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All the housewives who went to the new supermarket had one great ambition (strong wish) :t

All the housewives who went to the new supermarket had one great ambition (strong wish) :to be the lucky customer(顾客) who did not have to pay for shopping. For this was what the notice just inside the entrance promised. It said: "Remember, once a week, one of our customers gets free goods. This may be your lucky day!"

For several weeks, Mrs. Edward's hoped, like many of her friends, to be the lucky customer. Un like her friends, she never gave up hope. The cupboards in her kitchen were full of things which she did not need. It's no use her husband trying to persuade her. She dreamed of the day when the manager of the supermarket would come to her and said: "Madam, this is your lucky day. Everything in your basket is free."

One Friday morning, after she had finished her shopping and had taken it to her car, she found that she had forgotten to buy any tea. She dashed back to the supermarket, got the tea and went to ward the cashdesk. As she did so, saw the manager approach her. "Madam," he said, holding out his hand, "I want to congratulate you! You are our lucky customer and everything you have in your basket is free."

The housewives who went to the supermarket were ______.





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All the housewives who went to the new supermarket had one great ambition: to be the lucky customer who did not

have to pay for her shopping. For this was what the notice just inside the entrance promised. It said: “Remember,

once a week, one of our customers gets free goods. This May Be Your Lucky Day!”

For several weeks Mrs. Edwards hoped, like many of her friends, to be the lucky customer. Unlike her friends,

she never gave up hoping. The cupboards in kitchen were full of things which she did not need. Her husband

tried to advise her against buying things but failed. She dreamed of the day when the manager of the supermarket

would approach her and say: “Madam, this is Your Lucky Day. Everything in your basket is free.”

One Friday morning, after she had finished her shopping and had taken it to her car, she found that she had forgotten

to buy any tea. She dashed back to the supermarket, got the tea and went towards the cash-desk. As she did so, she saw the manager of the supermarket approach her. “Madam,” he said, holding out his hand,

“I want to congratulate you! You are our lucky customer and everything you have in your basket is free!”

The housewives learnt about the of free goods _______.

A. on TV

B. from the manager

C. at the supermarket

D. from the newspaper





Passage Four:Questions 36 to 40 are based on the following passage.For any given task in B
ritain there are more men than are needed. Strong unions keep them there in Fleet Street, home of some London’s biggest dailies, it is understood that when two unions quarrel over three jobs, the argument is settled by giving each union two. That means 33 per cent overmanning, 33 per cent less productivity than could be obtained.

A reporter who has visited plants throughout Europe has an impression that the pace of work is much slower here. Nobody tries too hard. Tea breaks do matter and are frequent. It is hard to measure intensity of work, but Britons give a distinct impression of going at their tasks in a more leisurely way.

But is all this so terrible? It certainly does not improve the gross national product or output per worker. Those observant visitors, however, have noticed something else about Britain. It is a pleasant place.

Street crowds in Stockholm. Paris and New York move quickly and silently heads down, all in a hurry. London crowds tend to walk at an easy pace (except in the profitable, efficient City, the financial district).

Every stranger is struck by the patient and orderly way in which Britons queue for a bus: if the saleswoman is slow and out of stock she will likely say, ‘oh dear, what a pity’; the rubbish collectors stop to chat (聊天) and call the housewives “Luv.” Crime rises here as in every city but there still remains a gentle tone and temper that is unmatched in Berlin, Milan or Detroit.

In short, what is wrong with Britain may also be what is right. Having reached a tolerable standard, Britons appear to be choosing leisure over goods.

第36题:What happens when disputes over job opportunities arise among British unions?

A) Thirty three per cent of the workers will be out of work.

B) More people will be employed than necessary.

C) More jobs will be created by the government.

D) The unions will try to increase productivity.

The housewives learned about the offer of free goods ______.A.on the radioB.from the manag

The housewives learned about the offer of free goods ______.

A.on the radio

B.from the manager

C.at the supermarket

D.from their friends

I found ______ to answer all the questions within the time given.A.no possibilityB.there w

I found ______ to answer all the questions within the time given.

A.no possibility

B.there was impossibility


D.it impossible

A. Couples B. Women C. Husbands D. Housewives


B. Women

C. Husbands

D. Housewives

M: Mrs. Brown is ill in hospital. She can^ come to school today. W:________A.I don’t think

M: Mrs. Brown is ill in hospital. She can^ come to school today. W:________

A.I don’t think so

B.Not at all

C.Fm sorry to hear that

D.I don’t know

The young people who talk of the village as being "dead" are talking nothing but nonsense,
as in their hearts they must surely know.

No, the village is not dead. There is more life in it now than there ever was. But it seems that "village life" is dead. Gone forever. It began to decline(衰落) about a hundred years ago, when many girls left home to go into service in town many miles away, and men also left home in increasing number in search of a work, and home was where work was. There are still a number of people alive today who can remember what "village life" meant in the early years of the present century. It meant knowing and being known by everybody else in the village. It meant finding your entertainment in the village of within walking distance of it. It meant housewives tied to the home all day and every day. It meant going to bed early to save lamp-oil and coal.

Then came the First World War and the Second World War. After each war, new ideas, new attitudes, new trades and occupations were revealed to villagers. The long-established order of society was no longer taken for granted. Electricity and the motorcar were steadily operating to make "village life" and "town life" almost alike. Now with the highly developed science and technology and high-level social welfare for all, there is no point whatever in talking any longer about "village life". It is just life, and that a better life.

Finally, if we have any doubts about the future, or about the many changes, which we have seen in our lives, we have only to look in at the school playground any mid-morning; or see the children as they walk homeward in little groups. Obviously these children are better fed, better clothed, better educated, healthier, prettier and happier than any generation of children that ever before walked the village street.

By saying that village is not dead, but "village life" is dead, the writer suggests that______.

A.those young people who talk of the village as being "dead" are wrong

B.the two statements are against each other

C.village life today is rather uninteresting

D.village life today is no longer like what it is used to be

对话理解听力原文:W: Is it necessary for me to make a note of all my assets?M: Yes, of cour


听力原文:W: Is it necessary for me to make a note of all my assets?

M: Yes, of course, thus you can work out what sort of investment suits you and over what time frame.

Q: Why should the woman make a note of all her assets?


A.Thus she can know the most appropriate investment and the best time of investment.

B.Thus she can earn a lot of money.

C.Thus she can help others.

D.Thus she can know about how much money she has.

Sylvester and I are watching television advertisements because we need information for
a class research project. We have to discuss realism and fantasy (幻想) in television advertising, and so we are looking for examples of distortions (歪曲) and falsehoods in television commercials. The question we are asking is, "Is the commercial true to life, or does it offer an unreal picture of the product? "

Sylvester is keeping track of the distortions, and he already has quite a long list. He says that all housewives seem to live in lovely homes, dress beautifully, and love their household chores. They smile and boast about floor waxes and proudly display their dirty laundry, dusty tabletops, and filthy ovens. In addition, he has never seen men doing housework. Sylvester thinks that this view of family life is filled with distortions.I am keeping track of the people who appear in the advertisements. I have found handsome men courting the All-American Girl, and they are always recommending brand X toothpaste or brand Y cologne. I see teenagers and children surrounded by their friends, having wonderful times at parties and at school, and they are usually enjoying large harmonious family gatherings. I think that these advertisements are also filled with fantasy.Sylvester and I have concluded that much of American life is pictured unrealistically in commercials. Teenagers do not always have fun at parties, and very few people love doing chores. People do have problems, but few of these are ever shown in commercials. Instead, we watch Cinderella (灰姑娘) discover a miracle floor wax, finish the kitchen chores, and waltz off to the ball. Our heads are filled with these fantasies, and they also suggest that, for any problem, brand Z will provide the instant cure. Sylvester and I will have very few facts and a lot of fantasy to write about in our research reports.

1.Judging from the context, Sylvester and the author are most probably ____.


B、teacher and student

C、father and son

D、research workers

2.Sylvester has found that in advertisements housewives ____.

A、are sad and tired

B、enjoy doing their housework

C、have their husbands help them

D、never touch dirty things

3.The author thinks that life of teenagers shown in commercials is ____.




D、true to life

4.Sylvester and the author have come to the conclusion that commercials ____.

A、truly reflect American life

B、lack in fantasy

C、seldom give expression to people's real problems

D、give great fun to children

5.The most suitable title for the passage would be ____.

A、A Class Research Project

B、American Life As Shown by TV

C、Beautiful Commercials

D、Distortions in TV Advertisements

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