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The boys spent the whole morning _______ possible answers to the question. A.di

The boys spent the whole morning _______ possible answers to the question.


B.and discussing


D.and discussed

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更多“The boys spent the whole morni…”相关的问题
Anyone who has spent time with children is aware of the difference in the way boys a
nd girls respond to ______ situations.





By midday, the small party of boys, led by their schoolmaster, had reached a height of 2,
500 feet. At this point the party had to stop climbing because one of the boys became seriously ill. The only thing the master could do was to return to the mountain hut where they had spent the night. From there, he telephoned the police. As no rescue party could reach the boy quickly enough, the Royal Air Force Rescue Center sent a helicopter with a policeman and a doctor on board. The helicopter soon arrived on the scene, but the Sides of the mountain were so steep that it could not land. A helicopter usually lands on four wheels, but it can land on two. However, the slope was too steep even for that. The pilot, therefore, kept the helicopter in the air with only one wheel touching the mountainside while the party carried the boy on board.

The group of boys had to stop because ______.

A.they had reached the peak

B.one of the boys was badly injured

C.one of the boys was sick

D.they had to return to the hut

This story began about 10 years age. I was coming out of a very bad marriage. For seven lo
ng years my husband spent his every waking moment telling me just what was wrong with me. When I finally asked for a divorce, he answered by telling me that I would never find anyone to love me because I was just so unattractive. This went on for about two years. One night one of my friends convinced me to go out with her. We went to a nightclub and that's when I met him.

Clint was playing a game with a girl. I sat in the corner watching him. I didn't feel that I had whatever it took to get up and mix with others because of my self-esteem problem. Finally I got up the courage to order a drink for him. When he got it, he gave me the most dazzling smile. We spent the rest of the evening talking until I realized that it was almost morning. I figured that he was simply being nice to me because I had bought him a drink, but the very next day he called and told me that he could not stop thinking about me and that he wanted to meet my kids too.

(81) About 3 months later, my divorce was final and Clint sat my boys down and asked them if it was all right with them if he asked me to marry him because he could not imagine life without the three of us anymore. I was so touched that he went to my boys and asked for their approval because they were the "men of the house" at the ripe old ages of 2 and 4. They said yes and we have all been together ever since. Clint gave me and my boys a second chance at a wonderful life. (82) Not a day goes by that he doesn't tell we are the best thing that ever has happened to him and that he loves us.

The writer's first marriage was unsuccessful because______ .

A.her husband often woke her up at midnight

B.her husband kept criticizing her

C.she was unattractive

D.she had a self-esteem problem

Copernicus was born in Torun, Poland, on February 19, 1473. Little is known about his earl
y life except that his father died when he was 10. An uncle adopted him, his two sisters, and his brother. The uncle saw to it that the two boys received a good education. Copernicus went to the University of Cracow. There he studied such subjects as Latin, mathematics, and astronomy. It was probably at that time that he changed his Polish name, Niklas Koppernigk, to the Latin form. of Nicolaus Copernicus. In 1496 Copernicus went to Italy, where he spent the next 10 years studying at various universities.

In Copernicus'time people still believed that all things—the sun, the stars, and the planets moved around the earth. It was an old belief that few men had ever questioned. Aristotle had based his theory of astronomy on this belief. Because the Church had long been the center of learning, the theory was also linked to religious beliefs.

In 1506 Copernicus returned to his homeland. A few years later he began to work for the Church. All those years Copernicus carried on his work in astronomy. He had just the most basic equipment and, like other scientists of his day, made observations with only his eyes. Still, using mathematics and logic, Copernicus worked out a different theory, which held that the planets went around the sun.

Copernicus did not announce his ideas. He did not want to make trouble. But he could not hide the scientific truth. So he talked about his theory with his friends, who strongly advised him to have his work published. His great book, on the Revolutions of the Heavenly Bodies, appeared at the very end of his life. Copernicus saw the first copy on the day he died, May 24, 1543.

Which of the following is true about Copernicus?

A.He had two brothers and a sister.

B.He used to be called Niklas Koppernigk.

C.He lost his father soon after he was born.

D.He spent 10 years at the University of Cracow.

This story began about 10 years ago. I was coming out of a very bad marriage. For seven lo
ng years my husband spent his every waking moment telling me just what was wrong with me. When I finally asked for a divorce, he answered by telling me that I would never find anyone to love me because I was just so unattractive. This went on for about two years. One night one of my friends convinced me to go out with her. We went to a nightclub and that’s when I met him.

Clint was playing a game with a girl. I sat in the corner watching him. I didn’t feel that I had whatever it took to get up and mix with others because of my self-esteem problem. Finally I got up the courage to order a drink for him. When he got it, he gave me the most dazzling smile. We spent the rest of the evening talking until I realized that it was almost morning. I figured that he was simply being nice to me because I had brought him a drink, but the next day he called and told me that he could not stopping thinking about me and that he wanted to meet my kids too.

About 3 months later, my divorce was final and Clint sat my boys down and asked them if it was all right with them if he asked me to marry him because he could not imagine life without the three of us anymore. I was so touched that he went to my boys and asked for their approval because they were the “men of the house” at the ripe old ages of 2 and They said yes and we have all been together even since. Clint gave me and my boys a second chance at a wonderful life. Not a day goes by that he doesn’t tell we are the best thing that ever has happened to him and that he loves us.

The writer’s first marriage was unsuccessful because ______.

A.her husband often woke her up at midnight

B.her husband kept criticizing her

C.she was unattractive

D.she had a self-esteem problem

When the writer asked for a divorce, her husband ______.A.told her that she would never find one who loved her as he did

B.delayed two years before giving her a reply

C.accused her of having an affair

D.said that she was unattractive and not worth loving

When the writer first met Clint, she felt that ______.A.she should have listened to her friend and met Clint earlier

B.Clint was a nice, dazzling young man

C.Clint could not be really interested in her

D.she would find true love in Clint

The writer was particularly touched by Clint because ______.A.he believed that at 2 and 4, the two kids were the “men of the house”

B.he said that he could not imagine a life without her and the kids

C.he loved the kids and asked for their approval of the marriage

D.he kept her company and talked with her until the next morning

The writer’s marriage to Clint is important to her mainly because ______.A.it made her kids happy, which is all she cared about

B.every day Clint would tell the writer that he loved her

C.it helped her to regain herself respect

D.it gave her and her sons a second chance to live a happy life


When John Milton writer of“Paradise Lost” entered Cambridge University in 1625 he was
already skilled in Latin after seven years of studying it as his second language at St.Paul’s School London.Like all English boys who prepared for college in grammar schools he had learned not only to read Latin but also to speak and write it smoothly and correctly.His pronunciation of Latin was English however and seemed to have sounded strange to his friends when he later visited Italy.

Schoolboys gained their skill in Latin in a bitter way.They kept in mind the rules to make learning by heart easier.They first made a word-for-word translation and then an idiomatic translation into English.As they increased their skill they translated their English back into Latin without referring to the book and then compared their translation with the original.The schoolmaster was always at hand to encourage them.All schoolmasters believed Latin should be beaten in .

After several years of study the boys began to write compositions in imitation of the Latin writers they read.And as they began to read Latin poems they began to write poems in Latin.Because Milton was already a poet at ten his poems were much better than those painfully put together by the other boys.During the seven years Milton spent at university he made regular use of his command of Latin.He wrote some excellent Latin poems which he published among his works in 1645.

1.What does the passage mainly tell about?[]

A.How John Milton wrote“Paradise Lost”

B.How John Milton studied Latin

C.How John Milton became famous

D.How John Milton became a poet

2.Which of the following is true of John Milton’s pronunciation of Latin?[]

A.It has a strong Italian accent

B.It has an uncommon accent

C.It was natural and easy to understand

D.It was bad and difficult to understand

3.It can be inferred from the passage that ________.

A.Milton’s training in Latin was similar to that of the other boys

B.Milton hadn’t learned any foreign language except Latin before going to college

C.Milton’s Italian friends helped him with Latin when talking

D.Milton's classmates learned Latin harder but worse than Milton

4.Which of the following is suggested in the passage?[]

A.The schoolmaster mainly helped those who were bad at Latin

B.The schoolmaster usually stood beside the schoolboys with a stick in his hand

C.The schoolboys could repeat Latin grammar rules from memory

D.Some of the schoolboys were quick at writing compositions in Latin

5.What is the meaning of the underlined part“Latin should be beaten in”that the writer wishes you to understand?[]

A.Schoolboys should be punished if they were lazy to learn Latin

B.Schoolboys should be encouraged if they had difficulty in learning Latin

C.Schoolboys were expected to master Latin in a short time

D.Schoolboys had to study Latin in a hard way

听力原文:M: Miss Jones, could you tell me more about your first job with hotel marketing c

W: Yes, certainly. I was a marketing consultant, responsible for marketing ten UK hotels. They were all luxury hotels in the leisure sector, all of a very high standard.

M: Which markets were you responsible for?

W: For Europe and Japan.

M: I see from your resume that you speak Japanese. Have you ever been to Japan?

W: Yes, I have. I spent a month in Japan in 2006. I met all the key people in the tourist industry, the big tour operators and tourist organizations. As I speak Japanese, I had a very big advantage.

M: Yes, of course. Have you bad any contact with Japan in your present job?

W: Yes. I've had a lot. The troth is I have become very popular with the Japanese, both for holidays end for business conferences. In fact, the market for all types of luxury holidays for the Japanese has increased a lot recently.

M: Realty, I'm interested to hear more about that, but first, ten me, have you ever traveled on a luxury train? The Orient Express, for example.

W: No I haven't, but I have traveled on a glacier express to Switzerland and I traveled across China by train about 8 years ago. I love train travel. That's why Fm very interested in this job.


A.Marketing consultancy.

B.Professional accountancy.

C.Luxury hotel management.

D.Business conference organization.

Maria Mitchell(1818-1889,the first woman astronomer(天文学家)in the United States, was b

Maria Mitchell(1818-1889,the first woman astronomer(天文学家)in the United States, was born in Nantucket. Massachusetts. Her parents valued education and insisted on giving her the same quality of education that boys received.

Her father. William Mitchell, was an astronomer and teacher himself. When he built his own school, Maria became a student and also a teaching assistant to him. At home. Marias father taught her to watch the stars and other natural objects in space using his personal telescope(望远镜).

Later she went to work at the library of the Nantucket Atheneum. Over the next tweny years. she further developed her interest in reading as many books as she could.She spent her nights watching the sky closely with her father.

On October 1, 1847,Maria discovered a comet(彗星 )by merely using a two-inch telescope. Some years before, King Frederick VI of Denmark had set up prizes to each discover of a"telescopic comet". The prize was to be given to the"first discoverer"of each such comet because comets were often discovered by more than one person.

There was once a question of who should be the winner. As the story goes, francesco de Vico had discovered the same comet two days later, but had reported it to the European vor. She won the prize in 1848 and became a big name the world over. The comet was named“ Miss mitchell&39;s Comet.”

What ean be learnt about Marias parents according to the text?

A.They came from low-income families.

B.They gave Maria equal chance for education

C.They were both astronomers

D.They were both teachers.

When did Franeeseo de Vico discover the comet?A.In1818




What problem did Maria meet with in winning the prize?A.She named the comet on her own

B.She did not use the required telescope.

C.She did not report her discovery in time

D.She discovered the comet with her father

Whe played the most important role in Maria's great achievement?A.King FrederickⅥ

B.Francesco de Vico

C.Her father

D.Her mother


The boys enjoyed () football very much.
These five boys failed in their English exam last term.英译汉

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