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About PTN service encapsulation VLAN and IP planning principles, which of the followi

ng are correct?()

A. Two adjacent ports of a link on 10GE ring belong to one VLAN domain and one IP network section.

B.All PTN devices should be enabled with service loopback address as NE ID in service forwarding plane. This loopback must be unique globally.

C.Service encapsulation VLAN ID is in range of 17~3000 and it is suggested to start from 101

D.VLAN IDs of nonadjacent link segments can be the same

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更多“About PTN service encapsulatio…”相关的问题
(b) ‘Strategic positioning’ is about the way that a company as a whole is placed in its en

(b) ‘Strategic positioning’ is about the way that a company as a whole is placed in its environment and concerns its

‘fit’ with the factors in its environment.

With reference to the case as appropriate, explain how a code of ethics can be used as part of a company’s

overall strategic positioning. (7 marks)

In the effort to fire a Civil Service employee, his or her manager may have to' spend up _
_____ $100, 000 of tax money to do so.A. till B. to C. for D. about

Helot Co is thinking about expanding its business and introducing a new computer repair se
rvice for customers. The board has asked if target costing could be applied to this service.

Which of the following statements regarding services and the use of target costing within the service sector is true?

A.The purchase of a service transfers ownership to the customer

B.Labour resource usage is high in services relative to material requirements

C.A standard service cannot be produced and so target costing cannot be used

D.Service characteristics include uniformity, perishability and intangibility

I’ve brought two babies with me. It’s really inconvenient for me to drive to the undergrou
nd parking lot.

A.Don’t worry. I’ll take care of your babies while you’re driving to the underground parking lot.

B.Don’t worry. Someone will drive to the underground parking lot for you with little charge

C.I’m sorry. There is no vacancy right now

D.Don’t bother about it. We provide free valet service

Part A Directions: On your way from Beijing to Paris, you lost you luggage car

Part A Directions:

On your way from Beijing to Paris, you lost you luggage carried by the airline. Write a complaint letter to the service center of the Airline. In your letter, you should tell them

1) what happened to your luggage,

2) what your luggage is like,

3) what compensation you expect.

You should write about 100 words neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2. Do not sign your own name. Use “Li Ming” instead. You do not need to write the address. (10 points)

Section A暂缺Section B – ALL FIVE questions are compulsory and MUST be attemptedThe Chemic

Section A暂缺

Section B – ALL FIVE questions are compulsory and MUST be attempted

The Chemical Free Clean Co (C Co) provides a range of environmentally-friendly cleaning services to business customers, often providing a specific service to meet a client’s needs. Its customers range from large offices and factories to specialist care wards at hospitals, where specialist cleaning equipment must be used and regulations adhered to. C Co offers both regular cleaning contracts and contracts for one-off jobs. For example, its latest client was a chain of restaurants which employed them to provide an extensive clean of all their business premises after an outbreak of food poisoning.

The cleaning market is very competitive, although there are only a small number of companies providing a chemical free service. C Co has always used cost-plus pricing to determine the prices which it charges to its customers but recently, the cost of the cleaning products C Co uses has increased. This has meant that C Co has had to increase its prices, resulting in the loss of several regular customers to competing service providers.

The finance director at C Co has heard about target costing and is considering whether it could be useful at C Co.


(a) Briefly describe the main steps involved in deriving a target cost. (3 marks)

(b) Explain any difficulties which may be encountered and any benefits which may arise when implementing target costing at C Co. (7 marks)

The young people who talk of the village as being "dead" are talking nothing but nonsense,
as in their hearts they must surely know.

No, the village is not dead. There is more life in it now than there ever was. But it seems that "village life" is dead. Gone forever. It began to decline(衰落) about a hundred years ago, when many girls left home to go into service in town many miles away, and men also left home in increasing number in search of a work, and home was where work was. There are still a number of people alive today who can remember what "village life" meant in the early years of the present century. It meant knowing and being known by everybody else in the village. It meant finding your entertainment in the village of within walking distance of it. It meant housewives tied to the home all day and every day. It meant going to bed early to save lamp-oil and coal.

Then came the First World War and the Second World War. After each war, new ideas, new attitudes, new trades and occupations were revealed to villagers. The long-established order of society was no longer taken for granted. Electricity and the motorcar were steadily operating to make "village life" and "town life" almost alike. Now with the highly developed science and technology and high-level social welfare for all, there is no point whatever in talking any longer about "village life". It is just life, and that a better life.

Finally, if we have any doubts about the future, or about the many changes, which we have seen in our lives, we have only to look in at the school playground any mid-morning; or see the children as they walk homeward in little groups. Obviously these children are better fed, better clothed, better educated, healthier, prettier and happier than any generation of children that ever before walked the village street.

By saying that village is not dead, but "village life" is dead, the writer suggests that______.

A.those young people who talk of the village as being "dead" are wrong

B.the two statements are against each other

C.village life today is rather uninteresting

D.village life today is no longer like what it is used to be

A.For many studentsB.a major barrierC.equality in access to educationD.different peopleE
A.For many students

B.a major barrier

C.equality in access to education

D.different people

E.non-traditional students

The National Union of Students (NUS) welcomes the news that greater numbers of black and disabled students are studying at UK universities, but there is still a lot of work to be done on widening access, writes the union's president, Gemma Tumelty.

A recent Department of Communities and Local Government (DCLG) equalities review showed that significant numbers of potential students felt their disability was (1)to accessing higher education (HE). This is simply unacceptable.

Equality and diversity is not entirely a “numbers game” and before too much praise is given we need to hear more from (2), not just about their experience of accessing higher education but also going through the system.

Equality in society is absolutely, and fundamentally, linked to(3).

(4), university is the place where they will be first exposed to different cultures and (5). As well as fighting for better access, the NUS wants to see diversity properly valued and promoted within the student experience. Many pay lip service to the value of diversity, but is this recognized and promoted as a core asset to those who go through the HE system?

Equality in society can be promoted by equality and diversity at university. But the benefits of university as a positive, diverse environment must be seen by students as adding “value” as much as any other factors before the numbers game is really won by the champions of diversity.






Callisto Retail (Callisto) is an on-line reseller of local craft products related to the h

Callisto Retail (Callisto) is an on-line reseller of local craft products related to the historic culture of the country of Callistan. The business started ten years ago as a hobby of two brothers, Jeff and George. The brothers produced humorous, short video clips about Callistan which were posted on their website and became highly popular. They decided to use the website to try to sell Callistan merchandise and good initial sales made them believe that they had a viable business idea.

Callisto has gone from strength to strength and now boasts sales of $120m per annum, selling anything related to Callistan. Callisto is still very much the brothers’ family business. They have gathered around themselves a number of strategic partners into what Jeff describes as a virtual company. Callisto has the core functions of video clip production, finance and supplier relationship management. The rest of the functions of the organisation (warehousing, delivery and website development) are outsourced to strategic partners.

The brothers work from their family home in the rural North of Callistan while other Callisto employees work from their homes in the surrounding villages and towns. These employees are involved in video editing, system maintenance, handling customer complaints and communication with suppliers and outsourcers regarding inventory. The employees log in to Callisto’s systems via the national internet infrastructure. The outsourced functions are handled by multinational companies of good reputation who are based around the world. The brothers have always been fascinated by information technology and so they depend on email and electronic data interchange to communicate with their product suppliers and outsourcing partners.

Recently, there have been emails from regular customers of the Callisto website complaining about slow or non-delivery of orders that they have placed. George has commented that this represents a major threat to Callisto as the company operates on small profit margins, relying on volume to drive the business. He believes that sales growth will drive the profitability of the business due to its cost structure.

Jeff handles the management of outsourcing and has been reviewing the contracts that exist between Callisto and its strategic partner for warehousing and delivery, RLR Logistics. The current contract for warehousing and delivery is due for renewal in two months and currently, has the following service level agreements (SLAs):

1. RLR agree to receive and hold inventory from Callisto’s product suppliers.

2. RLR agree to hold 14 days inventory of Callisto’s products.

3. RLR agree to despatch from their warehouse any order passed from Callisto within three working days, inventory allowing.

4. RLR agree to deliver to customers anywhere in Callistan within two days of despatch.

Breaches in these SLAs incur financial penalties on a sliding scale depending on the number and severity of the problems. Each party to the contract collects their own data on performance and this has led to disagreements in the past over whether service levels have been achieved although no penalties have been triggered to date. The most common disagreement arises over inventory levels held by RLR with RLR claiming that it cannot be expected to deliver products that are late in arriving to inventory due to the product suppliers’ production and delivery issues.


Assess the difficulties of performance measurement and performance management in complex business structures such as Callisto, especially in respect of the performance of their employees and strategic partners.

For years, studies have found that first-generation college students-those who do not have
a parent with a college degree-lag other students on a range of education achievement factors. Their grades are lower and their dropout rates are higher. But since such students are most likely to advance economically if they succeed in higher education, colleges and universities have pushed for decades to recruit more of them. This has created "a paradox" in that recruiting first-generation students, but then watching many of them fail, means that higher education has "continued to reproduce and widen, rather than close" achievement gap based on social class, according to the depressing beginning of a paper forthcoming in the journal Psychological Sciense.

But the article is actually quite optimistic, as it outlines a potential solution to this problem, suggesting that an approach(which involves a one-hour, next-to-no-cost program) can close 63 percent of the achievement gap(measured by such factors as grades)between first-generation and other students.

The authors of the paper are from different universities, and their findins are based on a study involving 147 students(who completed the project)at an unnamed private unive rsity.First generation was defined as not having a parent with a four-year college degree Most of the first-generation students(1 percent) were recipients of Pell Grants,a federal g rant for undergraduates with financial need,while this was true only for 8.6 percent of the students wit at least one parent with a four-year degree Their thesis-that a relatively modest inte rvention could have a big impact-was based on the view that first-gene ration students may be most lacking not in potential but in practical knowledge about how to deal with the issues that face most college students They cite past resea rch by several authors to show that this is the gap that must be na rrowed to close the achievement gap.

Many first-gene ration students"struggle to navigate the middle-class culture of higher education,learn the&39;rules of the game,&39;and take advantage of college resou rces," they write And this becomes more of a problem when collages don&39;t talk about the class advantage and disadvantages of different groups of students Because US colleges and universities seldom acknowledge how social class can affect students&39; educational expe rience,many first-gene ration students lack sight about why they a re struggling and do not unde rstand how students&39; like them can improve .

26. Recruiting more first-generation students has__________________

A.reduced their dropout rates

B.narrowed the achievement gao

C.missed its original purpose

D.depressed college students

The author of the research article are optimistic because__________________A.the problem is solvable

B.their approach is costless

C.the recruiting rate has increased

D.their finding appeal to students

The author of the paper believe that first-generation students__________________A.a re actually indifferent to the achievement gap

B.can have a potential influence on othe r students

C.may lack opportunities to apply for resea rch projects

D.are inexperienced in handling their issues at college

The study suggests that most first-gene ration students__________________A.study at private universities

B.are from single-pa rent families

C.are in need of financial support

D.have failed their collage

We mayinfer from the last paragraph that--A.universities often rect the culture of the middle-class

B.students are usually to blame for their lack of resources

C.social class g reatly helps en rich educational experiences

D.colleges are partly responsible for the problem in question


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