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I have got better acquainted () English grammar after reading this book.





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I'm sorry I have ______ dictionary. You'd better go to the library.A.not suchB.not such aC

I'm sorry I have ______ dictionary. You'd better go to the library.

A.not such

B.not such a

C.not a such

D.no such a

听力原文:M: You should have seen the line at the housing office. It took me an hour to mak
e my dormitory deposit for next year. Have you made yours yet?

W: No, I'm not sure I'm going to.

M: There's not much time left. The deadline's May 1. That is just two weeks from now. Are you short of cash.

W: No, I'm Okay.

M: You'd better hurry up if you want a dorm room next September. There aren't enough rooms for every one, and first-year students have priority.

W: Well, I've been thinking about living off campus.

M: Have you any idea how much that would cost? There is the rent, utilities, and you'd probably need a car.

W: I know it would be more expensive. I think I can handle it though. The dorm is just so noisy that I can't get anything done. Maybe my grades would be better if I had some peace and quiet in a place of my own.

M: You should study in the library the way I do. Think of the money you'd save.

W: I've got to think it over some more. There's still two weeks left in April.


A.When to move.

B.Where to live the following year.

C.How much time to spend at home.

D.Whose house to visit.

Jim was a greedy boy. He enjoyed having good food....

Jim was a greedy boy. He enjoyed having good food. One day when he came to have breakfast, he found there was only bread and grufel(麦片粥). So he didn,t want to have any. Then he thought out a plan to fool his mother and get something good to eat. He put his hands on his stomach and said,“ I’ ve got a stomachache,Mum,and I don’ t want any breakfast now. ” His mother said,“ I’ m sorry to hear that. Go to Doctor Jones and he will give you some medicine. You know his house. ”Then she gave Jim some money and let him go by bus. Jim got off the bus after five minutes, ride. He didn’ t go to see Dr. Jones. He went into a shop and bought some pieces of cakes.

Jim was eating the cakes on his way back home. When he got home, his mother asked him,“What did Dr. Jones say,my boy?” Jim answered, “He said good food is better than any medicine for my stomachache. So I went and bought some cakes instead of buying medicine.

Now Jim’ s mother knew what Jim ’ s stomachache meant.

What did Jim, s mother give him for the breakfast that day?




D.Both A and C

______That day Dr. Jones.A.gave Jim some medicine

B.went to see Jim

C.didn’ t meet Jim at all

D.advised Jim to buy some cakes

______At last Jim’ s mother.A.gave her son some good food

B.knew her son had told a lie

C.bought some medicine for her son

D.bought some cakes for her son

Jim is a boy marked by his______.A.cleverness




Can you give me a light for my cigarette? I have ____my matches.

A.got out of

B.got rid of

C.got away with

D.run out of

—Does Jane still pursue her dream of becoming a movie star?—I' m afraid not. She is said__
____the stage already as she got married.

A.to have left

B.to leave

C.to have been left

D.to be left

When I was a kid I didn’t know what I wanted to be when I grew up, but I knew what I didn’
t want to do. I didn’t even really know what one was. My elder brother is deaf. Growing up, I ended up defending him and I often think that is what started me on my path to whatever I am today.

When I was approached with the idea of trying to create a landmine(地雷) campaign, we were just three people in a small office in Washington, DC in late I had more than a few ideas about how to begin a campaign, but what if nobody cared? What if nobody responded? But I knew the only way to answer those questions was to accept the challenge.

But if I have any power as an individual, it&39;s because I work with other individuals around the world. We are ordinary people--Jemma from Armenia, Paul from Canada, Christian from Norway and thousands more-who have worked together to bring about extraordinary change. The landmine campaign is not just about landmines--it&39;s about the power of individuals to work with governments in a different way.

I believe in both my right and my responsibility to work to create a world that doesn&39;t think highly of violence and war, but where we seek different solutions to our common problems. I know that holding such beliefs is not always easy or comfortable--particularly in the post-9/ 11 world. But I believe that life is about trying to do the right thing.

Most people tend to get caught up in going to college, then getting a job, buying a house and paying the loan. Somehow, I’ve had the desire--and the drive--to do things a bit differently. If enough ordinary people back up our desire for a better world, I believe we can accomplish extraordinary things.

21.When the author was a child, she __________.

A.had many great dreams

B.wanted to do something for peace

C.didn’t know she would work for landmine campaign

D.had decided what she would do when growing up

Why did the author create a landmine campaign?A.Because she was encouraged by her colleagues

B.Because she got inspiration from protecting her brother

C.Because it was her duty to remove landmines

D.Because she was interested in whatever others disliked

What is Paragraph 3 mainly about?A.The author had made many foreign friends

B.The landmine campaign had spread all over the world

C.Many individuals join the landmine campaign to create a better world

D.The author’s friends joined her in fighting against the government

What can be inferred from the text?A.The present world is full of violence and war

B.Going to a famous university is the author’s belief

C.Most people take war and violence for granted

D.Settling problems peacefully is the author’s belief

Susan:That’s a beautiful skirt you have.on!Lily:__________.A.Actually,I don’t like it ver

Susan:That’s a beautiful skirt you have.on!


A.Actually,I don’t like it very much

B.Oh,thank you.I just got it yesterday

C.Yes.But it isn’t SO as you said

D.N0,it’s not that beautiful.Yours is better

I could have done it better if I______ more time.A.have hadB.hadC.had hadD.will have had

I could have done it better if I______ more time.

A.have had


C.had had

D.will have had

Kellie: You haven't been around much lately, have you?Marie: ______.Kellie: Oh? Where were
you?Marie: Palm Springs.I've got a cousin there.A.Yes, I have been here all the timeB.Yes, I've been away on vacation.C.No, I have been here all the time.D.No, I've been away on vacation.

Guest: Oh, I hadn't realized how late it was. I'm afraid I'll have to be going.Host: Oh, n
ot yet. I'm just going to make some coffee.Guest: ______ , though I'd really love to stay. I've got to be up by six tomorrow morning, unfortunately. Thank you for a wonderful party.A.I'm sorry, but I mustB.Excuse me, but I have to goC.Pardon me, but I should goD.It's a pity, but no way out

Richard: Oh, I've got to go._________.Robbie: It was a pleasure meeting you, too.

Richard: Oh, I've got to go._________ .

Robbie: It was a pleasure meeting you, too. Bye-bye.

A. It was nice of you to meet me

B. It was nice to have met you

C. It was nice meeting you here

D. It was nice for you to meet me

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