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We have so many perfumes to choose.()





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根据以下内容回答下列各题, The water we drink and use is running short in the world. We all
have to learn how to stop wasting our limited water. One of the steps we should take is to find ways of reusing it. Experiments have already been done in this field. Today in most large cities, fresh water is used only once, then it runs into waste system. But it is possible to pipe the used water to a purifying factory. There it can be filtered and treated with chemicals so that it can be used again, just as it were fresh from a spring. But even if every large city purified and reused its water, we still would not have enough. Then we could turn to the oceans. All wed have to do to make use of the seawater on earth is to get rid of the salt. This process is called desalinization, and it is already in use in many parts of the world. The way to stop wasting our limited water is to ________.

A.do experiments with water

B.purify the used water and reuse it

C.use fresh water once again

D.make use of seawater

The water we drink and use is running short in the world.

We all have to learn how to stop wasting our limited water. One of the steps we should take is to find ways of reusing it. Experiments have already been done in this field.

Today in most large cities, fresh water is used only once, then it runs into waste system. But it is possible to pipe the used water to a purifying factory. There it can be filtered and treated with chemicals so that it can be used again, just as it were fresh from a spring.

But even if every large city purified and reused its water, we still would not have enough. Then we could turn to the oceans. All we’d have to do to make use of the seawater on earth is to get rid of the salt.

This process is called desalinization, and it is already in use in many parts of the world.

The way to stop wasting our limited water is to ().

A.do experiments with water

B.purify the used water and reuse it

C.use fresh water once again

D.make use of seawater

Text 4All but the tiniest of roads have to have names so they can be recognized on a map,

Text 4

All but the tiniest of roads have to have names so they can be recognized on a map, and so people can ask directions to them. Americans name a lot of bridges, too.

Very often these names carry a clear geographical reference the Pennsylvania Turnpike, for example. Or,like the George Washington Bridge, roads and bridges are named for famous historical figures or powerful officers. We make a big deal out of naming things, as when someone decided to name an airport after a U. S. judge.

So now we have the Baltimore Washington International Thurgood Marshall Airport. Many,if not most, of our college buildings are named for wealthy people who gave a lot of money to the schools. And our sports centers took this idea a step further. Companies paid a whole lot of money for what′s called the "naming rights" to U. S. Cellular Field in Chicago, for example, and Citizens Bank Park in Philadelphia.

Now the governor(州长) of Virginia, Bob McDonnell,wants to sell naming rights to roads and bridges in the state. He says not just companies, but also wealthy people, would help the Virginia transportation budget(预算) by paying to have their names--or perhaps those of loved ones--placed on roads and bridges, and thus on maps as well. People hold different views, however. Supporters say Americans are used to having things sponsored(赞助). Others disagree, considering the idea as the next step in the "companies of America. " They wonder how far such an idea might spread, and where it would end:at the Burger King Pacific Ocean, perhaps.

Most of the roads need to have names so that____.

A.they can remind people of the past

B.people can learn about them better

C.they can be easily recognized on mapss

D.people can enjoy naming them

Who are many college buildings named for according to the passage?A.Powerful officers.

B.Famous judges.

C.Historical figures.

D.Wealthy peopl

What can we learn from the last paragraph?A.People have different ideas toward naming things.

B.Americans have sponsored naming a lot.

C.Everything is named by an American company.

D.Pacific Ocean will be rename

Why does the governor of Virginia want to sell naming rights?A.To remember the loved names.

B.To make the state well-known.

C.To help the transportation budget.

D.To increase companies' sales.


In an essay entitled “Making It in America” the author Adam Davison relates a joke from co
tton country about just how much a modern textile mill has been automated: The average mill has only two employees today, “a man and a dog. The man is there to feed the dog, and the dog is there to keep the man away from the machines.

Davidson’s article is one of a number of pieces that have recently appeared making the point that the reason we have such stubbornly high unemployment and declining middle-class incomes today is largely because of the big drop in demand because of the Great Recession, but it is also because of the advances in both globalization and the information technology revolution, which are more rapidly than ever replacing labor with machine or foreign workers.

In the past, workers with average skills, doing an average job, could earn an average lifestyle. But, today, average is officially over. Being average is just won’t earn you what it used to. It can’t when so many more employers have so much more access to so much more above average cheap foreign labor cheap robotics, cheap software, cheap automation and cheap genins. Therefore, everyone needs to find their extra – their unique value contribution that makes them stand out in whatever is their field of employment.

Yes, new technology has been eating jobs forever, and always will. But there’s been an acceleration. As Davidson notes, “ In the 10 years ending in 2009, factories shed workers so fast that they erased almost all the gains of the previous 70 years; roughly one out of every three manufacturing jobs – about 6 millions in total – disappeared.”

There will always be change – new jobs, new products, new services. But the one thing we know for sure is that with each advance in globalization and the I.T. revolution , the beat jobs will require workers to have more and better education to make themselves above average.

In a world where average is officially over, there are many things we need to do to buttress employment, but nothing would be more important than passing some kind of G.I. Bill for the 21st century that ensures that every American has access to post-high school education.

The joke in Paragraph 1 is used to illustrate

A.the impact of technological advances

B.the alleviation of jobs pressure

C.the shrinkages of textile mills

D.the decline of middle-class incomes

People all have problems. If we don't deal with these problems, we can easily become
unhappy. Worrying about our problems can affect how we do at school. It can also influence the way we behave with our families. So how do we deal with our problems? There are many ways and here is one of them

Most of us have probably been angry with our friends, parents or teachers. Perhaps they said something you didn't like, or you felt they were unfair. Sometimes people can stay angry for years about a small problem. Time goes by, and good friendship may be lost.

When we are angry, however, we are usually the ones affected. Perhaps we have seen young children playing together. Sometimes they have disagreements, and decide not to talk to each other. However, this usually does not last for long. This is an important lesson for us to learn.

25、What is the writer?()

A.A shopkeeper

B.A doctor

C.A student

D.A dentist

26、What is the main idea of the passage?()

A.How to deal with problems

B.How to do at school

C.How to behave with families

D.How to talk to each other

27、What will happen if people stay angry for long according to the text?()

A.They feel unfair

B.They may get sick

C.Good friendship may be lost

D.They may miss each other

28、From the passage, we know an important lesson for us is()

A.playing together

B.learning to forget

C.staying angry

D.feeling unfair

In an essay entitled “Making It in America”, the author Adam Davidson relates a joke from
cotton about just how much a modern textile mill has been automated: The average mill only two employees today,” a man and a dog. The man is there to feed the dog is there to keep the man away from the machines.”

Davidson’s article is one of a number of pieces that have recently appeared making the point that the reason we have such stubbornly high unemployment and declining middle-class incomes today is also because of the advances in both globalization and the information technology revolution, which are more rapidly than ever replacing labor with machines or foreign worker.

In the past, workers with average skills, doing an average job,could earn an average lifestyle. ,But ,today ,average is officially over. Being average just won’t earn you what it used to. It can’t when so many more employers have so much more access to so much more above average cheap foreign labor, cheap robotics, cheap software, cheap automation and cheap genius. Therefore, everyone needs to find their extra-their unique value contribution that makes them stand out in whatever is their field of employment.

Yes, new technology has been eating jobs forever, and always will. But there’s been an acceleration. As Davidson notes,” In the 10 years ending in 2009, [U.S.] factories shed workers so fast that they erased almost all the gains of the previous 70 years; roughly one out of every three manufacturing jobs-about 6 million in total -disappeared.

There will always be changed-new jobs, new products, new services. But the one thing we know for sure is that with each advance in globalization and the I.T. revolution, the best jobs will require workers to have more and better education to make themselves above average.

In a world where average is officially over, there are many things we need to do to support employment, but nothing would be more important than passing some kind of G.I.Bill for the 21st century that ensures that every American has access to poet-high school education.

The joke in Paragraph 1 is used to illustrate_______ .

A.the impact of technological advances

B.the alleviation of job pressure

C.the shrinkage of textile mills

D.the decline of middle-class incomes

The quotation in Paragraph 4 explains that ______ .A.gains of technology have been erased

B.job opportunities are disappearing at a high speed

C.factories are making much less money than before

D.new jobs and services have been offered

According to the author, to reduce unemployment, the most important is_____ .A.to accelerate the I.T. revolution

B.to ensure more education for people

C.ro advance economic globalization

D.to pass more bills in the 21st century

Which of the following would be the most appropriate title for the text?A.New Law Takes Effect

B.Technology Goes Cheap

C.Average Is Over

D.Recession Is Bad

According to Paragraph 3, to be a successful employee, one has to______ .A.work on cheap software

B.ask for a moderate salary

C.adopt an average lifestyle

D.contribute something unique

When aluminum was first produced about a hundred and fifty years ago, it was so difficult
to separate from the ores(矿石) in which it was found that its price was higher than that of gold. The price remained high until a new process was discovered for refining the metal with the aid of electricity approximately three quarters of a century later. The new method was so much cheaper that aluminum became practical for many purposes, one of which was making pots and pans.

Aluminum is lightweight, rustproof and easily shaped into different forms. By mixing it with other metals, scientist have been able to produce a variety of alloys, some of which have the strength of steel but weigh only one third as much.

Today, the uses of aluminum are innumerable. Perhaps its most important use is in transportation. Aluminum is found in the engines of automobiles, in the hulls of boats. It is also used in many parts of airplanes. In fact, the huge "airbus" planes would probably never have been produced if aluminum did not exist. By making vehicles lighter in weight aluminum has greatly reduced the amount of fuel needed to move them. Aluminum is also being used extensively in the building industry in some countries.

Since aluminum is such a versatile(多用的) metal, it is fortunate that bauxite(铝土矿) , which is one of its chief sources, is also one of the earth's most plentiful substances. As the source of aluminum is almost inexhaustible, we can expect that more and more uses will be found for this versatile metal.

The price of aluminum was sharply reduced when people discovered a new refining process with the aid of______.

A.wind power

B.solar energy

C.hydraulic power


The killer bees are coming! By the time you read this they will have reached Texas. By the
mid-1990s, they will have reached all the warmer areas of the United States. Scientists as well as farmers wait for them with a mixture of fear and wonder.

The killer bees should not be coming at all. Nature did not put them on this direct path for the United States; human beings did. The killer bees are from Africa. But in 1957 a scientist from Brazil got some of these killer bees for his experiments. The aim was to produce a better bee. However, an accident happened: a guest beekeeper let twenty-six of the queen bees escape by mistake. Before long, groups of killer bees took off for the woods.

Since that time, the wild killer bees have multiplied(繁衍) many times over. By 1998, their population was over 1015. They have spread all over South America, Central America, and most of Mexico. The United States is the next stop.

Are the killer bees really killers? Yes, they are. In their first thirty years in America, they have killed thousands of hens, pigs, and other animals. While no one knows the exact number, it is believed that several hundred people have also been killed.

So be careful. Killer bees are on the way. Scientists have no idea what to do with them yet. There must be a way.

We know from the passage that killer bees will spread to the United States ______.

A.from north

B.from south

C.from west

D.from east

Text 4There have been rumors. There’s been gossip. All Hollywood is shocked to learn that
Calista Flockhart, star of Fox’s hit TV show Ally McBeal, is so thin. And we in the media are falling all over ourselves trying to figure out whether Flockhart has an eating disorder, especially now that she has denied it. Well, I’m not playing the game. If the entertainment industry really cared about sending the wrong message on body image, it wouldn’t need so many slender celebrities in the first place.

But the fact remains that 2 million Americans—most of them women and girls—do suffer from eating disorders. In the most extreme cases they literally starve themselves to death. And those who survive are at greater risk of developing brittle bones, life-threatening infections, kidney damage and heart problems. Fortunately, doctors have learned a lot over the past decade about what causes eating disorders and how to treat them.

The numbers are shocking. Approximately 1 in 150 teenage girls in the U. S. falls victim to anorexia nervosa, broadly defined as the refusal to eat enough to maintain even a minimal body weight. Not so clear is how many more suffer from bulimia, in which they binge on food, eating perhaps two or three days’ worth of meals in 30 minutes, then remove the excess by taking medicine to move the bowels or inducing vomiting. Nor does age necessarily protect you. Anorexia has been diagnosed in girls as young as eight. Most deaths from the condition occur in women over 45.

Doctors used to think eating disorders were purely psychological. Now they realize there’s some problematic biology as well. In a study published in the Archives of General Psychiatry recently, researchers found abnormal levels of serotonin, a neurotransmitter in the brain, in women who had been free of bulimia for at least a year. That may help explain why drugs have allowed a lot of people to stop swallowing in large doses of food. Unfortunately, the pills don’t work as well for denial of food. Nor do they offer a simple one-stop cure. Health-care workers must re-educate their patients in how to eat and think about food.

How can you tell if someone you love has an eating disorder? “Bulimics will often leave evidence around as if they want to get caught.” Says Tamara Pryor, director of an eating-disorders clinic at the University of Kansas in Wichita. Anorexics, by contrast, are more likely to go through long periods of denial.

第36题:We can infer from the first paragraph that _____.

[A] the media has mislead the public’s view of celebrities

[B] there is much misunderstanding about eating disorders

[C] body image concerns are an indication of eating disorders

[D] the entertainment industry is combating eating disorders

The road is so ____ that many cyclists have fallen off their bicycles.





Mobile phones are the items that a lot of people are having today. However,do we really
need to have a mobile phone by our side?

We could start with the advantages of mobile phones. There are many things that we could do with mobile phones. With the advancement of technology,more and more features are being added to the mobile phones which make them more useful. In addition to making calls,mobile phones also support a wide variety of other services such as text messaging,email,Internet access,business applications,gaming and photography. We can bring them everywhere,and can be reached by others anytime. They make the world smaller,bringing people together no matter where they are.

But we could have some risks when using our mobile phones. We may have accidents when we use them while driving. Some studies show that mobile phones can do harm to our bodies;and materials in mobile phones could damage our environment.

Since there are so many risks,why do we still have mobile phones?This is because these risks or disadvantages can be overcome. For example,while we are driving we can easily pull up our car if we really need to use the phone. Mobile phone manufacturers are reducing the radiation of mobile phones to avoid health risks.

Though there are both pros and cons of using mobile phones,we could easily see that there are more advantages than disadvantages. Moreover,mobile phones are becoming cheaper,which might be another reason why mobile phones are increasingly used today.

1. Which of the following functions is NOT mentioned in the passage?

A. Text messaging.

B. Camera.


2. What risks might mobile phones cause?

A. Traffic accidents and health problems.

B. Environmental damage.

C. Both A and B.

3. What are mobile phone manufacturers doing to prevent mobile phone users from health risks?

A. They are reducing the radiation of mobile phones.

B. They are trying to persuade people to use mobile phones less.

C. They are developing new models of mobile phones.

4. Why do people still use mobile phones despite their disadvantages?

A. Because people don’t believe that mobile phones have any disadvantages.

B. Because the disadvantages of mobile phones can be avoided.

C. Because people cannot live without mobile phones.

5. According to the last paragraph,why are mobile phones increasingly being used today?

A. They are safer.

B. They have more functions.

C. They are becoming cheaper.

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