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We need to make peace with nature. Without natures help, we cannot thrive or even surv

ive on this planet Earth. We all must do our part to safeguard our planet. So, join me and people everywhere by switching off your lights for an hour on Saturday March 27th at 8:30 p.m., your local time. Lets show the world that we are determined to protect the one home we all share.

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更多“We need to make peace with nat…”相关的问题
We need to make sure that we() our resources as fully as possible.






In Money Everything?

I don’t think money is everything, but we can’t do without it. Fox example, money can’t buy us happiness and a good education. And for another example, money can’t buy us good health and a long life. But we can not live without money. We need it for our daily necessities such as food,

clothes and transportation. What’s more, we need it to live a better life. In short, we

should learn the value of money and make the most of its advantages.

The second sentence of the last paragraph tells us that it is ______.A.preferable to have

The second sentence of the last paragraph tells us that it is ______.

A.preferable to have a sound sleep before a night shift

B.good practice to eat something light before we go to bed

C.essential to make up for cost sleep

D.natural to take a nap whenever we feel the need for it

听力原文:M: Can I make arrangements to open an automatic transfer account for my income ta
x payments?

W: Yes, of course. But you need to indicate what the regular and special transfers should be and we will automatically debit your account for them each month.

Q: What kind of account does the customer want to open?


A.A savings account.

B.A fixed account.

C.A check account.

D.An automatic transfer account.

A man who knows a bit about carpentry (木工术) will make his table more quickly than the m

A man who knows a bit about carpentry (木工术) will make his table more quickly than the man who does not. If the instructions are not very clear, or the shape of a piece is puzzling his experience helps him to conclude that it must fit there, or that its function must be that. In the same way, the reader's sense and experience helps him to predict what the writer is likely to ,say next; that he must be going to say this rather than that. A reader who can think along with the writer in this way will find the text.

This skill is so useful that you may wish to make your students aware of it so that they can use it to tackle difficult texts. It does seem to be the case that as we read we make hypotheses (假设) about what the writer intends to say; these are immediately modified by what he actually does say, and are replaced by new hypotheses about what will follow. We have all had the experience of believing we were understanding a text until suddenly brought to a halt by some word or phrase that would not fit into the pattern and forced us to reread and readjust our thoughts. Such occurrences lend support to the notion of reading as a constant making and remaking of hypotheses.

If you are interested in finding out how far this idea accords with (符合) practice, you may like to try out the text and questions. To do so, take a piece of card and use it to mask the text. Move it down the page, revealing only one

t a time. Answer the question before you go on to look at the next section. Check your prediction against what the text actually says, and use the new knowledge to improve your next prediction. You will need to look back to earlier parts of the text if you are to make accurate prediction, for you must keep in mind the general organization of the argument as well as the detail within each sentence. If you have tried this out, you have probably been interested to find how much you can predict, though naturally we should not expect to be right every time -- otherwise there would be no need for us to read.

Conscious use of this technique can be helpful when we are faced with a part of the text that we find difficult: if we can see the overall pattern of the text, and the way the argument is organized, we can make a reasoned guess at the next step. Having an idea of what something might mean can be a great help in interpreting it.

The author uses the examples of carpentry and reading to show______.

A.the importance of making prediction

B.the similarity in using one's senses

C.the necessity of making use of one's knowledge

D.the most effective method in doing anything


1.After I revise my proposal, perhaps we can请选择 .2. It is unlikely that the two sides

1.After I revise my proposal, perhaps we can请选择 .

2. It is unlikely that the two sides will be able to请选择 .

3. You need to 请选择 with others at a reasonable price in order to make a profit.

4. I would 请选择 anything you ask.

5. Everyone thinks that he's to blame but they really don't know 请选择 .

6. People 请选择 both tangible or intangible.

A.purchase some assets .

B.the other side of the coin .

C.bridge their differences .

D.buy certain goods or services .

E.make a deal .

F.be willing to do .

No one knows how man learned to make words. Perhaps he began by making sounds like those m
ade by animals. Perhaps he grunted like a pig when he lifted something heavy. (78)Perhaps he made sounds like those he heard all round him—water splashing, bees humming, a stone falling to the ground. Somehow he learned to make words. As the centuries went by, he made more and more new words. This is what we mean by language.

People living in different countries made different kinds of words. Today there are about fifteen hundred different languages in the world. Each contains many thousands of words. A very large English dictionary, for example, contains four or five hundred thousand words. But we do not need all these. Only a few thousand words are used in everyday life.

The words you know are called your vocabulary. You should try to make your vocabulary bigger. Read as many books as you can. There are plenty of books written in easy English for you to read. You will enjoy them. When you meet a new word, find it in your dictionary. Your dictionary is your most useful book.

From this passage, we know that ______.

A.man never made sounds

B.man made animal sounds

C.man used to be like animals to make sounds

D.man learned from the animals to make sounds

请根据短文的内容,回答题。 Are You a Successful Leader?(1) Almost nothing we do in this wor


Are You a Successful Leader?

(1) Almost nothing we do in this world is done in isolation. At work or at play, you&39;ll find yourself in groups, working with other people: your team at work, a meeting with colleagues, your family, a holiday with friends, a group of students working together, a day out walking in the mountains, a group of neighbors wanting to make changes. It is now recognized that being able to work successfully with other people is one of the major keys to success, partly because we need to do it so often.<br>

(2) In almost every situation where you&39;re in a group, you will need a skilled leader. All groups need leaders and all successful groups have good leaders. Groups without leaders or with weak leaders almost always break down. Members of a leaderless group often begin to feel dissatisfied and frustrated. Time is wasted and the tasks are not achieved. There are often arguments and tensions between people as there is nobody to keep the goals clear. Some personalities dominate and others disappear. Often group members begin not to come to meetings in order to avoid more disharmonies.<br>

(3) Some people are natural leaders. The celebrity chef, Antonio Carluccio says, "true leaders are born and you can spot them in kitchens." They&39;re people who combine toughness,fairness and humor. Although a lot of people agree that there are some natural-born leaders,most people now recognize that leadership can also be taught. Our professional and experienced staff can train almost anyone how to be a successful leader. Good leaders don&39;t make people do things in a bossy, controlling way. You can learn how to involve everyone,encouraging the whole group to work towards a common goal.<br>

(4) Our training courses use activities and techniques to develop a range of qualities which are necessary to be a good leader. Self-confidence is vital for you to overcome your own fears about being a leader. Successful leaders also need to be calm and intelligent. They need to be able to work out good strategies and make sound judgments under pressure. Lastly, and probably most importantly, good leaders need to be sensitive, sociable and be able to get on with a wide range of people. Good leadership is essentially the ability to influence others and good leaders allow all members of the group to contribute.

Paragraph 1__________ 查看材料

A.Most of good leaders are natural-bom.

B.It"s important to have a good leader.

C.People are in groups.

D.These techniques are used to train leaders.

E.Training can make good leaders.

F.A good leader needs a variety of qualities. A good leader needs a variety of qualities.

Paper was invented by the Chinese in the first century AD.Paper was not made in southe
rn Europe until about the year 1100.Scandinavia - which now makes a great deal of the world's paper - did not begin to make it until 1500.Most paper is made from wood.Paper-making 1s an important British industry and paper from Britain is sold to many countries such as Australia and South Africa.Some of the wood used in the British paper making industry comes from trees grown in Britain, but wood is also bought from other countries such as Norway.One tree is needed for every four hundred copies of a forty-page newspaper.If half the adults in Britain buy one daily paper, this uses up over a thousand trees a day'.All over the world, trees are being cut down faster than they are being planted, so there may be a serious need for paper at the beginning of next century.

When we think of paper, we think of newspaper, books, letters and writing paper.But there are many other uses.Only half of paper is used for books and newspaper, etc .Paper is very good for keeping you warm.Each year, more and more things are made of paper.Now we hear that chairs, tables, and even beds can be made of paper.But the latest in paper making seems to be paper houses.

26.Where was paper invented()?

A.In China.

B.In Scandinavia.

C.In Britain.

27.Scandinavia began to make paper().

A.in 1100

B.in 1400

C.in 1500

28.Every four hundred copies of a forty-page newspaper will need().

A.half a tree

B.one tree

C.two trees

29.All over the world, trees are being cut down than they are being planted().


B.more slowly

C.much more slowly

30.The latest things made of paper are().


B. tables


What can E-medical (E-med) offer?We offer advices with your own private online doctor by

What can E-medical (E-med) offer?

We offer advices with your own private online doctor by e-mail or phone.If we cannot sort out your problems in that manner, we can refer you to a specialist (专家) in the field you need for further investigations or examinations.

What if you cannot make a diagnosis (诊断) by e-mail?

When we receive your e-mail and the doctor feels that he needs to speak to you to discuss your problems, he will call you immediately and we can help you that way.

But if we feel it is necessary, we may ask you to have a video consultation to make a diagnosis or to treat you, or even refer you to a specialist.

What about medical investigations?

If you need further medical investigations to work towards a diagnosis, such as blood tests or scans (扫描), your E-med doctor can usually refer you to a hospital in London.Other medical investigations can also be arranged remotely.The result will be sent to your E-med doctor, who can then advise you on what to do next.

26.We can learn from the passage that E-med service provides medical advices_____.

A.through a doctor’s visit

B.at a community hospital

C.from a medical center

D.by email or phone

27.If E-med service is unable to find out your problems, you will be _____.

A.sent to a community hospital

B.asked to wait for a solution

C.referred to a specialist

D.given further advices

28.If necessary, the E-med doctor will ask you to _____.

A.pay him a personal visit

B.have a video consultation

C.have an immediate operation

D.pay for the service in advance

29.The E-med doctors will refer the patients to a hospital in London if _____.

A.medical investigations cannot be arranged

B.they think that further diagnosis is needed

C.patients insist on being sent to the hospital

D.patients are not satisfied with the diagnosis

30.Which of the following can be used as a title of the passage?()

A.E-medical Service

B.Video Medical Consultation

C.Traditional Medical Diagnosis

D.Remote Medical Investigation

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