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I _______ here two years ago.A.moved toB.have movedC.have moved toD.moved

I _______ here two years ago.

A.moved to

B.have moved

C.have moved to


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更多“I _______ here two years ago.A…”相关的问题
I don't know(). I just arrived here two minutes ago.A. what's going onB. how is

I don't know(). I just arrived here two minutes ago.

A. what's going on

B. how is going on

C. who is going on

How long do you intend to stay?()

A.It's very important.

B.Once a week.

C.I'll stay here for a long time.

D.I'll be here for two or three days at least.

—— Shall we sit up here on the grass or down there near the water?—— _____
—— Shall we sit up here on the grass or down there near the water?—— _____

A、I’d rather stay here if you don’t mind.

B、Of course, why not go out?

C、Oh, I don’t like neither here nor there.

D、Sure, we like these two places.

— I’m wondering if you could give me some advice about my project.— ().A、I’d rather s

A.I’d rather sit here if you don’t min

B.I think it might be a good idea to do some research first.

C.Certainly, why not?

D.Yes, I like these two places.

--- Shall we sit up here on the grass or down there near the water? --- __________ .A.I’d

--- Shall we sit up here on the grass or down there near the water? --- __________ .

A.I’d rather stay here if you don’t mind

B.Sorry, I don’t like neither

C.Certainly, why not?

D.Yes, we like these two places

A: Will that be OK?B: How much are the tickets?C: Two second-class is fine, thank you.D: M

A: Will that be OK?

B: How much are the tickets?

C: Two second-class is fine, thank you.

D: May I help you?

E: Have a nice trip

W: Good morning. 26____________

M: Hi, we&39;d like two tickets to Fuzhou, please.

W: Fuzhou. Certainly. Travelling today?

M: Yes. W: The next train is at 12: 00. 27___________

M: I’ll take the 12: 00 tickets.

W: Single or return?

M: Two singles. 28___________

W:First-class is 100 yuan and second-class is 80 yuan.

M: 29___________

W: that&39;s 160 yuan, please.

M: Here’s the money

W: And here are your tickets. 30___________







Doctor:Well,what can we do for you today?Patient:Oh,I&39;ve an infection in my gum,Doctor.

Doctor:Well,what can we do for you today?

Patient:Oh,I&39;ve an infection in my gum,Doctor. Doctor:In your gum?

Patient:Up here.I?ve some tablets and,er,I don&39;t know.

Doctor:(4) Aye,the Sofradex is not doing very much for that,is it?

Patient:I&39;ve never taken them.I&39;ve just,I stopped taking them.

Doctor:Aye,I don&39;t think they&39;re doing very much to you.

Patient:(5) Doctor.


Patient:I&39;m just wondering if it&39;s my teeth or that it&39;s just my blood that&39;s doing it.

Doctor:I think it might be the teeth.It&39;d be worth getting the dentist to have a look at your plate.


Doctor:Yes,yes.Keep on with those just now.

Patient:Yes.Aye,two four,one or two four times a day.

Doctor:Yes,one four times a day. Patient:Fine,yeah.

A.It&39;s been paining me all night.

B.Let&39;s have a look and see what they&39;ve done to you.

C.Do I take these Sofradex is they&39;re prescribed here,Doctor@@@SXB@@@A.It&39;s been paining me all night.

B.Let&39;s have a look and see what they&39;ve done to you.

C.Do I take these Sofradex is they&39;re prescribed here,Doctor@@@SXB@@@A.It&39;s been paining me all night.

B.Let&39;s have a look and see what they&39;ve done to you.

C.Do I take these Sofradex is they&39;re prescribed here,Doctor@@@SXB@@@A.It&39;s been paining me all night.

B.Let&39;s have a look and see what they&39;ve done to you.

C.Do I take these Sofradex is they&39;re prescribed here,Doctor@@@SXB@@@A.It&39;s been paining me all night.

B.Let&39;s have a look and see what they&39;ve done to you.

C.Do I take these Sofradex is they&39;re prescribed here,Doctor@@@SXB@@@A.It&39;s been paining me all night.

B.Let&39;s have a look and see what they&39;ve done to you.

C.Do I take these Sofradex is they&39;re prescribed here,Doctor

(At the check-in counter.)A:Excuse me, sir. Should I check in here for Flight UA268 to Chi

(At the check-in counter.)

A:Excuse me, sir. Should I check in here for Flight UA268 to Chicago?

B:Yes, madam. MayI see your passport and flight ticket, please?

A:Sure, 71 _____________________

B:Very good, Mrs, Chen. 72 _____________________

A:I prefer anaisleseat.

B:OK. Do you have any luggage to check in?

A:Yes. 73_____________________ How much luggage can Icarry on?

B:Only one.

A:Then I need to check in two pieces of luggage.

B:OK. Wouldyou pleaseput them onthe scale?

A:Of course. 74 _____________________

B:No. That’s all. Here is your luggage claim tag, boarding pass,and passport.

A:Excuse me. 75 _____________________

B:At 5:00 p.m. and you will board from Gate 2.

A:Thank you.

B:My pleasure.


A.Welcometo ABC airline.

B.One suitcase.

C.When is the boarding time?

D.Where are you going to go?

E.Is it overweight?

F.Which seatdo you prefer, a window seat or an aisle seat?

G.here you are.







ICE-FISHING If you drive north from Toronto for three hours, you come to Lake Nipissing. I


If you drive north from Toronto for three hours, you come to Lake Nipissing. In winter, the lake becomes ice, and thousands of Canadian fishermen travel there each weekend. They build Little houses of wood on the ice and point them in bright colours. Then they sit inside to catch the fish that swim under the ice.

Bob Marvisch has come here at this time of year for twenty-five years. 'You need clothes that are light but worm: two pairs of socks and gloves, several thin sweaters and a snow suit on top. Catching the fish is easy,' he says. 'First you break the ice and make a small round hole in it. Next you take a fishing line and put some bread on it. Then you put the line through the hole and into the water. You pull the line up when the fish eat the bread. They are between ten and twenty centimetres Long. Some people Like to eat them, but when I have caught three or four fish, I prefer to have some chocolate or other snack! Today I have caught twenty- five! It's a great sport and you can meet some nice people here!

Fishermen only use the houses on Lake Nipissing in winter.



C.Doesn't say

Living in Brazil (巴西)and SwitzerlandMoving to a different city may seem difficult. You
Living in Brazil (巴西)and SwitzerlandMoving to a different city may seem difficult. You

Living in Brazil (巴西)and Switzerland

Moving to a different city may seem difficult. You have to change schools and get used to your new home. But you can always go back to that city to visit. When you move to another country, things are different. However, difficult as it may be, the experience can be rewarding.

My dad, a Brazilian, is really funny and can make friends quickly. My mom, a Swiss, is usually quiet and a bit shy. She likes to be organized, But my dad never makes plans. She enjoys staying home, but my dad always wants to go out. Swiss and Brazilian一what a mix!

After my parents got married, they moved to Switzerland. There they had my brother and me. When I was two, we moved to Brazil. During my childhood we visited Switzerland every year.

Many people ask me where I prefer to live: Brazil or Switzerland. It's really hard to answer because I love both countries. Brazil is a big country with many states and people. There are multiple dialects and many types of foods. People here have beautiful smiles and are always happy, even if they are poor. In the south the climate is cool, but in the north It's hot and humid.

Switzerland, on the other hand, is small but beautiful and clean. There are four languages in that tiny country. People there are very different from Brazilians: they are wealthy, independent, and organized. The food is delicious, and of course, the famous Swiss chocolate is great, and the climate is dry and cool.

I love both countries. In Switzerland, it's pleasant, calm, and peaceful everywhere. I enjoyed my stay there very much. But now I am happy here in Brazil. I feel excited and at home.

11. The author's parents___.

A. share similar interests

B. have different jobs

C. have different personalities

D. enjoy reading books

12.When the author was a child, the family used to___.

A. have many good friends

B. move between the two countries

C. speak two dialects

D. visit Brazil from time to time

13.The author thinks Brazilians are___.

A. organized

B. independent

C. indifferent

D. optimistic

14. According to the text, Switzerland___.

A is famous for its chocolate

B. has many big cities

C. has a lot in common with Brazil

D. is hot and humid

15. According to the author, living in two different cultures is a(n)___.

A. appealing idea

B. difficult decision

C. expensive choice

D. pleasant experience

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