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What is the best topic of the passage?A.John Kennedy and His Prominent Family.B.T

What is the best topic of the passage?

A.John Kennedy and His Prominent Family.

B.The Political Influence of Kennedy Family.

C.The Success of the Youngest American President.

D.John Kennedy,the Most outstanding President.

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????????D?Many people thought babies were not able to learn things until they were five or


?Many people thought babies were not able to learn things until they were five or six month sold. But doctors now say babies begin learning on their first day of life. A baby will smile if his or her mother does something the ?baby likes. A baby learns to get the best care by smiling top lease her mother or other care givers. This is when babies learn to connect and “talk” with other people.

?Languages kills are believed to develop best in the first three years when the place is rich with sounds and sights. Scientists say children should hear the speech and language of other people again and again. The first signs of communication(交际) happen during the first few days of life, when a baby learns that crying will bring food and attention.

Research shows that most children recognize the general sounds of their native language by six months of age. By that time, a baby usually begins to make sounds. By the end of their year, most children are able to say a few simple words, although they may not understand the meaning of the words. By 18 months of age, most children can say between eight and ten words. By two years of age, most children are able to make simple sentences. By ages three, four and five, the number of words a child can understand quickly increases. It is at these ages that children begin to understand the rules of language.

When do babies begin to learn according to doctors?????

????A.Right after they are born

B.Not until they are five months old

C.When they are six months old

D.As soon as they are one year old

Babies will smile when .

A.they are wet or hungry

B.they want to get the best care

C.they want to talk to others

D.they learn sounds and words

What do most children begin to do from age three or older?A.Make sounds

B.Make simple sentences

C.Say a few words

D.Understand language rules

What would be the best title for the text?A.The Language of Babies

B.When Do Babies Learn to Talk

C.The Roles of Cry and Smile

D.How Babies Understand Words


Some people argue that the pressure on international sportsmen and sportswomen kills t
he essence of sport —the pursuit of personal excellence. Children kick a football around for fun. When they get older and play for local school teams, they become competitive but they still enjoy playing. The individual representing his country cannot afford to think about enjoying himself, he has to think only about winning. He is responsible for entire nation’s hopes, dreams and reputation.

A good example is the football Word Cup. Football is the world’s most important sport. Winning the World Cup is perhaps the summit of international sporting success. Mention Argentina to someone and the chances are that he’ll think of football. In a sense, winning the World Cup put Argentinaon the map.

Sports fans and supporters get quite unreasonable about the World Cup. People in England felt that their country was somehow important after they won in 1966. Last year thousands of Scots sold their cars, and even their houses, and spent all their money traveling to Argentina, where the finals were played.

So, am I arguing that international competition kills the idea of sport? Certainly not! Do the Argentinian really believe that because eleven of their men proved the most skillful at football, their nation is in every way better than all others? Not really, But it’s nice to know that you won and that in one way at least your country is the best.

1. What is the author’s main purpose in the passage?()

A. To explain the role of sport

B. To prove that football is the best sport in the world

C. To show that Argentina is better than all others

D. To prove that football is the world’s most important sport

2. In the second paragraph, the word “summit” means “() ”.

A. award

B. summary

C. highest point

D. mountain top

3. According to the passage, Argentina is world-famous because of its ().

A. obvious position on the map

B. successes in the football World Cup

C. excellence at most important sports

D. large number of sports fans and supporters

4. According to the passage, if a sportsman only thinks about winning, he will ().

A. fail to succeed

B. lose enjoyment

C. be successful

D. be unreasonable

5. What is the author’s attitude towards international games?()

A. Nations that meet on a football field are unlikely to meet on a battlefield

B. Nations that win the football World Cup are regarded as best in all aspects.

C. Nations that win in international games prove the best on the sports field at least.

D. Nations that give much attention to international competitions are world-famous in many ways.

Laws have been written to govern the use of American National Flag, and to ensure pro
per respect for the flag. Custom has also governed the common practice in regard to its use. All the armed services have precise regulations on how to display the national flag. This may vary somewhat from the general rules. The national flag should be raised and lowered by hand. Do not raise the flag while it is folded. Unfold the flag first, and then hoist it quickly to the top of the flagpole. Lower it slowly and with dignity. Place no objects on or over the flag. Do not use the flag as part of a costume or athletic uniform. Do not print it upon cushions, handkerchiefs, paper napkins or boxes.A federal law provides that the trademark cannot be registered if it comprises the flag, or badgers of the US. When the flag is used to unveil a statue or monument, it shouldn't serve as a covering of the object to be unveiled. If it is displayed on such occasions, do not allow the flag to fall to the ground, but let it be carried high up in the air to form. a feature of the ceremony. Take every precaution to prevent the flag from soiled. It should not be allowed to touch the ground or floor, nor to brush against objects.

(1)、How do Americans ensure proper respect for the national flag? ________

A:By making laws.

B:By enforcing discipline.

C:By educating the public.

D:By holding ceremonies.

(2)、What is the regulation regarding the raising of the American National Flag? _________

A:It should be raised by soldiers.

B:It should be raised quickly by hand.

C:It should be raised only by Americans.

D:It should be raised by mechanical means.

(3)、How should the American National Flag be displayed at an unveiling ceremony? _________

A:It should be attached to the status.

B:It should be hung from the top of the monument.

C:It should be spread over the object to be unveiled.

D:It should be carried high up in the air.

(4)、What do we learn about the use of the American National Flag? _________

A:There has been a lot of controversy over the use of flag.

B:The best athletes can wear uniforms with the design of the flag.

C:There are precise regulations and customs to be followed.

D:Americans can print the flag on their cushions or handkerchiefs.

(5)、How are Americans towards their National Flag? ________





Conventional wisdom says it’s the students who get straight A’s blow the roof of the SAT
(Scholastic Aptitude Test) and go to Ivy League colleges. Or maybe it’s the children born into wealthy families with brilliant connections. Neither is typical, says Thomas J. Stanley, who surveyed 1300 millionaires for his new book, The Millionaire Mind. The average millionaire made B’s and C’s in college, Stanley says. Their average SAT score was 1190—not good enough to get into many top-notch schools. In fact, most millionaires were told they were not intellectually gifted, not smart enough to succeed. “I find no correlation between SAT scores, grade point averages and economic achievement. None.” said Stanley. “Admittedly, there are some very bright people in the data, but not many.” Instead of relying on natural genius, millionaires choose careers that match their abilities, Stanley said. They may not have great analytic intelligence, but they are creative and practical. They focus on a goal, take calculated risks and then work harder than most people. It’s a lesson Stanley has taken to heart. The author, who lives in Atlanta, has gotten rich himself by writing about the rich. So he took time off to write what he calls “the home-run book.” The Millionaire Next Door, written with researcher William D. Danko of Albany, N.Y., was published in 1996. It has been on The New York Times Best Sellers list for more than 150 weeks. In The Millionaire Mind, Stanley studied even richer millionaires — the top 1% of households. These people had an average net worth of $9.2 million and earned $749,000 a year. And almost none of them credit their success to being smart. They say the keys to success are being honest and disciplined, getting along with people, having a supportive spouse and working hard. “Somehow they figured out what they were good at,” Stanley said. “They all said, I’ll be the best at this. This is what I really, really love to do.” One of his case studies is Donald Sonner, the 64-year-old head of Southern Bloomer Manufacturing Co. in Bristol, Tenn. Sonner’s only education was a single year of high school, but he was a millionaire by the time he was 24. How? His company takes scrap cloth and makes underwear for prisons and gun-cleaning patches. He got rich by working hard and capitalizing on an idea no one else had, Stanley said.

11. Which of the following is NOT true about Thomas J. Stanley?

A)He is the writer of The Millionaire Mind.

B)He himself became rich by writing about the rich.

C)He has found that one’s school grades and his economic achievement are closely related.

D)One of his books, The Millionaire Next Door, has been on the list of Best Sellers.

12. We can learn from the passage that .

A)one who wants to be a millionaire must have high scores in college.

B)natural intelligence is not so important a factor on deciding whether or not a person is able to become a millionaire.

C)a child born into a rich family is likely to be a millionaire in the future.

D)one can become rich by taking scrap cloth and making underwear for prisons.

13. What are the keys to success according to the passage?

A)honest and hardworking.

B)smart and creative

C)intelligent and well-educated D)self-disciplined and risk-taking

14. What kinds of careers do millionaires choose?

A)They choose the ones that are well-paid.

B)They choose the ones that they’re capable of doing.

C)They choose careers according to their natural genius.

D)They choose the ones that supply them with room for their individualism.

15. In the sentence “It’s a lesson Stanley has taken to heart”, “It” refers to .

A)He himself has gotten rich by writing about the rich.

B)Millionaires may not have great analytic intelligence.

C)Books about millionaires will be very popular with readers.

D)What he has found about millionaires in his survey.

At the top managers of their company what types of issues might Bert and John have to deal with? Be as specific as possible. Which management functions might be most important to them? Why?
At the top managers of their company what types of issues might Bert and John have to deal with? Be as specific as possible. Which management functions might be most important to them? Why?

回答下列各题: Creative Teams and Management WhenColgatelauncheditsthenrevolutionary Col

回答下列各题: Creative Teams and Management When Colgate launched its then revolutionary Colgate Gum Protection toothpaste in 1990, company executives were confident they had a hit on their hands. The toothpaste incorporated a groundbreaking antibacterial technology they thought was the biggest innovation since fluoride. But in the months after the toothpastes six-country rollout, the products market share reached a meager 1% ) --one-fifth of the companys projections. What went wrong? A new round of market research found that the original launch strategy muted the "breakthrough" message; the ads positioned the new toothpaste as a line extension instead of a revolutionary advance, and the public just didnt buy the products broad claims. Up to this point,Colgates president, Bill Shanahan, had attended only quarterly review meetings; now he rolled up his sleeves to rescue the product, establishing a worldwide marketing team and meeting regularly with global business vice president Kathleen Thomhill and CEO Reuben Mark to follow the teams progress. Shanahan and others at the very top sifted through the research and took part in the advertising development meetings, working elbow to elbow with the marketing team renamed colgate Total, and promoted with a retooled ad campaign that stressed the toothpastes 12-hour protection, the product was a hit in most of the103 counties outside the United States. Shanahan continued to lavish personal attention on the product, putting Colgate Total under the direct supervision of Jack Haber, the worldwide director of consumer oral care products, and committing $ 35 million and a team of 200 employees to the project.With that kind of senior-level backing, Harber pulled out the stops, spending $ 20 million to promote Colgate Total to U. S. dentists alone. Within two months of its domestic launch in 1997, the product captured 10. 5% of the U. S. toothpaste market andwithin six months muscled perennial champ, Procter& Gambles Crest, out of first place. Colgate Total has remained number one ever since. What transforms a good product idea like Colgate Total into a blockbuster? We spent ten years studying more than 700 new product development teams and interviewed over 400 project leaders, team members, senior executives, and CEOs intimately involved in product development and launch. Of the hundreds of teams we studied, just 7% of them -- 49 in all --created products that scored a perfect ten on oar measure of blockbuster success. To achieve that score, products had to reach or exceed company goals, customer expectations, profit and sales targets, garner company and industry awards, and attract national attention. Products dont become blockbusters without the in-tense, personal involvement of senior management -- usually a CEO or division head. In every case studied, top management played an intimate, active, often daily role. This approach has been out of favor for decades, creative teams, as the thinking goes, should be empowered by management and then left alone. Too much attention stifles innovation. To that we say "Baloney". Our work shows that, in the best case, management involvement should start on day one. Ideally, senior managers work closely with product team to establish must-have features and then help clear a path for the team. Top managers control resources, rules and cut through red tape. And,crucially, senior managers serve as cheerleaders and visionaries, broadcasting a message of organizational commitment that attracts buy-in at all levels of the company. What happened to Colgate’S new toothpaste?

A.The results ran contrary to the company’S expectation.

B.It achieved a great success.

C.It took a great portion of market share.

D.The new technology was not popular among customers.


() everyone expected, Tom did the best in the competition.





What is the BEST conductor of electricity?A.Carbon dioxideB.Distilled waterC.Fresh waterD.

What is the BEST conductor of electricity?

A.Carbon dioxide

B.Distilled water

C.Fresh water

D.Salt water

Whathappenedwhenthemanletgotherope? A.Theboxfelldownandhitthemanonthehead. B.Theboxco

What happened when the man let go the rope?

A. The box fell down and hit the man on the head.

B. The box continued to go up.

C. The man went up to the top of the building.

D. The man fell down and broke his legs.

What is the best title for this passage?A.Traveling in Japan.B.How to Draw a Map.C.Finding

What is the best title for this passage?

A.Traveling in Japan.

B.How to Draw a Map.

C.Finding Your Way in Tokyo.

D.The Largest City in the World.


A.What would you like for dinner

B.Which one do you like best

C.What’s in your schoolbag

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