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Sue: Hi! Aren't we in the same English class?Bill: ______A、Yes,we are.My name's

Sue: Hi! Aren't we in the same English class?

Bill: ______

A、Yes,we are.My name's Sherry Clinton.

B、How are you doing?

C、Thank you very much.

D、It's so wonderful to meet you.

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更多“Sue: Hi! Aren't we in the same…”相关的问题
–You are so kind.You’ve helped us a lot.– _________________

A.It’s my pleasure

B.You needn’t say that

C.Aren’t we friends?

D.I’m afraid I haven’t done well

Liu Hui and Molly are discussing the issue of educational quality at a workshop.Liu Hu

Liu Hui and Molly are discussing the issue of educational quality at a workshop.

Liu Hui: Hi, Molly. Today's topic is educational quality. First, what does educational quality mean to you?

Molly: As far as I'm concerned, quality education means good learning standards in educational institutions. So, educational quality ensures a desirable outcome for learners.

Liu Hui: Sounds like after some serious thinking. However, many definitions of quality in education exist, testifying to the complexity and multifaceted nature of the concept.

Molly: Definitely, establishing a contextualized understanding of quality means including relevant stakeholders. Key stakeholders often hold different views and meanings of educational quality.

Liu Hui: There are many prestigious universities in the US. They all provide high-quality education. But some universities aren't known for their quality. It's hard to imagine the gap.

Molly: Yes, in the US the quality in higher education is quite mixed. Universities like Harvard, Yale, MIT, etc., you know, are well-known all over the world. However, there are some institutions providing poor education, so called “diploma mills”.

Liu Hui: In China, we have similar issues in educational quality. Some universities pay more attention to profits instead of quality.

Molly: How to improve educational quality is an international issue. But, solutions are grounded in values, cultures and traditions and may be specific to a given nation as well.

1. Molly thinks that educational quality ensures a satisfactory outcome for learners.{T; F}

2. Liu Hui disagrees with Molly on the meaning of education quality.{T; F}

3. All universities in the U.S. offer high-quality education.{T; F}

4. Diploma mills cannot provide high-quality education.{T; F}

5. In China, there isn't any diploma mill.{T; F}

Man:Hi,Susan. I hear your ski trip was out of this world! Woman:It was wonderful. I di

Man:Hi,Susan. I hear your ski trip was out of this world!

Woman:It was wonderful. I didn’t want to come back to the real world!

Question:What can we learn about Susan?

A. She preferred to live in an unreal world.

B. She enjoyed the skiing very much.

C. She lost contact with this world.

D. She failed to carry out her ski plan.

A.it'sfull B.Goodquestion C.Ibetthatwasfun D.Goodidea E.Iusedto F.fewercars G.Look

A. it's full

B. Good question

C. I bet that was fun

D. Good idea

E. I used to

F. fewer cars

G. Look

H. Hey

A: Why is there never a bus when you want one?

B: (56) . There aren't enough buses on this route.

A: Sometimes I feel like writing a letter to the paper.

B: (57) . You should say that we need more subway lines, too.

A. Yeah. There should be more public transportation in general.

B: And (58) ! There's too much traffic.

A: (59) , is that our bus coming?

B: Yes, it is. But look, (60)

A: Oh, no! Let's go and get a cup of coffee. We can talk about this letter I'm going to write.

You have recently been appointed as an assistant management accountant in a large company,
PC Co. When you meet the production manager, you overhear him speaking to one of his staff, saying:

‘Budgeting is a waste of time. I don’t see the point of it. It tells us what we can’t afford but it doesn’t keep us from buying it. It simply makes us invent new ways of manipulating figures. If all levels of management aren’t involved in the setting of the budget, they might as well not bother preparing one.’


(a) Identify and explain SIX objectives of a budgetary control system. (9 marks)

(b) Discuss the concept of a participative style. of budgeting in terms of the six objectives identified in part (a). (11 marks)

We went to the same conference in Rome last year, ________________?

A.aren’t we?

B.weren’t we?

C.didn’t we?

D.haven’t we?

One day I was at the airport waiting for a ticket to New York and the girl in the ticket o
ffice said, "I'm sorry, I can't sell you a ticket. Our computer is down."

"If your computer is down, just write me out a ticket."

"I can't write you out a ticket. The computer is the only one allowed to do so."

I looked down on the computer and every passenger was just standing there staring at the black screen. Then I asked her, "What do all you people do?'

"We give the computer the information about your trip, and then it tells us whether you can fly with us or not."

"So when it goes down, you go down with it."

"That's good, sir. '

"How long will the computer be down?" I wanted to know.

"I have no idea. There's no way we can find out without asking the computer."

After the girl told me they had no backup (备用) computer, I said. "Let's forget the computer. What about your planes? They're still flying, aren't they?"

"I wouldn't know," she said, pointing at the dark screen. "Only 'IT'knows. 'It'can't tell me.

By this time there were quite a few people standing in lines. The word soon spread to other travelers that the computer was down. Some people started to cry and still others kicked their luggage.

The best title for the article is______.

A.When the Computer Is Down

B.How to buy a ticket

C.The Computer of the Airport

D.Asking the Computer

??BWe walked in 80 quietly that the nurse at the desk didn&39;t even lift her eves from th


We walked in 80 quietly that the nurse at the desk didn&39;t even lift her eves from the book. Mum pointed at a big chair by the door and I knew she wanted to sit down.While l watched mouth open in surprise, mum took off her hat and coat and gave them to me to hold. She walked quietly to the room by the lift and took out a wet mop.She pushed the mop past the desk and as the nurse looked up,mum nodded and said,“Very dirty floor.”

“Yes,I&39;m glad they finally decided to clean them,”the nurse answered. She looked at mum and said,“But aren’t you working late?”

Mum just pushed harder,each swipe(拖一下)of the mop taking her farther and farther down the hall. I watched until she was out of sight and the nurse had turned back to writing in the big book.

After a long time mum came back. Her eyes were shining. She quickly put the mop back and took my hand. As we tun led to go out of the door, mum bowed politely to the nurse and said“Thank you.”

Outside,mum told me,“Dagmar is fine.No fever(发热).”

“You saw her,mum?”

“Of course. I told her about the hospital rules, and she will not expect us until tomorrow. Dad will stop worrying as well. It&39;s a fine hospital,but such floors!A mop is no good. You need ft. brush.”

When she took a mop from the small room,what mum really wanted to do was________

??A.to clean the floor

B.to please the nurse

C.to see a patient

D.to surprise the story-teller

After reading the story what can we infer about the hospital?A.h is a children’s hospital.

B.It has strict rules about visiting hour.

C.The conditions there aren’t very good.

D.The nurses and doctors there don’t work hard.

When the nurse talked to mum she thought mum was a________.A.nurse






A.We are all very busy today

B.We are all very careful today

C.We aren’t very busy today

The economy started 2006 extremely strong in spite of record oil prices and rising interes
t rates. An unusually mild winter across much of the country is part of the story, but the lack of worry by consumers and business about oil prices is an even bigger part. The question remains, will we continue to glide down the economic highway or slip on oil?

Oil prices have raised overall consumer prices and cut into household purchasing power. So far the higher costs haven't deterred(阻止) buying, even buying of cars and other energy-sensitive items. The major reason for the lack of reaction is that oil is less important to the economy than it once was. Oil, which produced 45% of world energy in 1971, accounted for only 35% in 2003, with increases in nuclear and natural gas use making up the difference.

GM, Ford, and Chrysler suffered as buyers shifted to more fuel-efficient vehicles from Toyota and Honda, but the shift was hot pronounced. Admittedly, light truck sales are holding up in part because manufacturers are offering large discounts to "move the metal", but the fact that buyers are responding to those incentives shows they aren't too scared of gas prices.

Americans continue to spend more than they earn, but gasoline prices will have an effect. Although the April chain store results suggest gasoline prices aren't hurting much yet, eventually Americans will be forced to realize that they have to slow down. We expect the economy to slow in the second half of the year as the impact of higher oil prices sinks in. How much the economy slows will depend on how high oil prices remain. We expect some drop in oil prices by yearend, but I have been saying that for so long even I am starting not to believe it.

The anger against the oil companies is clearly misplaced. Exxon and friends control only a small share of world oil reserves. Most are now in the hands of state-owned oil companies. The recent move by Bolivia to nationalize its industry is only the latest in a long line of similar actions. The history of these enterprises is one of severe underinvestment and mismanagement, which tends to reduce supply and keep prices high. The risk on oil prices is primarily on the high side of our forecast.

Although I think oil prices will drop back in the medium term, to address my serious worries, I'm buying my wife a bike for Mothers' Day.

The economy at the beginning of 2006 is not affected by the high oil price mainly because ______.

A.the warm winter requires less oil to run the heaters

B.the warm winter promotes consumption, across the country

C.people believe that the oil price will drop in near future

D.people don't think the high price will make much of a difference

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