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Throughout history man has had to accept the fact that all living things must die, but peo

ple now live longer than they【36】. Yet, all living things still show the【37】of aging, which will eventually.【38】death.

Aging is not a disease, but as a person passes maturity, the cells of the body and the【39】they form. do not function as well as they【40】in childhood and adolescence (青春期). The body provides less【41】against disease and is more prone【42】accident.

A number of related cause may【43】aging. Some cells of the body have a fairly long life, but they are not【44】when they die. As a person ages,【45】of brain cells and muscle cells decrease,【46】body cells die and are replaced by new cells. In an aging person the【47】cells may not be as viable (能生存的) or as capable【48】growth as those of a young person.

Another【49】in aging may be changes within the cells【50】. Some of the protein chemicals in cells are known【51】with age and become less elastic. This is why the skin of old people wrinkles and【52】. This is also the reason old people【53】in height. There may be other more important chemical changes in the cells. Some complex cell chemicals, such as RNA, store and【54】information that the cell need. Aging may affect this【55】and change the information carrying molecules so that they do not transmit the information as well.


A.use to

B.be used to

C.used to


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更多“Throughout history man has had…”相关的问题
Throughout history man has had to accept the fact ______ all living things must die.A.that

Throughout history man has had to accept the fact ______ all living things must die.



C.in which

D.of which

听力原文:It's no secret that throughout history common stock has outperformed most financi

听力原文: It's no secret that throughout history common stock has outperformed most financial instruments. If an investor plans to have an investment for a long period of time, then their portfolio should be comprised mostly of stocks ; however, investors who don't have this kind of time should diversify their portfolios. For this reason, the concept of "asset allocation" was developed. Asset allocation is an investment portfolio technique that aims to balance risk and create diversification by dividing assets among major categories. The underlying principle of asset allocation is that the older a person gets, the less risk he or she should face. After you retire you may have to depend on your savings as your only source of income.

28. Throughout history, what kind of stock has outperformed most financial instruments?

29.What is the purpose of asset allocation?

30.What is the principle underlying the concept of asset allocation?


A.preferred stock

B.common stock

C.concept stock

D.cynical stock

We have no idea about when men first began to use salt, but we do know that it has been us
ed in many different ways throughout the history.

For example, it is recorded in many history books the people who lived over three thousand years ago ate salted fish. Thousands of years ago in Egypt, salt was used to preserve the dead.

In some periods of history, a person who stole salt was thought to have broken the law. Take the eighteenth century for an example, if a person was caught stealing salt, he would be thrown into prison. History also records that only in England about ten thousand people were put into prison during that century for stealing salt! About one hundred and fifty years ago, in the year 1553, if a man took more than his share of salt, he would be thought to have broken the law and would be seriously punished. The offender' s ear was cut off.

Salt was an important item on the dinner table of a king. It was always placed in front of the king when he sat down to eat. Important guests at the king' s table were seated near the salt. Less important guests were given seats farther away from it.

Thousands of years ago in Egypt, salt was used ______.

A.to punish people who had broken the law

B.to keep dead bodies from decay

C.to keep fish alive

D.to make chemicals

Humanity is a new experiment on planet Earth. For most of its history, life on Earth was r
estricted to the sea. Living things began to populate the land slightly over 400 million years ago. And humans have existed for no more than 3 million years.

One way to represent the evolution of life is to compress the 4. 6-billion-year history of Earth into a 1-year-long film. In such a film, Earth forms as the film begins on January 1, and through all of January and February it cools and is cratered(变成坑状) and the first oceans form. But those oceans remain lifeless until sometime in March or early April, when the first living things develop. The 4-billion-year history of Precambrian (前寒武纪) evolution lasts until the film reaches mid-November, when primitive ocean life begins to evolve into complex organisms such as trilobites(三叶虫).

If we examine the land instead of the oceans, we find a lifeless waste. But once our film shows plant and animal life on the land, about November 28, evolution proceeds rapidly. Dinosaurs, for example, appear on about December 12 and vanish by Christmas Eve, as mammals (哺乳动物) and birds flourish.

Throughout the 1 -year-run of our film there are no humans, and even during the last days of the year as the mammals rise and dominate the landscape, there are no people. On the early evening of December 31, vaguely human forms move through the grasslands, and by late evening they begin making stone tools. The Stone Age lasts until about 11:45 p. m. , and the first signs of civilization, towns and cities, do not appear until 11:54 p. m. The Christian era begins only 14 seconds before the New Year, and the Declaration of Independence is signed with one second to spare.

In comparing all of Earth's geological evolution to one calendar year, the author shows

A.just how recently humanity has arrived on the scene

B.just how simple it is to understand the history of Earth

C.just how early humanity appears on planet Earth

D.just how difficult it is to understand the history of Earth

A. what are you preparing B. I'm giving a presentation on the new account. C. 'Do you

A. what are you preparing

B. I'm giving a presentation on the new account.

C. 'Do you mean

D. is scheduled for 10 o'clock

E. just studying for history class

F. what are you doing

G. that's not true

H. It's interesting

Harry: What are you working on?

Susan: Oh, I'm (56) .

听力原文:W: Elizabeth Martin speaking.M: Dr. Martin, my name is Mark Johnson. My roommate,

听力原文:W: Elizabeth Martin speaking.

M: Dr. Martin, my name is Mark Johnson. My roommate, Benjamin Jones, is in your art history class.

W: Uhm Art History 5027

M: Yes. Well, he is sick and won't be in your class today. He asked me to bring his term paper to your office.

W: OK, the paper is due by 3 o'clock.

M: I have a class from 12. I'll bring it to your office after my class.

W: Well, I have a meeting this afternoon. So you can drop it off with the secretary of the art history department. She'll .see that I get it.

M: OK. I almost forgot. I'm a biology major. But my advisor told me that I need one more humanities course to graduate. I've noticed that you arc teaching a course on landscape painters next semester. Could you tell me a little bit about it?

W: Sure. Well, it's a course for nonart majors. We'll ha looking at several different painters and examining their works. We'll also look at the history and politics of the era in which they lived.

M: That sounds interesting. What else is required?

W: There is no final exam. And there is only one required book. But each student has to give a major presentation about an individual painter at the end of the course.

M: Hmm, it sounds good. Will you be in your office later today? I'd like to talk to you some more.

W: Well, my meeting's scheduled to last all afternoon. Why don't you stop by tomorrow? Any time in the afternoon. My office is in the fine arts building right next to the library.

M: Thanks. I'll do that.


A.He wants to hand in a late assignment.

B.He wants to drop her course.

C.He is unable to attend her class.

D.He wants to deliver, something to her office.

With the possible exception of equal rights, perhaps the most controversial issue across t
he United States today is the death penalty. Many argue that it is an effective deterrent (威慑) to murder, while others maintain there is no convincing evidence that the death penalty reduces the number of murders.

The principal argument advanced by those opposed to the death penalty, basically, is that it is cruel and inhuman punishment, that it is the mark of a brutal society, and finally that it is of questionable effectiveness as a deterrent to crime anyway. In our opinion, the death penalty is a necessary evil. Throughout recorded history there have always been those extreme individuals in every society who were capable of terribly violent crimes such as murder. But some are more extreme than others.

For example, it is one thing to take the life of another in a fit of blind rage, but quite another to coldly plot and carry out the murder of one or more people in the style. of a butcher. Thus, murder, like all other crimes, is a matter of relative degree. While it could be argued with some conviction that the criminal in the first instance should be merely isolated from society, such should not be the fate of the latter type murderer.

The value of the death penalty as a deterrent to crime may be open to debate. But the overwhelming majority of citizens believe that the death penalty protects them. Their belief is reinforced by evidence which shows that the death penalty deters murder. For example, from 1954 to 1963, when the death penalty was consistently imposed in California, the murder rate remained between three and four murders for each 100 000 population. Since 1964 the death penalty has been imposed only once, and the murder rate has risen to 10.4 murders for each 100 000 population. The sharp climb in the state's murder rate, which began when executions stopped, is no coincidence (巧合). It is convincing evidence that the death penalty does deter many murderers. If the bill reestablishing the death penalty is vetoed (否决), innocent people will be murdered—some whose lives may have been saved if the death penalty were in effect. This is literally a life or death matter. The lives of thousands of innocent people must be protected.

The principal purpose of this passage is to ______ .

A.criticize the government

B.argue for the value of the death penalty

C.speak for the majority

D.initiate a veto

听力原文:M: Mary, (19)you want to talk about your second essay, right?W: Yes, Dr. Richards

听力原文:M: Mary, (19)you want to talk about your second essay, right?

W: Yes, Dr. Richardson. I just need your comments on what I'm planning to do. (19)I'm doing the essay on the differences between TV news programs at different hours of the day.

M: How many times slots are you planning to consider?

W: Well, I think I'd look at all of them. That'd be five slots. The breakfast news, midmorning news. midday news. mid-afternoon news and evening news.

M: That's rather a lot. And you'd have too much to consider. (20)Why don't you just do two. Say the midmorning and then evening news. That should give you two contrasting approaches with two main audience compositions.

W: OK, just two then.

M: Yes, I think that would be much better. Now how many actual programs do you plan to work with?

W: What do you think of analyzing a whole week's news programs?

M: Well, that depends on how much of each program, if you concentrate on one particular type of news item, say the sports news or local items, it might be alright.

W: Yes. that would be a good idea. (21)I won't make a decision before I collect a sample of programs over a whole week. I'll look at them and see what items appear throughout the week.

M: Yes, that's a sound approach. (22)Now we’re getting close to the deadline. Can you finish it in time?

W: Yes, I think so. I've completed the reading and I know what my basic approach is, so it's really just a matter of pulling it all together now.

M: Fine, Mary. I'll look forward to reading it.


A.To discuss the second essay.

B.To get the comments on TV news.

C.To plan to join TV news programs.

D.To tell the difference of TV news.

Questions are based on the following passage.Romantic love has clear evolutionary roots
Questions are based on the following passage.Romantic love has clear evolutionary roots

Questions are based on the following passage.

Romantic love has clear evolutionary roots but our views about what makes an ideal romanticrelationship can be swayed by the society we.live in.So says psychologist Maureen O'Sullivan from theUniversity of San Francisco.She suggests that humans have always tried to strengthen the pair-bond tomaximise (使最大化) reproductive success.Many societies throughout history and around the world today have cultivated strong pressures tostay married.In those where ties to family and commtmity are strong, lifelong marriages can bepromoted by practices such as the cultural prohibition of divorce and arranged marriages that are seenas a contract between two families, not just two individuals.In modern western societies, however, thefocus on ndividuality and independence means that people are less concerned about conforming to (遵守 ) the dictates of family and culture.In the absence of societal pressures to maintain pair-bonds,O'Sullivan suggests that romantic love has increasingly come to be seen as the factor that shoulddetermine who we stay with and for how long."That's why historically we see an increase in romantic love as a basis for forming long-term relationships," she says.According to O'Sullivan culture also shapes the sorts of feelings we expect to have, and actually doexperience, when in love.Although the negative emotions associated with romantic love-fear of loss,disappointment and jealousy-are fairly consistent across cultures, the positive feelings can vary. "If youask Japanese students to list the positive attributes they expect in a romantic partner, they rate highlythings like loyalty, commitment and devotion," says O'Sullivan. "If you ask American college women,they expect everything under the sun: in addition to being committed, partners have to be amusing,funny and a friend."We judge a potential partner according to our specific cultural expectations about what romanticlove should feel like.If you believe that you have found true romance, and your culture tells you thatthis is what a long-term relationship should be based on, there is less need to rely on social or familypressures to keep couples together, O'Sullivan argues.

What does the author say about people's views of an ideal romantic relationship?

A.They vary from culture to culture.

B.They ensure the reproductive success.

C.They reflect the evolutionary process.

D.They are influenced by psychologists.

Part 2 4 One of the silliest things in our recent history was the use of “Victorian” as a
term of contempt or abuse. It had been made fashionable by Lytton Strachey with his clever, superficial and ultimately empty book Eminent Victorians, in which he damned with faint praise such Victorian heroes as General Gordon and Florence Nightingale. Strachey’s demolition job was clever because it ridiculed the Victorians for exactly those qualities on which they prided themselves—their high mindedness, their marked moral intensity, their desire to improve the human condition and their confidence that they had done so.

Yet one saw, even before the 100th anniversary of the death of Queen Victoria this year, that there were signs these sneering attitudes were beginning to change. Programmes on radio and television about Victoria and the age that was named after her managed to humble themselves only about half the time. People were beginning to realize that there was something heroic about that epoch and, perhaps, to fear that the Victorian age was the last age of greatness for this country.

Now a new book, What The Victorians Did For Us, aims further to redress the balance and remind us that, in most essentials, our own age is really an extension of what the Victorians created. You can start with the list of Victorian inventions. They were great lovers of gadgets from the smallest domestic ones to new ways of propelling ships throughout the far-flung Empire. In medicine, anaesthesia (developed both here and in America) allowed surgeons much greater time in which to operate—and hence to work on the inner organs of the body—not to mention reducing the level of pain and fear of patients.

To the Victorians we also owe lawn tennis, a nationwide football association under the modern rules, powered funfair rides, and theatres offering mass entertainment. And, of course, the modern seaside is almost entirely a Victorian invention. There is, of course, a darker side to the Victorian period. Everyone knows about it mostly because the Victorians catalogued it themselves. Henry Mayhew’s wonderful set of volumes on the lives of the London poor, and official reports on prostitution, on the workhouses and on child labour—reports and their statistics that were used by Marx when he wrote Das Kapital—testify to the social conscience that was at the center of “Victorian values”.

But now, surely, we can appreciate the Victorian achievement for what it was—the creation of the modern world. And when we compare the age of Tennyson and Darwin, of John Henry Newman and Carlyle, with our own, the only sensible reaction is one of humility: “We are our father’s shadows cast at noon”.

第16题:According to the author, Lytton Strachey’s book Eminent Victorians _____.

[A] accurately described the qualities of the people of the age

[B] superficially praised the heroic deeds of the Victorians

[C] was highly critical of the contemporary people and institutions

[D] was guilty of spreading prejudices against the Victorians

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