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Even a person joins the crew, he has to go through the pre-boarding security screening pro



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更多“Even a person joins the crew, …”相关的问题
You can never expect a person who()works to work()even when he intends to.





According to the third paragraph, Dr. Davies implies that_____.[A] cosmetic surgery

According to the third paragraph, Dr. Davies implies that_____.

[A] cosmetic surgery, though costly, is worth having

[B] cosmetic surgery is too expensive

[C] cosmetic surgery is necessary even for the average person

[D] cosmetic surgery is mainly for the rich and famous

How much living space does a person need? What happens when his space needs are not met? S
cientists are making experiments on rats to try to determine the efforts of over crowded conditions on man. Recent studies have shown that the behaviour of rats is greatly affected by space. If rats have enough living space, they eat well, sleep well and produce their young well. But if their living conditions become too crowded, their behaviour and even their health change obviously. They can't sleep and eat well, and signs of fear and worry become clear. The more crowded they are, the more they tend to bite each other and even kill each other. Thus, for rats, population and violence are directly related. Is this a natural law for human society as well? Is enough space not only satisfactory, but necessary for human survival?

The writer is mainly talking about ______.

A.a person's living space needs

B.building and floors

C.equipment and conditions

D.population and violence

Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the second paragraph?A.Nomatter what the cultur

Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the second paragraph?

A.Nomatter what the culture may be,a person should show interest and concem in a friend’S serious problems.

B.It’s hard to form. a general opinion about Americans because there are too manv varieties of them.

C.Many foreigners or newcomers from different cultures aye disappointed bv Amedcans.

D.Americans are always ready to offer help to foreigners even if they don’t receive a specific request.

Magic (魔法)often forces us not to believe our own eyes or even appears to be breaking the

Magic (魔法)often forces us not to believe our own eyes or even appears to be breaking the laws of physics or nature! The word “magic” has many different meanings. When a bird appears in a hat or when someone declares that he could see into the future—-both can be called magic When a sick person suddenly becomes well or a well person (or even animal) becomes ill, magic is the cause The British author Terry Pratchett uses magic a great deal in his popular Discworld series of books.

Magic has always been used for fun. People enjoy working out in which cup the little ball is or how he knows which card I was thinking of Harry Houdini was one of the first world-famous magicians—famous for escaping from deadly situations. Recently David Copperfield,or David Blane,has become very popular for his uunbelievable abilitiesJ,such as making the Statue of Liberty disappear or rise.

Magical rings and three-headed dogs may not be real, but does this mean nothing magical really exists? Can you always explain how the magician has done the card trick? Maybe it is better not to explain,but to leave a little magic in our lives. Pick a card,any card.

The author explains what magic is in paragraph 1 by___________.

A.giving causes and effects

B.using examples

C.comparing a healthy person with a sick one

D.listing the time of magical events

Who is mentioned as a great escape artist?A.Harry Houdini

B.David Blan


D.David Copperfield

E.Terry Pratchett.

What does the author think of magic?A.It provides people with fun

B.It changes our lives.

C.It explains strange things in our lives

D.It breaks the laws of physics.


Text Two A.known B.idea C.feel Phrases: A.but it may 64__________like forev

Text Two





A.but it may 64__________like forever

B.a person may have no 65_________what is wrong

C.what is 66_________as panic disorder

A panic attack is a sudden feeling of terror. Usually it does not last long, __67__. The cause can be something as normally uneventful at driving over a bridge or flying in an airplane. And it can happen even if the person has driven over many bridges or flown many times before. A fast heartbeat. Sweaty hands. Difficulty breathing. A lightheaded feeling. At first __68___. But these can all be signs of ___69____. The first appearance usually is between the ages of eighteen and twenty-four. 1n some cases it develops after a tragedy. Like the death of a loved one, or some other difficult situation.








There are many superstitions in Britain, but one of the most 【B1】 held is that it is unluc
ky to walk under a ladder — even if it means 【B2】 the pavement into a busy street! 【B3】 you must pass under a ladder you can 【B4】 bad luck by crossing your fingers and 【B5】 them crossed until you have seen a dog. 【B6】 , you may lick your finger and 【B7】 a cross on the toe of your shoe, and not look again at the shoe until the 【B8】 has dried. Another common 【B9】 is that it is unlucky to open an umbrella in the house — it will either bring 【B10】 to the person who opened it or to the whole 【B11】 . Anyone opening an umbrella in fine weather is 【B12】 , as it inevitably brings rain! The number 13 is said to be unlucky for some, and when the 13th day of the month 【B13】 on a Friday, anyone wishing to avoid a bad event had better stay 【B14】 . The worst misfortune that can happen to a person is caused by breaking a mirror, 【B15】 it brings seven years of bad luck! The superstition is supposed to 【B16】 in ancient times, when mirrors were considered to be tools of the gods.

Black cats are generally considered lucky in Britain, even though they are 【B17】 witchcraft. It is 【B18】 lucky if a black cat crosses your path — although in America the exact opposite belief prevails. Finally, a commonly held superstition is that of touching wood 【B19】 luck. This measure is most often taken if you think you have said something that is tempting fate, such as "my car has never 【B20】 , touch wood?"






As a medium of exchange, money permits the separation of exchange into the two distinct ac
ts of buying and selling, without requiring the seller to purchase goods from the person who buys his products, or vice versa. Hence producers who know they will be paid in money, can concentrate on finding the most suitable outlet for their goods, while buyers who will pay in money, can concentrate on finding cheapest market for the things they wish to purchase. Specialization, which is vital to an advanced economy, is encouraged, because people whose output is not a complete product but only a part of one in which many others are involved can be paid an amount equivalent to their share of the product.

Another advantage of money is that it is a measure of value, that is, it serves as a unit in terms of which the relative values of different products can be expressed. In a barter economy it would be necessary to determine how many plates were worth one hundred weight of cotton, or how many pens should be exchanged for a ton of coal, which would be a difficult and time-consuming task. The process of establishing relative values would have to be undertaken for every act of exchange, according to what products were being offered against one another, and according to the two parties'desires and preferences. If I am trying to barter fish bananas, for example, a lot would depend on whether the person willing to barter fish for bananas, for example, a lot would depend on whether the person willing to exchange bananas is or not keen on fish.

Thirdly, money acts as a store of wealth. It is difficult to imagine saving under a barter system. No one engaged on only one stage in the manufacture of a person could save part of his output, since he would be producing nothing complete. Even when a person actually produced a complete product the difficulties would be overwhelming. Most products deteriorate fairly rapidly, either physically or in value, as a result of long storage; even if storage were possible, the practice of storing products for years on would involve obvious disadvantages-imagine a coal-miner attempting to save enough coal, which of course is his product, to keep him for life. If wealth could not be saved, or only with great difficulty, future needs could not be provided for, or capital accumulated to raise productivity.

Using money as a medium of exchange means that______.

A.you have to sell something in order to buy something

B.you have to buy something in order to sell something

C.you don't have to buy something in order to sell something

D.the seller and the purchaser are the same person

Many people who work in London prefer to live outside it, and to go to their offices, factories or schools every day by train or by bus, even though this means they have to get up earlier in the morning and 1 home later in the evening.

One benefit of living outside London is that houses are cheaper. Even a small flat in London2

a garden costs quite a lot to rent. With the same money, one can get a little house in the 3 with a garden of his own.

Then, in the country one can be free 4 the noise and hurry of the town. Although one has to get up earlier and spend more time in trains or bused, one can sleep better at night, and, during weekends and on summer evenings, one can enjoy the fresh clean air of the country. If one likes gardening, one can spend one's spare time digging, planting, watering and doing a lot of other jobs which are needed in the garden. Then, when the flowers and vegetables come up, one has the reward of a person who has shared the secrets of 5


B.get to








4.A.out of







A.to join




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