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The following two issues relate to Spiko Co’s mining activities:Issue 1: Spiko Co began op

The following two issues relate to Spiko Co’s mining activities:

Issue 1: Spiko Co began operating a new mine in January 20X3 under a five-year government licence which required Spiko Co to landscape the area after mining ceased at an estimated cost of $100,000.

Issue 2: During 20X4, Spiko Co’s mining activities caused environmental pollution on an adjoining piece of government land. There is no legislation which requires Spiko Co to rectify this damage, however, Spiko Co does have a published environmental policy which includes assurances that it will do so. The estimated cost of the rectification is $1,000,000.

In accordance with IAS 37 Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets, which of the following statements is correct in respect of Spiko Co’s financial statements for the year ended 31 December 20X4?

A.A provision is required for the cost of both issues 1 and 2

B.Both issues 1 and 2 require disclosure only

C.A provision is required for the cost of issue 1 but issue 2 requires disclosure only

D.Issue 1 requires disclosure only and issue 2 should be ignored

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Which of the following statements is TURE? A.Laura has two childrenB.Laura nev

Which of the following statements is TURE?

A.Laura has two children

B.Laura never got any job.

C.Laura’s husband got punished.

D.Laura got little help from the society.

Which of the following is not true?A.Children learn emotions as they grow up.B.Babies are

Which of the following is not true?

A.Children learn emotions as they grow up.

B.Babies are born with emotions.

C.Emotions fall into two types in general.

D.People can cope with the negative emotions in life.

Which of the following affects the poor most according to the first two paragraphs?A.More

Which of the following affects the poor most according to the first two paragraphs?

A.More than 7,000 Americans died during waiting for organ transplant last year.

B.Only 10% people in need could succeed in getting organ transplant operation.

C.Organ transplant operation is very complex and costly even in America.

D.The larger gap between demand and supply creates markets of body parts.

Which of the following works were written by Charles Dickens?()
A、The Old Curiosity Shop

B、A Tale of Two Cities

C、David Copperfield

D、Bleak House

As to Ukrainian election, which of the following is true?A.Any of Russia's improper respon

As to Ukrainian election, which of the following is true?

A.Any of Russia's improper responses will cause political crisis in Ukraine.

B.Russia had rescheduled a lot of festivities before the actual date of the election.

C.Putin's congratulation has caused opposition between the two candidates.

D.The voting fraud reported by Kremlin caused a rally in protest.

According ro the passage, which of the following is NOT true about cyclo-cross?A.The cycli

According ro the passage, which of the following is NOT true about cyclo-cross?

A.The cyclists sometimes have to carry the bicycles instead of riding them.

B.The riders in the race are arranged side by side in two lines.

C.All the riders start simultaneously on the starting line.

D.The riders are allowed to change their machines.

The term foreign exchange is best defined by the following statement: it is ______.A.the r

The term foreign exchange is best defined by the following statement: it is ______.

A.the rate of exchange between two currencies

B.synonymous with currency exchange

C.the place in which foreign currencies are exchanged

D.an instrument such as paper currency, note, and check used to make payments between countries

Which is NOT true among tile following statements?A.Half a century ago, most people lived

Which is NOT true among tile following statements?

A.Half a century ago, most people lived in the countryside.

B.Climate changes, droughts, floods are the reasons for many people to leave their farm land.

C.More than sixty million people are added to cities and surrounding areas every two years.

D.The international community has reacted slowly to the growth of urban poverty.

Which of the following best characterizes Forces of Production as it is described in the p

A.A comparison of two interpretations of how a particular industry evolved

B.An examination of the origin of a particular concept in industrial economics

C.A study that points out the weakness of a particular interpretation of an industrial phenomenon

D.A history of a particular industry from an ideological point of view

Which of the following is NOT true during Kennedy’S administration?A.More people are entit

Which of the following is NOT true during Kennedy’S administration?

A.More people are entitled to political participation.

B.Kennedy witnessed his country’S failure in attempting to invade Cuba.

C.The missile crisis with Russia started a war between the‘two countries.

D.American people enjoyed a wider range of civil rights.

According to the passage, which of the following accurately describes the relative sizes o
f two whales?

A.The blue whale is larger than the sperm whale.

B.The beluga is larger than the blue whale.

C.The killer whale is larger than the sperm whale.

D.The porpoise is larger than the killer whale.

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