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 We no longer keep up the close friendship of a few years ago, though we still see each other on occasion。

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回答下列各题 We do not know how the first fire was 21 .Early fires on the earth were ce
rtainly caused by nature,not by Man,some were caused by lightning in a storm;22 ,perhaps,by the hot material which came out of a volcano.Quite possibly,at times,the heat of the sun set light 23 some dry grass or leaves.At first Man,like other animals,was probably afraid of fire. 24 great was the power of fire that he feared it and worshipped it.Gradually,however,with his better power of thinking,he overcame his fear.Probablly he overcame most of his fear when he 25 how to make fire for himself.Throughout the ages he has learned more about fire,how to control it,and how to use it 26 many ways.Now fire is no longer a master of a god;it is a 27 . We call only guess how 28 first learned that a fire was useful and what uses he made of it.By 29 a burning stick from fire which had been started naturally,he could make afire at his own“home”.He could keep the fire burning by adding more dry grass.1eaves and wood.The‰30 the chief purpose of frightening animals away.He discovered,by some accident,that flesh roasted in front of a fire 31 better.Then he found that roasted flesh would keep longer,without going bad, 32 uncooked flesh.It must have been much later that Man learned to cook food by heating it with 33 water or with steam.He could not use such methods 34 he had learned how to make pots 35 holding water.





回答下列各题 We do not know how the first fire was 21 .Early fires on the earth were ce
rtainly caused by nature,not by Man,some were caused by lightning in a storm;22 ,perhaps,by the hot material which came out of a volcano.Quite possibly,at times,the heat of the sun set light 23 some dry grass or leaves.At first Man,like other animals,was probably afraid of fire. 24 great was the power of fire that he feared it and worshipped it.Gradually,however,with his better power of thinking,he overcame his fear.Probablly he overcame most of his fear when he 25 how to make fire for himself.Throughout the ages he has learned more about fire,how to control it,and how to use it 26 many ways.Now fire is no longer a master of a god;it is a 27 . We call only guess how 28 first learned that a fire was useful and what uses he made of it.By 29 a burning stick from fire which had been started naturally,he could make afire at his own“home”.He could keep the fire burning by adding more dry grass.1eaves and wood.The‰30 the chief purpose of frightening animals away.He discovered,by some accident,that flesh roasted in front of a fire 31 better.Then he found that roasted flesh would keep longer,without going bad, 32 uncooked flesh.It must have been much later that Man learned to cook food by heating it with 33 water or with steam.He could not use such methods 34 he had learned how to make pots 35 holding water.





In the United States many have been told that anyone can become rich and successful if he works hard and has some good luck.

Yet, when one becomes rich, he wants people to know it. And even if he does not become very rich, he wants people to think that he is. That is what “keeping up with the Joneses” is about. It is the story of someone who tries to look as rich and as successful as his neighbors.

The expression was first used in 1913 by a young American by the name of Arthur Momand. He told this story about himself: he began earning $125 a week at the age of 23. That was a lot of money in those days. Young Momand was very proud of his riches. He got married and moved with his wife to a very wealthy neighborhood outside New York City. But just moving there was not enough. When he saw that rich people rode horses, Momand went horse riding every day. When he saw that rich people had servants, Momand and his wife also hired a servant and gave big parties for their new neighbors.

It was like a race, but one could never finish this race because one was always trying to keep up. Momand and his wife could not do that.

The race ended for them when they could no longer pay for their new way of life. They left their wealthy neighborhood and moved back to an apartment in New York City.

Momand looked around him and noticed that many people do things just to keep up with their neighbors. He saw the funny side of it and started to write a series of short stories. He called it “keeping up with the Joneses”, because “Jones” is a very common name in the United States. “Keeping up with the Joneses” came to mean keeping up with the people around you. Momand’s series appeared in different newspapers across the country for over 28 years.

Every city has an area where people want to live because others will think better of them if they do. And there are “Joneses” in every city of the world. But one must get tired of trying to keep up with the Joneses, because no matter what one does, Mr. Jones always seems to be ahead.

6. The writer of the selection believes().

A. many people in the United States think anyone can become rich if he works hard and has some good luck

B. anyone in the United Sates can become rich if he works hard and has some good luck

C. he can become rich in the future

D. anyone in the United States can become rich

7. Some people want to keep up with the Joneses because().

A. they want to be as rich as their neighbors

B. they want others to know or to think that they are rich

C. they don’t want others to know they are rich

D. they want to be happy

8. It can be inferred from the story that rich people().

A. like to live in apartments

B. like to live in New York City

C. like to live outside New York City

D. like to have many neighbors

9. Arthur Momand used the name “Jones” in his series of short stories because Jones is().

A,. an important name

B. a popular name in the United States

C. his neighbor’s name

D. not a good name

10. According to the writer, it is().

A. correct to keep up with the Joneses

B. impossible to keep up with the Joneses

C. interesting to keep up with the Joneses

D. good to keep up with the Joneses

How men first learned to invent words is unknown; in other words, the origin of language i
s a mystery. All we really know is that men, unlike animals, invented certain sounds to express thoughts and feelings, actions and things, so that they could communicate with each other, and later they agreed on certain signs. These signs were called letters, which could be combined to represent those sounds and could be written down. Those sounds, whether spoken or written in letters, are called words.

The power of words, then, exists in their associations—the things they bring up before our minds. Words become filled with meaning for us by experience, and the longer we live, the more certain words remind us of the glad and sad events of our past, and the more we read and learn, the more number of words increases.

Great writers are those who not only have great thoughts but also express these thoughts in words which deeply attract our minds and emotions. This skillful use of words is called "literary style". Above all, a real poet can express his meaning in words which sing like music and can move men to tears. We should, therefore, learn to choose our words carefully and use them properly, or they will make our speech silly and vulgar.

The origin of language is______.

A.treasure handed down from the past

B.a matter that is hidden or secret

C.a problem not yet solved

D.a question difficult to answer

He didn't keep on asking me the time any longer as he had had his watch ______.A.to repair

He didn't keep on asking me the time any longer as he had had his watch ______.

A.to repair




It was the late spring of 1979, a hot Saturday afternoon. Hundreds of us sat 21 , side by,
side, in rows of wooden chairs on the maincampus lawn (校园草坪). We 22' blue robes (毕业生长袍). We listened carefully to long 23 . When the ceremony (典礼)was 24_,we threw! our caps in the air, and we were officially graduated from college.

After that, I found Morrie Schwartz, my25 professor, and introduced him to

my 26 .. He was a small man who took small steps, as ifa 27 wind could; at any time, 28 him up:into the cloudS! His teeth were in good shape: When he smiled it was as if you had just 29 him the funniest joke on earth.

He told my parents how I 30 every class he taught. He told them, "You havea 31 boy here. He helped me a 10t." Shy but 32 , I looked at my feet. Before we left,I 33 Mr. Schwartz a 'present, a briefcase with his name on the front. I didn't want to forget him. 34 I didn't want him to forget me. He asked if I would keep in35 , and without hesitation (犹豫) I said, "Of course." When he turned around, I saw tears in his eyes.

21. A. along B. around C. beside D. together

Why are so many people unhappy in their jobs? Ther...

Why are so many people unhappy in their jobs? There are two primary reasons. First,some people are convinced that earning a living is wasting time? that they could spend enjoying themselves or uncovering their talents. If this is the case with your, recall you last long vacation. Was it two weeks of complete enjoyment? More likely it was a week and a half of fun in the sun,with another half of a week of bore. I can&39;t wait to get back to work. If you didn&39;t feel such vacation blues,then imagine taking a leave of absence. You could use it to work on a novel, enroll in classes or just sit around watching TV. At the end of three months, in all likelihood,yourself-esteem would be at an all-time low. While all work and no play is not good, all playand no work is disastrous. Wc need to feel we are accomplishing something. We also need some form. of order in our lives. The second and perhaps more prevalent reason for people not to like their work is that they feel trapped. Once you have been at a company for five years and have a spouse,a mortgage and a child, you often feel you have very little choice about jummping ship if things aren’t turning out as you’d planned. A steady paycheck can be the biggest manacle (束缚)of all. People resent having to do something because they have no other choices. If you find yourself resenting your job because you cant afford to quit, it mnay be timeco prepare what one career counselor humorously calls a cyanide(氰化物) capsule. He re-calls spy movies in/which the secret agent has. such a capsule hidden somewhere on His body. If he&39;s captured and tortured unbearably, he has an option. And having an option gives him the strength to hold on a little longer in tbe hope that the situation/ may change. Rather than cyanide. your option takes the form. of an up-to-date resume. You might also take a weekly glance through the help-wanted section, and make some visits to industry functions where low-key net-working can take place. You are not giving up on your current job. Rather , you are providing yourself with an option. If things get unbearable atwork, you could jump ship. Being in this position can do wonders for your attiude. It allows you to enjoy your work since, in reality, you are there only because you want to be. At the core of adopting a positive attitude to your workplace is above all assuming responsibility for your own situation. Most people feel controlled by their environment,but they really aren&39;t.

They have to learn to manage adaptation environment so they can get from it what they need. The second main reason for their unhappiness is that____.

A.they have been working in a company’for too long

B.they are not permitted to change a job

C.they have no other way out than keep working

D.they have to work on to pay off their debts

The example about your last vacation proves that"A.all play and no work is disastrous

B.all work and no play is not good

C.avacation of two weeks is not enough

D.a vacation of two weeks is more than enough

With an up-to-date resume ready as an option, you may feel better at your job Because___.A.you are to do wonders in your work

B.it is up to you to choose between two alternatives

C.you have made a decision on your own

D.it seems to be the only positive attitude

In order to live longer, _____.A.we have to try to be on a dietB.we should keep in high sp
iritsC.we should try to do more exerciseD.we should postpone the process of aging

If you thought handshakes were just a gesture of greeting, then think again! A handsha

ke is not only a way of greeting; it can also show your personality. Since we all want to set a good first impression, it is important to know the right shaking hands manners.

Stand up and maintain eye contact while shaking hands. If you are seated when someone comes for a handshake, stand up and shake his or her hand. It is impolite to be still seated. Keep right distance between the two of you; not too close, but enough distance to shake your hands well. Keeping eye contact makes the other person feel welcome and comfortable.

Keep a handshake brief and firm. You let go of each other's hand after 2-3 seconds. Make sure your handshake ends before your conversation does. One's handshake should show a feeling of strength and warmth. The hand should be firm and not lifeless like seaweed. Then, how firm should a handshake be? Just grasp the person's hand completely and do not press it too hard.

1.Which of the following statements about the significance of handshakes is not true?()

A.Handshakes are just a gesture of greeting

B.Handshakes are more than a way of greeting

C.Handshakes can show our personality

2.If you are seated when someone comes for a handshake, you should().

A.stand up and shake his or her hand

B.keep seated and shake his or her hand

C.bow and say hello to him or her

3.Keeping eye contact while shaking hands makes, the other person feel ().




4.How long does a handshake usually last?()

A.As long as the conversation lasts

B.5 minutes

C.23 seconds

5.Which of the following words can best describe a proper handshake?()

A.brief and strong

B.brief and firm

C.brief and soft

Text 4 Humor, which ought to give rise to only the most light-hearted and ** feelings, can
often stir up vehemence and animosity. Evidently it is dearer to us than we realize. Men will take almost any kind of criticism except the observation that they have no sense of humour. A man will admit to being a coward or a liar or a thief or a poor mechanic or a bad swimmer, but tell him he as a dreadful sense of humour and you might as well have slandered his mother. Even if he is civilized enough to pretend to make light of your statement, he will still secretly believe that he has not only a good sense of humour but are superior to most. He has, in other words, a completely blind spot on the subject. This is all the more surprising when you consider that not one man in ten million can give you any kind of intelligent answer as to what humour is or why he laughs.

One day when I was about twelve years old, it occurred to me to wonder about the phenomenon of laughter. At first I thought it is easy enough to see what I laugh at and why I am amused, but why at such times do I open my mouth and exhale in jerking gasps and wrinkle up my eyes and throw back my head and halloo like an animal? Why do I not instead rap four times on the top of my head or whistle or whirl about?

That was over twenty years ago and I am still wondering, except that I now no longer even take my first assumption for granted, I no longer clearly understand why I laugh at what amuses me nor why things are amusing. I have illustrious company in my confusion, of course, Many of the great minds of history have brought their power of concentration to bear on the mystery of humour, and, to date, their conclusions are so contradictory and ephemeral that they cannot possibly be classified as scientific.

Many definitions of the comic are incomplete and many are simply rewording of things we already know. Aristotle, for example, defined the ridiculous as that which is incongruous but represents neither **er nor pain. But that seems to me to be a most inadequate sort of observation, for of at this minute I insert here the word rutabagas, I have introduced something in congruous, something not funny. Of course, it must be admitted that Aristotle did not claim that every painless in congruity is ridiculous but as soon as we have gone as far as this admission, we begin to see that we have come to grips with a ghost when we think have it pinned, it suddenly appears behind us, mocking us.

An all-embracing definition of humour has been attempted by many philosophers, but no definition, no formula had ever been devised that is entirely satisfactory. Aristotle's definition has come to be known loosely as the "disappointment" theory, or the "frustrated expectation", but he also, discussed another theory borrowed in part from Plato which states that the pleasure we derive in laughing is an enjoyment of the misfortune of others, due to a momentary feeling of superiority or gratified vanity in appreciation of the fact that we ourselves are not in the observed predicament.

第36题:Which of the following can be inferred from the first paragraph?

[A] People don't like to be considered as one with no sense of humour.

[B] People will give you a satisfactory answer to what humour is.

[C] People would like to be a liar or a coward.

[D] People can make light of other's comment on their sense of humour.

One of the questions that is coming into focus as we face growing scarcity of resources of
many kinds in the world is how to divide limited resources among countries. In the international development community, the conventional wisdom has been that the 2 billion people living in poor countries could never expect to reach the standard of living that most of us in North America enjoy, simply because the world does not contain enough iron ore, protein, petroleum, and so on. At the same time, we in the United States have continued to pursue super affluence as though there were no limits on how much we could consume. We make up 6 percent of the world's people; yet we consume one-third of the world's resources.

As long as the resources we consumed each year came primarily from within our own boundaries, this was largely an internal matter. But as our resources come more and more from the outside world, "outsiders" are going to have some stay over the rate at which and terms under which we consume. We will no longer be able to think in terms of "our" resources and "their" resources, but only of common resources.

As Americans consuming such a disproportionate share of the world's resources, we have to question whether or not we can continue our pursuit of super affluence in a world of scarcity. We are now reaching the point where we must carefully examine the presumed link between our level of well-being and the level of material goods consumed. If you have only one crust of bread, then an additional crust of bread doesn't make that much different. In the eyes of most of the world today, Americans have their loaf of bread and are asking for still more. People elsewhere are beginning to ask why. This is the question we're going to have to answer, whether we're trying to persuade countries to step up their exports of oil to us or trying to convince them that we ought to be permitted to maintain our share of the world fish catch.

The prospect of a scarcity of, and competition for, the world's resources require that we reexamine the way in which we relate to the rest of the world. It means we find ways of cutting back on resource consumption that is dependent on the resources and cooperation of other countries. We cannot expect people in these countries to concern themselves with our worsening energy and food shortages unless we demonstrate some concern for the hunger, illiteracy and disease that are diminishing life for them.

The writer warns Americans that ______.

A.their excessive consumption has caused world resource exhaustion

B.they are confronted with the problem of how to obtain more material goods

C.their unfair share of the world's resources should give way to proper division among countries

D.they have to discard their cars for lack of fossil fuel in the world

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