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We have bought a house()Pear lover the Moon.





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This information was taken from an internal newsletter of The Knowledge Partnership LLP (T

This information was taken from an internal newsletter of The Knowledge Partnership LLP (TKP), a company which offers project and software consultancy work for clients based in Zeeland. The newsletter was dated 2 November 2014 and describes two projects currently being undertaken by the partnership.

Project One

In this project, one of our clients was just about to place a contract for a time recording system to help them monitor and estimate construction contracts when we were called in by the Finance Director. He was concerned about the company supplying the software package. ‘They only have an annual revenue of $5m’, he said, ‘and that worries me.’ TKP analysed software companies operating in Zeeland. It found that 200 software companies were registered in Zeeland with annual revenues of between $3m and $10m. Of these, 20 went out of business last year. This compared to a 1% failure rate for software companies with revenues of more than $100m per year. We presented this information to the client and suggested that this could cause a short-term support problem. The client immediately re-opened the procurement process. Eventually they bought a solution from a much larger well-known software supplier. It is a popular software solution, used in many larger companies.

The client has now asked us to help with the implementation of the package. A budget for the project has been agreed and has been documented in an agreed, signed-off, business case. The client has a policy of never re-visiting its business cases once they have been accepted; they see this as essential for effective cost control. We are currently working with the primary users of the software – account managers (using time and cost data to monitor contracts) and the project support office (using time and cost data to improve contract estimating) – to ensure that they can use the software effectively when it is implemented. We have also given ‘drop in’ briefing sessions for the client’s employees who are entering the time and cost data analysed by the software. They already record this information on a legacy system and so all they will see is a bright new user interface, but we need to keep them informed about our implementation. We are also looking at data migration from the current legacy system. We think some of the current data might be of poor quality, so we have established a strategy for data cleansing (through offshore data input) if this problem materialises. We currently estimate that the project will go live in May 2015.

Project Two

In this project, the client is the developer of the iProjector, a tiny phone-size projector which is portable, easy to use and offers high definition projection. The client was concerned that their product is completely dependent on a specialist image-enhancing chip designed and produced by a small start-up technology company. They asked TKP to investigate this company. We confirmed their fears. The company has been trading for less than three years and it has a very inexperienced management team. We suggested that the client should establish an escrow agreement for design details of the chip and suggested a suitable third party to hold this agreement. We also suggested that significant stocks of the chip should be maintained. The client also asked TKP to look at establishing patents for the iProjector throughout the world. Again, using our customer contacts, we put them in touch with a company which specialises in this. We are currently engaged with the client in examining the risk that a major telephone producer will launch a competitive product with functionality and features similar to the iProjector.

The iProjector is due to be launched on 1 May 2015 and we have been engaged to give advice on the launch of the product. The launch has been heavily publicised, a prestigious venue booked and over 400 attendees are expected. TKP have arranged for many newspaper journalists to attend. The product is not quite finished, so although orders will be taken at the launch, the product is not expected to ship until June 2015.

Further information:

TKP only undertakes projects in the business culture which it understands and where it feels comfortable. Consequently, it does not undertake assignments outside Zeeland.

TKP has $10,000,000 of consultant’s liability insurance underwritten by Zeeland Insurance Group (ZIG).


(a) Analyse how TKP itself and the two projects described in the scenario demonstrate the principles of effective risk management. (15 marks)

(b) Describe the principle of the triple constraint (scope, time and cost) on projects and discuss its implications in the two projects described in the scenario. (10 marks)

IntroductionThe following is an interview with Mick Kazinski, a senior marketing executive


The following is an interview with Mick Kazinski, a senior marketing executive with Bridge Co, a Deeland-based construction company. It concerns their purchase of Custcare, a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software package written by the Custcare Corporation, a software company based in Solland, a country some 4,000 km away from Deeland. The interview was originally published in the Management Experiences magazine.

Interviewer: Thanks for talking to us today Mick. Can you tell us how Bridge Co came to choose the Custcare software package?

Mick: Well, we didn’t choose it really. Teri Porter had just joined the company as sales and marketing director. She had recently implemented the Custcare package at her previous company and she was very enthusiastic about it. When she found out that we did not have a CRM package at Bridge Co, she suggested that we should also buy the Custcare package as she felt that our requirements were very similar to those of her previous company. We told her that any purchase would have to go through our capex (capital expenditure) system as the package cost over $20,000. Here at Bridge Co, all capex applications have to be accompanied by a formal business case and an Invitation to Tender (ITT) has to be sent out to at least three potential suppliers. However, Teri is a very clever lady. She managed to do a deal with Custcare and they agreed to supply the package at a cost of $19,995, just under the capex threshold. Teri had to cut a few things out. For example, we declined the training courses (Teri said the package was an easy one to use and she would show us how to use it) and also we opted for the lowest level of support, something we later came to regret. Overall, we were happy. We knew that Custcare was a popular and successful CRM package.

Interviewer: So, did you have a demonstration of the software before you bought it?

Mick: Oh yes, and everyone was very impressed. It seemed to do all the things we would ever want it to do and, in fact, it gave us some ideas about possibilities that we would never have thought of. Also, by then, it was clear that our internal IT department could not provide us with a bespoke solution. Teri had spoken to them informally and she was told that they could not even look at our requirements for 18 months. In contrast, we could be up and running with the Custcare package within three months. Also, IT quoted an internal transfer cost of $18,000 for just defining our requirements. This was almost as much as we were paying for the whole software solution!

Interviewer: When did things begin to go wrong?

Mick: Well, the implementation was not straightforward. We needed to migrate some data from our current established systems and we had no-one who could do it. We tried to recruit some local technical experts, but Custcare pointed out that we had signed their standard contract which only permitted Custcare consultants to work on such tasks. We had not realised this, as nobody had read the contract carefully. In the end, we had to give in and it cost us $10,000 in fees to migrate the data from some of our internal systems to the new package. Teri managed to get the money out of the operational budget, but we weren’t happy.

We then tried to share data between the Custcare software and our existing order processing system. We thought this would be easy, but apparently the file formats are incompatible. Thus we have to enter customer information into two systems and we are unable to exploit the customer order analysis facility of the Custcare CRM.

Finally, although we were happy with the functionality and reliability of the Custcare software, it works very slowly. This is really very disappointing. Some reports and queries have to be aborted because the software appears to have hung. The software worked very quickly in the demonstration, but it is painfully slow now that it is installed on our IT platform.

Interviewer: What is the current situation?

Mick: Well, we are all a bit deflated and disappointed in the package. The software seems reasonable enough, but its poor performance and our inability to interface it to the order processing system have reduced users’ confidence in the system. Because users have not been adequately trained, we have had to phone Custcare’s support desk more than we should. However, as I said before, we took the cheapest option. This is for a help line to be available from 8.00 hrs to 17.00 hrs Solland time. As you know, Solland is in a completely different time zone and so we have had to stay behind at work and contact them in the late evening. Again, nobody had closely read the terms of the contract. We have taken legal advice, but we have also found that, for dispute resolution, the contract uses the commercial contract laws of Solland. Nobody in Bridge Co knows what these are! Our solicitor said that we should have asked for this specification to be changed when the contract was drawn up. I just wish we had chosen a product produced by a company here in Deeland. It would have made it much easier to resolve issues and disputes.

Interviewer: What does Teri think?

Mick: Not a lot! She has left us to rejoin her old company in a more senior position. The board did ask her to justify her purchase of the Custcare CRM package, but I don’t think she ever did. I am not sure that she could!


(a) Suggest a process for evaluating, selecting and implementing a software package solution and explain how this process would have prevented the problems experienced at Bridge Co in the Custcare CRM application. (15 marks)

(b) The CEO of Bridge Co now questions whether buying a software package was the wrong approach to meeting the CRM requirements at Bridge Co. He wonders whether they should have commissioned a bespoke software system instead.

Explain, with reference to the CRM project at Bridge Co, the advantages of adopting a software package approach to fulfilling business system requirements compared with a bespoke software solution. (10 marks)

I bought a new house last year, but I_________my old house yet, so at themoment I

I bought a new house last year, but I_________ my old house yet, so at the moment I have two houses.

A. didn't sell

B. have not sold

C. had not sold

D. don't sell

Following the writer' s suggestions-, which of the following should we students d0?.A.Set

Following the writer' s suggestions-, which of the following should we students d0?.

A.Set up a e-store and do business online.

B.Keep silent if you are not satisfied with what you' ve bought from your friends.

C.Return your purchases if you are not pleased with the goods from your friends.

D.Be careful when e-shopping and avoid making money from your friends on line.

听力原文:The owners of limited companies are people who have bought shares in the company.


A.The shareholders are the owners of limited companies.

B.Shareholders deposit their money in the limited companies.

C.The shareholders can sell shares of limited companies to the public.

D.Shareholders of limited companies are able to make profits continuously.

C A woman:heads into apopular New York City coffee shop on a cold: winter rooming. Just ah


A woman:heads into apopular New York City coffee shop on a cold: winter rooming. Just ahead of her, a man drops a few papers. The woman pauses to help gather them. A clerk ata busy store thanks a customer who has just bought something. "Enjoy" the young woman says, smiling widely. "Have a nice day." She sounds like she really means it. These arethe common situations we may see every: day.

However, in her best-selling book Talk to the Hand, Lynne Truss argues that common good manners such as saying "Excuse me" almost no longer exist. There are certainly plenty who would agree with her. According to one recent study, 70 percent of the U.S. adults (成A.)said people are ruder now than they were 20 years ago.

Is it really true? We decided to find out if good manners are really hard to see. In this politeness study, reporters were sent to many cities in the world. They performed three experiments: "door tests" (would anyone hold the door open for them?); "paper drops" (who would help them gather a pile of "accidentally" dropped papers?); and "service tests" (which salesclerks would thank them for a purchase [购物]?)

In New York, 60 tests (20 of each type)were done. Along the way, the reporters met all types of people: men and women of different races, ages, professions (职业), and income levels. And guess what? In the end, four out of every five :people they met passed their: politeness test making New York the most polite city in the study.

44, What does Lynne Truss argue in Talk to the Hand?.

A. People are not as polite as they used to.

B. "Excuse me" is not welcome nowadays.

C. Of all the adults in the US 70% are rude,

D. People don't care about manners any more.

I have bought a new computer. Can you teach me_____?

A、how to use

B、what to use

C、to use it

D、how to use it

Customs Officer:Well,please open your suitcases. Mr.Smith:OK.These items are for personal
use. Customs Officer:__________?Mr.Smith:N0,I don,t think S0.I‘ve only bought some gifts for my friends.

A.Anything else to show me

B.Do you have anything to declare

C.Will you report anything

D.Do you want to buy more gifts

听力原文:M: Good news! The current price of land we bought last year has increased greatly
. How about reporting it in the profit and loss account?

W: Wait a minute. According to the Prudence Concept, if the market price is higher than the cost, the higher amount is ignored in the accounts.

Q: Why can't they record the gains right now?


A.Because of the prudence concept.

B.Because of the materiality concept.

C.Because of the matching principle.

D.Because of the Dual Aspects Concept.

Woman:Wally,the necklace is beautiful,but really,you shouldn’t have! Man:You’re welcom

Woman:Wally,the necklace is beautiful,but really,you shouldn’t have!

Man:You’re welcome. I think it looks beautiful on you.

Question:What did wally do for the woman?

A:He bought her necklace.

B:He helped her put on the necklace.

C:He helped her choose a necklace.

D:He tried to flatter her.

Could you tell me________?

A.which gate we have to go

B.which gate have we to go

C.which gate we have to go to

D.where we have to go to

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