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Most musicians agree that the best violins(小提琴) were made in Cremona, Italy, about 200y

Most musicians agree that the best violins(小提琴) were made in Cremona, Italy, about 200years ago. They even sound better than violins made today. Violin makers and scientists try to makeinstruments(乐器)like the Italian violins,however,they are not the same. Why are these old Italianviolins so special? No one really knows. But many people think they have an answer.

Some people think it is the age of the violins. But there is a problem here. Not all old violins sound wonderful. Only the old violins from Cremona are special. So age cannot be the answer.

Other people think the secret to those violins is the wood. It must be from certain kinds of trees.It must not be too young or too old. Perhaps the violin makers of Cremona knew something specialabout wood for violins.

But the kind of wood may not be so important. It may be more important to cut the wood in aspecial way. Wood for a violin must be cut into the right size and shape. The smallest difference willchange the sund of the violin. Musicians sometimes think that this is the secret of the Italians.

Size and shape may not be the answer either. Scientists make new violins that are exactly the same size and shape. But the new ones still do not sound as good as the old ones. Some scientiststhink the secret may be the varnish (清漆).It makes the wood look shiny, but it also helps the soundof the instrument. Since no one knows what the Italian violin makers used in their varnish, no one canmake the same varnish today.

There may never be other violins like the violins of Cremona. And there are not many of the old violins left. So these old violins from Cremona become more and more precious. What would be the best title for the text?

A.The Secrets of Cremona Violins.

B.The History of Cremona Violins.

C.The Making of Italian Violins.

D.The Studies of Italian Violins.

What is still not clear about Cremona violins?A.The shape

B.The wood

C.The size

D.The varnish

Which of the following Words can best describe Cremona violins?A.Light





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The best title of this passage is ______.

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B.Movies, Concerts and Shows

C.The Cheapest Window - shopping

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Which of the following statements would the author of the passage be most likely to agree?

A.Technological development influences society's future.

B.Technological innovations are almost always successful.

C.Technicians are more useful to society than economists.

D.The economy is independent of technological transformation.

Directions: For each blank in the following passage, there are four choices marked A, B, C
and D. Choose the one that is most suitable and mark your answer by blackening the corresponding letter on the answer sheet.

In fact, there was hardly any activity or social event that could not be set to Music. Weddings, births, christening, funerals, picnics, parades-- 21 had their musical accompaniment.

After the American Civil War (1860-1865), the Negroes had gained their freedom and were ready 22 a new type of music, 23 that would preserve their musical traditions but be fast and happy 24 their 25 freedom. They wanted something they could play as professional musicians for both black and white audiences. Jazz was the answer. It combined themes from Negro work songs, spirituals and blues, set to a fast beat, 26 the musicians improvising (即兴而作) as they went along, like the funeral marching bands. To be good, a musician had not only to remember his part but also 27 able to invent new variations on the spur (激励) of the moment.

Jazz 28 the people, but popular 29 is changed many times in form, style, and tempo. Each change added something 30 .


A. which

B. that

C. all

D. those

The author would most probably agree with which of the following statements about Thomas J

A.He had a broad vision of his country's future.

B.He put the interests of Virginia ahead of those of the Union.

C.He ignored the advice of people who settled the western region.

D.He was one of the first government officials to travel in the western United States.

Do you know what the word "jazz" means?Today it is used to talk about variou
Do you know what the word "jazz" means?Today it is used to talk about various styles of music.In the early 1900s,however,jazz was a kind of folk music played by African Americans.This early jazz was played by people in their daily lives simply for their own enjoyment.Indeed,whenever people got together,jazz could be heard.

Jazz was a mix of styles from Europe and Africa.From Europe,the first jazz musicians borrowed ideas about melody and harmony,and the instruments they used.From Africa,they borrowed ideas about rhythm.Jazz rhythm was very strong it made people want to clap their hands or tap their feet.African rhythm had a different beat from most of other music.For example,instead of One-two-Three-four,the beat might be one-Two-three-Four.It was this rhythm that made jazz sound different.There was no other kind of music like it in the United States at that time.

Today,jazz has become a way for many people to express themselves musically.It is also a way for many people to make a lot of money by performing.The audience for jazz is international.Many of the world's biggest jazz festivals now take place in Europe and Asia.Fans pay a lot of money to see one of their favorite musicians in concert or buy one of their recordings.It can certainly be said that jazz has influenced almost every other kind of music in the United States and Europe and produced some of the world's greatest musicians,composers and singers.

16.In the early 1900s,jazz music was ________.

A.used to refer to various styles of music

B.enjoyed by people all over the world

C.enjoyed in everyday life

D.played only at special events

17.The first jazz musicians ________.

A.borrowed European ideas of harmony

B.played music without strong beats

C.invented a new style. of folk music

D.used musical instruments from Africa

18.What made jazz different from other music was ________.

A.the beat One-two-Three-four

B.the musical instrument used to play jazz

C.the beat one-Two-three-Four

D.the jazz musicians who clapped their hands in performance

19.Which of the following statements is NOT true?

A.Jazz is not as much welcomed in Asia as in Europe.

B.Jazz is now used by many people to express their likes and dislikes.

C.A lot of people became rich through playing jazz.

D.Nowadays,jazz has become universally popular.

20.Jazz is now ________.

A.becoming too expensive for people to enjoy

B.more popular in Asia than anywhere else

C.not very important as a means of musical expression

D.one means for performers to make a lot of money

Three men traveling on a train began a conversation about the world’s greatest wonders

“In my opinion,” the first man said, “the Egyptian pyramids(埃及金字塔)are the world’s greatest wonder. Although they were built thousands of years ago, they are still standing. And remember: the people who built them had only simple tools. They did not have the kind of machinery that builders and engineers have today.”

“I agree that the pyramids in Egypt are wonderful,” the second man said, “but I do not think they are the greatest wonder. I believe computers are more wonderful than the pyramids. They have taken people to the moon and brought them back safely. In seconds, they carry out mathematical calculations that would take a person a hundred years to do.”

He turned to the third man and asked, “What do you think is the greatest wonder in the world?”

The third man thought for a long time, and then he said, “Well, I agree that the pyramids are wonderful, and I agree that computers are wonderful, too. However, in my opinion, the most wonderful thing in the world is this thermos.”

And he took a thermos out of his bag and held it up.

The other two men were very surprised. “A thermos?” they exclaimed. “But that’s a simple thing.”

“Oh, no, it’s not,” the third man said. “In the winter you put in a hot drink and it stays hot. In the summer you put in a cold drink and it stays cold. How does the thermos know whether it’s winter or summer?”

1. The underlined word “thermos” in Chinese means “_______”.

A. 电冰箱

B. 洗衣机

C. 电风扇

D. 保温瓶

2. That the three men could not agree on what the world’s greatest wonder was because _______.

A. they could not think of anything very wonderful

B. they all had different ideas

C. they could not prove that their opinions were right

D. the journey ended too soon

3. The first man thought the pyramids were the most wonderful things in the world because ____.

A. they were very beautiful

B. they were Egyptian

C. they had been built with very simple tools

D. they could do mathematical calculations

4. The third man thought a thermos was the most wonderful thing in the world because _____.

A. it lasted longer than the pyramids

B. it cost less than a computer

C. he thought it knew whether it was winter or summer

D. the other two men were surprised when he told them about it

5. The third man was not very clever because ______.

A. he could not think of anything to say

B. he did not understand how a thermos works

C. he did not think the pyramids were wonderful

D. he did not know anything about computers

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