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Text One



C.think of

D. ways of


A.56___________only one language

B.57___________any reason not to

C.in 58___________different ways

D.the most boring 59___________seeing the world

I think every language has a certain way of seeing the world. Each is a whole different world – a whole different mindsets. I couldn’t possibly 60___________because it would mean really giving up the possibility to be able to see the world.61___________ .So the monolingual lifestyle, for me, is the saddest, the loneliest,62___________. There are so many advantages of learning a language; I really can’t 63___________.









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更多“Text One”相关的问题
This selection says that the Egyptians played ______.A.many different games with ballsB.ma

This selection says that the Egyptians played ______.

A.many different games with balls

B.many different kinds of games

C.only one ball game

D.different games with similar rules

(A paragraph) is a portion of a text (consists of) one or more (sentences) (related to) th

(A paragraph) is a portion of a text (consists of) one or more (sentences) (related to) the same idea.

A.A paragraph

B.consists of


D.related to

According to the text, which of the following is NOT mentioned as one of the three di





Which of the following proverbs is closest to the message the text tries to convey?A.Faith

Which of the following proverbs is closest to the message the text tries to convey?

A.Faith will move mountains.

B.one reaps what one sows.

C.Practice makes perfect.

D.Like father, like son.

以下四种化合物,能同时产生B吸收带、K吸收带和R吸收带的是() A.CH2==CHCH==O B.CH≡C—CH==O C. D.

以下四种化合物,能同时产生B吸收带、K吸收带和R吸收带的是( )

A.CH2==CHCH==O B.CH≡C—CH==O C.以下四种化合物,能同时产生B吸收带、K吸收带和R吸收带的是(   )    A.CH2==CHCH=D.以下四种化合物,能同时产生B吸收带、K吸收带和R吸收带的是(   )    A.CH2==CHCH=

A man who knows a bit about carpentry (木工术) will make his table more quickly than the m

A man who knows a bit about carpentry (木工术) will make his table more quickly than the man who does not. If the instructions are not very clear, or the shape of a piece is puzzling his experience helps him to conclude that it must fit there, or that its function must be that. In the same way, the reader's sense and experience helps him to predict what the writer is likely to ,say next; that he must be going to say this rather than that. A reader who can think along with the writer in this way will find the text.

This skill is so useful that you may wish to make your students aware of it so that they can use it to tackle difficult texts. It does seem to be the case that as we read we make hypotheses (假设) about what the writer intends to say; these are immediately modified by what he actually does say, and are replaced by new hypotheses about what will follow. We have all had the experience of believing we were understanding a text until suddenly brought to a halt by some word or phrase that would not fit into the pattern and forced us to reread and readjust our thoughts. Such occurrences lend support to the notion of reading as a constant making and remaking of hypotheses.

If you are interested in finding out how far this idea accords with (符合) practice, you may like to try out the text and questions. To do so, take a piece of card and use it to mask the text. Move it down the page, revealing only one

t a time. Answer the question before you go on to look at the next section. Check your prediction against what the text actually says, and use the new knowledge to improve your next prediction. You will need to look back to earlier parts of the text if you are to make accurate prediction, for you must keep in mind the general organization of the argument as well as the detail within each sentence. If you have tried this out, you have probably been interested to find how much you can predict, though naturally we should not expect to be right every time -- otherwise there would be no need for us to read.

Conscious use of this technique can be helpful when we are faced with a part of the text that we find difficult: if we can see the overall pattern of the text, and the way the argument is organized, we can make a reasoned guess at the next step. Having an idea of what something might mean can be a great help in interpreting it.

The author uses the examples of carpentry and reading to show______.

A.the importance of making prediction

B.the similarity in using one's senses

C.the necessity of making use of one's knowledge

D.the most effective method in doing anything

Text Two A.known B.idea C.feel Phrases: A.but it may 64__________like forev

Text Two





A.but it may 64__________like forever

B.a person may have no 65_________what is wrong

C.what is 66_________as panic disorder

A panic attack is a sudden feeling of terror. Usually it does not last long, __67__. The cause can be something as normally uneventful at driving over a bridge or flying in an airplane. And it can happen even if the person has driven over many bridges or flown many times before. A fast heartbeat. Sweaty hands. Difficulty breathing. A lightheaded feeling. At first __68___. But these can all be signs of ___69____. The first appearance usually is between the ages of eighteen and twenty-four. 1n some cases it develops after a tragedy. Like the death of a loved one, or some other difficult situation.








?Read the text below about a management training course. ?In most of the lines(41-52)ther

?Read the text below about a management training course.

?In most of the lines(41-52)there is one extra word.It is either grammatically incorrect or does not fin with the sense of the text.Some lines,however,are correct.

?If a line is correct,write CORRECT on your Answer Sheet.

?If there is an extra word in the Iine,write the extra word in CAPITAL LETTERS on your Answer Sheet

Managing-the human side of many enterprise-today calls for top-level talents in

42.self-management and the management of others and this type course offers the inside

43.track to gaining skills which needed to achieve outstanding effectiveness.It is designed

44.for executives at all levels,to strengthen core skills in the areas of management

45.and communication skills.By the end of the course,individuals will have been taken a

46.major step forward in their ability to achieve truly excellent levels of performance,

47.from themselves and others.To maintain a high level of stimulation throughout course,

48.a variety of learning methods will be employed.These include formal lectures.

49.team exercises and case studies All will be carefully managed to ensure you that

50.learning is developed through relating to each one individual’S own work experiences.

51 In order to ensure that each participant derives the maximum of benefit from

52 the course,numbers are l imited to 15.So don't delay-book your place now!


Three friends decided to sail around the world in a small yacht(游艇). They loaded it with

Three friends decided to sail around the world in a small yacht(游艇). They loaded it with food and water and set off. They traveled to many beautiful places, and were having a wonderful time.

Until one day, when they had been at sea for about a month, a fierce storm blew up.

Great waves crashed(坠毁)down on their little yacht. The mast(船桅) broke and the yacht was soon thrown against some rocks near a deserted island.

The three men were able to struggle to the island, taking with them as much food as they could carry. Not a tree, not a bush, not a flower grew on the island. There was not an animal of any kind, not even a bird or an insect. For a few weeks the three men were able to live on the food they had saved, but at last it was gone--except for one piece of bread. They decided that whoever had the best dream the next night could have the bread. The next morning they took turns describing their dreams.

The first man said that he had dreamed he was in the world's most beautiful restaurant and he had eaten the finest meal of his life and drunk some of the finest wines. He said it was one of the best dreams he had ever had.

The second man described how he had dreamed about a magic carpet. Sitting on this car- pet, he had traveled to all the wonderful places in the world and been the guest of great kings and queens. It had been a truly exciting dream.

The men who had described their dreams then turned to the third man. "Tell us your dream," they said. "My dream was very simple," he said. "I dreamed that the bread was go- ing bad and would soon be moldy(发霉). 1 didn't want to waste the bread, so as soon as I woke up I ate it.

The three men took______.

A.many souvenirs(纪念品) with them

B.no medical supplies with them

C.a large crew with them

D.many provisions(食物贮备) with them

There (1)_____ not one type of reading but several according to your reasons for reading.

There (1)_____ not one type of reading but several according to your reasons for reading. To read carefully, you have to (2)_____ your reading speed and technique (3)_____ your aim (4)_____ reading. Skimming is a technique necessary for quick and efficient reading.

When skimming, you (5)_____ the reading (6)_____ quickly in order to get the (7)_____ of it, to know how it is organized, (8)_____ an idea of the tone or the intention of the writer. Skimming is (9)_____ an activity which (10)_____ an overall view of the text and (11)_____ a definite reading competence.

Skimming doesn't need reading all the material, but it doesn't mean that it is an (12)_____ skill for the lazy, because it need a high degree of alertness and concentration.

When you read, you usually start with (13)_____ understanding and move towards detailed understanding rather than working the other way round. But (14)_____ is also used after you have already carefully studied and you need to (15)_____ the major ideas and concepts.

In order to be able to skim quickly and (16)_____ through a text, you should know where to look for what you want. In preview skimming you read the introductory information, the headings and subheadings, and the summary, if one is provided. (17)_____ this skimming, decide whether to read the material more thoroughly, and select the appropriate speed (18)_____ you read.

The same procedure (19)_____ for preview skimming could also be used to get an overview. Another method would be to read only key words. This is done by omitting the unnecessary words, phrases, and sentences.

In order to skim efficiently and fulfill your purpose, (20)_____ practice is necessary.





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