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—What starting salary do you expect?


A.I' d like to start on Monday next week.

B.I expect to get a salary increase.

C.I'd like to start at ¥5000 a month.

Neal:I expect you could do with a cup of tea,couldn’t you?Sally:__________have a cup of co
ffee,if you don’t mind.

A.1 want to

B.I"d rather

C.I like to

D.I love to

One silly question I simply can't stand is "How do you feel?". Usually the
One silly question I simply can't stand is "How do you feel?". Usually the question is asked of a man in action --- a man on the go, walking along the street, or busily working at his desk. So what do you expect him to say? He'll probably say, "Fine, I'm all right," but "you've put a bug in his ear" -- maybe now he's not sure. If you are a good friend, you may have seen something in his face, or his walk, that he overlooked that morning. It starts him worrying a little. First thing you know, he looks in a mirror to see if everything is all right, while you go merrily on your way asking someone else, "How do you feel?"

Every question has its time and place. It's perfectly acceptable, for instance, to ask "How do you feel?" if you're visiting a close friend in the hospital, But if the fellow is walking on both legs, hurrying to make a train, or sitting at his desk working, it's no time to ask him that silly question.When George Bernard Shaw, the famous writer of plays was in his eighties, someone asked him "How do you feel?" Shaw put him in his place. "When you reach my age," he said, "either you feel all right or you're dead."

1.According to the writer, greetings, such as "How do you feel?" ____.

A、show one's consideration for others

B、are a good way to make friends

C、are proper to ask a man in action

D、generally make one feel uneasy

2.The question "How do you feel?" seems to be correct and suitable when asked of ____.

A、a man working at his desk

B、a person having lost a close friend

C、a stranger who looks somewhat worried

D、a friend who is ill

3.The writer seems to feel that a busy man should ____.

A、be praised for his efforts

B、never be asked any question

C、not be bothered

D、be discouraged from working so hard

4.George Bernard Shaw's reply in the passage shows his ____.





5.“You've put a bug in his ear ”means that you've ____.

A、made him laugh

B、shown concern for him

C、made fun of him

D、given him some kind of warning

阅读下面的句子,根据文章内容进行判断,正确写“T”,错误写“F”。 Stop Yelling At Your Kids Parenting is hard. If you’re a parent, I’m sure that I don’t need to tell you that our job is a tough one. When you're managing children,


Stop Yelling At Your Kids

Parenting is hard. If you’re a parent, I’m sure that I don’t need to tell you that our job is a tough one. When you're managing children, it can be difficult to remember that they are still learning. If you find yourself yelling at your kids more often than you want to, here are some ways that can help you reduce the yelling. I’ve been working on this for the past few months and I have to say,it’s been amazing for both the kids and me.

If you are having an argument with your child, you need to make sure you both take the time to really listen. It gives both of you time to think and really listen to each other, which is important. Kids are more likely to listen to you if you listen to them!

One of your biggest struggles is to remind yourself of appropriate expectations. You can’t expect that your youngest acts as responsibly as your oldest. You should lower what you expect -taking into consideration things like their age - it can make a big difference. You should do your best to take a moment before yelling and take in a deep breath. It makes a world of difference for you. Instead of yelling, you’d better whisper. It can also help diffuse any situation by making things quieter, not louder. Besides, the more time you spend with your kids, the better you’ll get at communicating with them. You’re both more likely to understand each other.

If your children aren’t listening or it seems they only don’t listen to you, you don’t take it personally. You should remind yourself that your kids are still learning and they’re not going to be perfect.

()21. As a parent, you may know that parenting is an easy job.

()22. Listening to each other is a good way to stop argument between parents and their kids.

()23. Usually younger kids behave less responsibly than elder children.

()24. Parents should lower their expectation for their kids.

()25. Both yelling and whispering can help make things quieter.

听力原文:M: So, you must have a lot of contact with overseas students in your work helping
people coping with daily existence.

W: Sometimes. You know the life of a social worker is not all wonderful and working to help people in their daily life. I have to spend a lot of time pushing paper, and writing reports too. But when I do get out, yeah, I see a lot of foreigners. And sometimes they come in because life in America has just beaten them down and they can't cope financially or emotionally.

M: Really? I would think that they had a good support network in place, especially university students.

W: They do have a network, and a variety of support groups, but these can't meet all of the students' needs. They can't help with paying bills, dealing with American neighbors and customs, fitting in, getting a driver's license, etc. They try, but very often the student has to figure out a lot of this stuff by himself. And if he or she is shy, they don't have the courage to ask other people, even other people from their nationality.

M: So what are some of the things that overseas students struggle with?

W: This might interest you, but they struggle with the food, especially Chinese. You know, they come here knowing that Americans love Chinese food so much. They think that there will be good restaurants with Chinese food that they love. But they get here and they are extremely surprised. Americans enjoy totally different flavors.

M: So what do they do?

W: If they're brave and curious, they look around and test all the restaurants. There is usually at least one restaurant in every town that has almost quality food.

Questions 23 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

23. In which aspect does the woman help people in her work?

24. Why do people come to the woman for help?

25. How did Chinese students expect the American-made Chinese food before they came to the U.S?


A.Writing reports for them.

B.Teaching them foreign languages.

C.Helping them deal with daily existence.

D.Introducing work for them.

Newspapers, along with reporting the news, educate, entertain, and give opinions. An important way of reading a large, big-city newspaper is knowing how to take it apart. Can you find these separate sections: world news, national and local news, sports, business, entertainment, opinions, classified advertisements? Does your paper have other sections?

News stories give facts, not the author’s opinions. Editorials(社论) do the opposite; you can expect an editorial to take sides. Some newspaper editorials have a by-line with the author’s name, but many newspapers have unsigned(未署名的)editorials. These reflect the opinions of the publisher or editor.

You can be a better reader if you know what to expect in a newspaper. For example, you can expect headlines to omit unnecessary words. You can expect to find the most important facts in the first paragraph of a news story. You can expect important news items to be on the front page. You can expect less important items to be on the inside pages.

Most of all, the more you know about the current news, the more you will understand what is the newspaper; important stories are generally presented one day and followed up on following days. So, an important way of reading newspapers is reading one frequently

When reading a large newspaper, one should _________()

A.read it from cover to cover

B.do some paper-cutting

C.find separate sections

D.predict what is inside the paper

阅读理解:正误判断STOPPING YELLING AT YOUR KIDSParenting is hard. If you're a parent,



Parenting is hard. If you're a parent, I'm sure that I don't need to tell you that our job is a tough one. When you're managing children, it can be difficult to remember that they are still learning. If you find you are yelling at your kids more often than you want to, here are some ways that can help you reduce the yelling. I've been working on this for the past few months and I have to say, it's been amazing for both the kids and me.

If you are having an argument with your child, you need to make sure you both take the time to really listen. It gives both of you time to think and really listen to each other, which is important. Kids are more likely to listen to you if you listen to them!

One of your biggest struggles is to remind yourself of appropriate expectations. You can't expect that your youngest acts as responsibly as your oldest. You should lower what you expect – taking into consideration things like their age – it can make a big difference.

You should do your best to take a moment before yelling and take in a deep breath. It makes a world of difference for you. Instead of yelling, you'd better whisper. It can also help diffuse any situation by making things quieter, not louder. Besides, the more time you spend with your kids, the better you'll get at communicating with them. You're both more likely to understand each other.

If your children aren't listening or it seems they only don't listen to you, you don't take it personally. You should remind yourself that your kids are still learning and they're not going to be perfect.


1. As a parent, you may know that parenting is an easy job. {T、F}

2. Listening to each other is a good way to stop argument between parents and their kids. {T、F}

3. Usually younger kids behave less responsibly than elder children.{T、F}

4. Parents should lower their expectations for their kids. {T、F}

5. Both yelling and whispering can help make things quieter. {T、F}

The cohesiveness(内聚力)of a family seems to rely on members sharing certain routine pract

The cohesiveness(内聚力)of a family seems to rely on members sharing certain routine practices and events. For a growing share of the American labor force, however, working shifts beyond the normal daylight hours—what we here call "shift work"—makes the lives of families difficult.

Existing research shows that both male and female shift workers express high levels of stress and a sense of conflict between the demands of work and family life. But shift work couples still maintain a traditional attitude to the meaning of marriage and the individual roles of husband and wife. They expressed a willingness to do "whatever it takes" to approximate their view of a proper marriage, including sacrificing sleep and doing conventional things at unconventional hours. For the majority of couples interviewed, even when wives worked outside their homes, a proper marriage is characterized by a very clear division of roles: husbands are "providers" whose major responsibility is to support the family; wives are "homemakers" who clean, cook, and care for husbands and children.

The women's definitions of a "good husband" are typified by the following wife's response:

I expect him to be a good provider, and be there when I need him, loyal about the same things as he would expect out of me, expect that I expect him to dominate over me. But in a manner of speaking, when it's time to be a man I expect him to stand up instead of sitting back expecting me to do everything.

To husbands, a good wife is someone who is:

Understanding of what I feel go through at work. I need that respect at work, I hope I get it at work, I want my wife to realize what I expect at work. I don't want her to give me a lot of shit when I come home from work because I don't know if this makes much sense.

These views seemed critical to maintain the families of the shift workers.

Despite______,shift work couples still hoped to maintain a stable life.

A.traditional beliefs about marriage

B.lack of control over time

C.a very clear division of roles

D.the demands of work

---What do you usually do when you are free? ()

A.I usually read novels

B.I like to be free

C.I'm busy

D.I agree

I knew ______()

A.when you get up

B.when do you get up

C.when you got up

D.when did you get up

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