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Keep these rules in mind, _______you are sure to be successful in the job interview.A.andB

Keep these rules in mind, _______you are sure to be successful in the job interview.





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更多“Keep these rules in mind, ____…”相关的问题
The key to most businesses' success is customer satisfaction. There are two rules
for customer satisfaction. Rule 1 is that the customer is always right. Rule 2 is if the customer is ever wrong, reread Rule 1.

The best way to satisfy your customer is to provide quality products, friendly service, accurate information and keep adding value as much as possible to your products and services. Giving your customers what they need and more than they expect will lead customers to return to you.

In order to improve your service, you need to make market surveys so as to know what your customers are thinking and demanding. Then you can take actions to satisfy your customers. In this way you will stay competitive in these changing times.

1.What is the key to business success?


B.Good advertising

C.Customer satisfaction

2.What type of information needs to be provided?

A.Accurate information

B.Interesting information

C.Simple information

3.How to make customers return to you?

A.Making market surveys

B.Taking actions to sell more

C.Providing quality products and service

4.Why do we make market surveys?

A.To lead customers to return to us

B.To know what customers are demanding

C.To keep customers happy and satisfied

5.What happens when you keep your clients happy?

A.Your clients go to competition

B.Your business grows and improves

C.Your business stays at the same level

The Internet has led to a huge increase in credit-card (信用卡) fraud. Your card informati

The Internet has led to a huge increase in credit-card (信用卡) fraud. Your card information could even be for sale in an illegal Web site (网站).

Web sites offering cheap goods and services should be regarded with care. On-line shoppers who enter their credit-card information may never receive the goods they thought they bought. The thieves then go shopping with your card number or sell the information over the Internet.

Computers hackers (黑客) have broken down security (安全) systems , raising questions about the safety of cardholder information.

Several months ago, 25, 000 customers of CD Universe, an on-line music retailer (批发商) , were not lucky. Their names, addresses and credit-card numbers were posted on a Web site after the retailer refused to pay US $ 157, 828 to get back the information.

Credit-card firms are now fighting against on-line fraud. Mastercard is working on plans for web—only credit-card, with a lower credit limit. The card could be used only for shopping on-line. However, there are a few simple steps you can take to keep from being cheated.

Ask about your credit-card firm's on-line rules; Under British law, cardholders are responsible (对……负有责任的)for the first US $ 78 of any fraudulent spending.

And shop only at secure sites: Send your credit-card information only if the web site offers advanced secure system.

If the security is in place, a letter will appear in the bottom right-hand corner of your screen. The Web site address may also start with https://—the extra"s" stands for secure. If in doubt, give your credit-card information over the telephone.

Keep your password safe. Most on-line sites require a user name and password before placing an order. Treat your passwords with care.

What do most people worry about the Internet according to this passage?

A.A lot of stolen credit-cards were sold on the Internet.

B.Fraud on the Internet.

C.Many Web sites are destroyed.

D.Many illegal Web sites are on the Internet.



要求:1.写出教学过程,设计的教学任务/活动至少应有四项。 2.每项教学任务/活动请写出设计意图。


If you go to a formal western dinner party for the first time, you’d better know about western table manners.It’s polite to follow them.

When you sit down at the table, take your napkin and put it on your lap.When you start dining, you should keep the fork in your right hand.If you use your knife, then put the fork in your left hand.The dinner always starts with a small dish.It's polite to eat up the food on your plate, so don't take more food than you need.Maybe you don't know whether it's polite or not to speak loudly at the table.The answer is that you should speak quietly and smile a lot.When you drink to someone, you'd better raise your cup or glass and take only a little.Remember not to drink too much.If you can’t remember these rules, just do ad other people do.

Pursuing free trade through WTO has many attractions. Countries bind themselves and their
trading partners to transparent and non-discriminatory trade rules, which the WTO then enforces even handedly. Since most governments operate on the premise that opening domestic markets is a concession to be traded for access to foreign markets, multilateral liberalization is often the most effective route to free trade.

A successful WTO round requires two big bargains to be struck: a transatlantic deal between America and the EU and a north-south deal between the rich and the poor. Yet at Seattle this year there is a long way to go before such broad bargains can be considered, let alone struck.

America wants a few priority issues to be settled. Its list includes an extension of the duty-free status of e-commerce, a broader IT pact, reform. of the WTO dispute settlements system, increased WTO transparency and the phase out of tariffs in eight sectors including chemicals, energy products and environmental products. The EU on the other hand professes to want a more comprehensive approach that focuses on removing tariff peaks for such imports as textiles, glass and footwear, but would preserve tariff preferences for developing countries.

The biggest obstacle may be the insistence of many developing countries that they will block further liberalization until their gripes over the Uruguay round are addressed They want their obligations in areas such as intellectual property, investor protection, subsidies and anti-dumping to be eased. They argue that the Uruguay round has failed to deliver expected benefits in such areas as agriculture and textiles.

Though by no means a monolithic block, the developing countries share a feeling that whatever the promise of liberalization at the WTO, rich countries will Conspire to keep their markets closed. Indeed, the EU insists that freeing trade should be "controlled, steered and managed according to the concerns of EU citizens". That is in keeping with a view, widespread on the continent, that "a protectionist trade policy is a price readily paid for political objectives".

However great these obstacles are, they could be overcome if America were still leading the drive for freer world trade. With its economy doing well, greater access to foreign markets seems a less pressing priority. The Clinton administration is unwilling to make politically painful concessions required to achieve that aim. So there is a possibility that the Seattle round will turn out to be a fiasco. If that happens, it will encourage the anti-WTO groups to go on the offensive. America, the EU and Japan would increasingly be tempted by managed trade.

The WTO's transparent and non-discriminatory rules require all member countries to ______.

A.exchange domestic markets for foreign markets

B.make concessions in foreign trade

C.adopt the most effective route to free trade

D.enforce trade policies even handedly

When Bill de Blasio ran for New York City mayor last year, he promised to end a controversial (有争议的), citywide cell-phone ban(禁令)in public schools

When Bill de Blasio ran for New York City mayor last year, he promised to end a controversial (有争议的), citywide cell-phone ban(禁令)in public schools, which is not equally enforced in all schools. Now, under his leadership, the city is preparing to end the ban. It will be replaced by a policy that allows phones inside schools but tells students to keep them packed away during class.

Many schools have a rule about enforcing the ban that says, “If we don't see it, we don't know about it.” That means teachers are OK with students bringing in cell phones, as long as they stay out of sight and inside bags and pockets.

But at the 88 city schools with metal detectors, die ban has been strictly enforced. The detectors were installed to keep weapon out of schools,but the scanners(扫描器)can also detect cell phones. So students at these schools must leave their phones at home or pay someone to store it for them.

The ban was put into place in 2007 under mayor Michael Bloomberg. Ending the ban will also likely end an industry that has sprung up near dozens of the schools that enforce the ban. Workers in vans(厢式货车)that resemble food tracks store teens' cell phones and Other devices for a dollar a day,

Critics of the ban say cell phones are important safety devices for kids during an emergency. They also say that enforcement of the ban is uneven and discriminatory. Where the ban is enforced, it puts a disadvantage on students who can't afford to pay to store their phones.

Before putting an official end to the cell-phone ban, city education officials are working on creating a new policy. It will include rules about not using the phones during class or to cheat on tests.

1. Which of the following is the main idea of the passage?

A. New York City will give financial aid to poor students.

B. New York City plans to restrict cell phone use in libraries.

C. New York City plans to install metal detectors in all public schools.

D. New York City will soon end a ban on cell phones in schools.

2. Students pay___________ a day to leave their cell phones in a van parked near their school.

A. a dollar

B. two dollars

C. five dollars

D. ten dollars

3. Metal detectors were installed in 88 city schools, mainly to keep ___________ out of schools.

A. cell phones

B. weapons

C. alcohol

D. drugs

4. The word discriminatory in Paragraph 5 probably means ___________.

A. necessary

B. tough

C. strict

D. unfair

5. According to the passage, which of the following statements is TRUE?

A. After the cell-phone ban is ended, students can use their phones during class.

B. The cell-phone ban is equally enforced in all public schools.

C. The cell-phone ban was put into place in 2008 under Mayor Bill de Blasio.

D. A phone-storage industry has appeared outside the 88 metal-detector campuses.

Computers can injure you. 电脑会伤害到你。Most other injuries happen suddenly. For example,
if you fall off a bike and break your arms,it happens very quickly. But computer injuries happen slowly. You probably know how to ride a bike safely. Now learn to use a computer safely. Your eyes Too much light can injure your eyes,so never sit too close to a computer screen. Your eyes should be at least 50cm from the screen. Remember to look away from it sometimes. This gives your eyes a rest. When you use a computer, the window should be on your left or your right. If it is behind you, the light will reflect on (反射) the screen. If the window is in front of you, the sun and the screen will both shine into your eyes. Your hands and wrists Hand and wrist injuries can happen because the hands and wrists are moved in the same way hundreds of times. If you use a keyboard for a long time,follow these three rules:1) Rest your wrists on some thing. 2) Keep your elbows (肘) at the same height as the keyboard. 3) Stop sometimes and exercise your hands,wrists and fingers in a different way. Your back Some people sit for many hours in front of a computer. If you sit in the wrong way,you can injure your back or your neck. So you should sit with your back straight. The top part of the screen should be in front of your eyes. Your forearms,wrists,hands and the upper part of your legs should all be parallel (平行) to the floor. If you are sitting for a long time,get up every 30 minutes and exercise your arms,legs and neck. Enjoy your computer,but use it safely. 问题:A computer screen may injure your eyes if your eyes are too close to it.A.T


Hand and wrist injuries are caused when you get plenty of exercise.A.T


Your eyes and hands will be safe if you often take rests from working.A.T


It is good for your back and neck if you sit in the right way.A.T


The best title for the text is "How to Protect Your Eyes."A.T



"If you had to identify, in one word, the reason the human race has not achieved, and neve
r will achieve, its full potential, that word would be meetings." Thus spoke humorist Dave Barry, and many of us would agree. But it doesnt have to be this way. Some tips for having a good one: Start and end strongly. Running a productive meeting isnt rocket science. As Denver-based consultant Teri Schwartz notes, much of it boils down to opening and conducting every meeting with a purpose and closing it with a plan for "going forward." Problems arise when people forget this. "Its like flying a plane," says Schwartz. "Most crashes happen at takeoff and landing." Pick a leader. Four years ago, Clevelands KeyCorp Bank adopted a new principle: Always assign someone to lead. "The worst thing you can do is go into a meeting with no one in charge," says the banks senior EVP and chief risk officer, Charles Hyle. "It turns into a shouting match." Think small. Be realistic about what you can accomplish. "You cant solve world hunger in an hour," Schwartz says. By the same token, keep the number of attendees manageable to stimulate discussion. "When you have too many people in the room," says Hyle, "everyone clams up as if their mouths were sealed." Direct, dont dominate. "People hate it when they cant get their work done because they have to go to somebody elses meeting," says Columbia Business School professor Michael Feiner. So encourage others to speak up and get involved, especially junior staffers. "They need to believe its not his meeting or her meeting, but our meeting," Feiner says. Lay down the rules of engagement. Everyone should understand who will take notes and how decisions will be made. Remember that consensus is typically a bad thing. "It means there isnt enough dialogue or debate," says Feiner, "and thats the lifeblood of any innovative organization." Jon Petz, the author of Boring Meetings Suck, suggests assigning follow-up tasks during the final five to ten minutes, then repeating them later in a group e-mail so that theres no confusion.

In Dave Barrys opinions, meetings______.

A.have been blocking human progress

B.may fade away from the human world

C.are an important part of the human race

D.are meant to solve problems for humans

阅读理解阅读下面的文章,根据文章内容,完成相应的选择题。FOOD SAFETYA question that often tr




A question that often troubles food companies is how to control problems like rats and insects without harming the food. Pest control experts say poisons should never be used where they may enter food. They say the first line of defense against pests is to clean the places where the food is handled or stored.

Floors, food preparation surfaces and tools can be disinfected with chemicals like chlorine, iodine or bromine. Food containers should be stored about half a meter off the ground and about half a meter away from any walls. Storage areas should be kept dry and clean.

Containers for raw materials such as rice, wheat, etc. should be kept closed and clean. Any foodstuff split during delivery or handling should be cleared up both inside and outside the building. Pests enter a building from the outside, so pay attention to outer walls. Small stones can be used to cover the ground and block the growth of plants and the grass should be kept short to deny pests a place to live.

Check that doors and windows are completely closed. Also any hole that might allow pests to enter a building should be filled. Rats can enter through a hole the size of a coin. A mouse can pass through a hole half that size.

Supervisors should make a list of pest control measures to be taken by employees. This will aid the efforts and also help prepare for any inspections. In most countries, there is a food and drug administration bureau, or some agency with a similar name, which enforces rules nationwide, responsible for rules about the use of pesticides, etc. However, businesses where food is stored, prepared or sold must also follow state and local health laws. Most of these governmental departments or bureaus have their websites with information about food safety policies and other issues. People can easily access the information.


1. According to pest control experts, why should poisons never be used in food companies? {A; B; C}

A. Because they may enter food.

B. Because they may kill rats.

C. Because they may be harmful to the plants.

2. What is the first line of defense against pests? {A; B; C}

A. To check that doors and windows are completely closed.

B. To clean the places where food is handled or stored.

C. To fill any hole that might allow pests to enter a building.

3. How can floors, food preparation surfaces and tools be disinfected? {A; B; C}

A. With smoke.

B. With water.

C. With chemicals.

4. Why should attention be paid to outer walls? {A; B; C}

A. To prevent pests from entering a building from outside.

B. To keep moist from entering a building from outside.

C. To stop sun rays from entering a building from outside.

5. What dose the passage mainly talk about? {A; B; C}

A. Why poisons should never be used where they may enter food.

B. Why the growth of plants should be blocked and grass be kept short.

C. How to control rats and insects without harming the food.

There are more and more crimes () a lack of rules and regulations.
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