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IN THE GROUNDS OF A REGENCY MANSION Luxury Self-catering Holiday Cottages in the heart of

the Devonshire countryside. Individually styled and color coordinated, these cottages, forming a courtyard round the old thatched pump house, offer elegant and spacious accommodation--situated in the beautiful grounds of one of the largest privately-owned country estates in the West County. Guests have full use of the owner's private club. Widworthy Court Sports and Leisure Club's facilities include tennis court, squash court, heated outdoor swimming pool, pool-side restaurant, indoor leisure spa complex comprising swimming pool, Jacuzzi, sun, steam room, solarium and bars. Children and pets welcome ENJOY THE DIFFERENCE Please write or telephone for our full color brochure. The Manager, The Estate Office, Bridwell Park Estate Uffculme, Devon EX15 3BU Telephone (0883) 744783It is an advertisement for ______.A.education B.entertainmentC.sports D.sale

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Such ______ the case, there were no grounds to justify your complaints.A.wasB.wereC.would

Such ______ the case, there were no grounds to justify your complaints.



C.would be


Explain the grounds upon which a person may be disqualified under the Company Directors Di
squalification Act 1986.(10 marks)

On the grounds of Wimbledon,a year-round museum is devoted to the joys and history of the
sport—and one of their current exhibits showcases Ted Tinling,the popular and controversial designer of tennis dresses.





During the PSC inspection, under the provisions of SOLAS 74, which one may not be regarded
as clear grounds for ships’ detainment?

A.excess amount of oily-water mixtures in bilges

B.insulation of piping including exhaust pipes in engine room contaminated by oil

C.improper operation of bilge pumping arrangements

D.there were an actual emergency

In January 2011 Mr Fang, the owner of a private enterprise, entered into a loan agreement
and a mortgage agreement with a local credit association (Credit Association) to borrow RMB 2 million yuan for one year to meet the needs of his business operation, and provided his own house as the subject matter under the mortgage agreement. After the conclusion of the mortgage agreement, Mr Fang and Credit Association went to register the mortgage agreement with the local real estate registration centre.

In June 2011 Mr Fang leased the same house to Ms Lee for a period of two years.

Due to the sudden change of the market and poor operation of his enterprise, Mr Fang was unable to repay the principal and interest as agreed when the loan matured at the end of January 2012. Credit Association filed a lawsuit in the people’s court and obtained a judgement in favour of its claim for the principal RMB 2 million yuan plus interest.

Credit Association then advised Ms Lee to leave the house, as it has been authorised by the people’s court to organise a public auction to sell the house for the enforcement of the judgement. Ms Lee refused to leave the house on the grounds that the lease agreement was an effective one between Mr Fang and herself and would last until the end of June 2013. In addition, Credit Association’s right of mortgagee should not affect her right under the lease agreement.


Answer the following questions in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Property Law, and give your reasons for your answer:

(a) state whether Ms Lee’s grounds for refusal to leave the house can be established. (5 marks)

(b) state how Ms Lee should deal with the current situation. (5 marks)

(b) Peter, one of Linden Limited’s non-executive directors, having lived and worked in the

(b) Peter, one of Linden Limited’s non-executive directors, having lived and worked in the UK for most of his adult

life, sold his home near London on 22 March 2006 and, together with his wife (a French citizen), moved to live

in a villa which she owns in the south of France. Peter is now demanding that the tax deducted from his director’s

fees, for the board meetings held on 18 April and 16 May 2006, be refunded, on the grounds that, as he is no

longer resident in the UK, he is no longer liable to UK income tax. All of the company’s board meetings are held

at its offices in Cambridge.

Despite Peter’s assurance that none of the other companies of which he is a director has disputed his change of

tax status, Damian is uncertain whether he should make the refunds requested. However, as Peter is a friend of

the company’s founder, Linden Limited’s managing director is urging him to do so, stating that if the tax does

have to be paid, then Linden Limited could always bear the cost.


Advise Damian whether Peter is correct in his assertion regarding his tax position and in the case that there

is a UK tax liability the implications of the managing director’s suggestion. You are not required to consider

national insurance (NIC) issues. (4 marks)

We got up early this morning and 【61】 a long walk after breakfast. We walked through the b
usiness 【62】 of the city. The city 【63】 larger than I thought it would be. Well, the business section is smaller than I thought it would be. I suppose that's 【64】 Washington is a special kind of city. 【65】 of the people in Washington work for the government.

At about 9:30 we went to the White House. It's 【66】 the public from 10 【67】 12, and there was a long line of people 【68】 to get in. We didn't have to wait very long, because the line moved 【69】 quickly.

The White House is really white. It is painted every year. And it seems very white, because it's got beautiful lawns 【70】 around it, with many trees and shrubs. The grounds 【71】 about four square blocks. I mean, they're about two blocks long 【72】 each side.

Of course, we didn't see the whole building. The part 【73】 the President lives and works is not open to the public. But the part we saw was beautiful. We went 【74】 five of the main rooms. One of them was the library on the ground floor. On the next floor, there are three rooms named 【75】 the colors that are used in them: the Red Room, the Blue Room, and the Green Room. The walls are covered with silk 【76】 There are 【77】 of old furniture from the time 【78】 the White House was 【79】 built. And everywhere there are paintings and statues of former presidents and 【80】 famous people from history.






根据下列文章,请回答 21~25 题。 Text 1 In the 1920s demand for American farm products fe

根据下列文章,请回答 21~25 题。

Text 1

In the 1920s demand for American farm products fell, as European countries began to recover from World War I and instituted austerity (紧缩) programs to reduce their imports. The result was a sharp drop in farm prices. This period was more disastrous for farmers than earlier times had been, because farmers were no longer self-sufficient. They were paying for machinery, seed, and fertilizer, and they were also buying consumer goods. The prices of the items farmers bought remained constant, while prices they received for their products fell. These developments were made worse by the Great Depression, which began in 1929 and extended throughout the 1939s.

In 1929, under President Herbert Hoover, the Federal Farm Board was organized. It established the principle of direct interference with supply and demand, and it represented the first national commitment to provide greater economic stability for farmers. President Hoover' s successor attached even more importance to this problem. One of the first measures proposed by President Franklin D. Roosevelt when he took office in 1933 was the Agricultural Adjustment Act, which was subsequently passed by Congress. This law gave the Secretary of Agriculture the power to reduce production through voluntary agreements with farmers who were paid to take their land out of use.A deliberate scarcity of farm, products was planned in an effort to raise prices. This law was declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court on the grounds that general taxes were being collected to pay one special group of people.However, new laws were passed immediately that achieved the same result of resting soil and providing flood-control measures, but which were based on the principle of soil conservation. The Roosevelt Administration believed that rebuilding the nation' s soil was in the national interest and Was not simply a plan to help farmers at the expense of other citizens. Later the government guaranteed loans to farmers so that they could buy farm machinery, hybrid (杂交)grain, and fertilizers.

第 21 题 What brought about the decline in the demand for American farm products?

A.The impact of the Great Depression.

B.The shrinking of overseas markets.

C.The destruction caused by WWI.

D.The increased exports of European countries.

Education has acquired a kind of snob value in modern times. We are no longer content
to be honest craftsmen, skilled at our work through years of patient practice. Nowadays if we want to get a decent job, we have to have a piece of paper. If we want promotion in even the humblest job, we have to obtain a certificate or a diploma first. We may know that we would be better at the job than the man with the paper qualifications, but our experience and practical skills are regarded as relatively unimportant. "Johnson would have been manager by now if he'd taken the trouble to get a degree," his colleagues say, "he's a clever man. He could have done anything if he'd had a proper education."

I wonder if, as time goes on, we shall discover that many people, whose practical experience and ability would have been enormously useful to their employers, have been rejected on the grounds that they are insufficiently qualified. Would it not be better to allow people to become expert in the way most suited to them, rather than oblige them to follow a set course of instruction which may offer no opportunity for them to develop skills in which they would have become expert if left to themselves?

1.By the first sentence in Para. One, the writer perhaps means ____.

A、education has acquired a pleasant value

B、education is ignored by the public

C、too much attention is paid to degrees in education

D、too little attention is paid to degrees in education

2.According to the passage, if we want to get promotion nowadays we have to ____.

A、produce proof of our qualification

B、write a paper about our qualifications

C、apply to take a certificate

D、apply for a diploma course

3.From the passage we understand that his colleagues think that Johnson ____.

A、should have been given a degree

B、would have been able to get a degree

C、couldn't have done anything without a degree

D、would become manager even without a degree

4.The writer fears that without paper qualifications many people ____.

A、won't get proper education

B、will prove useless in their job

C、will be dismissed from their job

D、won't be considered for a job

5.In the writer's opinion it would be better if people ____.

A、were forced to take a diploma

B、were free to become educated in their own way

C、attended more practical courses

D、attended courses intended for experts

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