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When she heard the bad news, she ______ completely.A.broke awayB.broke upC.broke downD.bro

When she heard the bad news, she ______ completely.

A.broke away

B.broke up

C.broke down

D.broke out

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更多“When she heard the bad news, s…”相关的问题
When she heard the bad news, she completely______.A.broke awayB.broke downC.broke outD.bro

When she heard the bad news, she completely______.

A.broke away

B.broke down

C.broke out

D.broke through

She __ into tears when she heard from the hospital that her father died. A.burst B.went C
.fell D.exploded


When the girl heard the news, she could do nothing but going back home.()


When the girl heard the news, she could do nothing but to go back home.()


When the girl heard the news, she could do nothing but went back home.()

Mrs. Andrews had a young cat and it was the cats frst winter One evening the cat was outide when it began to snow heavilyMsAndrews loked everywhere and shouted its name, but she did not find i so she telephoned the police and said, "Thave lost a smallblack cat. Has anybody found one?"

"No, Madam," said the policeman at the other end, "But the cats are really very strong animals. They sometimes live for days in the snow, and when somebody finds them, they are quite all right."

Mrs.Andrews felt happier when she heard this, "And," she said, "our cat is very clever. She almost talks."

The policeman was getting tired. "Well then," he said, "why don't you put your telephone down? Perhapssheis trying to telephone you now."

21、MisAndter hdacata wa es hanyerod

A. True

0 B. False

22、The cat was at home when it began to snow heavly

A. True

B. False

23、The story happened on a spring morning.

O A. Trwy

B. False

24、The underlined word "she" in the last sentence refers to thecat.

A. False

B. True

25、The policeman was getting rather tired becauseMrs Andrews had talked too much to him on the phone.

A. False

B. True

Mrs. Peters stopped playing the piano when she began to work. She had lived in a very smal
l flat, and there had been no room for a piano. But when she married, she had .a new flat which was big enough for one. So she decided to get one and her husband agreed and helped her. She saved some money, and her parents gave her a generous amount of money for her birthday. Then she went to a shop and said, "I'll choose whichever piano does not cost too much and fits into my living room.

When she had paid for the piano, the shop assistant asked her if she would like him to get it tuned(调音) every few months. Mrs. Peters agreed.

A few months later she heard from the shop that a man was coming to tune the piano at ten that morning. Now she had not cleaned the house yet, so it was dusty and untidy. Mrs. Peters hated having even the least amount of dirt, and felt ashamed whenever strange people saw her house like that. So she had to hurry to clean everything carefully. It meant a lot of effort, and it made her hot and tired, but anyhow, by the time the man arrived, everything was finished.

She opened the door, and the man was standing there with a big dog. "Good morning," the man said politely, "Will it disturb you if I bring my dog in, please? I' m blind, and he leads me wherever I go."

Mrs. Peters stopped playing the piano ______.

A.because she began to work

B.when she had no room to live in

C.because her flat was too small for a piano

D.when she got married


(1)How carelessly of you to leave all the windows opened whenyou go to the work?

(2)She was usually heard sing thissong while worked in the fields.

(3)I wonder why you should get all the students keep silence allthe time.

(4)There are some people support it.

(5)I am still care about your safe.

(6)I 'm very like animals.

(7)Our work is study when we at school.

(8)Some people didn't want leave, they were eager to see the manthey for.

(9)Those who wants to go home next week need to get his teacher's permission first.

When Walt Disney was drawing one night, he suddenly heard a strange sound. The sound came
from the waste basket. Walt looked at it and saw a family of mice eating pieces of bread in it. For many nights, they played there. And Walt began to like them.

Walt liked one little mouse better than any of the others. This little animal gave him some new ideas for his drawing. He began to draw it. But in the picture, it did not look like a mouse, but more like a funny man. He showed it to his wife and she liked it very much, too.

Walt named this little mouse "Mickey Mouse". He hoped his Mickey Mouse would be different from the other pictures of his. He wanted to make Mickey talk. He put his fingers on his nose and made a strange sound. Then he recorded the voice this way. Later he sold his sound pictures to a cinema. When the film was shown, many people went to see it. Mickey Mouse in the film sang and danced and did all kinds of fun ny things. People couldn't help laughing when they saw it. It's a great success. Ever since then, Walt's Mickey Mouse has been one of the most famous film stars in the world.

Walt was ______ when be heard the strange sound.





It may look like just another playgroup,but a unique educational center in Manhattan is re
ally giving babies something to talk about. "It's a school to teach languages to babies and young children with games, songs—some of the classes also have arts and crafts," said Francois Thibaut, the founder of the Langrage Workshop for Children, a place where babies become bilingual.

Children as young as few months are exposed to French and Spanish before many of them can even speak English. Educators use special songs and visual (视觉) aids to ensure that when a child is ready to talk, the languages will not be so foreign. "Children have a unique capacity to learn many languages at the same time," said Thibaut. "Already at nine months, a child can tell the differences between the sounds he or she has heard since birth and the sounds he or she has never heard yet." Thibaut says the best time to expose children to language is from birth to 3 years old. For the last 30 years, the school has been using what it calls the Thibarut Technique, a system that combines language lessons with child's play.

"I always wanted to learn Spanish, but by the time I got to high school it was too late to pick it up and speak fluently," said Marc Lazare, who enrolled his son at the school. "I figured at this age, two, it's a perfect time for him to learn."

Aside from learning a language, the kids also gain a tremendous sense of confidence. One young student boasted that aside from French, she can speak five languages (though that included "monkey" and "lion"). The school gives children the tools to communicate, and sometimes that gives them an advantage over their parents. "I think they sometimes speak French when they think I won't understand them," said parent Foster Gibbons.

Depending on the age group, classes run from 45 minutes up to 2 hours. Even when students are not in class, the program is designed to make sure the learning continues at home. Tapes and books are included, so kids can practice on their own.

The word "bilingual" in the first paragraph probably means ______.

A.capable of using two languages

B.both clever and confident

C.aware of their own limitations and strengths

D.independent of their parents

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