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Visitor:How do I get to the bank?I have no knowledge of this area. Policeman:.Cross the r

Visitor:How do I get to the bank?I have no knowledge of this area.

Policeman:.Cross the road and turn left at the other side.For about l00

meters,the bank iS to your left.

A.Continue you walking

B.Keep going straight

C.Go along

D.Go on walking

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更多“Visitor:How do I get to the ba…”相关的问题
Visitor:How do I get to the bank?I have no knowledge of this area. Policeman:Cross the roa
d and turn left at the other side.__________. for about 100 meters and the bank is to your left.

A.Continue you walking

B.Keep going straight

C.Go along

D.Go on walking

______to do now is just I am eager to know at first. But how can I get to know it? A.

______to do now is just I am eager to know at first. But how can I get to know it?

A. What, what

B. Will, what

C. Which, which

D. I will, which

—How do you like living in Beijing?—________.A. I love it. Beijing is such a fascinatin

—How do you like living in Beijing?


A. I love it. Beijing is such a fascinating city.

B. I love it. I get homesick at times. I miss my parents in Chicago.

C. Oh, sure, a little only. It is so lovely.

—How do I get to the garage? I need to have my car repaired.


A.Yes,there is a garage near here.

B.It's vetry far.

C.Go down this street and turn left.

How do I get to the cinema?-______

A、It's well known.

B、It's very far.

C、Yes, there is a cinema near here.

D、Go down this street and turn left.

Keith:So,how do I get to the police station from here?Anna:It,s easy.Go up Main Street abo

Keith:So,how do I get to the police station from here?

Anna:It,s easy.Go up Main Street about three bocks.And then,turn left.It’s fight beside the post office,__________.

A.You can,t ml’ss it

B.You can find it,no problem

C.Here yon are

D.There you go again

Xiaoyan: I have most of the things I need.We don' t need to buy any rice, and we d
on't need any peas.

Mary: We need some oranges.How many do we need to buy?

Xiaoyan: Four are enough.And we need some cream.

Mary: How much cream do we need to buy for four people?

Xiaoyan: Two cartons? Shall we get a melon and some wine? And 1 haven' t got any coffee.

Mary: OK.And lychees.Two tins?

Xiaoyan: How many lychees do you get in a tin?

Mary: 1 don' t know.Let' s get a big tin.We also need some mineral water.

Xiaoyan: And the prawns.How many prawns?

Mary: One big packet will do.I also need to get some vegetables for next week potatoes, carrots, onions, and a cabbage 1 think.There' s a little greengrocer's along the road.Why don't we go there first?

1、How many oranges does Xiaoyan want to buy? ()


B.A kilo.


2、Do they need any cream? ()

A.Yes, they do.

B.No , they don't.

C.The text does not tell us

3、How many prawns do they want to buy? ()

A.A packet.

B.Two packets.

C.Three packets.

4、Who would like to have some vegetables? ()




5、Which is not included (包括) in the shopping list? ()

A.Rice and peas.

B.Potatoes and coffee.

C.Melons and wine.

Mike:Excuse me.Are you a visitor or a student?Jane:?1’m sorry I know only a little Englis

Mike:Excuse me.Are you a visitor or a student?

Jane:?1’m sorry I know only a little English.

Mike:Are you traveling here?

Jane:Yes,I‘m traveling here.

A.Would you please say the number again

B.I"d say that I"m not a,traveler

C.Pardon me

D.What do you mean

Section ADirections: In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conve

Section A

Directions: In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A, B, C and D, and decide which is the best answer.

听力原文:M: What would you do if you heard a strange noise in the middle of the night?

W: I'd lie awake a little while, waiting to see if it happened again. And if it did, I would get up and see for myself to decide whether to call 911.

Q: How would you describe the woman?






听力原文:W: Alexander, you speak quite good English. How did you learn a foreign language
so well? You know English is really a headache for me. I just don't know how to learn it well.

M: Well, when learning a foreign language, I would surround myself in the language, the target language, that I wanted to learn.

W: Surround oneself in the language? I think it is difficult to do that. Can you explain how you do it?

M: Uh, for example, I would watch a movie in that language, uh, which would help me keep motivated to learn vocabulary and phrases.

W: That sounds interesting.

M: Yeah, you'll have a lot of fun by doing so.

W: I see. A little hit of practice every day is very important to language learning.

M: Yes. Regular practice is also better than practicing a lot in one day. Learning a language well needs patience and perseverance.

W: Then what else did you do to learn a foreign language?

M: Well, I would keep a situational notebook.

W: What is that used for?

M: Ur, for example, in a restaurant, you use a certain phrase over and over again, and so if you can remember just one particular phrase in each setting, then you can immediately speak that language and have more confidence and you get more out of learning the language, I think.

W: Really? I'll try that. Thank you for your advice.

M: You're welcome.


A.He's offering some suggestions about learning foreign languages.

B.He's asking the woman for help to improve his English.

C.He's discussing with the woman how to listen to a language regularly.

D.He's talking about the importance of taking notes in foreign languages learning.

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