deliver a product or service,or the steps required to get something done.

●Build fun and shared occasions into the organization's agenda-hold potluck lunches,take the team to a sporting event,sponsor dinner sat a local restaurant,go hiking or go to an amusement park.Hold a monthly company meeting,sponsor sports teams and encourage cheering team fans.

●Use icebreakers and teamwork exercises at meetings-these help team members get to know each other,share details about each other's lives,and have a laugh together.

●Celebrate team successes publicly.There are many ways you could do this,for instance by buying everyone the same T-shirt or hat,putting team member names in a draw for company merchandise and gift certificates.The only thing limiting you is your imagination.

If you do the types of teamwork building listed above,you'll be amazed at the progress you will make in creating a teamwork culture,a culture that enables individuals to contribute more than they ever thought possible-together.

1.Team building event is traditionally related to playing games at resort.

2.The author claims that playing games together is as important as forming teams to solve real work issues and to improve real work processes for team building.

3.“Retreat”in the first paragraph means withdrawal of troops after a defeat.

4.Ice breaking motivates team members to compete with each other.

5.A good teamwork culture enables individuals to make more efforts together.

The town of Brighttown in Euraria has a mayor (elected every five years by the people in t

The town of Brighttown in Euraria has a mayor (elected every five years by the people in the town) who is responsible for, amongst other things, the transport policy of the town.

A year ago, the mayor (acting as project sponsor) instigated a ‘traffic lite’ project to reduce traffic congestion at traffic lights in the town. Rather than relying on fixed timings, he suggested that a system should be implemented which made the traffic lights sensitive to traffic flow. So, if a queue built up, then the lights would automatically change to green (go). The mayor suggested that this would have a number of benefits. Firstly, it would reduce harmful emissions at the areas near traffic lights and, secondly, it would improve the journey times for all vehicles, leading to drivers ‘being less stressed’. He also cited evidence from cities overseas where predictable journey times had been attractive to flexible companies who could set themselves up anywhere in the country. He felt that the new system would attract such companies to the town.

The Eurarian government has a transport regulation agency called OfRoad. Part of OfRoad’s responsibilities is to monitor transport investments and it was originally critical of the Brighttown ‘traffic lite’ project because the project’s benefits were intangible and lacked credibility. The business case did not include a quantitative cost/benefit analysis. OfRoad has itself published a benefits management process which classifies benefits in the following way.

Financial: A financial benefit can be confidently allocated in advance of the project. Thus if the investment will save $90,000 per year in staff costs then this is a financial benefit.

Quantifiable: A quantifiable benefit is a benefit where there is sufficient credible evidence to suggest, in advance, how much benefit will result from the project. This benefit may be financial or non-financial. For example, energy savings from a new building might be credibly predicted in advance. However, the exact amount of savings cannot be accurately forecast.

Measurable benefit: A measurable benefit is a benefit which can only be confidently assessed post-implementation, and so cannot be reliably predicted in advance. Increase in sales from a particular initiative is an example of a measurable benefit. Measurable benefits may either be financial or non-financial.

Observable benefit: An observable benefit is a benefit which a specific individual or group will decide, using agreed criteria, has been realised or not. Such benefits are usually non-financial. Improved staff morale might be an example of an observable benefit.

One month ago, the mayoral elections saw the election of a new mayor with a completely distinct transport policy with different objectives. She wishes to address traffic congestion by attracting commuters away from their cars and onto public transport. Part of her policy is a traffic light system which gives priority to buses. The town council owns the buses which operate in the town and they have invested heavily in buses which are comfortable and have significantly lower emissions than the conventional cars used by most people in the town. The new mayor wishes to improve the frequency, punctuality and convenience of these buses, so that they tempt people away from using their cars. This will require more buses and more bus crews, a requirement which the mayor presents as ‘being good for the unemployment rate in this town’. It will also help the bus service meet the punctuality service level which it published three years ago, but has never yet met. ‘A reduction in cars and an increase in buses will help us meet our target’, the mayor claims.

The mayor has also suggested a number of initiatives to discourage people from taking their cars into the town. She intends to sell two car parks for housing land (raising $325,000) and this will reduce car park capacity from 1,000 to 800 car spaces per day. She also intends to raise the daily parking fee from $3 to $4. Car park occupancy currently stands at 95% (it is difficult to achieve 100% for technical reasons) and the same occupancy rate is expected when the car park capacity is reduced.

The new mayor believes that her policy signals the fact that Brighttown is serious about its green credentials. ‘This’, she says, ‘will attract green consumers to come and live in our town and green companies to set up here. These companies and consumers will bring great benefit to our community.’ To emphasise this, she has set up a Go Green team to encourage green initiatives in the town.

The ‘traffic lite’ project to tackle congestion proposed by the former mayor is still in the development stage. The new mayor believes that this project can be modified to deliver her vision and still be ready on the date promised by her predecessor.


(a) A ‘terms of reference’ (project initiation document, project charter) was developed for the ‘traffic lite’ project to reduce traffic congestion.

Discuss what changes will have to be made to this ‘terms of reference’ (project initiation document, project charter) to reflect the new mayor’s vision of the project. (5 marks)

(b) The new mayor wishes to re-define the business case for the project, using the benefits categorisation suggested by OfRoad. Identify costs and benefits for the revised project, classifying each benefit using the guidance provided by OfRoad. (14 marks)

(c) Stakeholder management is the prime responsibility of the project manager.

Discuss the appropriate management of each of the following three stakeholders identified in the revised (modified) project.

(i) The new mayor;

(ii) OfRoad;

(iii) A private motorist in Brighttown who uses his vehicle to commute to his job in the town. (6 marks)

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