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The more women and minorities make their way into the ranks of management, the more they s

eem to want to talk about things formerly judged to be best left unsaid. The newcomers also tend to see office matters with a fresh eye, in the process sometimes coming up with critical analyses of the forces that shape everyone's experience in the organization.

Consider the novel views of Harvey Coleman of Atlanta on the subject of getting ahead. Coleman is black. He spent 11 years with IBM, half of them working in management development, and now serves as a consultant to the likes of AT&T, CocaCola, Prudential, and Merch. Coleman says that based on what he's seen at big com panics, he weighs the different elements that make for longterm career success as follows: performance counts a mere 10%; image, 30%; and exposure, a full 60%. Coleman concludes that excellent job performance is so common these days that while doing your work well may win you pay increases, it won't secure you the big promotion. He finds that advancement more often depends on how many people know you and your work, and how high up they are.

Ridiculous beliefs? Not to many people, especially many women and members of minority races who, like Coleman, feel that the scales have dropped from their eyes. "Women and blacks in organizations work under false beliefs," says Kaleel Jamison, a New York based management consultant who helps corporations deal with these issues. "They think that if you work hard, you'll get ahead that someone in authority will reach down and give you a promotion." She added, "Most women and blacks are so frightened that people will think they've gotten ahead because of their sex or color that they play down their visibility." Her advice to those folks: learn the ways that white males have traditionally used to find their way into the spotlight (公众注意中心).

According to the passage, "things formerly judged to be best left unsaid" (in Para. 1) probably refers to ______.

A.the opinions, which contradict the established beliefs

B.criticisms that shape everyone's experience

C.the tendencies that help the newcomers to see office matters with a fresh eye

D.the ideas which usually come up with new ways of management in the organization

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更多“The more women and minorities …”相关的问题
This job ______, who are more careful. A. is done traditionally by women B. tradition

This job ______, who are more careful.

A. is done traditionally by women

B. traditionally is done by women

C. is traditionally done by women

D. is done by women traditionally

The author believes that______. A. women should lay more emphasis on their own qualit

The author believes that______.

A. women should lay more emphasis on their own qualities

B. beautiful clothes can make women more attractive

C. women have to show their beauty through their looks

D. women are more curious about new things than men

With more and more women and immigrants joining the labor market, white American men
The women who disagree say that______. A. if women are given equal pay, their opportu

The women who disagree say that______.

A. if women are given equal pay, their opportunities will be greater

B. women are no longer interested in taking care of their homes

C. women want more freedom in choosing the kind of life they live

D. women need opportunities to go out of the house more often

Among young people, women seem to be more ________ to the illness than men





Some economists believe women earn less than men partly because ______.A.there are more th

Some economists believe women earn less than men partly because ______.

A.there are more than enough women in the labor force

B.women have more freedom in selecting jobs

C.women are only provided with low-paid jobs

D.women are less experienced than men

Whatdoestheauthorsuggestthatthegovernmentshoulddoforwomenworkers? A.Toensureequalpayfo

What does the author suggest that the government should do for women workers?

A. To ensure equal pay for women.

B. No solution is clearly suggested.

C. To explain why women are paidless.

D. To force employers to hire more women.

Write about the following topic: More and more women go out to work. It is the responsibil

Write about the following topic:

More and more women go out to work. It is the responsibility of the government to provide staff and facilities for the children of working mothers, free of charge.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Write at least 250 words.

According to the author, in order to stay young and attractive, women should______. A

According to the author, in order to stay young and attractive, women should______.

A. follow the fashion

B. enrich their mind

C. do more exercise

D. dress up in beautiful clothes

From the graph, we can see that the number of women with three or more children_______
(明显减少)in 1996 compared with that in 1986.

One possible reason why women have better memories than men is that ______.A.they have a w

One possible reason why women have better memories than men is that ______.

A.they have a wide range of interest

B.they are more reliant on the environment

C.they have an unusual power of focusing their attention

D.they are more interested in what's happening around them

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