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What's the main topic of this article? ______.A.How laws are formedB.Punish the people if

What's the main topic of this article? ______.

A.How laws are formed

B.Punish the people if they disobey the law

C.Laws and manners

D.How did people change their minds about drinking

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更多“What's the main topic of this …”相关的问题
What kind of people is the main target of the hotel's commercial advertisement?A.Tourists

What kind of people is the main target of the hotel's commercial advertisement?

A.Tourists looking for breathtaking natural scenery

B.Local residents

C.Traders on business from Europe

D.Foreign athletes coming for a game who need a fully equipped gymnasium

What's the main idea of the passage?A.If it continues like this, we shall destroy ourselve

What's the main idea of the passage?

A.If it continues like this, we shall destroy ourselves.

B.It is necessary to conserve our nature.

C.1970 was World Conservation Year.

D.The singers helped to save our world.

What is the main reason for dollar's weakness?A.A series worse-than-expected data were rel

What is the main reason for dollar's weakness?

A.A series worse-than-expected data were released.

B.German Bundesbank was reluctant to cut rate.

C.Technical factors.

D.All of the above.

What is the speaker's main point?A.Animals yawn for a number of reasons.B.Yawning results

What is the speaker's main point?

A.Animals yawn for a number of reasons.

B.Yawning results only from fatigue or boredom.

C.Human yawns are the same as those of other animals.

D.Only social animals yawn.

What is the main idea of the passage?A.American firms are different from Japanese and Germ

What is the main idea of the passage?

A.American firms are different from Japanese and German firms in human-resource management.

B.Extensive retraining is indispensable to effective human-resource management.

C.The head of human-resource management must be in the central position in a firm's hierarchy.

D.The human-resource management strategies of American firms affect their competitive capacity.

听力原文:M: As a means of international settlement, what is the main role of a credit card

W: Its main role is to transfer the payment obligation from payer to bank. It makes the payment safer for the exporter with the bank' s credit and guarantee, and simultaneously makes the supply of goods safer for the importer.

Q: What is the main role of a letter of credit?


A.It is to transfer the contract from bank to customer.

B.It is to transfer the payment obligation from buyer to seller through banks.

C.It is to transfer the confirmation from the issuing bank to confirming bank.

D.It is to transfer the documents from advising bank to issuing bank.

听力原文:W: So what are the two main times of the day that you watch TV? M: Well, a little

听力原文:W: So what are the two main times of the day that you watch TV?

M: Well, a little around breakfast time and then it tends to be really late— eleven or even midnight—when I've finished work.

W: And what sort of programs do you go for?

M: Some news bulletins but I also really like to put my feet up with some of the old comedy shows.

W: Fine. And turning to the new channel...which type of programs would you like to see more of?

M: Well, I certainly don't think we need any more factual programs like news and documentaries. I think we need more about things like local in formation...you know, providing a service for the community. And in the same vein, perhaps more for younger viewers...you know, good quality stuff.

W: Ah ha. And if you had to give the new directors some specific advice when they set up the channel, what advice would you give theme

M: I think I'd advice them to pay more attention to the quality of the actual broadcast, you know, the sound system. They ought to do lots more of these kinds of interview, you know, talking with their potential customers.

W: Oh, I'm glad you think it's valuable!

M: Certainly...yeah.

W: Good. Ok, this will be a commercial channel of course, but how often do you think it is tolerable to have adverts?

M: Well out of that list I'd say every quarter of an hour. I don't think we can complain about that, as long as they don't last for ten minutes each time!

W: Quite. And…would you be willing to attend any of our special promotions for the new channel?

M: Yes, I'd be very happy to, as long as they're held here in my area.

W: Thank you very much for your time.


A.Local news and children's programs.

B.Children's programs and local service programs.

C.Documentaries and news.

D.Documentaries and movies.

Are you a good reader? Good readers know that reading isn't just about knowing words— it's
a way of thinking. Here are some tips that may be of some help.

Think before you read. Before you read the text, ask yourself the questions that why you are reading it and what you want to get from it. These will help you choose what words you need to know and what words you can skip or scan.

Think while you are reading. Can you get the meaning of the text without looking up new words in a dictionary? A text will often give examples that may help you understand some words. For example: Many large Russian cities, such as Chelyabinsk and Irkutsk, have taken steps to protect their culture. The words "Chelyabinsk' and "Irkutsk' may be new to us, but the sentences before and after it tell us what they are.

Think after you read. What is the main idea of the text? Is the text too easy or too hard for you?

If you practice reading and thinking in this way, you will become a better reader and you will learn better and faster.

This passage is probably taken from______.

A.a newspaper for general readers

B.a magazine for language teachers

C.a book for language learners

D.an advertisement for a new book

The most interesting architectural phenomenon of the 1970's was the enthusiasm for refurbi
shing old buildings. Obviously, this was not an entirely new phenomenon. What is new is the wholesale interest in reusing the past, in recycling, in adaptive rehabilitation. A few trial efforts, such as Ghirardelli Square in San Francisco, proved their financial viability in 1960s, but it was in the 1970's, with strong government support through tax incentives and rapid depreciation. As well as growing interest in ecology issues, that recycling became a major factor on the urban scene.

One of the most comprehensive ventures was the restoration and transformation of Boston's eighteenth century Faneuil Hall and the Quincy Market, designed in 1824. This section had fallen on hard times, but beginning with the construction of a new city hall immediately adjacent, it has returned to life with the intelligent reuse of these fine old buildings under the design leadership of Benjamin Thomson. He has provided a marvelous setting for dining, shopping, professional offices, and simply walking.

Butler Square, in Minneapolis, exemplifies major changes in its complex of offices, commercial space, and public amenities carved out of a massive pile designed in 1906 as a hardware warehouse. The exciting interior timber structure of the building was highlighted by cutting light courts through the interior and adding large skylights.

San Antonio, Texas, offers an object lesson for numerous other cities combating urban decay. Rather than bringing in the bulldozers, San Antonio's leaders rehabilitated existing structures, while simultaneously cleaning up the San Antonio River, which menders through the business district.

What is the main idea of the passage?

A.During the 1970's, old buildings in many cities were recycled for modern use.

B.Recent interest in ecology issues has led to the cleaning up of many rivers.

C.The San Antoino example shows that bulldozers are not the way to fight urban decay.

D.Strong government support has made adaptive rehabilitation a reality in Boston.

听力原文:M: Mary, (19)you want to talk about your second essay, right?W: Yes, Dr. Richards

听力原文:M: Mary, (19)you want to talk about your second essay, right?

W: Yes, Dr. Richardson. I just need your comments on what I'm planning to do. (19)I'm doing the essay on the differences between TV news programs at different hours of the day.

M: How many times slots are you planning to consider?

W: Well, I think I'd look at all of them. That'd be five slots. The breakfast news, midmorning news. midday news. mid-afternoon news and evening news.

M: That's rather a lot. And you'd have too much to consider. (20)Why don't you just do two. Say the midmorning and then evening news. That should give you two contrasting approaches with two main audience compositions.

W: OK, just two then.

M: Yes, I think that would be much better. Now how many actual programs do you plan to work with?

W: What do you think of analyzing a whole week's news programs?

M: Well, that depends on how much of each program, if you concentrate on one particular type of news item, say the sports news or local items, it might be alright.

W: Yes. that would be a good idea. (21)I won't make a decision before I collect a sample of programs over a whole week. I'll look at them and see what items appear throughout the week.

M: Yes, that's a sound approach. (22)Now we’re getting close to the deadline. Can you finish it in time?

W: Yes, I think so. I've completed the reading and I know what my basic approach is, so it's really just a matter of pulling it all together now.

M: Fine, Mary. I'll look forward to reading it.


A.To discuss the second essay.

B.To get the comments on TV news.

C.To plan to join TV news programs.

D.To tell the difference of TV news.

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