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He didn't______and so he failed the examination.A.work enough hardB.hard work enoughC.hard

He didn't______and so he failed the examination.

A.work enough hard

B.hard work enough

C.hard enough work

D.work hard enough

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更多“He didn't______and so he faile…”相关的问题
—How did your talk with the community resident go?

—________ He seemed to accept my explanation, but he didn’t sign hisname here .


B.I’ m not sure.

C.That’ s right.

—How did your talk with the community resident go?—________ He seemed to accept my expla

—How did your talk with the community resident go?

—________ He seemed to accept my explanation,but he didn’t sign his name here .


B、I’m not sure.

C、That’s right.

present 不能填在哪个空()

A.t ______, English is indispensable

B.I would like to _______ a bunch of flowers to my mom

C.The _________ student didn’t know what’s the homework because he is not here

It can be inferred from the text that______.A.Lincoln prepared his speech very carefully b

It can be inferred from the text that______.

A.Lincoln prepared his speech very carefully before he went to Gettysburg

B.Lincoln was very busy at the time and didn' t have much time to prepare his speech

C.Lincoln' s speech was full of rich words

D.Lincoln' s speech was very long

A:I’m anxious to get started on my project. Can we discuss it sometime before the weeke


A. Why didn’t you tell me earlier.

B. Yes,that could he arranged.

C. I can’t spend any time.

D. Yes,it’s easy to discuss it.

Ⅴ. Daily Conversation (15 points) Directions: Pick out the appropriate expressions fro

Ⅴ. Daily Conversation (15 points)

Directions: Pick out the appropriate expressions from the eight choices below and complete the following dialogues by blackening the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.

A. I know he won't.

B. I will if I have time.

C. I didn't know he is iii.

D. I have seen it twice.

E. That's too early.

F. I didn't see it.

G. Easier said than done.

H. I don't think you have the chance.

56. Joe: Do you think Mr. Smith will change his mind?

Pat: ______

It can be inferred from the text that__________ .A.Lincoln prepared his speech very carefu

It can be inferred from the text that__________ .

A.Lincoln prepared his speech very carefully before he went to Gettysburg

B.Lincoln was very busy at the time and didn’t have much time to prepare his speech

C.Lincoln’S speech was full of‘rich words

D.Lincoln’speech was very long

The job was done, and it was time for a last cigarette. Eddie began tapping the pockets of
his overalls, looking for the new packet of Marlboro he bought that morning. It was not there.

It was as he swung around to look in his toolbox for the cigarettes that Eddie saw the lump. Right in the middle of the brand new bright red carpet, there was a lump. A lump the size of a packet of cigarettes.

"I've done it again? said Eddie angrily. "I've left the cigarettes under the carpet?

He had done this once before, and taking up and refitting the carpet had taken him two hours. Eddie was determined that he was not going to spend another two hours in this house. He decided to get rid of the lump another way. It would mean wasting a good packet of cigarettes, nearly full, but anything was better than taking up the whole carpet and fitting it again .He turned to his toolbox for a large hammer.

Eddie didn't want to damage the carpet itself, so he took a block of wood and placed it on top of the lump. Then he began to beat the block of wood as hard as he could. He kept beating, hoping Mrs. Vanbrugh wouldn't hear the noise and come to see what he was doing. It would be difficult to explain why he was hammering the middle of her beautiful new carpet... The lump was beginning to flatten out.

After three or four minutes, the job was finally finished. Eddie picked up his tools, and began to walk out to his car. Mrs. Vanbrugh accompanied him. She seemed a little worried about something.

"Young man, while you were working today, you didn't by any chance see any sign of Armand, did you? Armand is my bird. I let him out of his cage, you see, this morning, and he's disappeared. He likes to walk around the house, and he usually just comes back to his cage after an hour or so and gets right in. Only today he didn't come back. He's never done such a thing before, it's most peculiar..."

"No, madam, I haven't seen him anywhere," said Eddie, as he reached to start the car.

And he saw his packet of Marlboro cigarettes on the panel, where he had left it at lunchtime....

And he remembered the lump in the carpet...

What did Eddie want to do when he had finished fitting the carpet?

A.To have a cigarette.

B.To hammer the carpet flat.

C.To put back his tools.

D.To start work in the dining room.

Jim was a greedy boy. He enjoyed having good food....

Jim was a greedy boy. He enjoyed having good food. One day when he came to have breakfast, he found there was only bread and grufel(麦片粥). So he didn,t want to have any. Then he thought out a plan to fool his mother and get something good to eat. He put his hands on his stomach and said,“ I’ ve got a stomachache,Mum,and I don’ t want any breakfast now. ” His mother said,“ I’ m sorry to hear that. Go to Doctor Jones and he will give you some medicine. You know his house. ”Then she gave Jim some money and let him go by bus. Jim got off the bus after five minutes, ride. He didn’ t go to see Dr. Jones. He went into a shop and bought some pieces of cakes.

Jim was eating the cakes on his way back home. When he got home, his mother asked him,“What did Dr. Jones say,my boy?” Jim answered, “He said good food is better than any medicine for my stomachache. So I went and bought some cakes instead of buying medicine.

Now Jim’ s mother knew what Jim ’ s stomachache meant.

What did Jim, s mother give him for the breakfast that day?




D.Both A and C

______That day Dr. Jones.A.gave Jim some medicine

B.went to see Jim

C.didn’ t meet Jim at all

D.advised Jim to buy some cakes

______At last Jim’ s mother.A.gave her son some good food

B.knew her son had told a lie

C.bought some medicine for her son

D.bought some cakes for her son

Jim is a boy marked by his______.A.cleverness




We have two cats at home.One is named Milo and the other Mamma.Milo is a boy cat.Boy

cats are called"Toms.We think that Mamma is Milo' s mother.That is why we gave her the name Mamma.We didn' t buy Milo or Mamma.They were stray cats and didn’t have anywhere to live.They started coming into our garden.They did not look very heal thy.So we started giving them milk.Then they started coming into the house.So we adopted them.Because he didn t have a home when he was a kitten.Milo is not very fit.We have to take him to the vet once every three months for a special in jection.They have lived with us now for 5 years.

21.Sarah got the cats()

A.before she moved into her house

B.after she moved into the house

C.when she moved into the house

22.Sarah thinks()

A.Milo is a boy

B.both cats are boys

C.both cats are girls

23.Mamma was named‘ Mamma'because()

A.Sarah likes the name

B.she is a girl

C.they think she is Milo’s mother

24.Milo and Mamma were()

A.free to get

B.cheap to get

C.expensive to get

25.Milo is not very fit because()

A.he visits the vet for an injection

B.was a stray

C.he is old now

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