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5 The directors of Quapaw, a limited liability company, are reviewing the company’s draft

financial statements for the

year ended 31 December 2004.

The following material matters are under discussion:

(a) During the year the company has begun selling a product with a one-year warranty under which manufacturing

defects are remedied without charge. Some claims have already arisen under the warranty. (2 marks)


Advise the directors on the correct treatment of these matters, stating the relevant accounting standard which

justifies your answer in each case.

NOTE: The mark allocation is shown against each of the three matters

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更多“5 The directors of Quapaw, a l…”相关的问题
(c) Discuss the ethical responsibility of the company accountant in ensuring that manipula

(c) Discuss the ethical responsibility of the company accountant in ensuring that manipulation of the statement

of cash flows, such as that suggested by the directors, does not occur. (5 marks)

Note: requirements (b) and (c) include 2 professional marks in total for the quality of the discussion.

(d) Estimate by how much the bid might be increased without the shareholders of Paxis suff

(d) Estimate by how much the bid might be increased without the shareholders of Paxis suffering a fall in their expected wealth, and discuss whether or not the directors of Paxis should proceed with the bid. (5 marks)

(c) On 1 May 2007 Sirus acquired another company, Marne plc. The directors of Marne, who w

(c) On 1 May 2007 Sirus acquired another company, Marne plc. The directors of Marne, who were the only

shareholders, were offered an increased profit share in the enlarged business for a period of two years after the

date of acquisition as an incentive to accept the purchase offer. After this period, normal remuneration levels will

be resumed. Sirus estimated that this would cost them $5 million at 30 April 2008, and a further $6 million at

30 April 2009. These amounts will be paid in cash shortly after the respective year ends. (5 marks)


Draft a report to the directors of Sirus which discusses the principles and nature of the accounting treatment of

the above elements under International Financial Reporting Standards in the financial statements for the year

ended 30 April 2008.

(c) Explain the reasons for the concerns of the government of Happyland with companies suc

(c) Explain the reasons for the concerns of the government of Happyland with companies such as TMC and

advise the directors of a strategy that might be considered in order to avoid being subject to any forthcoming

legislation concerning the environment. (5 marks)

5 GE Railways plc (GER) operates a passenger train service in Holtland. The directors have

5 GE Railways plc (GER) operates a passenger train service in Holtland. The directors have always focused solely on

the use of traditional financial measures in order to assess the performance of GER since it commenced operations

in 1992. The Managing Director of GER has asked you, as a management accountant, for assistance with regard to

the adoption of a balanced scorecard approach to performance measurement within GER.


(a) Prepare a memorandum explaining the potential benefits and limitations that may arise from the adoption of

a balanced scorecard approach to performance measurement within GER. (8 marks)

3 The directors of Panel, a public limited company, are reviewing the procedures for the c
alculation of the deferred tax

provision for their company. They are quite surprised at the impact on the provision caused by changes in accounting

standards such as IFRS1 ‘First time adoption of International Financial Reporting Standards’ and IFRS2 ‘Share-based

Payment’. Panel is adopting International Financial Reporting Standards for the first time as at 31 October 2005 and

the directors are unsure how the deferred tax provision will be calculated in its financial statements ended on that

date including the opening provision at 1 November 2003.


(a) (i) Explain how changes in accounting standards are likely to have an impact on the provision for deferred

taxation under IAS12 ‘Income Taxes’. (5 marks)

onference room, second floor of 3T Co. Ltd. Participants: All the directors Chairman: Chairman of the board, Mr. William Forest Minutes keeper: Linda The main activities at the meeting are as follows: Firstly, Mr. William Forest, chairman of the board, made a report on the work and total sales of the company this season. Then the report was followed by a heated discussion. Secondly, all the directors agreed to hold a press conference for the company next month. Thirdly, the meeting suggested inviting experts from Canada to give a five-day training course to staff in the Sales Department. The meeting finished at 3:30 p.m.

1. Who are the meeting participants().

A. The executive assistants.

B. The directors.

C. The interviewees.

2. How many activities does the meeting have().

A. The executive assistants.

B. The directors.

C. The interviewees.

3. Mr. William Forest made a report ()this season.

A. on training course to staff in the Sales Department

B. on the advertisement policies of the company

C. on the work and total sales of the company

4. What did all the directors agree to do ()

A. To carry out a training project in the company next year.

B. To have another board meeting of all directors next season.

C. Tohave a press conference for the company next month.

5. How long did the meeting last ()

A.1.5 hours.

B.1 hour.

C.2 hour.

During the year the internal auditor of Mulligan Co discovered several discrepancies in th
e inventory records. In a

statement made to the board of directors, the internal auditor said:

‘I think that someone is taking items from the warehouse. A physical inventory count is performed every three months,

and it has become apparent that about 200 boxes of flat-packed chairs and tables are disappearing from the

warehouse every month. We should get someone to investigate what has happened and quantify the value of the



(c) Define ‘forensic accounting’ and explain its relevance to the statement made by the internal auditor.

(5 marks)

You are the manager responsible for performing hot reviews on audit files where there is a
potential disagreement

between your firm and the client regarding a material issue. You are reviewing the going concern section of the audit

file of Dexter Co, a client with considerable cash flow difficulties, and other, less significant operational indicators of

going concern problems. The working papers indicate that Dexter Co is currently trying to raise finance to fund

operating cash flows, and state that if the finance is not received, there is significant doubt over the going concern

status of the company. The working papers conclude that the going concern assumption is appropriate, but it is

recommended that the financial statements should contain a note explaining the cash flow problems faced by the

company, along with a description of the finance being sought, and an evaluation of the going concern status of the

company. The directors do not wish to include the note in the financial statements.


(b) Consider and comment on the possible reasons why the directors of Dexter Co are reluctant to provide the

note to the financial statements. (5 marks)

Bertrand issued $10 million convertible loan notes on 1 October 2010 that carry a nominal
interest (coupon) rate of 5% per annum. They are redeemable on 30 September 2013 at par for cash or can be exchanged for equity shares in Bertrand on the basis of 20 shares for each $100 of loan. A similar loan note, without the conversion option, would have required Bertrand to pay an interest rate of 8%.

When preparing the draft financial statements for the year ended 30 September 2011, the directors are proposing to show the loan note within equity in the statement of financial position, as they believe all the loan note holders will choose the equity option when the loan note is due for redemption. They further intend to charge a finance cost of $500,000 ($10 million x 5%) in the income statement for each year up to the date of redemption.

The present value of $1 receivable at the end of each year, based on discount rates of 5% and 8%, can be taken as:

Bertrand issued 10 million convertible loan notes


(a) (i) Explain why the nominal interest rate on the convertible loan notes is 5%, but for non-convertible loan notes it would be 8%. (2 marks)

(ii) Briefly comment on the impact of the directors’ proposed treatment of the loan notes on the financial statements and the acceptability of this treatment. (3 marks)

(b) Prepare extracts to show how the loan notes and the finance charge should be treated by Bertrand in its financial statements for the year ended 30 September 2011. (5 marks)

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