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Some people believe that international sport creates goodwill between the nations and that

if countries play games together they will learn to live together. Others say that the opposite is true: the international contests encourage false national pride and lead to misunderstanding and hatred. There is probably some truth in both arguments, but in recent years the Olympic Games have done little to support the view that sport encourages international brotherhood. Not only was there the tragic incident involving the murder of athletes, but the Games were also ruined by lesser incidents caused principally by minor national contests.

One country received its second-place medals with visible indignation after the hockey. There had been noisy scenes at the end of the hockey match, the losers objecting to the final decisions. They were convinced that one of their goals should not have been disallowed and that their opponents' victory was unfair. Their manager was in a rage when he said, "This wasn't hockey. Hockey and the International Hockey Federation are finished." The president of the Federation said later that such behavior. could result in suspension of the team for at least three years.

The American basketball team announced that they wouldn't yield the first place to Russia, after a disputable end to their contest. The game had ended in disturbance. It was thought at first that the United States had won, by a single point, but it was announced that there were three seconds still to play. A Russian player then threw the ball from one end of the court to the other, and another player popped it into the basket. It was the first time the USA had ever lost an Olympic basketball match. An appeal jury debated the matter for four and a half hours before announcing that the result would stand. The American players then voted not to receive the silver medals.

Incidents of this kind will continue as long as sport is played competitively rather than for the love of the game. The suggestion that athletes should compete as individuals, or in non-national teams, might be too much to hope for. But in the present organization of the Olympics there is far too much that encourages aggressive patriotism.

According to the author, recent Olympic Games have______.

A.created goodwill between the nations

B.bred only false national pride

C.barely showed any international friendship

D.led to more and more misunderstanding and hatred

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更多“Some people believe that inter…”相关的问题
According to this passage, some people believe that eventually______.A.human societies wil

According to this passage, some people believe that eventually______.

A.human societies will be much more cooperative

B.man will live in a highly organized world

C.machines will replace man

D.living beings will disappear from Earth

Some people believe that since oil is scarce, the ________ of the motor industry is





--Some young people today seem to believe in ______ more than fashion and pop music.--I ag
ree. But they should seek after elegant taste.





根据以下内容回答题:Economists believe that job earnings influence choice of occupation.The


Economists believe that job earnings influence choice of occupation.They acknowledge that people place varying emphasis(1)income,but point out that workers tend to move from one occuDation to another(2)changes in salaries.In 1931,H.F.Clark,an economist,stated that“proper information regarding wages if sufficiently(3)upon people,will lead to correct choice of occupation and correct(4)of people in an occupation,provided barriers to occuDations have been removed.”This means that the supply and demand of.workers have(5)to do with wages,(6)in turn influence people to choose certain careers.However,all barriers to occupations will have to be removed(7)career choices can be(8)by eco-nomics alone.There is little question(9)economic factors have some influence on choice ofan occuDation.But to picture them as the major or most important reason(10)against the soundest of folk wisdom:“Man does not live by bread alone.”






Many Native Americans closely resemble Asians. This has led most scientists to (1) believe somet

Many Native Americans closely resemble Asians. This has led most scientists to(1)believe something about Native Americans. They think that most Native Americans(2)from a distant group of people. These people(3)from Siberia across the Bering Strait, between 17,000-11,000 years ago. The exact time and 4 is still under question. That is, it is still a(n)(5)of debate. The time they traveled and the route they took is still being argued, as is whether it happened(6).

(7)recently, some anthropologists (人类学家) argued that the migration occurred 12,000 years ago. However, there are a number of difficulties with this theory —(8)particular, the presence of people in the Americas earlier than one might think. There is growing evidence of human(9)in Brazil and Chile 11,500 years ago or earlier. There is also(10)of humans living in the Americas some 50,000 years ago.(11), other possibilities have been suggested.

They may have(12)the land bridge several thousand years earlier or they may have sailed along the western coast. However, some(13)this theory. They think that humans(14)skills for sailing during that era.

Some consider the genetic and cultural evidence for an Asian origin overwhelming. It should be noted,(15), that some other people are very upset at this idea. Many present-day Native Americans(16)the above theories. They say those who put forward such theories have political(17)They have their own traditional stories that offer(18)of where they came from. Their own stories claim that their(19)are different from what scientists say. Those accounts, though, have mostly been(20)by scholars. Therefore, the origin of Americans still remains a mystery to be explored.

Psychology is the study of the mind and mental activities. For example, psychologists are
interested in why some things make you sad, but others make you happy. They want to know why some people are shy, but others are quite talkative. They want to know why people do the thing that they do. They also test intelligence.

Psychologists deal with the mind and behavior. of people. Your mind consists of all your feelings, thoughts and ideas. It is the result of one part of the brain called the cerebrum. Your behavior. is the way you act or conduct yourself. Examples of behavior. include shouting, crying, laughing and sleeping.

Several people have been instrumental in the field of psychology. Whihelm Wundt set up the first psychological laboratory in Leipzig, Germany, in 1879. Ivan Pavlov, a Russian, is noted for his experiments with dogs in which he studies their reflexes(反射)and reactions. Around 1900, Sigmund Freud, stated his theory that people try to repress (control, hide) memories or thoughts that they believe were not good.

Psychologists should not be confused with psychiatrists who deal with mental illness. They are medical doctors who treat people.

This passage is mainly about ______.

A.studying the mind

B.memories and people

C.famous psychologists

D.the study of mental illness

Are you superstitious? No, of course not. Do you believe in magic (魔法), and luck charms

Are you superstitious? No, of course not. Do you believe in magic (魔法), and luck charms (护身符), and elves or gremlins (小精灵) ? Certainly not, but if I should greet you with the usual How's business?" You'll answer "Oh, just so-so" although your business is profiting greatly. When you are successful in some venture you might say you were just lucky. And yet, you know it was probably due to your a bility and hard work. Why? Sometimes you knock on wood because wood was once a tree and there is a primitive belief that protective gods inhabit trees and knocking on wood attracts their attention so they may be credited with your successes.

If I should sneeze, only the strongest of you could refrain(克制而不) from saying "God bless you". Why bless this unsanitary (不讲究卫生的) habit? Our ancestors believed that a sneeze opened the body to invasion by devils, and invoking (召唤) the name of God made the devils get out in a hurry. You may not realize it, but you express this same "devil invasion" when you say, "Whatever can have gotten into that child?" or "I wonder what possessed me to do that?"

Although they may no longer be believed, evidences of superstitions that have had their origins in the primitive fear of the unknown still exist in modern language and gestures.

The author ______.

A.believe that most people are superstitious

B.believe that very few people are superstitious

C.believes that there are still some evidences of superstitions in what we say and what we do

D.is superstitious

完形填空Many of the world’s pollution problems have been caused by the crowding of lar
ge groups of people into cities.Satisfying the 21 of the people leads to further polluting by industry.If the rapid increase in human population 22 at the present rate (比率), there may be much greater harm.Some scientists speak of the 23 in number of people as “Population Pollution”.

About 2000 years ago, the world 24 was probably about 250 million.It reached a billion in 1850.By 1930 the population was two billion.It is 25 three and a half billion.It is expected to double by the year 2000.If the population continues to grow at the same 26 , there would be 25 billion people in the world a hundred years from now.

Man has been using the earth’s 27 more and more rapidly over the years.Some of them are almost gone.Now many people believe that man’s greatest 28 is how to control the growth of this population.The materials in the world will not support the human population in time to come if the present rate of increase continues.29 there is over crowding in the cities and hunger in some countries.Can man’s rate of increase continue?

Many people believe that human survival (幸存者) in the future 30 on the answer to the question.







C.slows down

D.adds to










B.in the past

C.in the future






27.A coal
















Milk was one of the main foods for people long before history was written.Maybe【21】will re

Milk was one of the main foods for people long before history was written. Maybe【21】will remain an important food as long as there are【22】that give milk. The old word "milk"【23】Sanskrit(梵文), one of the oldest【24】known to man. A very old picture of milking,【25】was drawn five thousand years ago, has been found.

In the years long ago, people got their milk【26】their own animals. But【27】modern times new inventions made the milk industry(产业) a big business.【28】1851 Gall Borden found a way to【29】some of the water out from milk. This made milk keep longer. Four years later, Louis Pasteur【30】 a way to kill the bacteria(细菌) in milk. Then a special milk bottle was made. This was followed【31】 the invention of machines that could fill bottles with milk. The discoveries had a great effect(影响) on the milk industry. They meant that milk could be kept longer.

Some people believe that milk drinking will become less popular【32】 it has been. But remember how long milk has been an important food【33】 think of the many ways【34】 it is useful. It seems【35】 to say that the milk industry will always be important.






阅读材料,回答题。Man cannot go on increasing his number at the present rate. In the next 30


Man cannot go on increasing his number at the present rate. In the next 30 years man will faca period of crisis. Some experts believe that there will be a widespread food___ 51 ____. Other experthink this is too pessimistic (悲观的), and that man can prevent things from___ 52 ____worse tha they are now. But remember that two thirds of the people in the world are under-nourished or stmving now.

One thing that man can do is to limit the___ 53 ____of babies born. The need for this is obvious but it is not easy to achieve. People have to be___ 54 ____to limit their families. In the countries of the population___ 55 ____, many people like big families. The parents think that this makes a bigger income for the family and ensures there will be someone in the family who will look___ 56 ____them in old age.

Several governments have___ 57 ____birth control policies in recent years. Among them are Japan, China, India and Egypt. In some cases the results have not been successful. Japan has been an___ 58____The Japanese adopted a birth control policy in 1921~3. People were___ 59 ____to limit their families. The birth rate fell from 34.3 per thousand per year to about 17.0 per year___ 60 ____ present.

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Most people would define optimism as endlessly happy, with a glass that’s perpetually half
fall. But that’s exactly the kind of false deerfulness that positive psychologists wouldn’t recommend. “Healthy optimists means being in touch with reality.” says Tal Ben-Shahar, a Harvard professor, According to Ben- Shalar,realistic optimists are these who make the best of things that happen, but not those who believe everything happens for the best.

Ben-Shalar uses three optimistic exercisers. When he feels down-sag, after giving a bad lecture-he grants himself permission to be human. He reminds himself that mot every lecture can be a Nobel winner; some will be less effective than others. Next is reconstruction, He analyzes the weak lecture, leaning lessons, for the future about what works and what doesn’t. Finally, there is perspective, which involves acknowledging that in the ground scheme of life, one lecture really doesn’t matter.

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