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Your boss holds your future prospects in his hands. Some bosses are hard to get along with

. Some have excellent qualifications but no idea when it comes to dealing with people. Of course, not all bosses are like that. The relationship you have with your boss can be a major factor in determining your rise up the career ladder. Your boss is not only your leader, he is also the person best equipped to help you do the job you are paid to do. He can inform you of company direction that may affect your professional development. Your boss also needs you to perform at your best in order to accomplish his objectives. He needs your feedback in order to provide realistic and useful reports to upper management. But how does this help you establish a meaningful working relationship with your boss? The key is communication. Learn and understand his goals and priorities (优先的事). Observe and understand your boss’s work style. If he has not been clear with his expectations, ask! Likewise, ask for feedback and accept criticism gracefully. And if he understands that you do not view your job as just something to fill the hours between 9 and 5, he may be more likely to help you. In short, getting along with your boss requires getting to know his likes and dislikes and learning to work with his personality and management style. The main idea of the first paragraph is that ________.A.bosses are hard to deal with

B.bosses have good character

C.bosses determine your career future

D.bosses must have similar personality

In the second paragraph, “rise up the career ladder” (Line 2) means ________.A.going to work abroad

B.changing jobs frequently

C.being promoted in position

D.pursuing an advanced degree

In order to achieve his objectives, your boss expects that you will ________.A.do your best in your work

B.show your management skills

C.get along with your colleagues

D.write reports to upper management

The most important factor for establishing a good working relationship with the boss is ________.A.high expectations

B.quick feedback

C.frequent criticism

D.effective communication

The best title for the passage might be ________.A.How to Take Care Of Your Boss.

B.How to Get Along with Your Boss

C.How to Accept Your Boss’s Criticism

D.How to Accomplish Your Boss’s Objective


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更多“Your boss holds your future pr…”相关的问题
?Look at the article below about getting along with the boss and following questions.?For

?Look at the article below about getting along with the boss and following questions.

?For each question (13 - 18), mark one letter (A, B, C or D) on your Answer Sheet for the answer you choose.

Getting Along with the Boss

You know that a positive relationship with your work superiors is essential to your success. But how do you ensure you stay on their right side? Your boss holds 2 our future prospects in his or her hands. Expect very few favors from a boss who does not like you, Bad relationship with the boss also means missed advancement opportunities: it is one of the major reasons for high staff turnover. If you resign because of the boss. you may also expect a dent in your professional reputation, Imagine having to provide such an "ex" boss as the contact referral person at your next interview !

The relationship you have with your boss can be a major factor in determining your rise up the ladder. Your boss isn't only your supervisor. He or she is also the person best equipped (or should be I to help you do the job you are paid to do. He/she is privy to the company's goals and knows what the company is looking for in future executives. He/she can inform. you of company direction that may affect your future aspirations, He/she can put in a good word for you in the right eats. He/she is also your ally when you need back up, support or cooperation from other departments.

But how does this help you establish a meaningful working relationship with your boss? The key is communication. Know your boss' priorities and try to anticipate his/her needs before he/she asks. Don't think narrowly in terms of your own immediate position. Try to understand where what you do ties in with the bigger picture.

What other things can you discover about your boss? Is he/she conservative or informal? Does he/she prefer to be greeted as Mr. Ms. Miss or Mrs. or prefer first names? Is his/hers an "open door" policy or does he/she prefers you setting appointments with them? Respect your boss' time. Never barge into their office expecting or demanding an hearing immediately. Does he/she prefer to be kept informed with progress reports, or prefer you show initiative and get on with the job?

Don't be a "yes man" and don't offer false flattery in the hope of' getting somewhere. It won't work! And don't aim for "closeness" in the working relationship because this can also backfire. If your boss depends upon you too much. he/she won't recommend you for promotions because you are needed too much where you are. Another possibility is that if he/ she is not a good manager, he/she may be given their marching orders. If you are seen to be a part of his/her management mishaps, you may be marching out the door with him/her! Do what you can to stay in his/her good books. Don't take "sickies" unless you are sick! Be an effective, cooperative, responsible and courteous employee and team player.

It is possible that you are already these things, and you are working for somebody whose management style. disagrees with your needs or expectations. Maybe friction cannot be avoided. Then, you may be better off looking for a new job in a new department or company. In short, getting along with your boss entails getting to know his/her likes and dislikes and learning to work with his/her personality and management style. And the upside about mastering communication and people skills with your own boss is that one day, those skills will pay off in your own management role with your own team.

The writer says that a bad relationship with your boss may result in all of the following except

A.less favors from your boss.

B.the loss of your job.

C.a dent in your reputation.

D.the loss of your opportunities for promotion.

Boss:Come in,please.Oh,Mary,come over 56 .Your annual report is well done.

Don't be()to ask a lot of questions.Be()to everyone you meet.Use your lunch hours to get to know your()and their interests.Pay attention to the(),but don't join them.Don't()about your boss,any co-workers,or the job you did before.Keep a()attitude and an open mind.

Boss: Come in, please. Oh, Mary, come over (56) Your annual report is well done. Mary: (57

Boss: Come in, please. Oh, Mary, come over (56) Your annual report is well done.

Mary: (57)

Boss: I know you're a capable person.

Mary: Thank you for saying that. (58) the wrong figures I gave you last time.

Boss: (59) Everyone makes mistakes.

Mary: Thank you so much for your forgiveness. (60)


A. I'm leaving

B. Thank you

C. I'll do my best

D. and sit here

E. Please sit down

F. But I worry about

G. Take it easy

H. Don't forget

—I am going to ask for a pay rise. —_________.

A I don't think you are worth

B Let me pay for it ;

C I think you may talk to your boss

I am going to ask for a pay rise.()

A.I thank you can't do it

B.l don't think you are worth

C.Let me pay for it

D.I think you may talk to your boss

根据以下材料回答第 1~5题: A.I'm leaving. B.Thank youC.I'll do my best D.and sit hereE.Plea

根据以下材料回答第 1~5题:

A.I'm leaving.

B.Thank you

C.I'll do my best

D.and sit here

E.Please sit down

F.But l worry about

G.Take it easy

H.Don’t forget

第 56 题 Boss:Come in,please.Oh,Mary,come over 56 .Your annual report is well done.

Mary: 57

Boss:I know you’re a capable person.

Mary:Thank you for saying that. 58 the wrong figures I gave you last time.

Boss: 59 .Everyone makes mistakes.

Mary:Thank you SO much for your forgiveness. 60.

Verbal skills in another culture can generally be mastered if one studies hard enough,
but nonverbal skills are much more difficult to learn. Nonverbal behavior. includes areas such as eye contact, facial expressions, postures, gestures, and the use of time, space,and territory. The messages sent by body language and the way we arrange time and space have always been open to interpretation. Does a raised eyebrow mean that your boss doubts your statement or just that she is seriously considering it? Does a closed door to an office mean that your coworker is angry or just that he is working on a project that requires concentration? Deciphering nonverbal communication is difficult for people who are culturally similar, and it is even more troublesome when cultures differ.

In Western cultures, for example, people perceive silence as negative. It suggests rejection, unhappiness, facial expression, regret, embarrassment, or ignorance.

However, the Japanese admire silence and consider it a key to success. A Japanese proverb says, “Those who know do not speak; those who speak do not know.”

Over 60 percent of Japanese businesswomen said that they would prefer to marry silent men. Silence is equated with wisdom.

1. According to this passage, what does nonverbal communication include?()

A.The use of time

B.Facial expressions


D.All of the above

2. What does a raised eyebrow mean?()

A.Your boss doubts your statement.

B.Your boss is seriously considering your statement.

C.Your boss is unhappy with your statement.

D.The message sent by the raised eyebrow may be interpreted differently by people of another culture.

3. What is the main idea of Paragraph One?()

A.Verbal communication is important.

B.Nonverbal skills are more difficult to learn amongdifferent cultures.

C.Nonverbal communication is easy to learn.

D.Verbal skills are easy to be mastered.

4. How do western people view silence?()

A.It is positive.

B.It is approved.

C.It suggests unhappiness.

D.It suggests agreement.

5. “Those who know do not speak; those who speak do not know.”What does this Japanese proverb imply?()

A.It is negative.

B.It suggests embarrassment.

C.It suggests unhappiness.

D.It is equated with wisdom.

Herman Swan & Co (HS) is a family-owned company that has made fashionable clothes and

Herman Swan & Co (HS) is a family-owned company that has made fashionable clothes and leather goods for men for over 100 years. The company has been successful in building a strong reputation for quality by sourcing from local textile and leather producers. It sells its goods across the world through a chain of owned shops and also franchised stalls inside large, well-known stores. The company is still owned and run by the family with no other shareholders. The main goal of the firm is to organically grow the business for the next generation of the Swan family.

Customers are attracted to HS products due to the history and the family story that goes behind the products. They are willing to pay the high prices demanded as they identify with the values of the firm, especially the high quality of manufacturing.

The competition for HS has been increasing for more than ten years. It is made up of other global luxury brands and also the rising national champions in some of the rapidly expanding developing countries. The competitors often try to leverage their brands into many different product types. However, the Swan family have stated their desire to focus on the menswear market after an unsuccessful purchase of a handbag manufacturer five years ago.

The company is divided into a number of strategic business units (SBU). Each production site is an SBU, while the whole retail operation is one SBU. The head office previously functioned as a centre for procurement, finance and other support activities. The company has recently invested in a new management information system (MIS) that has increased the data available to all managers in the business. This has led to much of the procurement shifting to the production SBUs and the SBU managers taking more responsibility for budgeting. The SBU managers are delighted with their increased responsibilities and with the results from the new information system but feel there is still room for improvement in its use. The system has assisted in a project of flattening the organisation hierarchy by cutting out several layers of head office management.

You are the management accountant at HS and have been trying to persuade your boss, the finance director, that your role should change. You have read about Burns and Scapens’ report ‘Accounting Change Project’ and think that it suggests an interesting change from your current roles of preparing and reviewing budgets and overseeing the production of management and financial accounts. Your boss is sceptical but is willing to listen to your arguments. He has asked you to submit an explanation of the change that you propose and why it is necessary at HS.

Also, your boss has asked you for an example of how your role as an ‘internal consultant’ would be valuable at HS by looking at the ideas of brand loyalty and awareness. You should consider their impact on performance management at HS, both from the customer and the internal business process perspectives and how to measure them.


(a) Describe the changes in the role of the management accountant based on Burns and Scapens work. Explain what is driving these changes and justify why they are appropriate to HS. (12 marks)

(b) Using HS as an example, discuss the impact of brand loyalty and awareness on the business both from the customer and the internal business process perspectives and evaluate suitable measures for brand loyalty and awareness. (8 marks)

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