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When the captain knew a sailor was ill, he______.A.didn't care muchB.sent for a doctorC.lo

When the captain knew a sailor was ill, he______.

A.didn't care much

B.sent for a doctor

C.looked after him and told him to have a rest

D.gave him some medicine

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更多“When the captain knew a sailor…”相关的问题
When the captain knew he had been deceived, he______.A.told them not to do so againB.lost

When the captain knew he had been deceived, he______.

A.told them not to do so again

B.lost his temper

C.made them work harder

D.fired them

Some years ago the captain of a ship was very interested in medicine. He always took medic
ine books to sea and liked to talk about different diseases.

One day a lazy sailor on his ship pretended to be ill. He lay on his bunk(铺) and groaned as if he were very sick. The captain came to see him and was very pleased to have a patient to look after. He told the man to rest for a few days and made the other sailors do his work. Three days later another sailor pretended that he had something wrong with his chest. Once more the captain looked in his medical books and told the "sick" man to have a rest.

The other sailors were very angry because they had more work to do. The patients had the best food and laughed at their friends when the captain was not looking. At last the mate (船长副手) decided to cure the "sick" men. He mixed up some soap, soot(烟灰) , glue(胶水) and other unpleasant things. Then he obtained permission from the captain to give his medicine to the "sick" men. When they tasted the medicine, they really did feel ill. It was so horrible that one of the patients jumped out of his bunk, ran up on deck and climbed the highest place on the ship. He did not want any more medicine.

The mate told both of the men that they must take the medicine every half an hour, night and day. This soon cured them. They both said they felt better and wanted to start work again. The captain realized that the men tried to deceive him so he made them work very hard for the rest of the voyage.

The first sailor pretended to be ill because he wanted to______.

A.test the captain's knowledge of medicine

B.be free from work

C.have the best food on the ship

D.play a joke on his friends

What made it possible for Mark to be found on die buoy?A.John told people where to look fo

What made it possible for Mark to be found on die buoy?

A.John told people where to look for him.

B.John radioed to the Good Hope to get him.

C.He shouted when he caught sight of the Good Hope.

D.The captain saw him as the fog cleare

There is a vital need for national parks.We must have them as places where plants and
animals can be preserved in the natural state for all time.And we need parks as a retreat (休养所) from the crowded bustling life of cities.Our record for conservation (自然资源保护) is poor.Half of the animal species existing at the time of Captain Cooks arrival are now extinct(灭绝).Australia has wildlife (野生生物) that is not found in the native state in any other part of the world.This wildlife is therefore of particular scientific value.In New South Wales, the National Parks and Wildlife Service is responsible for the care of out native plants and animals in their natural environment.One of the aims of this service is to educate people in the need for conservation.The service also provides facilities for recreation (娱乐) in parks and wilderness areas throughout the state.A UNESCO (联合国教科文组织)study stated that a country should strive to retain 5 percent of its land as national parks.Australia at present is below this figure but there is a community awareness of the need to increase it and new areas are being proclaimed almost annually.In the years to come, our national parks will be one of our most valuable assets.As our population grows and our cities become more crowded,parks will become vital as retreats from the pressures of modern urbanized living.

1.Judging from the passage,when Captain Cook first arrived in Australia,________.

A.Australia began its historical record

B.conservation in Australia as already poor

C.there were not so many animal species as now

D.there were twice as many animal species as now

2.In the last line of the second paragraph,the state refers to ________.


B.the native state

C.New South Wales

D.the National Parks and Wildlife Service

3.According to the passage,all the following statements are true except________.

A.All of Australias wildlife can be found in other parts of the world

B.It is the job of the National Parks and Wildlife Service to look after the native plants and animals

C.Now Australia has less than 5 percent of its land as national parks

D.At present,the number of national parks in Australia is steadily increasing

4.The word retain in the third paragraph is closest in meaning to ________.





5.According to the passage,national parks in Australia are important for ________.

A.the benefits of both the wildlife and the people

B.the annual income of the government

C.UNESCO study and research

D.the scientific value of the National Parks and Wildlife Service

What do you blink of this description of Captain Holly Graf's leader style? Do you
think that Captain Graf could even be called a leader? Discuss.

Who will be in charge of your team?We'll elect ___ .A.Henry as captainB.Henry capta

Who will be in charge of your team?We'll elect ___ .

A.Henry as captain

B.Henry captain

C.captain Henry

D.as captain Henry

"Oh Captain,My Captain"expresses Whitman's deep sorrow for the death of Abraham Lincoln who was asassinated on April 14 1865,five days after the declaration of the triumphant close of the CivilWar.()
The captain asked the passengers to remain seated and keep their seal belts ().





In a Salvage Contract the word Salvor means ______.A.The Captain of the rescued vesselB.Th

In a Salvage Contract the word Salvor means ______.

A.The Captain of the rescued vessel

B.The salving vessel or the like

C.The rescued vessel

D.The salvage operations

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