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East London has traditional ly been an area which has attracted immigrants.The chance

to find jobs in London has led to immigrants from many different parts of the world living there.Also, because it was the home of London s docks, it was easy for people to get there by ship.One famous bui lding in Brick Lane has been a church, a synagogue and is now a mosque Nowadays this part of London, which is known as the East End.is home to people from many different parts of the world.including Africa, Asia and the Caribbean.This means that there are many shops and restaurants selling ethnic food.In the past the East End was one of the poorest parts of London, but now it is becoming more fashionable and house prices are rising rapidly.This is because many people want to live near to where they work in the centre of the city.Also improved transport links to both other parts of London and to other countries via the Channel Tunnel train station and Dock lands Airport have attracted more people to the area.

21.East London has()

A.has never been a home for immigrants

B.has recently become a home for immigrants

C.has always been a home for immigrants

22.Immigrants are attracted by()

A.low house prices


C.ethnic food

23.London' s docks were()

A.easy to reach by plane

B.mainly in East London

C.a good place to find work

24.East London()

A.is a cheap place to live

B.has never been a cheap place to live in

C.ued to be a cheap place to live in

25.House prices are rising rapidly because()

A.it has good transport links and more people want to live there near the center of London

B.there are lots of jobs in East London

C.there are lots of good shops and restaurants

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更多“East London has traditional ly…”相关的问题
London: Melting Pot of CulturesDid you know that London is one of the most multicultura
London: Melting Pot of Cultures

Did you know that London is one of the most multicultural cities in the world? Here, there are about 300 different cultures living side by side. Forget tea and sandwiches, now it is more common for a Londoner to drink cappuccino for breakfast, and eat Thai food for lunch in the local pub. Let’s see how life has changed in Britain’s capital.

A India

Most people from India arrived in London in the 1950s and 60s. Now there is a strong Asian presence here – in the shops, markets and, of course, the restaurants. In fact, curry is Britain’s favorite takeaway meal. A typical family has a curry every two weeks, either delivered or bought ready-made from the supermarket. Indian people live all over London. Southall, in the far west of the city, is one of many places well known for its Indian culture.

B Poland

This community represents more than 1% of the UK’s total population and is growing rapidly. In London, many Polish people live in the Hammersmith area, in the west of the city. Here, there are several Catholic churches, and delicatessens which sell the country’s specialities such as beetroot soup (barszcz) or Polish cakes and snacks. Were they right to come? Young Poles say they can easily earn three times as much money here as at home, where unemployment remains high.

C West Africa

West Africans – mainly from Ghana and Nigeria – have brought a wealth of languages, music and culture to the British capital. Many London markets sell their traditional foods like yams and different types of rice. A lot of Nigerians live in the south-east London area, in suburbs like Deptford.

1、When did most people from India arrive in London?

A、The 1950s and 60s.

B、The 1950s.

C、The 1960s.

2、How often does a typical family have a curry?

A、Two times.

B、Every two weeks.

C、Two weeks.

3、Where do many Polish people live?

A、The east of the city.

B、Catholic churches.

C、The Hammersmith area.

4、Why do Polish people come to London?

A、They can earn three times as much money in the UK.

B、Unemployment remains high in the UK.

C、They are growing rapidly.

5、What kind of traditional West Africa foods do markets sell?

A、Ghana and Nigeria.

B、Languages,music and culture.

C、Yams and different types of rice.

For the goods under S/C No.234, we () space in S.S East Wind due to arrive in London around May 3.

A.have booked

B.have bought

C.have hired

D.have retained

To uproot terrorism in the Middle East, the United States has been trying to broker a





This match marked the first time that an American_____ the London International Tennis

A.has won

B.had won


D.would win

An exporter based in New York has agreed to sell goods to a company in London. The importer is resp

An exporter based in New York has agreed to sell goods to a company in London.

The importer is responsible for arranging freight and insurance. Which of the following shipping terms is correct?

(1)( )CIF London (2)( )FAS London

(3)( )CIF New York (4)( )FAS New York

During the past two years, the ______ of automobile accidents in London City has decreased





In London, a premium on a foreign exchange rate means ______.A.the foreign currency is dea

In London, a premium on a foreign exchange rate means ______.

A.the foreign currency is dearer

B.the foreign currency is cheaper

C.the foreign currency is less valuable

D.it has no relevance at all

How is the opinion of the author about the London's insurance market?A.Great changes have

How is the opinion of the author about the London's insurance market?

A.Great changes have taken place since 1990's at London insurance market.

B.London's insurance market was too ancient to be changed.

C.Little has really changed at London's insurance market in recent years.

D.For centuries, no changes have taken place in London's insurance market.

Valencia is in the east part of Spain. It has a port on the sea, two miles away from the c
oast. It is the capital of a province that is also named Valencia.

The city is a market centre for what is produced by the land around the city. Most of the city's money is made from farming. It is also a busy business city, with ships, railways, clothes and machine factories.

Valencia has an old part with white buildings, coloured roofs, and narrow streets. The modern part has long, wide streets and new buildings. Valencia is well known for its parks and gardens. It has many old churches and museums. The University in the centre of the city was built in the 13th century.

The city of valencia has been known since the 2nd century. In the 8th century it was the capital of Spain. There is also an important city in Venzuela(委内瑞拉)named Valencia.

From the text, how many places have the name Valencia?





There is growing interest in East Japan Railway Co. ltd., one of the six companies, create
d out of the privatized national railway system. In an industry lacking exciting growth__1__, its plan to use real-estate assets in and around train stations__2__is drawing interest.

In a plan called “Station Renaissance” that it__3__in November, JR East said that it would__4__using its commercial spaces for shops and restaurants, extending them to__5__more suitable for the information age. It wants train stations as pick-up__6__for such goods as books, flowers and groceries__7__over the Internet. In a country where city__8__depend heavily on trains__9__commuting, about 16 million people a day go to its train stations anyway, the company __10__. So, picking up commodities at train stations__11__consumers extra travel and missed home deliveries. JR East already has been using its station__12__stores for this purpose, but it plans to create__13__spaces for the delivery of Internet goods.

The company also plans to introduce __14__cards—known in Japan as IC cards because they use integrated circuit for__15__information__16__ train tickets and commuter passes__17__the magnetic ones used today, integrating them into a/an __18__pass. This will save the company money, because__19__for IC cards are much less expensive than magnetic systems. Increased use of IC cards should also__20__the space needed for ticket vending.





根据以下材料回答第 46~50 题: Passage FourNews has just been received of an air crash

根据以下材料回答第 46~50 题:

Passage FourNews has just been received of an air crash in the north of England. The plane , which was on a charter flight from London to Carlisle, was carrying a party of businessmen on their way to a trade fair. It seems likely that the plane ran into a heavy fog as it was approaching Carlisle and was obliged to circle for some twenty minutes. Everything seemed to be going well. The pilot was in constant radio communication with Ground Control when the engines suddenly cut out and all contact was lost. The plane crashed on the site of the ancient Roman camp at Hadrian’s Hill , a place well known to archaeologists(考古学家)and tourists.

So far few details have been reported, but it is feared that at least twenty people lost their lives, among them the pilot, who was killed instantly, The local ambulances and firemen were on the scene within minutes of the crash , but additional help had to be rushed from other areas.

Mr. Lesilie Collins, one of the survivors, told our reporter, “We passengers noticed the engines were making a funny noise. Of course we couldn’t see anything because of the fog, but the pilot said there was nothing to worry about. The next thing we know, the engines went dead. There was a rushing noise-and after that I don’t remember any more.”

Mr. Collins is now in hospital, being treated minor injuries. We will be bringing you further news of crash as we receive it . In the meantime relatives are asked to ring 02-3457211 for information.

第 46 题 The plane was_________.

A.flying some businessmen to London

B.on a regular flighy to London

C.returning from a trade fair

D.bound for Carlisle

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