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Burt: I just had an interview yesterday.Raelene:__________ Burt: I think I did

Burt: I just had an interview yesterday.

Raelene: __________

Burt: I think I did well.

A. Oh, it was alright,

B. Well, so what?

C. Oh , how did it go?

D. Well , wish you good luck.

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更多“Burt: I just had an interview …”相关的问题
As I was just getting familiar with this job, I had ______to ask my boss.A.manyB.mostC.mor

As I was just getting familiar with this job, I had ______to ask my boss.





–Would you like some more rice?–No, thanks. _________.

A. Just a little

B. It doesn’t matter

C. I’d love to

D. I’ve had enough

Xiao Li: I'm sorry, Professor Liu. I have to be late again. I just had a car accident.

Professor: What? An accident!______?


A.Is my car ready yet

B.I had my lunch just now

C.Have you finished your homework

D.I swept the floor five minutes ago

I had just gone to bed after a very hard day when the phone rang. It was an eccentric(怪僻

I had just gone to bed after a very hard day when the phone rang. It was an eccentric(怪僻的) farmer. I had never met him before although I had heard people talk about him. He sounded quite nervous and he had been talking for a minute or so before I understood anything. Even then all I could make out was that someone called Milly had had a very bad accident. I hadn't the slightest idea who she was but I obviously had to go.

It had been snowing heavily that day and I didn't know the way. I had been driving for at least an hour when I finally found his place. He was standing there, waiting for me. "She meant more to me than anyone... even my own wife!" he said. I could see that he had been crying. I thought something terrible had taken place, a possible scandal(丑闻). I was even more shocked when he told me he had put her in the barn(厩)"I wouldn't leave here out in the cold!" he said.

Milly had clearly been a secret lover of his. I was about to tell him he could not expect me to cover anything up when he opened the barn door. He lifted his candle and I saw a dark figure on the ground. "She was such a good cow! I wouldn't let anyone but a doctor touch her!" he said, and burst into tears again.

The underlined phrase make out in the first paragraph means ______.


B.see clearly

C.hear clearly


Speaker A: You are most beautiful in that red sweater!Speaker B: ______.A.Oh, no. It's jus

Speaker A: You are most beautiful in that red sweater!Speaker B: ______.

A.Oh, no. It's just an old one, and I have had it for years

B.Yes. I think it goes nicely with my pants

C.Thank you. My mom knitted it for me some years ago

D.Oh, but I'm not sure if it suits me

LTC AUSTRALIA 618 823777 25 Apr. 1999 P. 02Dear Mr. Lin Thank you for your fax, which we received on 21 April. However, I have been away at a conference for a few days and I have only just had the (19) to read it. I apologize for the consequent delay in (20) to you. It appears that you were not completely (21) with the training videos that we sent you. However, there seems to be some confusion, and I would just like to (22) a couple of points. First of all, I would like to (23) what I said in my original letter: if you (24) the videos unusable we will be quite prepared to (25) all your money. However, it was not clear from your fax whether you had (26) all the videos, or just one or two. We have received favorable (27) about the videos from a number of our customers. In particular, the "Safety at Work" and First Aid "videos are extremely" (28) I would be grateful, therefore, if you could (29) that all ten videos are checked. Please (30) out the ones that you find most (31) or your needs, and return the (32) cassettes. I will then be able to (33) the amount payable to you.I look forward to hearing from you.Yours sincerely, (Signature )John Peters(Customer Services)





Paparazzi Pirate: Blog 139

I had just woken up when I 1 a call from Pepe at La Gaviota restaurant. He told me that some big names were coming for lunch. I left my house as soon as I had phoned my editor to check what shots he wanted. I arrived at 11 am and 2 behind the bushes with my camera.

I had been there 3 about two hours before an interesting car arrived. I saw George Clooney and his new girlfriend get out. 4 , I couldn’t get a good photo. Then, suddenly, I realised that they were going to the back door of the restaurant. I got on my motorbike and 5 their limousine. This time, I took a 6 shot of Clooney; he even smiled at me! I put the film in my pocket.

Just then Clooney’s bodyguard saw me. He wanted the film. We fought and I just managed to 7 . I rushed to the office on my bike, but when I arrived andsearched 8 the film, I realised that it had 9 out of my pocket during the fight. I felt really 10 !

1 A accepted B dialed C got

2 A hid B hidden C hides

3 A with B for C till

4 A Furthermore B Besides C Unfortunately

5 A ran B chased C rushed

6 A perfect B bad C ugly

7 A escape B win C defeat

8 A on B by C for

9 A hopped B fallen C escaped

10 A good B relaxed C stupid

It was soon clear I couldn't stay in China forever. To become a world-class musici
an, I had to play ______ the world's big stages. So in 1997, my father and I moved again, this time to Philadelphia, ______ I could attend the Curtis Institute of Music. ______ our money worries were easing. The school paid for an apartment and even lent me a Steinway (斯坦威钢琴). At night, I would _____ into the living room just to touch the keys. Now that I was in America, I wanted to become famous, but my new teachers reminded me that I had a lot to learn. I spent two years ______, and by 1999 I had worked hard enough for fortune to take over. The Chicago Symphony orchestra heard me play and liked me, but orchestra schedules were set far in advance. I thought I might join them in a few years.


























An old friend from abroad, whom I was expecting to stay with, telephoned from the air
port to tell me that he had arrived.I was still at the office at the time, but I had made arrangements for his arrival.After explaining where my new flat was, I told him that I had left the key under a stone near the door.As I was likely to be at home rather later, I advised him to go into the kitchen and help himself to food and drink.

Two hours later, my friend telephoned me from the flat.At the moment, he said, he was listening to some of my re- cords after having just had a truly wonderful meal.He had found a pan on the gas stove and fried two eggs and had helped himself to some cold chicken from the refrigerator.Now he said, he was drinking a glass of orange juice and he hoped I would join him.I asked him if he had reached the flat without difficulty, he answered that he had not been able to find the key under the stone, but fortunately the living-room window just by the apple tree had been open and he had climbed in.I listened to all this in astonishment.There is no apple tree in front of my living room, but there is one in front of my neighbor's.

1.When his friend arrived from abroad the writer was______ .

A . at the airport

B . at home

C . still at the office

D . on his way home

2.As the writer was busy and couldn't go home on time, he asked his friend ().

A.to cook something for him

B.to have a meal and drink himself

C.to wait for him to have dinner together

D.to go into the kitchen and cook first

3 .Two hours later, the writer () .

A.got home and met his friend

B.was listening to some records

C.rang up his friend

D.got a phone call from his friend

4.Knowing his friend's arrival, the writer had ().

A.left the living room window open

B.asked his neighbor to receive his friend

C.managed to go home later than usual

D.hid the key for him somewhere near the door

5.The writer was surprised to find that his friend had () .

A.entered his neighbor' s house by mistake

B.entered his living room by climbing the apple tree

C.entered his house through a neighbor' s window

D.got into the living room with a neighbor' s key

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