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— Let’ s make plan first for our events, shall we?—________________.

A.Yes, we do.

B.OK, let’ s do it.

C.I’ d like to.

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更多“— Let’ s make plan first for o…”相关的问题
Linda:Shall we give him a pleasant surprise?Jiang:Great!What shall we do?Linda:Let‘s have

Linda:Shall we give him a pleasant surprise?

Jiang:Great!What shall we do?

Linda:Let‘s have a party at our department.


Linda:Let’S make some preparations now.

A.All right

B.Good idea

C.Very good

D.I like

Mother: Jimmy, what are you hiding behind your back? Let me see.Jimmy: It's kitty.Please l
et me keep it.It's a good kitty and will not bring you any trouble.Mother: ______ I told you.No pets.It'll make a mess of this house.A.No way B.Not at allC.By the wayD.On the contrary

Daniel: Mr. Taylor, this is the project plan you asked me to make last week.John:Sure. T

Daniel: Mr. Taylor, this is the project plan you asked me to make last week.

John:Sure. That's a quick job. Could you talk me (答案?) the plan roughly?

Daniel:Of course. The plan (答案?) three parts. The first part is the background of the project, the second part is the (答案?), and the third is the expected results.

John:Er…well…I see.

Daniel:Do you have any (答案?) about it?

John:After I read it in detail, I will tell you my opinion.

Daniel:Thanks, and then I will improve it according to your opinion and suggestions.

One day later.

John:I have finished reading your project plan.

Daniel:Is it what you hoped for?

John: Excellent! You seem to have (答案?) all the major points. We've decided to have a meeting. And could you please get ready to give a presentation of your ideas? We have to try our best to (答案?) the board.

A. persuade


C. covered

D. through

E. includes


The eight airlines of the One world alliance (联盟) have joined forces to give world trave

The eight airlines of the One world alliance (联盟) have joined forces to give world travelers a simple way to plan and book a round-the-world journey. It's called the Oneworld Explorer program.

Oneworld Explorer is the perfect solution for a once-in-a-lifetime holiday or an extended business trip. It's a great way for you to explore the four comers of the earth in the safe hands of the eight Oneworld airlines.

You can have hundreds of destinations to choose from, because the Oneworld network covers the globe. And, as you travel around the world, you'll have the support of 260,000 people from all our airlines, who are devoted to the success of your journey, helping you make smooth transfers and offering support all along the way.

The Oneworld goal is to make global travel easier and more rewarding for every one of our travelers. We try our best to make you feel at home, no matter how far from home your journey may take you.

We can offer travelers benefits on a scale beyond the reach of our individual networks. You'll find more people and more information to guide you at every stage of your trip, making transfers smoother and global travel less of a challenge.

Oneworld in the passage refers to______.

A.a travel agency

B.a union of airlines

C.a series of tourists attractions

D.the title of a flight program

Fed was a consultant(咨询师)and Guido a wine maker. They started their gelato (意式冰激凌)
business with no food industry experience. "We wanted to make the best gelato in the world and we didn't know how to make any gelato!" Fed recalls. That did not stop them though and the business has become more and more successful.

The word gelato means "frozen" originally. Since ancient Rome, people have been enjoying cold desserts. Many think gelato is just an Italian name for ice cream. But actually it is a different product. According to Fed and Guido, the difference between ice cream and gelato is the amount of fat in the product. In ice cream you have an average of 17-18% of fat, but with Italian gelato you have 10%.

It was Guido who first came up with the idea. He thought that if they got the best materials, they could make top quality gelato. Fed then put a business plan together and the two decided to go for it. The only rule they had when they started out was to stick to their guiding principle—to try to create the world's best gelato. Their efforts paid off. Sales of their gelato have doubled in Italy every year since 2008. It outpaced (超过)the growth of every other type of iced dessert by some way. The company grows from two employees in 2003 to nearly 700 employees today.

According to a market analysis, Italians' love for gelato will last for the next few years. These two will be happy to learn the news.


It can be learned from the first paragraph that Fed and Guido_____.

A、used to be wine makers

B、knew how to make gelato

C、had no experience in food industry

D、planned to create a new dessert


Paragraph 2 tells us that_____.

A、Fed and Guido invented gelato

B、Italians prefer gelato to ice cream

C、gelato is the world's best dessert

D、gelato has less fat than ice cream


The guiding principle Fed and Guido followed is_____.

A、using secret materials

B、sticking to their business plan

C、making top quality gelato

D、hiring the best employees


Since 2008, the sales of Fed and Guido’s gelato have_____.

A、remained the same

B、reached record high

C、grown as fast as other desserts

D、increased steadily


Which of the following is the best title for the text?

A、the World’s Best Gelato

B、Italians' Love for Gelato

C、The History of Gelato

D、Gelato Shops in Italy

A、 Live like a peasantB、 Balance your dietC、 Shopkeepers are your friendsD、 Remember to tr

A、 Live like a peasant

B、 Balance your diet

C、 Shopkeepers are your friends

D、 Remember to treat yourself

E、 Stick to what you need

F、 Planning is evervthing

G、 Waste not, want not

The hugely popular blog the Skint Foodie chronicles how Tony balances his love of good food with living on benefits. After bills, Tony has 60 a week to spend, 40 of which goes on food, but 10 years ago he was earning 130,000 a I year working in corporate communications and eating at London&39;s betft restaurants&39;" at least twice a week. Then his marriage failed, his career burned out and his drinking became serious.

"The community mental health team saved my life. And I felt like that again, to a certain degree, when people responded to the blog so well. It gave me the validation and confidence that I&39;d lost. But it&39;s still a day-by-day thing." Now he&39;s living in a council flat and fielding offers from literary agents. He&39;s feeling positive, but he&39;ll carry on blogging - not about eating as cheaply as you can - "there are so many people in a much worse state, with barely any money to spend on food" - but eating well on a budget. Here&39;s his advice for economical foodies.41._____________________Impulsive spending isn&39;t an option, so plan your week&39;s menu in advance, making shopping lists for your ingredients in their exact quantities. I have an Excel template for a week of breakfast, lunch and dinner. Stop laughing: it&39;s not just cost effective but helps you balance your diet. It&39;s also a good idea to shop daily instead of weekly, because, being-human, you&39;ll sometimes change your mind about what you fancy.


This is where supermarkets and thci; anonymity come in handy. With them, there&39;s not the same embarrassment as when buying one carrot in a little greengrocer. And if you plan properly, you&39;ll know that you only need, say, 350g of shin of beef and six rashers of bacon, not whatever weight is pre-packed in the supermarket chiller.


You may proudly claim to only have frozen peas in the freezer - that&39;s not good enough. Mine is filled with leftovers, bread, stock, meat and fish. Planning ahead should eliminate wastage, but if you have surplus vegetables you&39;ll do a vegetable soup, and all fruits threatening to "go off&39; will be cooked or juiced.44___________________________________

Everyone says this, but it really is a top tip for frugal eaters. Shop at butchers, delis and fish-sellers regularly, even for small things, and be super friendly. Soon you&39;ll feel comfortable asking if they&39;ve any knuckles of ham for soups and stews, or beef bones, chicken carcasses and fish heads for stock which, more often than not, Theyil let you have for free.


You won&39;t be eating out a lot, but save your pennies and once every fewmonths treat yourself to a set lunch at a good restaurant - 1.75 a week for three months gives you 21 - more than" enough for a three-course lunch atMichelin-starred Arbutus. It&39;s 16.95 there - or 12.99 for a large pizza from Domino&39;s: I know which I&39;d rather eat.

The Internet affords anonymity to its users, a blessing to privacy and freedom of speech.
But that very anonymity is also behind the explosion of cyber-crime that has 1 across the Web.

Can privacy be preserved 2 bringing safety and security to a world that seems increasingly 3 ?

Last month, Howard Schmidt, the nation's cyber-czar, offered the federal government a 4 to make the Web a safer place—a "voluntary trusted identity" system that would be the high-tech 5 of a physical key, a fingerprint and a photo ID card, all rolled 6 one. The system might use a smart identity card, or a digital credential 7 to a specific computer, and would authenticate users at a range of online services.

The idea is to 8 a federation of private online identity systems. User could 9 which system to join, and only registered users whose identities have been authenticated could navigate those systems. The approach contrasts with one that would require an Internet driver's license 10 by the government.

Google and Microsoft are among companies that already have these " single sign-on" systems that make it possible for users to 11 just once but use many different services.

12 , the approach would create a " walled garden" in cyberspace, with safe " neighborhoods" and bright "streetlights" to establish a sense of a 13 community.

Mr. Schmidt described it as a "voluntary ecosystem" in which "individuals and organizations can complete online transactions with 14 , trusting the identities of each other and the identities of the infrastructure 15 which the transaction runs. " Still, the administration's plan has 16 privacy rights activists. Some applaud the approach; others are concerned. It seems clear that such a scheme is an initiative push toward what would 17 be a compulsory Internet "drive's license" mentality.

The plan has also been greeted with 18 by some computer security experts, who worry that the "voluntary ecosystem" envisioned by Mr. Schmidt would still leave much of the Internet 19 . They argue that all Internet users should be 20 to register and identify themselves, in the same way that drivers must be licensed to drive on public roads.






Let children learn to judge their own work.A child learning to talk does not learn by
being corrected all the time: if corrected too much, he will stop talking.He notices a thousand times a day the difference between the language he uses and the language those who are around him use.Bit by bit, he makes the necessary changes to make his language like other people's.In the same way, children learning to do all the other things without being taught-to walk, run, climb, ride a bicycle-compare their own performances with those of more skilled people, and slowly make the needed changes.But in school we never give a child a chance to find out his mistakes for himself, let alone correct them.We do it all for him.We act as if we thought that he would never notice a mistake unless it was pointed out to him, or correct it unless he was made to.Soon he becomes dependent on the teacher.Let him do it himself or with the help of other children if he wants it.

Let him correct his own papers.Why should we teachers waste time on such routine work? Our job should be to help the child when he can't find the way to right answer.Let's end all this nonsense of grades, exams, marks.Let the children learn what all educated persons must some day learn, how to measure their own understanding, how to know what they know or do not know.

Let them get on with this job in the way that seems most sensible to them.The idea that there is a body of knowledge to be learnt at school and used for the rest of one's life is nonsense in a world as complicated and rapidly changing as ours.Anxious parents and teachers say, “But suppose they fail to learn something essential, something they will need to get on in the world?” Don't worry! If it is essential, they will go out into the world and learn it.

31.What does the author think is the best way for children to learn things______?

A.By copying what other people do

B.By finding mistakes and correcting them

C.By listening to explanations from skilled people

D.By asking a great many questions

32.What does the author think teachers do which they should not do______?

A.They give children correct answers

B.They point out children's mistakes to them

C.They allow children to make their own work

D.They encourage children to copy from one another

33.The passage suggests that learning to speak and learning to ride a bicycle are______.

A.not really important skills

B.more important than other skills

C.basically different from learning adult skills

D.basically the same as learning other skills

34.Exams, grades and marks should be abolished(废除) because children's progress should only be judged by______.

A.educated persons

B.the children themselves



35.the author fears that children will grow up into adults who are______.

A.too independent of others

B.too critical of themselves

C.unable to think for themselves

D.unable to use basic skills

Henry's job was to examine cars which crossed the frontier(边境) to make sure that they we

Henry's job was to examine cars which crossed the frontier(边境) to make sure that they were not smuggling(走私) anything into the country. Every evening except at weekends, he would see a factory worker coming up the hill towards the frontier,【C1】______a bicycle with a big load of old straw on it. When the bicycle【C2】______the frontier, Henry used to stop the man and【C3】______him take the straw off and untie it. Then he would examine the straw carefully to see【C4】______he could find anything, after which he would look in all the man's pockets【C5】______he let him tie the straw again. He never found【C6】______ ,even though he examined it very carefully, Then one evening, after he had looked through the straw and emptied the worker's pockets【C7】______usual, he said to him," Listen, I know that you are smuggling things【C8】______this frontier. Won't you tell me what it is that you're bringing into the country so successfully? I'm an old man, and today's my last day on the job. Tomorrow I'm going to【C9】______. I promise that I shall not tell anyone if you tell me what you've been smuggling. "The worker did not say anything for【C10】______. Then he smiled turned to Henry and said quietly," Bicycles."






It is much easier to make a plan than it out. A. carrying B. carry C. to carry D.

It is much easier to make a plan than it out.

A. carrying

B. carry

C. to carry

D. carried


Successful events don' t just happen - they' re the result of __1__ .The __2__ the event, the bigger the plan. Just because Christian events are usually run by volunteers doesn' t mean you can get away with less planning. The more effort you put in beforehand, the more successful your event will be. Here are the key issues you need to think about when planning your event.

Choose an event people want to come to. You don' t want people coming to your event just because they' re supporting their church. You want them to come because they want to be there, because the event is so compelling they can' t afford to __3__ it. __4__ it' s a concert or teaching event, a visiting speaker or a drama production, make sure the content will __5__ the people you expect to be there……





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