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4 The International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) has begun a joint project to revisit

4 The International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) has begun a joint project to revisit its conceptual framework for

financial accounting and reporting. The goals of the project are to build on the existing frameworks and converge them

into a common framework.


(a) Discuss why there is a need to develop an agreed international conceptual framework and the extent to which

an agreed international conceptual framework can be used to resolve practical accounting issues.

(13 marks)

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更多“4 The International Accounting…”相关的问题
These are four main methods of securing payment in international trade: (1) payment under

These are four main methods of securing payment in international trade: (1) payment under documentary credit (2) open account (3) collection, that is document against payment or acceptance of a bill of exchange (4) payment in advance From an exporter's point of view, the order of preference is ______.

A.(4), (2), (3), (1)

B.(4), (1), (3), (2)

C.(4), (3), (1), (2)

D.(2), (4), (1), (3)

(a) Explain the concept of TRUE and FAIR presentation. (4 marks)(b) Explain the status of

(a) Explain the concept of TRUE and FAIR presentation. (4 marks)

(b) Explain the status of International Standards on Auditing. (2 marks)

(c) ISA 230 Audit Documentation deals with the auditor’s responsibility to prepare audit documentation for an audit of financial statements.


State FOUR benefits of documenting audit work. (4 marks)

4 The transition to International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRSs) involves major cha

4 The transition to International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRSs) involves major change for companies as IFRSs

introduce significant changes in accounting practices that were often not required by national generally accepted

accounting practice. It is important that the interpretation and application of IFRSs is consistent from country to

country. IFRSs are partly based on rules, and partly on principles and management’s judgement. Judgement is more

likely to be better used when it is based on experience of IFRSs within a sound financial reporting infrastructure. It is

hoped that national differences in accounting will be eliminated and financial statements will be consistent and

comparable worldwide.


(a) Discuss how the changes in accounting practices on transition to IFRSs and choice in the application of

individual IFRSs could lead to inconsistency between the financial statements of companies. (17 marks)

2 Plaza, a limited liability company, is a major food retailer. Further to the success of
its national supermarkets in the

late 1990s it has extended its operations throughout Europe and most recently to Asia, where it is expanding rapidly.

You are a manager in Andando, a firm of Chartered Certified Accountants. You have been approached by Duncan

Seymour, the chief finance officer of Plaza, to advise on a bid that Plaza is proposing to make for the purchase of

MCM. You have ascertained the following from a briefing note received from Duncan.

MCM provides training in management, communications and marketing to a wide range of corporate clients, including

multi-nationals. The ‘MCM’ name is well regarded in its areas of expertise. MCM is currently wholly-owned by

Frontiers, an international publisher of textbooks, whose shares are quoted on a recognised stock exchange. MCM

has a National and an International business.

The National business comprises 11 training centres. The audited financial statements show revenue of

$12·5 million and profit before taxation of $1·3 million for this geographic segment for the year to 31 December

2004. Most of the National business’s premises are owned or held on long leases. Trainers in the National business

are mainly full-time employees.

The International business has five training centres in Europe and Asia. For these segments, revenue amounted to

$6·3 million and profit before tax $2·4 million for the year to 31 December 2004. Most of the International business’s

premises are held on operating leases. International trade receivables at 31 December 2004 amounted to

$3·7 million. Although the International centres employ some full-time trainers, the majority of trainers provide their

services as freelance consultants.


(a) Define ‘due diligence’ and describe the nature and purpose of a due diligence review. (4 marks)

Pear International Co (Pear) is a manufacturer of electrical equipment. It has factories a

Pear International Co (Pear) is a manufacturer of electrical equipment. It has factories across the country and its customer base includes retailers as well as individuals, to whom direct sales are made through their website. The company’s year end is 30 September 2012. You are an audit supervisor of Apple & Co and are currently reviewing documentation of Pear’s internal control in preparation for the interim audit.

Pear’s website allows individuals to order goods directly, and full payment is taken in advance. Currently the website is not integrated into the inventory system and inventory levels are not checked at the time when orders are placed.

Goods are despatched via local couriers; however, they do not always record customer signatures as proof that the customer has received the goods. Over the past 12 months there have been customer complaints about the delay between sales orders and receipt of goods. Pear has investigated these and found that, in each case, the sales order had been entered into the sales system correctly but was not forwarded to the despatch department for fulfilling.

Pear’s retail customers undergo credit checks prior to being accepted and credit limits are set accordingly by sales ledger clerks. These customers place their orders through one of the sales team, who decides on sales discount levels.

Raw materials used in the manufacturing process are purchased from a wide range of suppliers. As a result of staff changes in the purchase ledger department, supplier statement reconciliations are no longer performed. Additionally, changes to supplier details in the purchase ledger master file can be undertaken by purchase ledger clerks as well as supervisors.

In the past six months Pear has changed part of its manufacturing process and as a result some new equipment has been purchased, however, there are considerable levels of plant and equipment which are now surplus to requirement. Purchase requisitions for all new equipment have been authorised by production supervisors and little has been done to reduce the surplus of old equipment.


(a) In respect of the internal control of Pear International Co:

(i) Identify and explain FIVE deficiencies;

(ii) Recommend a control to address each of these deficiencies; and

(iii) Describe a test of control Apple & Co would perform. to assess if each of these controls is operating effectively. (15 marks)

(b) Describe substantive procedures you should perform. at the year end to confirm each of the following for plant and equipment:

(i) Additions; and

(ii) Disposals. (4 marks)

(c) Pear’s finance director has expressed an interest in Apple & Co performing other review engagements in addition to the external audit; however, he is unsure how much assurance would be gained via these engagements and how this differs to the assurance provided by an external audit.


Identify and explain the level of assurance provided by an external audit and other review engagements. (3 marks)

Pear’s directors are considering establishing an internal audit department next year, and the finance director has asked about the differences between internal audit and external audit and what impact, if any, establishing an internal audit department would have on future external audits performed by Apple & Co.


(d) Distinguish between internal audit and external audit. (4 marks)

(e) Explain the potential impact on the work performed by Apple & Co during the interim and final audits, if Pear International Co was to establish an internal audit department. (4 marks)

Although international travel is usually an (1 ) and pleasant experience, travellers

Although international travel is usually an (1 ) and pleasant experience, travellers should take steps to ensure that their health does not suffer either (2 ) their time (2 ) the air or (2 ) their time abroad. Before you go, check with your doctor or local travel clinic (3 ) injections are necessary for the areas you are travelling (4 ) . Allow sufficient time to have these injections before you (5 ) because they may take time to become effective. Be sure that the information on health is up-to-date. Check on the Internet if you are not sure. Don't go to bed late the day (6 ) you fly. Your body has a natural daily sleep pattern. It takes time to adjust to a new time zone. There are many different (7 ) of jet lag: you may not be able to sleep, you may not want to eat or you may feel sick and tired. You may not be able to concentrate for some days after you arrive. There are several things you can do to (8 ) the effects of jet lag: - Do your (9 ) to relax during the flight- Sleep as much as you can on the flight. Use a mild sleeping pill if necessary- Drink as much water as you can- Don't drink alcohol and caffeine- Take mild sleeping pills (10 ) the first few days in the new time zone if you need them.










B、- (不填)



(4).A、- (不填)




(5).A、will leave

B、is leaving


D、have left





















MemoTo:Human Resource ManagementFrom:P.Neal Date:Feb.28Re:Tokyo interviewsI am really ex

To:Human Resource Management

From:P.Neal Date:Feb.28

Re:Tokyo interviews

I am really excited about the opportunity that the International Job Fair in April presents lo our firm.By recruiting at an overseas location9 we increase our chances of attracting employees with global awareness.I o ensure that we hire employees who will fit into our corporate culture^ I have listed some suggestions for the interview team.

(1)Determine early in the interview if the employee is a team player.Aside from the obvious work-experience questions, find out what type of learning environment the interviewee preferred in school and what sports and hobbies he or she enjoys.Use this line of questioning to get to know younger applicants who do not have a lot of formal work experience.

(2) In the interviewt find out the interviewee 1 s attitude toward other languages and cultures.How many languages has he or she studied? Would the prospective employee be willing to go through language training if

assigned to our new branch office?

(3) If possible* look at portfolios on site to get a sense of the interviewees9 artistic accomplishments and check up on local references in the interviewee's country.

(4) Clearly communicate our company,s goals and bring back some great recruits!

21.Who is this memo directed to?


B.The interview team

C.Prospective employees

22.Recruiting at an international job fair will help the company find employees who

A.fit the corporate culture

B.are team players

C.have global awareness

23.Why does the author suggest the interview team ask interviewees questions about their hobbies?

A.To know whether the interviewees enjoy playing sports.

B.To know whether the interviewees are team players.

C.To know whether the interviewees have work experience.

24.The new employees must be ________.

A.willing to participate in language training

B.able to speak several languages

C.capable of learning any language quickly

25.What should the intervieweesportfolios demonstrate?

A.Excellent references

B.Sensible components

C.Artistic merit

There has been significant divergence in practice over recognition of revenue mainly becau
se International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) have contained limited guidance in certain areas. The International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) as a result of the joint project with the US Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) has issued IFRS 15 Revenue from Contracts with Customers. IFRS 15 sets out a five-step model, which applies to revenue earned from a contract with a customer with limited exceptions, regardless of the type of revenue transaction or the industry. Step one in the five-step model requires the identification of the contract with the customer and is critical for the purpose of applying the standard. The remaining four steps in the standard’s revenue recognition model are irrelevant if the contract does not fall within the scope of IFRS 15.


(a) (i) Discuss the criteria which must be met for a contract with a customer to fall within the scope of IFRS 15. (5 marks)

(ii) Discuss the four remaining steps which lead to revenue recognition after a contract has been identified as falling within the scope of IFRS 15. (8 marks)

(b) (i) Tang enters into a contract with a customer to sell an existing printing machine such that control of the printing machine vests with the customer in two years’ time. The contract has two payment options. The customer can pay $240,000 when the contract is signed or $300,000 in two years’ time when the customer gains control of the printing machine. The interest rate implicit in the contract is 11·8% in order to adjust for the risk involved in the delay in payment. However, Tang’s incremental borrowing rate is 5%. The customer paid $240,000 on 1 December 2014 when the contract was signed. (4 marks)

(ii) Tang enters into a contract on 1 December 2014 to construct a printing machine on a customer’s premises for a promised consideration of $1,500,000 with a bonus of $100,000 if the machine is completed within 24 months. At the inception of the contract, Tang correctly accounts for the promised bundle of goods and services as a single performance obligation in accordance with IFRS 15. At the inception of the contract, Tang expects the costs to be $800,000 and concludes that it is highly probable that a significant reversal in the amount of cumulative revenue recognised will occur. Completion of the printing machine is highly susceptible to factors outside of Tang’s influence, mainly issues with the supply of components.

At 30 November 2015, Tang has satisfied 65% of its performance obligation on the basis of costs incurred to date and concludes that the variable consideration is still constrained in accordance with IFRS 15. However, on 4 December 2015, the contract is modified with the result that the fixed consideration and expected costs increase by $110,000 and $60,000 respectively. The time allowable for achieving the bonus is extended by six months with the result that Tang concludes that it is highly probable that the bonus will be achieved and that the contract still remains a single performance obligation. Tang has an accounting year end of 30 November. (6 marks)


Discuss how the above two contracts should be accounted for under IFRS 15. (In the case of (b)(i), the discussion should include the accounting treatment up to 30 November 2016 and in the case of (b)(ii), the accounting treatment up to 4 December 2015.)

Note: The mark allocation is shown against each of the items above.

Professional marks will be awarded in question 4 for clarity and quality of presentation. (2 marks)

IAS 1 Presentation of Financial Statements defines profit or loss and other comprehensive
income. The purpose of the statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income is to show an entity’s financial performance in a way which is useful to a wide range of users so that they may attempt to assess the future net cash inflows of an entity. The statement should be classified and aggregated in a manner which makes it understandable and comparable. However, the International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC) is calling for a shift in thinking more to the long term, to think beyond what can be measured in quantitative terms and to think about how the entity creates value for its owners. Historical financial statements are essential in corporate reporting, particularly for compliance purposes, but it can be argued that they do not provide meaningful information. Preparers of financial statements seem to be unclear about the interaction between profit or loss and other comprehensive income (OCI) especially regarding the notion of reclassification, but are equally uncertain about whether the IIRC’s Framework constitutes suitable criteria for report preparation. A Discussion Paper on the Conceptual Framework published by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) has tried to clarify what distinguishes recognised items of income and expense which are presented in profit or loss from items of income and expense presented in OCI.


(a) (i) Describe the current presentation requirements relating to the statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income. (4 marks)

(ii) Discuss, with examples, the nature of a reclassification adjustment and the arguments for and against allowing reclassification of items to profit or loss. Note: A brief reference should be made in your answer to the IASB’s Discussion Paper on the Conceptual Framework. (5 marks)

(iii) Discuss the principles and key components of the IIRC’s Framework, and any concerns which could question the Framework’s suitability for assessing the prospects of an entity. (8 marks)

(b) Cloud, a public limited company, regularly purchases steel from a foreign supplier and designates a future purchase of steel as a hedged item in a cash flow hedge. The steel was purchased on 1 May 2014 and at that date, a cumulative gain on the hedging instrument of $3 million had been credited to other comprehensive income. At the year end of 30 April 2015, the carrying amount of the steel was $8 million and its net realisable value was $6 million. The steel was finally sold on 3 June 2015 for $6·2 million.

On a separate issue, Cloud purchased an item of property, plant and equipment for $10 million on 1 May 2013. The asset is depreciated over five years on the straight line basis with no residual value. At 30 April 2014, the asset was revalued to $12 million. At 30 April 2015, the asset’s value has fallen to $4 million. The entity makes a transfer from revaluation surplus to retained earnings for excess depreciation, as the asset is used.


Show how the above transactions would be dealt with in the financial statements of Cloud from the date of the purchase of the assets.

Note: Candidates should ignore any deferred taxation effects. (6 marks)

Professional marks will be awarded in question 4 for clarity and quality of presentation. (2 marks)

(b) International Standards on Auditing (ISAs); and (5 marks)

(b) International Standards on Auditing (ISAs); and (5 marks)

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