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Such electron tubes ______ in a radio set are also found in a TV set.A.that we useB.as we

Such electron tubes ______ in a radio set are also found in a TV set.

A.that we use

B.as we use

C.as we use them

D.that we use them

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更多“Such electron tubes ______ in …”相关的问题
EDI是 Electron Data Interchange 的缩写。()

EDI是 Electron Data Interchange 的缩写。()

5 The directors of Blaina Packaging Co (BPC), a well-established manufacturer of cardboard

5 The directors of Blaina Packaging Co (BPC), a well-established manufacturer of cardboard boxes, are currently

considering whether to enter the cardboard tube market. Cardboard tubes are purchased by customers whose

products are wound around tubes of various sizes ranging from large tubes on which carpets are wound, to small

tubes around which films and paper products are wound. The cardboard tubes are usually purchased in very large

quantities by customers. On average, the cardboard tubes comprise between 1% and 2% of the total cost of the

customers’ finished product.

The directors have gathered the following information:

(1) The cardboard tubes are manufactured on machines which vary in size and speed. The lowest cost machine is

priced at $30,000 and requires only one operative for its operation. A one-day training course is required in order

that an unskilled person can then operate such a machine in an efficient and effective manner.

(2) The cardboard tubes are made from specially formulated paper which, at times during recent years, has been in

short supply.

(3) At present, four major manufacturers of cardboard tubes have an aggregate market share of 80%. The current

market leader has a 26% market share. The market shares of the other three major manufacturers, one of which

is JOL Co, are equal in size. The product ranges offered by the four major manufacturers are similar in terms of

size and quality. The market has grown by 2% per annum during recent years.

(4) A recent report on the activities of a foreign-based multinational company revealed that consideration was being

given to expanding operations in their packaging division overseas. The division possesses large-scale automated

machinery for the manufacture of cardboard tubes of any size.

(5) Another company, Plastic Tubes Co (PTC) produces a narrow, but increasing, range of plastic tubes which are

capable of housing small products such as film and paper-based products. At present, these tubes are on average

30% more expensive than the equivalent sized cardboard tubes sold in the marketplace.


(a) Using Porter’s five forces model, assess the attractiveness of the option to enter the market for cardboard

tubes as a performance improvement strategy for BPC. (10 marks)

Which of the following represents a reasonable set of quantum numbers for a 3d electron?

Which of the following represents a reasonable set

On the morning of November 18,1735, an earthquake shook Boston, Massachusetts. John Winthr
op, a professor at Harvard College, felt the quake and awoke. "I rose," Winthrop wrote, "and lighting a candle, looked on my watch, and found it to be 15 minutes after four." John Winthrop walked quickly downstairs to the grandfather's clock. It had stopped three minutes before, at 4 ' 11. Except for stopping the clock, the quake had only thrown a key from the mantel to the floor.

The clock had stopped because Winthrop had put some long glass tubes he was using for an experiment into the box for safekeeping. The quake had knocked the tubes over and blocked the pendulum. Winthrop, therefore, had the exact time that the earthquake had hit Boston. He looked at the key on the floor. The quake had thrown it forward in the direction of the quake's motion by a shock coming from the northwest, perhaps in Canada.

This passage suggests that ______.

A.John Winthrop had difficulty in sleeping

B.earthquakes are common in Boston

C.Boston was a center for clock-making

D.John Winthrop was a scientist


A.It heips exchange water and chemicals between the blood and thetissues,它有助于在血液和组织之间交换水和化学物质。

B.it forms a cosed circuit of hollow tubes that allow blood to be transported to and from the heart.它形成了空心管的封闭循环,可以将血液输送到心脏和从心脏输送。

C.It carries blood away from the heart.它将血液带离心脏。

D.It prevents backflow or spillage of blood back into the chambers.它可以防止血液回流或溢出到腔室。

Most of the pioneers of low-temperature physics expected gases to liquefy, but none of the
m predicted superconductivity. This phenomenon was discovered in 1911 by Onnes while he was studying frozen mercury.

More than 40 years passed before physicists were able to offer an explanation for superconductivity. The accepted theory, developed in the 1950s, holds that the fundamental behavior. of electrons changes at very low temperatures because of the effects of quantum mechanics. Electrons are tiny particles that make up the outer part of an atom, circling rapidly around the nucleus of the atom. In a regular conductor—a metal that conducts an electric current—the outermost electrons are not bound tightly to the atoms, and so they move around relatively freely. The flow of these electrons is an electric current.

At normal temperatures, a conductor's electrons cannot move completely freely through the metal because they are "bumped around" by the metal's atoms. But according to the leading theory of superconductivity, when a metal is very cold, electrons form. pairs. Then, like couples maneuvering on a crowded dance floor but never colliding, the paired electrons are able to move unimpeded through the metal. In pairing up, it seems, the electrons are able to "blend together" and move in unison without resistance. This explanation seems to account for superconductivity at extremely low temperatures, but in 1986 scientists in Switzerland found that some metal-containing ceramics are superconductors at much higher temperatures. By 1992, scientists had developed ceramics that become superconducting at - 297'F, and some researchers speculated that room-temperature superconductors may be possible. Scientists are still trying to formulate a theory for high-temperature superconductivity.

The new ceramic materials can be maintained at their superconducting temperatures, with relatively inexpensive liquid nitrogen rather than the much colder and much more costly liquid helium required by metal superconductors. The cost difference could make superconductivity practical for many new technologies. For example, magnetically levitated trains, which require superconducting electromagnets, would be much cheaper to build than they are now. Superconducting devices might also be used for advanced power transmission lines and in new types of compact, ultrafast computers. But for the time being, superconductivity is finding application mostly in scientific research and in some kinds of medical imaging devices.

The flow of an electric current in a regular conductor is made possible by the fact that______.

A.electrons circle rapidly around the atom

B.the outermost electron move relatively freely around the atom

C.the innermost electrons stick to the atom

D.the outermost electrons are bound tightly to the inner ones

根据以下资料,回答下列各题: Years ago,Charlie,a highly respected orthopedist and a mento
r of mine,found a lump in his stomach.He had a surgeon explore the area,and the diagnosis was pancreatic cancer. He went home the next day,closed his practice,and never set foot in a hospital again.He focused on spending time with family and feeling as good as possible.Several months later,he died at home.He got no chemotherapy,radiation,or surgical treatment.Medicare didn’tspend much on him. It’s not a frequent topic of discussion,but doctors die,t00.And they don’t die like the rest of us.What’s unusual about them is not how much treatment they get compared to most Americans,but how little.Of course,doctors don’t want to die;they want to live.But they know enough about modern medicine to know its limits.Almost all medical professionals have seen what we call“futile care”being performed on people.That’s when doctors bring the cutting edge of technology to bear on a grievously ill person near the end of life.The patient will get cut open,perforated with tubes,hooked up to machines,and assaulted with drugs.I cannot count the number of times fellow physicians have told me,in words that vary only slightly.“Promise me if you find me like this that you’ll kill me.” How has it come to this—that doctors administer so much care that they wouldn’t want for themselves?The simple,or not—s0—simple,answer is this:patients,doctors,and the system. To see how patients play a role,imagine a scenario in which someone has lost consciousness and been admitted to an emergency room,and shocked and scared family members find themselves caught up in a maze of choices.When doctors ask if they want“everything”done.they answer yes.Then the nightmare begins.Feeding into the problemare unrealistic expectations of what doctors can accomplish.For example,many people think of CPR as a reliable lifesaver when,in fact,the results are usually poor. But of course it’s not just patients making these things happen.Doctors play an enabling role,too.The trouble is that even doctors who hate to administer futile care must find a way to address the wishes of patients and families.Imagine,once again,the emergency room with those grieving family members.They do not know the doctor.Establishing trust and confidence under such circumstances is a very delicate thing.People are prepared to think the doctor is acting out of base motives,trying to save time,or money,or effort,especially if the doctor is advising against further treatment. It's easy to find fault with both doctors and patients in such stories,but in many ways all the parties are simply victims of a larger system that encourages excessive treatment.In some unfortunate cases,doctors use the fee.for-service model to do everything they can,no matter how pointless.to make money.More commonly,though,doctors are fearful of litigation and do whatever they’re asked to avoid geeing in trouble. The real problem the author is concerned about in this article is________.

A.the overtreatment for dying patients

B.the different attitude of doctor and patients toward death

C.the disproportionately high medicare expenditure in America

D.the unequal and non.transparent doctor—patient relationship

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