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The accrue revenue is for those transation with timing difference of cash payment incu

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The following information is available for a manufacturing company which produces multiple

(i) The product mix ratio

(ii) Contribution to sales ratio for each product

(iii) General fixed costs

(iv) Method of apportioning general fixed costs

Which of the above are required in order to calculate the break-even sales revenue for the company?

A.All of the above

B.(i), (ii) and (iii) only

C.(i), (iii) and (iv) only

D.(ii) and (iii) only

It is argued that there is limited revenue recognition guidance available from IFRS with m
any companies following the current provisions of US GAAP. The revenue recognition standard, IAS 18 Revenue, has been criticised because an entity applying the standards might recognise amounts in the financial statements that do not faithfully represent the nature of the transactions. It has been further argued that current standards are inconsistent with principles used in other accounting standards, and further that the notion of the risks and rewards of ownership has also been subjectively applied in sale transactions.


(a) (i) Discuss the main weaknesses in the current standard on revenue recognition; (11 marks)

(ii) Discuss the reasons why it might be relevant to take into account credit risk and the time value of money in assessing revenue recognition. (5 marks)

Professional marks will be awarded in part (a) for clarity and expression of your discussion. (2 marks)

(b) (i) Venue enters into a contract with a customer to provide computers at a value of $1 million. The terms are that payment is due one month after the sale of the goods. On the basis of experience with other contractors with similar characteristics, Venue considers that there is a 5% risk that the customer will not pay the amount due after the goods have been delivered and the property transferred. Venue subsequently felt that the financial condition of the customer has deteriorated and that the trade receivable is further impaired by $100,000.

(ii) Venue has also sold a computer hardware system to a customer and, because of the current difficulties in the market, Venue has agreed to defer receipt of the selling price of $2 million until two years after the hardware has been transferred to the customer.

Venue has also been offering discounts to customers if products were sold with terms whereby payment was due now but the transfer of the product was made in one year. A sale had been made under these terms and payment of $3 million had been received. A discount rate of 4% should be used in any calculations.

Required: Discuss how both of the above transactions would be treated in subsequent financial statements under IAS 18 and also whether there would be difference in treatment if the collectability of the debt and the time value of money were taken into account. (7 marks)

(d) Discuss the main benefits that might accrue from the successful implementation of a To

(d) Discuss the main benefits that might accrue from the successful implementation of a Total Quality

Management programme by the management of the combined entity. (5 marks)

There has been significant divergence in practice over recognition of revenue mainly becau
se International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) have contained limited guidance in certain areas. The International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) as a result of the joint project with the US Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) has issued IFRS 15 Revenue from Contracts with Customers. IFRS 15 sets out a five-step model, which applies to revenue earned from a contract with a customer with limited exceptions, regardless of the type of revenue transaction or the industry. Step one in the five-step model requires the identification of the contract with the customer and is critical for the purpose of applying the standard. The remaining four steps in the standard’s revenue recognition model are irrelevant if the contract does not fall within the scope of IFRS 15.


(a) (i) Discuss the criteria which must be met for a contract with a customer to fall within the scope of IFRS 15. (5 marks)

(ii) Discuss the four remaining steps which lead to revenue recognition after a contract has been identified as falling within the scope of IFRS 15. (8 marks)

(b) (i) Tang enters into a contract with a customer to sell an existing printing machine such that control of the printing machine vests with the customer in two years’ time. The contract has two payment options. The customer can pay $240,000 when the contract is signed or $300,000 in two years’ time when the customer gains control of the printing machine. The interest rate implicit in the contract is 11·8% in order to adjust for the risk involved in the delay in payment. However, Tang’s incremental borrowing rate is 5%. The customer paid $240,000 on 1 December 2014 when the contract was signed. (4 marks)

(ii) Tang enters into a contract on 1 December 2014 to construct a printing machine on a customer’s premises for a promised consideration of $1,500,000 with a bonus of $100,000 if the machine is completed within 24 months. At the inception of the contract, Tang correctly accounts for the promised bundle of goods and services as a single performance obligation in accordance with IFRS 15. At the inception of the contract, Tang expects the costs to be $800,000 and concludes that it is highly probable that a significant reversal in the amount of cumulative revenue recognised will occur. Completion of the printing machine is highly susceptible to factors outside of Tang’s influence, mainly issues with the supply of components.

At 30 November 2015, Tang has satisfied 65% of its performance obligation on the basis of costs incurred to date and concludes that the variable consideration is still constrained in accordance with IFRS 15. However, on 4 December 2015, the contract is modified with the result that the fixed consideration and expected costs increase by $110,000 and $60,000 respectively. The time allowable for achieving the bonus is extended by six months with the result that Tang concludes that it is highly probable that the bonus will be achieved and that the contract still remains a single performance obligation. Tang has an accounting year end of 30 November. (6 marks)


Discuss how the above two contracts should be accounted for under IFRS 15. (In the case of (b)(i), the discussion should include the accounting treatment up to 30 November 2016 and in the case of (b)(ii), the accounting treatment up to 4 December 2015.)

Note: The mark allocation is shown against each of the items above.

Professional marks will be awarded in question 4 for clarity and quality of presentation. (2 marks)

(d) Explain the term ‘environmental management accounting’ and the benefits that may accru

(d) Explain the term ‘environmental management accounting’ and the benefits that may accrue to organisations

which adopt it. (4 marks)

Hummingbird Scents Co (Hummingbird) manufactures and sells luxury toiletries; they have be

Hummingbird Scents Co (Hummingbird) manufactures and sells luxury toiletries; they have been trading for over 20 years and the company’s year end is 30 September 2014. Hummingbird sells products to trade customers via its own website; this represents 60% of revenue. Remaining revenue is generated by contracts to supply toiletries to hotels. Below is a description of the sales system.

Hotel revenue

The hotel revenue is made up of four key customers. Hummingbird has one sales clerk, Brenda, who maintains all aspects of this revenue stream; Brenda receives customer orders, raises sales invoices and processes payments. In raising invoices, the sales system automatically inserts the online trade customer prices for products. However, each hotel customer has contracted prices which are lower than the online prices and hence Brenda manually edits the invoices prior to despatch.

Online revenue

New trade customers are set up in the sales ledger master file upon passing suitable credit checks, and a credit limit is set at this stage by the finance director. Customers place online orders up to their pre-set credit limit; they receive an email confirmation and the sales order interfaces into the despatch system. The order number is linked to the customer account number. Goods are despatched daily with a goods despatched note which is referenced to the sales order number but are not sequentially numbered. Hummingbird used to despatch goods via a reliable national courier company. However, to reduce costs they have changed to a cheaper local courier and some orders have been delivered to customers late.

Trade customers’ sales invoices are automatically generated by the system on the day the online order is placed. The prices are inserted in accordance with the website rates. Occasionally Hummingbird makes special offers or discounts sales; when this occurs the master file data has to be amended to ensure that the correct prices are used on invoices. This task is usually performed by a senior sales ledger clerk.

Revenue and receivables records

On a monthly basis statements are sent to the hotel customers; a number of trade customers have been requesting monthly statements and Hummingbird is considering this request. The company only reconciles the sales ledger control account at the end of September in order to verify the year-end balance.


(a) As the external auditor of Hummingbird Co, write a report to management in respect of the sales system described above which:

(i) Identifies and explains SEVEN deficiencies in the sales system; and

(ii) Provides a recommendation to address each of these deficiencies.

A covering letter IS required.

Note: Up to two marks will be awarded within this requirement for presentation and the remaining marks will be split equally between each part. (16 marks)

(b) Describe substantive procedures the auditor should perform. to confirm Hummingbird Co’s revenue. (4 marks)

Section B – TWO questions ONLY to be attempted(a) You are a manager in Lark & Co, resp

Section B – TWO questions ONLY to be attempted

(a) You are a manager in Lark & Co, responsible for the audit of Heron Co, an owner-managed business which operates a chain of bars and restaurants. This is your firm’s first year auditing the client and the audit for the year ended 31 March 2012 is underway. The audit senior sends a note for your attention:

‘When I was auditing revenue I noticed something strange. Heron Co’s revenue, which is almost entirely cash-based, is recognised at $5·5 million in the draft financial statements. However, the accounting system shows that till receipts for cash paid by customers amount to only $3·5 million. This seemed odd, so I questioned Ava Gull, the financial controller about this. She said that Jack Heron, the company’s owner, deals with cash receipts and posts through journals dealing with cash and revenue. Ava asked Jack the reason for these journals but he refused to give an explanation.

‘While auditing cash, I noticed a payment of $2 million made by electronic transfer from the company’s bank account to an overseas financial institution. The bank statement showed that the transfer was authorised by Jack Heron, but no other documentation regarding the transfer was available.

‘Alarmed by the size of this transaction, and the lack of evidence to support it, I questioned Jack Heron, asking him about the source of cash receipts and the reason for electronic transfer. He would not give any answers and became quite aggressive.’


(i) Discuss the implications of the circumstances described in the audit senior’s note; and (6 marks)

(ii) Explain the nature of any reporting that should take place by the audit senior. (3 marks)

(b) You are also responsible for the audit of Coot Co, and you are currently reviewing the working papers of the audit for the year ended 28 February 2012. In the working papers dealing with payroll, the audit junior has commented as follows:

‘Several new employees have been added to the company’s payroll during the year, with combined payments of $125,000 being made to them. There does not appear to be any authorisation for these additions. When I questioned the payroll supervisor who made the amendments, she said that no authorisation was needed because the new employees are only working for the company on a temporary basis. However, when discussing staffing levels with management, it was stated that no new employees have been taken on this year. Other than the tests of controls planned, no other audit work has been performed.’


In relation to the audit of Coot Co’s payroll:

Explain the meaning of the term ‘professional skepticism’, and recommend any further actions that should be taken by the auditor. (6 marks)

(b) You are an audit manager with specific responsibility for reviewing other information

(b) You are an audit manager with specific responsibility for reviewing other information in documents containing

audited financial statements before your firm’s auditor’s report is signed. The financial statements of Hegas, a

privately-owned civil engineering company, show total assets of $120 million, revenue of $261 million, and profit

before tax of $9·2 million for the year ended 31 March 2005. Your review of the Annual Report has revealed

the following:

(i) The statement of changes in equity includes $4·5 million under a separate heading of ‘miscellaneous item’

which is described as ‘other difference not recognized in income’. There is no further reference to this

amount or ‘other difference’ elsewhere in the financial statements. However, the Management Report, which

is required by statute, is not audited. It discloses that ‘changes in shareholders’ equity not recognized in

income includes $4·5 million arising on the revaluation of investment properties’.

The notes to the financial statements state that the company has implemented IAS 40 ‘Investment Property’

for the first time in the year to 31 March 2005 and also that ‘the adoption of this standard did not have a

significant impact on Hegas’s financial position or its results of operations during 2005’.

(ii) The chairman’s statement asserts ‘Hegas has now achieved a position as one of the world’s largest

generators of hydro-electricity, with a dedicated commitment to accountable ethical professionalism’. Audit

working papers show that 14% of revenue was derived from hydro-electricity (2004: 12%). Publicly

available information shows that there are seven international suppliers of hydro-electricity in Africa alone,

which are all at least three times the size of Hegas in terms of both annual turnover and population supplied.


Identify and comment on the implications of the above matters for the auditor’s report on the financial

statements of Hegas for the year ended 31 March 2005. (10 marks)

You are the audit manager of Chestnut & Co and are reviewing the key issues identified
in the files of two audit clients.

Palm Industries Co (Palm)

Palm’s year end was 31 March 2015 and the draft financial statements show revenue of $28·2 million, receivables of $5·6 million and profit before tax of $4·8 million. The fieldwork stage for this audit has been completed.

A customer of Palm owed an amount of $350,000 at the year end. Testing of receivables in April highlighted that no amounts had been paid to Palm from this customer as they were disputing the quality of certain goods received from Palm. The finance director is confident the issue will be resolved and no allowance for receivables was made with regards to this balance.

Ash Trading Co (Ash)

Ash is a new client of Chestnut & Co, its year end was 31 January 2015 and the firm was only appointed auditors in February 2015, as the previous auditors were suddenly unable to undertake the audit. The fieldwork stage for this audit is currently ongoing.

The inventory count at Ash’s warehouse was undertaken on 31 January 2015 and was overseen by the company’s internal audit department. Neither Chestnut & Co nor the previous auditors attended the count. Detailed inventory records were maintained but it was not possible to undertake another full inventory count subsequent to the year end.

The draft financial statements show a profit before tax of $2·4 million, revenue of $10·1 million and inventory of $510,000.


For each of the two issues:

(i) Discuss the issue, including an assessment of whether it is material;

(ii) Recommend ONE procedure the audit team should undertake to try to resolve the issue; and

(iii) Describe the impact on the audit report if the issue remains UNRESOLVED.


1 The total marks will be split equally between each of the two issues.

2 Audit report extracts are NOT required.

2 Tyre, a public limited company, operates in the vehicle retailing sector. The company is
currently preparing its financial

statements for the year ended 31 May 2006 and has asked for advice on how to deal with the following items:

(i) Tyre requires customers to pay a deposit of 20% of the purchase price when placing an order for a vehicle. If the

customer cancels the order, the deposit is not refundable and Tyre retains it. If the order cannot be fulfilled by

Tyre, the company repays the full amount of the deposit to the customer. The balance of the purchase price

becomes payable on the delivery of the vehicle when the title to the goods passes. Tyre proposes to recognise

the revenue from the deposits immediately and the balance of the purchase price when the goods are delivered

to the customer. The cost of sales for the vehicle is recognised when the balance of the purchase price is paid.

Additionally, Tyre had sold a fleet of cars to Hub and gave Hub a discount of 30% of the retail price on the

transaction. The discount given is normal for this type of transaction. Tyre has given Hub a buyback option which

entitles Hub to require Tyre to repurchase the vehicles after three years for 40% of the purchase price. The normal

economic life of the vehicles is five years and the buyback option is expected to be exercised. (8 marks)


Advise the directors of Tyre on how to treat the above items in the financial statements for the year ended

31 May 2006.

(The mark allocation is shown against each of the above items)

(a) ISA 700 Forming an Opinion and Reporting on Financial Statements requires auditors to

(a) ISA 700 Forming an Opinion and Reporting on Financial Statements requires auditors to produce an audit report. This report should contain a number of consistent elements so that users are able to understand what the audit report means.


Describe FOUR elements of an unmodified auditor’s report and for each explain why they are included. (4 marks)

(b) Bullfinch.com is a website design company whose year end was 31 October 2014. The audit is almost complete and the financial statements are due to be signed shortly. Revenue for the year is $11·2 million and profit before tax is $3·8 million. A key customer, with a receivables balance at the year end of $283,000, has just notified Bullfinch.com that they are experiencing cash flow difficulties and so are unable to make any payments for the foreseeable future. The finance director has notified the auditor that he will write this balance off as an irrecoverable debt in the 2015 financial statements.


(i) Explain whether or not the 2014 financial statements require amendment; and

(ii) Describe audit procedures which should be performed in order to form. a conclusion on any required amendment.

Note: The total marks will be split equally between each part. (6 marks)

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