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Text 2To understand how astrology works, we should first take a quick look at the sky. Alt

Text 2 To understand how astrology works, we should first take a quick look at the sky. Although the stars are at enormous distances, they do indeed give the impression of being affixed to the inner surface of a great hollow sphere surrounding the earth. Ancient people, in fact, literally believed in the existence of such a celestial sphere. As the earth spins on its axis, the celestial sphere appears to turn about us each day, pivoting at points on a line with the earth's axis of rotation. This daily turning of the sphere carries the stars around the sky, causing most of them to rise and set, but they, and constellations they define, maintains fixed patterns on the sphere, just as the continent of Australian maintains its shape on a spinning globe of the earth. Thus the stars were called fixed stars.

The motion of the sun along the ecliptic is, of course, merely a reflection of the revolution of the earth around the sun, but the ancients believed the earth was fixed and the sun had an independent motion of its own, eastward among the stars. The glare of sunlight hides the stars in daytime, but the ancients were aware that the stars were up there even at night, and the slow eastward motion of the sun around the sky, at the rate of about thirty degrees each month, caused different stars to be visible at night at different times of the year.

The moon, revolving around the earth each month, also has an independent motion in the sky. The moon, however, changes its position relatively rapidly. Although it appears to rise and set each day, as does nearly everything else in the sky, we can see the moon changing position during as short an interval as an hour or so. The moon's path around the earth lies nearly in the same plane as the earth's path around the sun, so the moon is never seen very far from the ecliptic in the sky. There are five other objects visible to the naked eye that also appear to move in respect to the fixed background of stars on the celestial sphere. These are the planets Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and the Saturn. All of them revolve around the sun in nearly the same plane as the earth does, so they, like the moon, always appear near the ecliptic. Because we see the planets from the moving earth, however, they behave in a complicated way, with their apparent motions on the celestial sphere reflection both their own independent motions around the sun and our motion as well.

第26题:The ancient people believed that ________.

[A] the earth was spinning on the axis of the sky

[B] the sky was a hollow sphere spinning around the earth

[C] the patterns of stars on the sky would never change

[D] the stars around the sky were not stationary

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Are you a good reader? Good readers know that reading isn't just about knowing words— it's
a way of thinking. Here are some tips that may be of some help.

Think before you read. Before you read the text, ask yourself the questions that why you are reading it and what you want to get from it. These will help you choose what words you need to know and what words you can skip or scan.

Think while you are reading. Can you get the meaning of the text without looking up new words in a dictionary? A text will often give examples that may help you understand some words. For example: Many large Russian cities, such as Chelyabinsk and Irkutsk, have taken steps to protect their culture. The words "Chelyabinsk' and "Irkutsk' may be new to us, but the sentences before and after it tell us what they are.

Think after you read. What is the main idea of the text? Is the text too easy or too hard for you?

If you practice reading and thinking in this way, you will become a better reader and you will learn better and faster.

This passage is probably taken from______.

A.a newspaper for general readers

B.a magazine for language teachers

C.a book for language learners

D.an advertisement for a new book

Many people thought babies were not able to learn things until they were five or six month
s old.But doctors now say babies begin learning,,on their first day of life. A baby will smile if his or hermother does something the baby likes. A babylearns to get the best care by smiling to please hermother or other care givers. This is when babies learn to connect and "talk" with other people.

Language skills are believed to develop best in the first three years when the place is rich withsounds and sights. Scientists say children should hear the speech and language of other people againand again. The first signs of communication(交际) happen during the first few days of life.when ababy learns that crying will bring food and attention.

Research shows that most children recognize the general sounds of their native language by sixmonths of age. By that time, a baby usually begins to make sounds. By the end of their first year, mostchildren are able to say a few simple words, although they may not understand the meaning of thewords. By 18 months of age, most children can say between eight and ten words. By two years of age,most children are able to make simple sentences. By ages three,four and five,the number of words achild can understand quickly increases. It is at these ages that children begin to understand the rulesof language. When do babies begin to learn according to doctors?

A.Right after they are born.

B.Not until they are five months old

C.When they are six months old

D.As soon as they are one year old

Babies will smile whenA.they are wet or hungry

B.they want to get the best care

C.they want to talk to others

D.they learn sounds and words

What do most children begin to do from age three or older?A.Make sounds.

B.Make simple sentences.

C.Say a few words.

D.Understand language rules.

What would be the best title for the text?A.The Language of Babies

B.When Do Babies Learn to Talk

C.The Roles of Cry and Smile

D.How Babies Understand Words


????????D?Many people thought babies were not able to learn things until they were five or


?Many people thought babies were not able to learn things until they were five or six month sold. But doctors now say babies begin learning on their first day of life. A baby will smile if his or her mother does something the ?baby likes. A baby learns to get the best care by smiling top lease her mother or other care givers. This is when babies learn to connect and “talk” with other people.

?Languages kills are believed to develop best in the first three years when the place is rich with sounds and sights. Scientists say children should hear the speech and language of other people again and again. The first signs of communication(交际) happen during the first few days of life, when a baby learns that crying will bring food and attention.

Research shows that most children recognize the general sounds of their native language by six months of age. By that time, a baby usually begins to make sounds. By the end of their year, most children are able to say a few simple words, although they may not understand the meaning of the words. By 18 months of age, most children can say between eight and ten words. By two years of age, most children are able to make simple sentences. By ages three, four and five, the number of words a child can understand quickly increases. It is at these ages that children begin to understand the rules of language.

When do babies begin to learn according to doctors?????

????A.Right after they are born

B.Not until they are five months old

C.When they are six months old

D.As soon as they are one year old

Babies will smile when .

A.they are wet or hungry

B.they want to get the best care

C.they want to talk to others

D.they learn sounds and words

What do most children begin to do from age three or older?A.Make sounds

B.Make simple sentences

C.Say a few words

D.Understand language rules

What would be the best title for the text?A.The Language of Babies

B.When Do Babies Learn to Talk

C.The Roles of Cry and Smile

D.How Babies Understand Words



My interest in Chinese food started years a90,when l was a young reporter for the Washington Post.Our office Wasn’t far from Chinatown,where I found some very good Chinese restaurants.

The first time I ever ate Chinese food I loved it.I noticed the fresh taste of the meat and vegetables.When I learned more about the food,I began to understand why it has this special feature.

Many years ago,China had an energy crisis(危机)because it lost much of its wood due to over population and poor management of its forests.This loss was very bad for the country,of course,but it turned out to be very good for the food.Wood became very expensive and hard to get,so the Chinese had to either find a substitute(替代物)for their valuable wood,or learn how to use it better.There weren’t any substitutes so people found ways to—economize.

In order to economize in cookin9,they had to use very little wood.So they started cutting their meat and vegetables into small pieces before they put them in the hot oil.That way,the food cooked faster and they saved their fuel。The food prepared in this way kept its fresh flavor(味道)一and its this flavor that attracts people from other countries to the art of Chinese cooking.

This text is mainly about__________.

A.what caused Chinese food to taste fresh

B.how Chinese food is cooked in the US

C.when the author started to make Chinese food

D.why most foreigners like cooking Chinese food

SOCIAL WORKERS Social workers help people overcome problems and make their lives bette
r.If people are homeless, sick, or having family problems, social workers will work with them.If students have trouble in school, social workers help them too.

Social workers help these people in different ways.One way is to find resources for people.They find out what kinds of help people need.Then, they set up programs to meet the needs of the individual12.They may focus on child abuse, poverty, violence, and other problems.For someone with family difficulties, social workers may find a parenting class or a support group.For a homeless person, they may find a place for them to live and a career training program.For a student, they may find a mentor or a learning disability expert.

Many social workers give counseling.They talk to people about their lives and help them understand and solve their problems and to make plans.

Most social workers spend the day in an office.Some travel to the people they help.Sometimes, they meet with people in the evening or on weekends.Social workers can be very busy when they are helping many people at once.

1.According to the text, what is not social workers'job?

A.to help people with family problems

B.to make people's lives better

C.to do the housework for people

2.For someone with family problems, social workers will()

A.find them a place to live

B.find them a career training program

C.find them a parenting class

3.Social workers build()to provide the help for people in need.

A.problems B.days C.resources

4.Which of the following sentence is not true?

A.Social workers give some advice to people.

B.Most social workers think of their job as boring.

C.Social workers may help many people at a time.

5.The main point of this passage is about.

A.How busy social workers are

B.How social workers do their job

C.How tired social workers are"

Another useful method for improving your reading is the ability to reflect on what is be
ing presented. Readers ___46___ the material that they have read not simply to understand it, ___47___ to interpret, analyze, and critique this information. Readers use several different methods to help them reflect such as careful note – taking, synthesis (综合). And analysis.

Careful note – taking on your reading material ___48___ while you read. Pausing periodically to ___49__ about important claims or ideas, ___50___ details, or questions about unclear concepts. The act of note – taking will help you to reflect about the content of the document, and the notes you keep will ___51___ an archive that you can refer to in the future.

Synthesis is the ability to take what are ___52___ seeming irrelevant points and put them together into a meaningful, new whole. Synthesis may occur during your reading, or it may tale place after you have read a document in its entirety.

Analysis moves synthesis one step ___53___ , encouraging a reader to carefully examine thoroughly the points ___54__ , and how they are synthesized. After readers analyze a passage or a whole text, they ___55__ regarding the document, either generally agreeing or disagreeing with its message. (205 words)

46. A. study B. reflect on C. consider D. think

47. A. and B. but also C. moreover D. yet

48. A. must take place B. may start C. have to begin D. should occur

49. A. make note B. write note C. take notes D. keep note

50. A. relevant B. connected C. associated D. linked

51. A. act as B. serve as C. consider as D. regard as

52. A. firstly B. to begin with C. first hand D. at first

53. A. in advance B. farther C. further D. forwardly

54. A. to be made B. being made C. having made D. to make

55. A. take a position B. insist on C. consider D. hold the view

TEXT C In Barcelona the Catalonians call them castells, but these aren't stereotypical ca


In Barcelona the Catalonians call them castells, but these aren't stereotypical castles in Spain. These castles are made up of human beings, not stone. The people who perform. this agile feat of acrobatics are called castellers, and to see their towers take shape is to observe a marvel of human cooperation.

First the castellers form. what looks like a gigantic rugby scrummage. They are the foundation blocks of the castle. Behind them, other people press together, forming outward-radiating ramparts of inward-pushing muscle: flying buttresses for the castle. Then sturdy but lighter castellers scramble over the backs of those at the bottom and stand, barefoot, on their shoulders—then still others, each time adding a higher "story".

These human towers can rise higher than small apartment buildings: nine “stories”, 35 feet into the air. Then, just When it seems this tower of humanity can't defy gravity any longer, a little kid emerges from the crowd and climbs straight up to the top. Arms extended, the child grins while waving to the cheering crowd far below.

Dressed in their traditional costumes, the castellers seem to epitomize an easier time, before Barcelona became a world metropolis arid the Mediterranean's most dynamic city. But when you observe-them tip close, in their street clothes, at practice, you see there's nothing easy about what the castellers do - and that they are not merely reenacting an ancient ritual.

None of the castellers can-give a logical answer as to why they love doing this. But Victor Luna, 16, touches me on the shoulder and says in English: "We do it because it's beautiful. We do it because we are Catalan."

Barcelona’s mother tongue is Catalan, and to understand Barcelona, you must understand two words of Catalan: seny and rauxa. Seny pretty much translates as common sense, or the ability to make money, arrange things, and get things done. Rauxa is reminiscent of our words “raucous” and “ruckus”.

What makes the castellers revealing of the city is that they embody rauxa and seny. The idea of a human castle is rauxa—it defies common sense—but to watch one going up is to see seny in action. Success is based on everyone working together to achieve a shared goal.

The success of Carlos Tusquets' bank, Fibanc, shows seny at work in everyday life. The bank started as a family concern and now employs hundreds. Tusquets said it exemplifies how the economy in Barcelona is different.

Entrepreneurial seny demonstrates why Barcelona and Catalonia—the ancient region of which Barcelona is the capital—are distinct from the rest of Spain yet essential to Spain's emergence, after centuries of repression, as a prosperous, democratic European country. Catalonia, with Barcelona as its dynamo, has turned into an economic powerhouse. Making up 6 percent of Spain’s territory, with a sixth of its people, it accounts for nearly a quarter of Spain's production—everything from textiles to computers—even though the rest of Spain has been enjoying its own economic miracle.

Hand in hand with seny goes rauxa, and there's no better place to see rauxa in action than on the Ramblas, the venerable, tree-shaded boulevard that, in gentle stages, leads you from the centre of Barcelona down to the port. There are two narrow lanes each way for cars and motorbikes, but it’s the wide centre walkway that makes the Ramblas a front-row seat for Barcelona's longest running theatrical event. Plastic armchairs are set out on the sidewalk. Sit in one of them, and an attendant will come and charge you a small fee. Performance artists throng the Ramblas—stilt walkers, witches caked in charcoal dust, Elvis impersonators. But the real stars are the old women and happily playing children, millionaires on motorbikes, and pimps and women who, upon closer inspection, prove not to be.

Aficionados (Fans) of Barcelona love to compare notes: “Last night there was a man standing on the balcony of his hotel room,” Mariana Bertagnolli, an Italian photographer, told me. "The balcony was on the second floor. He was naked, and he was talking into a cell phone."

There you have it, Barcelona's essence. The man is naked (rauxa), but he is talking into a cell phone (seny).

21. From the description in the passage, we learn that

A. all Catalonians can perform. castells.

B. castells require performers to stand on each other.

C. people perform. castells in different formations.

D. in castells people have to push and pull each other.

It is not easy to become a doctor in the United States. The first step is getting into medical schools. More than 120 American schools offer study programs for people wanting to be doctors.

Advice about medical schools can be got from books and magazines like The,Princeton Review,which provide information about medical schools, study programs and jobs. Competition (竞争 ) toenter medical schools is strong. American medical schools have only about 16,000 openings forstudents each year. However, more than two times this many want to enter medical schools.

An important part of their application (申请) is the Medical College Admission Test (MCAT).The Association of American Medical Colleges provides the test by computer." It is offered in theUnited States and in other countries. Applicants need to do well on MCAT. They also need a goodrecord in their college studies.

An interview(面试) is also required for entrance to medical schools. The interviewer wants toknow if the applicant understands the demands of life as a medical student and doctor in training. Healso wants to know about the applicant&39; s goals for a life in medicine.

People who want to become doctors often study a lot of biology,, chemistry or other science. Somestudents work for a year or two in a medical or research job before they attempt to enter medical schools.A medical education can cost a lot,from 15,000 dollars to 40,000 dollars a year or more. Moststudents need to borrow money to pay for the education.

How many people hope to go to medical school in the U. S. each,year?

A.More than 32,000.

B.About 24,000.

C.Less than 16,000.

D.About 20,000.

Who prepares MCAT for medical school applicants?A.The Princeton Review.

B.The Medical College Admissions Office

C.The medical schools in the United States

D.The Association of American Medical Colleges.

Which of the following do interviewers want to know about the applicants?A.What courses they want to learn in medical schools.

B.How much money they hope to earn in future

C.When they plan to start their medical training

D.Whether they understand a doctor’s duties

What can be inferred about the applicants from the text?A.They must be hard-working

B.They have to do well in medicine

C.They should have work experience

D.They must earn 15,000 dollars a year

阅读理解:阅读下面的短文,根据文章内容从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个最佳选项。Questionnaires can


Questionnaires can be a simple way to get to know your audience’s opinions. Though it is easy to write a questionnaire, you need a lot of skill and experience to write a good one. Luckily, good design skills can be learned in a short time.


Keep your questionnaire short and simple. A short and simple questionnaire is more likely to be completed and returned. It is also important to make your questionnaire as attractive as possible. You should keep the following design elements in mind:

TEXTA、Choose a font style. that is easy to read, and make sure the font size is large enough for your respondents to read.

PARAGRAPHSA、Long paragraphs can be daunting for readers, so try to keep your blocks of text to a handful of lines.

WHITE SPACEA、Ensure that there is space between questions and sections and don’t make margins too small.


Be brief and direct with your questions. Do not use any unnecessary words and phrases. Brief questions that use simple language are easy to read and understand, so the participants won’t find it difficult to fill in the questionnaire.


You should start your questionnaire with general questions and then move to specific ones. Try to avoid jumping back and forth between general and specific questions.


Open-ended questions mean respondents can answer freely using their own words. They can provide more detailed information, but they take more time and effort to answer and can be more difficult to analyze. You should not use too many open-ended questions in one questionnaire.

In a word, taking the time to develop a well-designed and participant-friendly questionnaire will give you useful data that can help you make the right decisions.

1. The questionnaire contains following elements except? {A、B、C}

A. Test.

B. Paragraph.

C. Address

2. In order to keep your questionnaire visually attractive, you should {A、B、C}

A. Choose different font styles in a questionnaire.

B. Write long paragraphs instead of short ones.

C. Leave enough space between questions and sections.

3. You should start your questionnaire with _______ questions and then move to _______ ones. {A、B、C}

A. general, specific

B. specific, general

C. short, long

4. What could be the best title for this passage? {A、B、C}

A. Designing an Effective Questionnaire.

B. Questionnaire is the best way to collect data from many people.

C. Questionnaire benefits our life.

5. Which of the following statements is NOT correct? {A、B、C}

A. Questionnaire design skills can be learned in a short time.

B. Open-ended questions cannot provide more detailed information, so you’d better not use too many open-ended questions in one questionnaire.

C. It’s worth taking the time to develop a well-designed and participant-friendly questionnaire.

Text 3Scholastic thinkers held a wide variety of doctrines in both philosophy and theology
, the study of religion. What gives unity to the whole Scholastic movement, the academic practice in Europe from the 9th to the 17th centuries, are the common aims, attitudes, and methods generally accepted by all its members. The chief concern of the Scholastics was not to discover new facts but to integrate the knowledge already acquired separately by Greek reasoning and Christian revelation. This concern is one of the most characteristic differences between Scholasticism and modern thought since the Renaissance.

The basic aim of the Scholastics determined certain common attitudes, the most important of which was their conviction of the fundamental harmony between reason and revelation. The Scholastics maintained that because the same God was the source of both types of knowledge and truth was one of his chief attributes, he could not contradict himself in these two ways of speaking. Any apparent opposition between revelation and reason could be traced either to an incorrect use of reason or to an inaccurate interpretation of the words of revelation. Because the Scholastics believed that revelation was the direct teaching of God, it possessed for them a higher degree of truth and certainty than did natural reason. In apparent conflicts between religious faith and philosophic reasoning, faith was thus always the supreme arbiter; the theologians decision overruled that of the philosopher. After the early 13th century, Scholastic thought emphasized more the independence of philosophy within its own domain. Nonetheless, throughout the Scholastic period, philosophy was called the servant of theology, not only because the truth of philosophy was subordinated to that of theology, but also because the theologian used philosophy to understand and explain revelation.

This attitude of Scholasticism stands in sharp contrast to the so-called double-truth theory of the Spanish-Arab philosopher and physician Averroёs. His theory assumed that truth was accessible to both philosophy and Islamic theology but that only philosophy could attain it perfectly. The so-called truths of theology served, hence, as imperfect imaginative expressions for the common people of the authentic truth accessible only to philosophy. Averroёs maintained that philosophic truth could even contradict, at least verbally, the teachings of Islamic theology.

As a result of their belief in the harmony between faith and reason, the Scholastics attempted to determine the precise scope and competence of each of these faculties. Many early Scholastics, such as the Italian ecclesiastic and philosopher St. Anselm, did not clearly distinguish the two and were overconfident that reason could prove certain doctrines of revelation. Later, at the height of the mature period of Scholasticism, the Italian theologian and philosopher St. Thomas Aquinas worked out a balance between reason and revelation.

第31题:With the Scholastics, the search for new knowledge _____.

[A] stopped completely

[B] slowed down

[C] advanced rapidly

[D] awaked gradually

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