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听力原文:I won the first prize in the speech contest.(15)A.Congratulations.B.Thank you.C.C

听力原文:I won the first prize in the speech contest.



B.Thank you.


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更多“听力原文:I won the first prize in …”相关的问题
听力原文:W: Could you tell me what I should do if my car breaks down? M: Well,I'm sure you

听力原文:W: Could you tell me what I should do if my car breaks down?

M: Well,I'm sure you won't have any trouble,Mrs. Smith,but if something should happen,just call this number.They'll see that you get help.

Q: What does the man really mean?


A.He thought she should make a phone if anything went wrong.

B.He thought she should just wait for someone's help.

C.He was afraid something would go wrong with her car.

D.He promised to give her help himself.

听力原文:W: Henry, I understand your invoice for US $ 1,000 is due for payment at the end
of this month. Please allow me to defer payment until four weeks later.

M: That's all right. We won't press you for immediate payment. Send us your check later on when you have money.

Q: What does the woman ask for?


A.Immediate payment.

B.Deferred payment.


D.US $1,000.

听力原文:My first semester of college was the worst I've been through. I had made plans du

听力原文: My first semester of college was the worst I've been through. I had made plans during the summer to share an apartment with two of my close friends from high school. But before we moved in,problems started developing.

One of the two girls I was to share an apartment with was going to work instead of going to college。 However,a week before we were to move in,she found out that she didn't get the job. She is forced to live at home and look for work. The rest two of us lasted for a month and then agreed that we couldn't make it with the higher monthly rent payments. I started looking around.

I found another apartment and the rent wasn't bad. The place was noisy,but it was the best I could afford for the time. However,one day when I returned,I saw smoke coming from the back of the house. The cottage had caught fire,and my room was a burned mess。I was once more out of a place to stay.

I finally gave up looking around and moved home. I had to drive forty miles to school every day,so I almost spent as much on gas as I would have on lodging. I was very bored I almost lost the will to study. It had been really a bad semester!


A.To look for two of her close friends.

B.To stay at home and study.

C.To share an apartment with friends.

D.To move out and live alone.

听力原文:To find out how the name Canada came about we must go back to the 16th century. A

听力原文: To find out how the name Canada came about we must go back to the 16th century. At that time the French dreamed of discovering and controlling more land, of expanding trade beyond their borders and of spreading their faith across the world. In 1535, Francois I, King of France, ordered a navigator named Jacques Cartier to explore the New World and search for a passage to India.

Cartier first arrived at the Gulf of the St. Lawrence, which he wanted to explore. He did not know what to expect but he hoped that this Gulf was just an arm of the ocean between two islands, if it was, be would soon be on his way to the Far East. So he sailed upstream along the St. Lawrence River. However, instead of reaching Asia he arrived at Quebec or Stadacona, as the Indians called it. It was at this point that the term "Canada" entered the country's history. Apparently the word "Canada" came from an Indian word Kanata, which means community or village. Cartier first used it when he referred to Stadacona or Quebec. What a huge village Canada is!


A.To build a new country.

B.To explore the New World.

C.To get in touch with the American Indians.

D.To know more about France.

—I won the first prize in today's speech contest.





听力原文:M: Mary, (19)you want to talk about your second essay, right?W: Yes, Dr. Richards

听力原文:M: Mary, (19)you want to talk about your second essay, right?

W: Yes, Dr. Richardson. I just need your comments on what I'm planning to do. (19)I'm doing the essay on the differences between TV news programs at different hours of the day.

M: How many times slots are you planning to consider?

W: Well, I think I'd look at all of them. That'd be five slots. The breakfast news, midmorning news. midday news. mid-afternoon news and evening news.

M: That's rather a lot. And you'd have too much to consider. (20)Why don't you just do two. Say the midmorning and then evening news. That should give you two contrasting approaches with two main audience compositions.

W: OK, just two then.

M: Yes, I think that would be much better. Now how many actual programs do you plan to work with?

W: What do you think of analyzing a whole week's news programs?

M: Well, that depends on how much of each program, if you concentrate on one particular type of news item, say the sports news or local items, it might be alright.

W: Yes. that would be a good idea. (21)I won't make a decision before I collect a sample of programs over a whole week. I'll look at them and see what items appear throughout the week.

M: Yes, that's a sound approach. (22)Now we’re getting close to the deadline. Can you finish it in time?

W: Yes, I think so. I've completed the reading and I know what my basic approach is, so it's really just a matter of pulling it all together now.

M: Fine, Mary. I'll look forward to reading it.


A.To discuss the second essay.

B.To get the comments on TV news.

C.To plan to join TV news programs.

D.To tell the difference of TV news.

听力原文:W: Hi, Mike.M: Hi. I'm surprised to see you on the city bus. Why not drive your c

听力原文:W: Hi, Mike.

M: Hi. I'm surprised to see you on the city bus. Why not drive your car?

W: (23)I've been thinking about the environment lately. If we all use public transportation when we could, the air will be much cleaner.

M: Right. But the bus isn't exactly pollution free.

W: True. But they'll be running a lot cleaner soon, We were just talking about that in my environmental engineering class.

M: What's the city going to do? Install pollution filters of some sort on their buses?

W: They could, but those filters make the engines work harder and really cut down on fuel efficiency. Instead they found a way to make their engines more efficient.

M: How?

W: Well, (24)there is a material called the coniine oxide. It's a really good insulator. And a thick coat of it gets sprayed on the certain part of the engine.

M: An insulator?

W: Yes. (25)It reflects back the heat of burning fuel. So the fuel will burn much hotter and burn up more completely.

M: So a lot less unburned fuel comes out to pollute the air, right?

W: Yeah, and the bus will need less fuel. So with the savings on fuel cost, they say this will all pay for itself in just six months.

M: Sounds like people should all go out and get this stuff to spray their car engines.

W: Well, not really that easy. To melt the materials before you can spray a coat of it on the engine parts, you first have to heat it over 10,000 degrees. It's not something we are able to do ourselves.


A.Something is wrong with her car.

B.The cost of the fuel is high.

C.It's cheap to take bus.

D.She thinks public transportation is environmental friendly.

听力原文:M: The summer holiday is coming, but I really don't know what to do. There doesn'
t seem to beany jobs available.

W: Why don't you try house-sitting? Last summer Cindy was a house sitter for the Smiths when they went away on vacation. They hired Cindy to stay in their house because they didn't want it left empty.

M: You mean they paid Cindy just to live in their house?

W: It wasn't that easy. She had to water the house plants, mow the lawn, and even take care of the pets.

M: I guess it is a little like baby-sitting, except you're taking care of a house instead of children.

W: The student employment office still has a few jobs posted.

M: Do I just have to fill oat an application?

W: You have to have an interview with the homeowner and provide three references at least.

M: That seems like a lot of trouble for a summer job.

W: Well, the homeowner wants some guarantee that they can trust the house sitter. You know they want to make sure you're not the type who'll hold wild parties in their house, or bring a group of friends in with you.

M: I see. House sitters who do that sort of thing probably aren't paid then.

W: Usually they're paid anyway just because the homeowners don't want to make a fuss. But if the homeowner reports it, the house sitter won't be able to get another job easily. So why don't you apply?

M: I think I will. Thank you.


A.They left their pets with neighbors.

B.They rented their house to a student.

C.They hired someone to stay in their home.

D.They asked their gardener to watch their house.

听力原文:If a customer informs his bank that a draft which has been issued to him has been
lost, the drawee bank should be noticed immediately.


A.The customer should first notify the drawee bank of the loss of his draft.

B.The customer should first notify the drawer bank of the loss of his draft.

C.The customer should first notify the remitting bank of the loss of his draft.

D.The customer should first notify the collecting bank of the loss of his draft.

听力原文:The instructions of the remitting bank override the relationship, if any, between
the drawee and collecting bank.


A.The relationship between the drawee and collecting bank will be taken into consideration first of all.

B.The remitting banker's instructions will be paid much more attention.

C.The remitting banker's instructions will be less important than the relationship between the drawee and collecting bank.

D.The remitting banker must consider the relationship between the drawee and collecting bank.

SECTION ACONVERSATIONSDirections: In this section you will hear several conversations. Lis


Directions: In this section you will hear several conversations. Listen to the conversations carefully and then answer the questions that follow.

听力原文:W: How can I help you?

M: I'd like to return this sweater for a refund. I bought it a week ago.

W: Well, what seems to be the problem?

M: Isn't it obvious by just looking at it? The first time I washed and dried it, the thing shrank at least five sizes.

W: I see what you mean, but did you follow the washing instructions? I think it says here ... right here on the label to hand wash it and then to dry it on low heat.

M: How was I supposed to know that? The label is written in Chinese! And something else i The stitching is coming undone and the color faded from a nice dark blue to a seaweed green.

W: Listen, sir. What I can do is allow you to exchange the sweater for another one.

M: I don't want to exchange it for anything! I just want my money back!

W: Well, I can give you credit on your next purchase, and since the item you purchased was on clearance, we can't give you a refund. Anyway, you can only return items with a receipt within six days, and unfortunately, that was yesterday in your case.

M: But, your store was closed yesterday because of the national holiday. Listen, I give up. Your store policies are completely unreasonable, and how do you expect people to shop here?

W: You did... Ha, ha...

M: Take your sweater. You should open up a pet store and sell it as a dog sweater.

What is among the reasons why the man wants to return the item?

A.It is the wrong size.

B.The fabric is coming apart.

C.It is stained.

D.It has no label.

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